all recent posts

CFP: Girls' Studies (10/28/05; NWSA, 6/15/06-6/18/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Rebecca C. Hains

The newly-formed Girls' Studies Interest Group of the National Women's
Studies Association (NWSA) seeks panelists for our proposed sessions on
Girls' Studies.

We invite proposals for 15-minute presentations on research with girls. We
welcome diverse theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary perspectives.

Please email your proposals to both and
by October 28, 2005. Please include the following information:

- Name
- Affiliation
- Contact information (telephone, email, mailing address)
- A brief biography or c.v.
- A short abstract (300-500 words)

CFP: Girls' Studies (10/28/05; NWSA, 6/15/06-6/18/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Rebecca C. Hains

The newly-formed Girls' Studies Interest Group of the National Women's
Studies Association (NWSA) seeks panelists for our proposed sessions on
Girls' Studies.

We invite proposals for 15-minute presentations on research with girls. We
welcome diverse theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary perspectives.

Please email your proposals to both and
by October 28, 2005. Please include the following information:

- Name
- Affiliation
- Contact information (telephone, email, mailing address)
- A brief biography or c.v.
- A short abstract (300-500 words)

CFP: Girls' Studies (10/28/05; NWSA, 6/15/06-6/18/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Rebecca C. Hains

The newly-formed Girls' Studies Interest Group of the National Women's
Studies Association (NWSA) seeks panelists for our proposed sessions on
Girls' Studies.

We invite proposals for 15-minute presentations on research with girls. We
welcome diverse theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary perspectives.

Please email your proposals to both and
by October 28, 2005. Please include the following information:

- Name
- Affiliation
- Contact information (telephone, email, mailing address)
- A brief biography or c.v.
- A short abstract (300-500 words)

CFP: Trading Books - Trading Ideas (Netherlands) (11/30/05; SHARP, 7/11/06-7/14/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Patrick Leary

'Trading Books - Trading Ideas' - SHARP 2006
July 11-14, 2006
The Netherlands

The fourteenth annual conference of the Society for the History of
Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) will be held at the National
Library of The Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) in The Hague and in
Leiden, The Netherlands, on 11-14 July 2006. The Conference will be
organized by the National Library in cooperation with the Universities of
Leiden, Utrecht, Nijmegen and Amsterdam.

CFP: Trading Books - Trading Ideas (Netherlands) (11/30/05; SHARP, 7/11/06-7/14/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Patrick Leary

'Trading Books - Trading Ideas' - SHARP 2006
July 11-14, 2006
The Netherlands

The fourteenth annual conference of the Society for the History of
Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) will be held at the National
Library of The Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) in The Hague and in
Leiden, The Netherlands, on 11-14 July 2006. The Conference will be
organized by the National Library in cooperation with the Universities of
Leiden, Utrecht, Nijmegen and Amsterdam.

CFP: Trading Books - Trading Ideas (Netherlands) (11/30/05; SHARP, 7/11/06-7/14/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Patrick Leary

'Trading Books - Trading Ideas' - SHARP 2006
July 11-14, 2006
The Netherlands

The fourteenth annual conference of the Society for the History of
Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) will be held at the National
Library of The Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) in The Hague and in
Leiden, The Netherlands, on 11-14 July 2006. The Conference will be
organized by the National Library in cooperation with the Universities of
Leiden, Utrecht, Nijmegen and Amsterdam.

CFP: Constance Fenimore Woolson Society (1/3/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Annamaria Elsden

The Constance Fenimore Woolson Society invites submissions for its panel =
at the annual American Literature Association Conference, to be held in =
San Francisco, May 25-28, 2006. The focus of the panel is open. Suggested =
topics include, but are not limited to, Woolson in the context of =
nationalism, travel, realism and regionalism, gender issues, and/or the =
magazine market of the nineteenth century. Papers are especially welcome =
that explore Woolson's work in relation to politics, however that term =
might be defined. Please send proposals via e-mail (no attachments, =
please) by January 3 to Annamaria Formichella-Elsden at <formichella_at_bvu.ed=

CFP: Constance Fenimore Woolson Society (1/3/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Annamaria Elsden

The Constance Fenimore Woolson Society invites submissions for its panel =
at the annual American Literature Association Conference, to be held in =
San Francisco, May 25-28, 2006. The focus of the panel is open. Suggested =
topics include, but are not limited to, Woolson in the context of =
nationalism, travel, realism and regionalism, gender issues, and/or the =
magazine market of the nineteenth century. Papers are especially welcome =
that explore Woolson's work in relation to politics, however that term =
might be defined. Please send proposals via e-mail (no attachments, =
please) by January 3 to Annamaria Formichella-Elsden at <formichella_at_bvu.ed=

CFP: The War Body On Screen (1/9/06; collection)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Sean Redmond

The War Body on Screen

Call for Papers
Closing Date: Monday January 9th 2006

This proposal, for an edited collection of =91new=92 essays on the war =20=

body on screen, emerges from what the editors see as a new (post =20
9/11) concern for bringing into view the troubling image of the =20
ruined body, or the body that is absent from vision (as in dead and =20
gone, or captive and hidden). The corporeal figure of the suicide =20
bomber, the hostage, the soldier, the terrorist, and the innocent =20
victim, appear as cultural and ideological vehicles of meaning for =20
the way one is meant to understand conflict, war and terror in the =20
modern age.

CFP: The War Body On Screen (1/9/06; collection)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Sean Redmond

The War Body on Screen

Call for Papers
Closing Date: Monday January 9th 2006

This proposal, for an edited collection of =91new=92 essays on the war =20=

body on screen, emerges from what the editors see as a new (post =20
9/11) concern for bringing into view the troubling image of the =20
ruined body, or the body that is absent from vision (as in dead and =20
gone, or captive and hidden). The corporeal figure of the suicide =20
bomber, the hostage, the soldier, the terrorist, and the innocent =20
victim, appear as cultural and ideological vehicles of meaning for =20
the way one is meant to understand conflict, war and terror in the =20
modern age.

CFP: Betwixt and Between II: Memory and Cultural Translation (Ireland) (12/15/05; 4/18/06-4/21/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Stephen Kelly

Betwixt and Between II: Memory and Cultural Translation

Queen's University Belfast, April 18-21, 2006

The School of English and School of Languages, Literatures and Arts, =20
in association with the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry invite papers =20=


Memory and Cultural Translation

In recent years, the cultural and historical work of memory has been =20
of considerable interest to scholars working in all areas of the =20

This conference wishes to explore ways in which translation and cross-=20=

CFP: Betwixt and Between II: Memory and Cultural Translation (Ireland) (12/15/05; 4/18/06-4/21/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Stephen Kelly

Betwixt and Between II: Memory and Cultural Translation

Queen's University Belfast, April 18-21, 2006

The School of English and School of Languages, Literatures and Arts, =20
in association with the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry invite papers =20=


Memory and Cultural Translation

In recent years, the cultural and historical work of memory has been =20
of considerable interest to scholars working in all areas of the =20

This conference wishes to explore ways in which translation and cross-=20=

CFP: Betwixt and Between II: Memory and Cultural Translation (Ireland) (12/15/05; 4/18/06-4/21/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Stephen Kelly

Betwixt and Between II: Memory and Cultural Translation

Queen's University Belfast, April 18-21, 2006

The School of English and School of Languages, Literatures and Arts, =20
in association with the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry invite papers =20=


Memory and Cultural Translation

In recent years, the cultural and historical work of memory has been =20
of considerable interest to scholars working in all areas of the =20

This conference wishes to explore ways in which translation and cross-=20=

CFP: Medea: Mutations and Permutations of a Myth (UK) (12/15/05; 7/17/06-7/19/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Heike Bartel

Medea, the notorious infanticidal non-Greek wife of Jason, is a figure from Classical mythology who challenges the boundaries of behaviour and understanding and has proved both a creative and an intellectual challenge for countless writers, artists, composers and performing artists since Euripides and before.

We invite proposals for papers for the
cross- and interdisciplinary conference:

Medea: Mutations and Permutations of a Myth

Clifton Hill House, Bristol, UK
17th - 19th July 2006
Jointly organised by the Universities of Bristol and Nottingham

CFP: Medea: Mutations and Permutations of a Myth (UK) (12/15/05; 7/17/06-7/19/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Heike Bartel

Medea, the notorious infanticidal non-Greek wife of Jason, is a figure from Classical mythology who challenges the boundaries of behaviour and understanding and has proved both a creative and an intellectual challenge for countless writers, artists, composers and performing artists since Euripides and before.

We invite proposals for papers for the
cross- and interdisciplinary conference:

Medea: Mutations and Permutations of a Myth

Clifton Hill House, Bristol, UK
17th - 19th July 2006
Jointly organised by the Universities of Bristol and Nottingham

CFP: Medea: Mutations and Permutations of a Myth (UK) (12/15/05; 7/17/06-7/19/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am
Heike Bartel

Medea, the notorious infanticidal non-Greek wife of Jason, is a figure from Classical mythology who challenges the boundaries of behaviour and understanding and has proved both a creative and an intellectual challenge for countless writers, artists, composers and performing artists since Euripides and before.

We invite proposals for papers for the
cross- and interdisciplinary conference:

Medea: Mutations and Permutations of a Myth

Clifton Hill House, Bristol, UK
17th - 19th July 2006
Jointly organised by the Universities of Bristol and Nottingham

CFP: Ossi Wessi (12/15/05; 3/17/06-3/19/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am

Ossi Wessi

Paper proposals are being accepted for the 14th Annual Interdisciplinary
German Studies Conference, March 17-19, 2006 at the University of
California, Berkeley. The conference theme is Ossi Wessi: 1989 and beyond.

CFP: Ossi Wessi (12/15/05; 3/17/06-3/19/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:10am

Ossi Wessi

Paper proposals are being accepted for the 14th Annual Interdisciplinary
German Studies Conference, March 17-19, 2006 at the University of
California, Berkeley. The conference theme is Ossi Wessi: 1989 and beyond.

CFP: Literary Consumption (grad) (1/15/06; 3/17/06-3/18/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am

Equinoxes 2006
Call For Conference Papers
"La consommation littéraire / Literary Consumption"
"Je ne sacrifie que a moy (aux dieux poinct) et a cestuy mon Ventre le plus grand de tous les Dieux." - Rabelais, Le Quart Livre.

The Department of French Studies at Brown University announces its 14th annual Graduate Conference

March 17-18, 2006

We invite graduate students to present 15-minute papers relevant to the dual theme of "literary consumption" - in texts dealing with consumption as well as the consumption of texts themselves. We welcome submissions that treat French and Francophone works, as well as broader cultural or theoretical issues, from the Middle Ages to the present.

CFP: Literary Consumption (grad) (1/15/06; 3/17/06-3/18/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am

Equinoxes 2006
Call For Conference Papers
"La consommation littéraire / Literary Consumption"
"Je ne sacrifie que a moy (aux dieux poinct) et a cestuy mon Ventre le plus grand de tous les Dieux." - Rabelais, Le Quart Livre.

The Department of French Studies at Brown University announces its 14th annual Graduate Conference

March 17-18, 2006

We invite graduate students to present 15-minute papers relevant to the dual theme of "literary consumption" - in texts dealing with consumption as well as the consumption of texts themselves. We welcome submissions that treat French and Francophone works, as well as broader cultural or theoretical issues, from the Middle Ages to the present.

CFP: Literary Consumption (grad) (1/15/06; 3/17/06-3/18/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am

Equinoxes 2006
Call For Conference Papers
"La consommation littéraire / Literary Consumption"
"Je ne sacrifie que a moy (aux dieux poinct) et a cestuy mon Ventre le plus grand de tous les Dieux." - Rabelais, Le Quart Livre.

The Department of French Studies at Brown University announces its 14th annual Graduate Conference

March 17-18, 2006

We invite graduate students to present 15-minute papers relevant to the dual theme of "literary consumption" - in texts dealing with consumption as well as the consumption of texts themselves. We welcome submissions that treat French and Francophone works, as well as broader cultural or theoretical issues, from the Middle Ages to the present.
