CFP: Misogynism in Literature: Or, On Disliking Certain 'Masterpieces' (7/15/03; collection)
Misogynism in Literature. Essays are invited for a book tentatively entitled
Misogynism in Literature: Or, On Disliking Certain 'Masterpieces'. If you
have had enough of the male 'masterpieces' we were supposed to 'enjoy'
despite their misogynism, if you have doubts about such controversial
concepts as 'universality,' 'timelessness' or great texts' alleged androgyny,
then you may want to contribute an essay that focuses on one specific work of
literature by a canonical author of any time and nationality. Send a 2-page
abstract and brief vita or inquiries to Britta Zangen, Cranachstr. 4, 40235
D=FCsseldorf, Germany ( The deadline for proposals is 15 July,