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CFP: Image, Story, Conversation (no deadline; e-journal)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:29pm
Strecker, Trey

The online English Studies Forum invites innovative critical and creative
submissions for its "Image, Story, Conversation" forum. ESF's "Image,
Story, Conversation" site considers the ways we imagine our world in
archetypal patterns, three of which are image, story, and conversation.

Send inquiries or submissions to:

Trey Strecker, Editor in Chief
English Studies Forum
Department of English
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306-0460

CFP: Intellectual Work in American Fiction 1865-1910 (1/1/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:23pm
Armstrong, Rick

I am proposing an edited collection on the issue of intellectual work and
certification in American fiction 1865-1910. Many realist writers of the
late nineteenth and early twentieth century were preoccupied with the value
of intellectual work, especially the profession of writing. This
preoccupation could be due to university reform which emphasized a more
practical education as opposed to the pre-Civil War moral education.

Essays in the collection should focus on the way "the culture of
professionalism" functions in the novels of the period.

CFP: Intellectual Work in American Fiction 1865-1910 (1/1/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:23pm
Armstrong, Rick

I am proposing an edited collection on the issue of intellectual work and
certification in American fiction 1865-1910. Many realist writers of the
late nineteenth and early twentieth century were preoccupied with the value
of intellectual work, especially the profession of writing. This
preoccupation could be due to university reform which emphasized a more
practical education as opposed to the pre-Civil War moral education.

Essays in the collection should focus on the way "the culture of
professionalism" functions in the novels of the period.

CFP: Intellectual Work in American Fiction 1865-1910 (1/1/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:23pm
Armstrong, Rick

I am proposing an edited collection on the issue of intellectual work and
certification in American fiction 1865-1910. Many realist writers of the
late nineteenth and early twentieth century were preoccupied with the value
of intellectual work, especially the profession of writing. This
preoccupation could be due to university reform which emphasized a more
practical education as opposed to the pre-Civil War moral education.

Essays in the collection should focus on the way "the culture of
professionalism" functions in the novels of the period.

UPDATE: Faulkner in the World (1/31/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:21pm
Paula Pinto Elyseu Mesquita

Due to delays in submissions, and so as not to compromise the
geographical diversity of essays we are aiming for, the deadline for
article submissions to the volume Faulkner in the World has been
extended until 31st January 2004.

                      Faulkner In The World

Scholars from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania are
invited to submit their proposals for a compilation of international
essays on the reception of William Faulkner’s fiction in specific
national, political and historical contexts, to be published
internationally in 2004.

UPDATE: Faulkner in the World (1/31/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:21pm
Paula Pinto Elyseu Mesquita

Due to delays in submissions, and so as not to compromise the
geographical diversity of essays we are aiming for, the deadline for
article submissions to the volume Faulkner in the World has been
extended until 31st January 2004.

                      Faulkner In The World

Scholars from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania are
invited to submit their proposals for a compilation of international
essays on the reception of William Faulkner’s fiction in specific
national, political and historical contexts, to be published
internationally in 2004.

UPDATE: Faulkner in the World (1/31/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:21pm
Paula Pinto Elyseu Mesquita

Due to delays in submissions, and so as not to compromise the
geographical diversity of essays we are aiming for, the deadline for
article submissions to the volume Faulkner in the World has been
extended until 31st January 2004.

                      Faulkner In The World

Scholars from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania are
invited to submit their proposals for a compilation of international
essays on the reception of William Faulkner’s fiction in specific
national, political and historical contexts, to be published
internationally in 2004.

CFP: Pedagogies of Visual Rhetoric (12/15/03; anthology)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:14pm
anne rypstat

Editors seek essays for an anthology in Parlor Press’s series on visual
rhetoric. Proposals should address the pedagogical concerns of teachers of
rhetoric, professional communication, composition, and/or cultural studies.

CFP: Pedagogies of Visual Rhetoric (12/15/03; anthology)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:14pm
anne rypstat

Editors seek essays for an anthology in Parlor Press’s series on visual
rhetoric. Proposals should address the pedagogical concerns of teachers of
rhetoric, professional communication, composition, and/or cultural studies.

UPDATE: Queer as Folk (1/30/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:10pm
Jes Battis

UPDATE: Queer as Folk Collection. The submissions deadline for "Queer
as Text: Critically Cruising Performance and Sexuality in 'Queer as
Folk'" has been extended to January 30, 2004. This is an edited
collection which aims to focus equally on both the British and the
American versions of the acclaimed show 'Queer as Folk.' Diverse essays
are welcome, and topics might include:

UPDATE: Queer as Folk (1/30/04; collection)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 8:10pm
Jes Battis

UPDATE: Queer as Folk Collection. The submissions deadline for "Queer
as Text: Critically Cruising Performance and Sexuality in 'Queer as
Folk'" has been extended to January 30, 2004. This is an edited
collection which aims to focus equally on both the British and the
American versions of the acclaimed show 'Queer as Folk.' Diverse essays
are welcome, and topics might include:

UPDATE: William Morris and the Book Arts (1/31/04; journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:49pm

Journal of William Morris Studies. Special Issue on William
  Morris and the Book Arts - now summer 2004.

The Journal of William Morris Studies is planning a special edition on
William Morris and the Book Arts. Originally due out as the Winter 2003
edition, this special issue will now appear in Summer 2004. The Editor is
still prepared to receive submissions for this issue, and would
particularly welcome articles on the Kelmscott Press and its influence.
Final deadline: January 31st 2004.

UPDATE: William Morris and the Book Arts (1/31/04; journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:49pm

Journal of William Morris Studies. Special Issue on William
  Morris and the Book Arts - now summer 2004.

The Journal of William Morris Studies is planning a special edition on
William Morris and the Book Arts. Originally due out as the Winter 2003
edition, this special issue will now appear in Summer 2004. The Editor is
still prepared to receive submissions for this issue, and would
particularly welcome articles on the Kelmscott Press and its influence.
Final deadline: January 31st 2004.

UPDATE: William Morris and the Book Arts (1/31/04; journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:49pm

Journal of William Morris Studies. Special Issue on William
  Morris and the Book Arts - now summer 2004.

The Journal of William Morris Studies is planning a special edition on
William Morris and the Book Arts. Originally due out as the Winter 2003
edition, this special issue will now appear in Summer 2004. The Editor is
still prepared to receive submissions for this issue, and would
particularly welcome articles on the Kelmscott Press and its influence.
Final deadline: January 31st 2004.

UPDATE: Philament: Blue Edition (grad) (10/24/03; e-journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:46pm


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, has extended the
submissions deadline for its second edition, to be themed 'blue,' until the
24th of October, 2003.

Included below are dictionary and textual possibilities for how 'blue' might
be incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no
means exhaustive.

UPDATE: Philament: Blue Edition (grad) (10/24/03; e-journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:46pm


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, has extended the
submissions deadline for its second edition, to be themed 'blue,' until the
24th of October, 2003.

Included below are dictionary and textual possibilities for how 'blue' might
be incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no
means exhaustive.

UPDATE: Academic Exchange Quarterly: Adjunct and Part-Time Faculty (10/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:45pm
Kyla Heflin

Call for Papers: Adjunct Instruction/Issues=20

This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.=20

The Academic Exchange Quarterly includes articles on adjunct instruction =
on an ongoing basis.=20

Please consider submitting a manuscript on any aspect of adjunct =
instruction to AEQ. This is an important area of inquiry that affects =
everyone in higher education-- administrators, tenured professors, =
students and adjunct instructors themselves. What are your thoughts on =
this timely issue that has changed the face of higher education.

UPDATE: Literary London: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Representation of London (e-journal)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 8:46pm
Lawrence Phillips

The Literary London Journal is pleased to announce publication of the second edition of the Journal and to invite submissions for the third issue which will be published on 15th March 2004. The deadline for submissions to be considered for this issue 1st February 2004. The current issue is now online at and includes:


Nick Bentley, 'Writing 1950s London: Narrative Strategies in Colin MacInnes's City of Spades and Absolute Beginners'

Robert Bond, 'Wide Boys Always Work: Iain Sinclaire and the London Proletarian Novel'

Michael Sayeau, 'The Voice of the Plague: Disorder, Order, amd Talk in Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year'

UPDATE: Literary London: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Representation of London (e-journal)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 8:46pm
Lawrence Phillips

The Literary London Journal is pleased to announce publication of the second edition of the Journal and to invite submissions for the third issue which will be published on 15th March 2004. The deadline for submissions to be considered for this issue 1st February 2004. The current issue is now online at and includes:


Nick Bentley, 'Writing 1950s London: Narrative Strategies in Colin MacInnes's City of Spades and Absolute Beginners'

Robert Bond, 'Wide Boys Always Work: Iain Sinclaire and the London Proletarian Novel'

Michael Sayeau, 'The Voice of the Plague: Disorder, Order, amd Talk in Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year'

CFP: The Holocaust as Screen Memory (1/15/04; collection)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 8:43pm
Weissman, Gary

Proposals/contributions are invited for a collection of original essays
exploring the claim that the Holocaust has served as a screen memory for
other histories, anxieties, and concerns. For example, some scholars in the
United States have suggested that the Holocaust may serve as a screen memory
for events "closer to home" than the Nazi genocide of the European
Jews-particularly the genocide of Native Americans and the perpetration of
American slavery and segregation. Others have identified the Holocaust as a
symbol for vanishing American Jewish identity and community. Still others
link interest in the Holocaust to fears concerning the disappearance of

CFP: The Holocaust as Screen Memory (1/15/04; collection)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 8:43pm
Weissman, Gary

Proposals/contributions are invited for a collection of original essays
exploring the claim that the Holocaust has served as a screen memory for
other histories, anxieties, and concerns. For example, some scholars in the
United States have suggested that the Holocaust may serve as a screen memory
for events "closer to home" than the Nazi genocide of the European
Jews-particularly the genocide of Native Americans and the perpetration of
American slavery and segregation. Others have identified the Holocaust as a
symbol for vanishing American Jewish identity and community. Still others
link interest in the Holocaust to fears concerning the disappearance of

CFP: An Encyclopedia of Beat Culture (no deadline noted; collection)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 6:46am
Lawlor, William

Work is nearly completed on An Encyclopedia of Beat Culture, but various
biographical, thematic, and contextual entries remain to be written.
Persons interested in writing about the Beat Generation and the Age of
Spontaneity should contact William Lawlor, Professor of English,
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point ( Please include
a short resume.

UPDATE: Dwelling Places (11/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 6:20am
monica o'brien

Correction of information for Crossings, a counter-disciplinary journal,
Issue 7, Dwelling Places
New website address:

Please disregard the old address given in the CFP
Questions: contact Dr. Andy Martino

Monica O'Brien
Program in Philosophy, Literature and Criticism
Department of Comparative Literature
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, New York 13902-6000

UPDATE: Dwelling Places (11/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 6:20am
monica o'brien

Correction of information for Crossings, a counter-disciplinary journal,
Issue 7, Dwelling Places
New website address:

Please disregard the old address given in the CFP
Questions: contact Dr. Andy Martino

Monica O'Brien
Program in Philosophy, Literature and Criticism
Department of Comparative Literature
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, New York 13902-6000
