Poetry Off the Page: Intersecting Practices and Traditions in British Poetry Performance
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Writing Centers and AI: Generating Early Conversations
An Edited Collection
This year’s theme of "Health in/of the Humanities" has broad possibilities within the languages, literatures, histories, and cultures related to Old and Middle English. This panel welcomes papers that address the presence, importance, and/or relevance of health, medicine, and/or science in Old and Middle English works of any kind, as well as explorations, arguments, or discussions of the relevance or importance or perceptions of these texts and ideas in both the medieval and the modern world.
DPASSH is a biennial conference responding to questions relating to digital preservation within the arts and social sciences subject domain.
The 2024 conference is entitled Collections as Data / Data as Collections and takes place on 27-28th June. The event is a joint collaboration between the Digital Repository of Ireland, the University of Limerick and the Hunt Museum, Limerick.
Collections as Data / Data as Collections
Fin de Sexe? A Symposium on Sexuality
25th June 2024, Edinbugh
Keynote: Professor Heike Bauer
Fin the Sexe is a FREE symposium, and we will offer travel bursaries to all chosen participants.
This special issue of RiCognizioni (https://ojs.unito.it/index.php/ricognizioni) seeks to examine the use of textual genres by women writers who contributed to scientific knowledge in the long eighteenth century (approx. 1660–1800).
In his essay “Walking,” Henry David Thoreau proclaims, “…in wildness is the preservation of the world.” As the world continues to urbanize, it’s as important as ever to identify the diverse ways that humans interact with wildness in cities and reflect on how these interactions inform our understanding of, relationship to, and impact on nature. This special session seeks papers that consider encounters of wildness in urban landscapes as depicted in literature, film, photography, music, video games, and other cultural texts from all periods and regions. Though abstract on all relevant topics are welcome, special consideration will be given to proposals that interrogate how urban encounters of wildness:
BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies (http://boss.mcgill.ca/) is an open-access academic journal that publishes peer-reviewed essays on Bruce Springsteen. The editors of BOSS are currently soliciting papers for the journal’s sixth edition, with an expected publication date of December 2024.
Deadline extended
Call for Papers
The 2024 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 8-9, 2024, in Toronto, Ontario, at York University.
This year's keynote speakers are Dr. Larissa Lai and Dr. Nicholas Ruddick.
We invite proposals for papers in any area of Canadian science fiction and fantasy, including:
-studies of individual works and authors;
-comparative studies;
-studies that place works in their literary and/or
cultural contexts.
Postcolonial Interventions (ISSN 2455-6564)
Call for Papers
Vol. IX, Issue 2 (June 2024)
This proposed session at next year's MLA conference invites presentations on the role of labor and working in African-American literature across all historical periods and fields of labor. 250 word abstract to Jacob DeBrock.
Special Session: Moderln Language Association Conference, New Orleans. January 9-12, 2025.
Dear all
Please note we have had to alter the format our conference slightly - we are now hosting a 2 day conference based on 15 minute presentations rather than a day of presentations and a day of performances.
We are especially inviting female contributors as well as new researchers and early researchers in the field of Artaud studies.
Antonin Artaud: New Critical Reflections
Dates: July 30th and 31st 2024, Kingston University, Town house Building (Penrhyn Rd Campus, 30th-31st July)
Eleventh International Iris Murdoch Conference
University of Chichester, 30 August -1 September 2024: First Call for Papers
The Eleventh International Conference on Iris Murdoch studies will take place at the University of Chichester in 2024. The conference will showcase ongoing, and published, Murdoch scholarship with a particular focus on Aspirations and Inspirations.
Website link of the CFP:
Focusing on the interplay between “Desire and Collectivity,” the third symposium of The Association of Postcolonial Thought gestures to the many political, personal, and affective drives that structure our orientation to the past and to the possibilities of the present. It likewise speculates about the collectivities such desires engender and the futures they call into being. While the 2022 APT rubric, “Anticolonialism as Theory,” reconsidered the past through the foundations of postcolonial thought, and the 2023 APT topic, “Crisis,” contemplated the calamities of our present, the 2024 theme asks us to envision the possibilities of what could be.
PopCRN (the Popular Culture Network) is back with a virtual symposium exploring the criminal in popular culture. To be held online on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd of May 2024.
Crime is one of the most popular genres across the popular culture spectrum. Celebrated detectives, true crime podcasts, police procedurals, the fashion of crime and deviancy, spy, war, political and corporate crimes in film, sport cheats, pickpockets and con artists, glamourous lawyers, innocent victims, and grumpy Judges are just some of the ways crime is represented in popular culture. This conference aims to examine the crime genre in popular culture.
Keynote Speaker
CFP: Small Screen Food: American Identity Through a Culinary Televisual Lens
Salman Rushdie characterized the serial television show “as the novelistic medium of the 21st century,” signifying its emerging importance and elevating its status to a realm traditionally occupied by novels. This shift, propelled by technological advancements and new patterns in media consumption like streaming and binge-watching, highlights televisions’ artistic and cultural importance. Rushdie’s view acknowledges television series as valuable cultural artifacts of considerable artistic depth and cultural weight.
Journal of European Popular Culture (JEPC)
Intellect Publishers
Next issue - call for article/s
This peer-reviewed journal seeks lively submissions for its latest issues on any aspect of European cultural and creative activity.
The next issue is open at present
This peer reviewed journal is interested in contemporary practices, but also in historical, contextual, biographical or theoretical analyses relating to past cultural activities in Europe.
Forthcoming Book Series: Global Historical Fictions
Defining historical fictions as encompassing of many media forms, this book series invites contributions that consider the multiple ways in which we shape history for diverse purposes, and that investigate popular history in a variety of contexts, and modes.
Deadline EXTENDED: Friday, April 26, 2024
Conference Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024
Format: Online (via Zoom)
Abstract: 200-250 words + short biographical statement + time zone
Submit to: wgsebald80conference@gmail.com
EXTENSION OF DEADLINE On account of a technical fault on the British Shakespeare Association website that people were asked to use to submit proposals for papers at this conference, which prevented some people from making their submissions, the organizers of this conference are extending the deadline for submissions to 29 February 2024. Everything else stated below still stands.
British Shakespeare Associatoin 2024 Conference
'Shakespeare's Writing Lives' commemorating the 20th anniversary of the BSA's journal, Shakespeare, 26-28 June 2024, De Montfort University, Leicester.
Arcastar Lerinosse: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Arda. Tolkien Workshop at the University of Freiburg, 28. June 2024
Extended Deadline: March 03 2024.
(Un)Pretty: Interrogations of Beauty in Literature
Call for Proposals
York University English Graduate Students Association Conference
May 10th, 2024
In On Beauty and Being Just, Elaine Scarry writes:
CFP: Special Issue on Queer Texts for Youth in The Lion and the Unicorn
Academic workshop at the University of Tübingen, Germany
10-12 June 2024 (in person)
In an increasingly globalized world, where a combination of digital technologies and multiple possibilities for migration, as well as the unfortunate realities of regional conflicts and climate change, people are brought together not just across geographical but also socio-cultural barriers. Race, class, gender, and creed, among other factors, come into collusion and synchrony in the most stunning ways to produce more and more questions about the value and meaning of a human life. In this context, the question of authentic voice and its representation looms paramount and the writing of literature its biggest ally.
Penumbra Journal of Literature and Art at California State University, Stanislaus
Invites Writers and Artists to submit to the following:
The New York City College of Technology (City Tech) Interdisciplinary Studies Committee will host a full-day conference, Common Ground: Making Connections in Interdisciplinary Place-Based Learning,on Friday, October 18, 2024. This conference invites individual presentations, panel presentations, short talks, and workshop proposals that include, but are not limited to, the following topics as they relate to interdisciplinary exploration of the latest educational strategies, innovations, and practices.
Noted Marxist scholar, Kohei Saito in his book, Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy (2018) rightly pointed out that the evolution of society is in close correlation to the trajectory of the progress of technology. Drawing upon the principle of thermodynamics, another notable Marxist scholar, Amy E. Wendling argued in Karl Marx on Technology and Alienation (2009), that purpose of labour had undergone a radical transformation following the progression of technology, allowing for a re-valuation of all material objects. Hence, the use of labour for harnessing natural resources, chiefly for the purpose of sustenance of human life, had been deeply altered by technology.