Altered Animals: Posthumanism and Technology in 20th and 21st Century Discourse and Narratives
DEADLINE EXTENDED: February 21st, 2024
CFP: Altered Animals: Posthumanism and Technology in 20th and 21st Century Discourse and Narratives
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DEADLINE EXTENDED: February 21st, 2024
CFP: Altered Animals: Posthumanism and Technology in 20th and 21st Century Discourse and Narratives
The organizing committee of Alt+F4 is excited to announce our keynote speaker line up:
Kishonna L. Gray
Associate Professor in Writing, Rhetoric, & Digital Studies and Africana Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director, Faculty Learning Community on eSports and Gaming
Rachel Kowert
Research Psychologist
Founder, Psychgeist
Anita Sarkeesian
Media Critic
Creator, Tropes vs. Women in Video Games
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Literature and Artificial Intelligence
International Review of Literary Studies
Deadline for Submission: February 29, 2024
The International Review of Literary Studies, an open access with no APC, invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of literature, language, and AI to submit their original contributions for a special issue focused on the intersection of Literature and Artificial Intelligence.
Theme: Literature and AI: Exploring the Nexus of Creativity and Technology
CHILD AND TEEN CONSUMPTION 2024 (extended deadline)
11th Interdisciplinary Conference on Child and Teen Consumption
October 16 -18 2024, York University, Toronto, Canada PLAYING WITH BORDERS
The 2024 edition of the Child and Teen Consumption Conference will be held in Toronto (Canada) and will be hosted by York University, October 16-18, 2024.
CFP: The 26th Annual University of Florida Critical Theory Reading Group/MRG Conference- Deadline Extended
“Marxism and the Digital Public”
Weekend of April 12-14, 2024
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Keynotes: M.E. O’Brien (Pinko and Parapraxis) and Jasper Bernes (University of California, Berkeley)
“Growing Younger”: Literature and Childlike Faith
Southeast Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature Covenant College
Lookout Mountain, GA
October 10-12, 2024
Keynote Speaker: Malcolm Guite (Poet and President of the George MacDonald Society)
Scientific Committee:
Professor Wojciech Owczarski – University of Gdańsk, Poland
Professor Polina Golovátina-Mora – NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Conference: 14-15 March 2024 (online - via Zoom)
Call for chapter proposals for edited volume
Warscapes: Mediating Militarized Environments
Edited by Cortland Rankin (Bowling Green State University) and Brady Fletcher (University of Rochester)
New Media and its Publics in India
Please see below a call for papers for a panel at the 2024 American Studies Association:
Inaugural Issue of Creativitas - Critical Explorations in Literary Studies (A Double-blind Peer-reviewed Journal of English Studies).
[We are in the midst of registering the journal under ISSN. However, as per guidelines, an issue has to be published prior to acquiring an ISSN. So, the inaugural issue will be published without an ISSN.]
Call for articles: John Dryden, Revolutionary Readings and Readers : New Perspectives on a Restoration Multitasker
Special Issue 2027, Caliban (an international peer-reviewed journal in Anglophone studies published by Presses Universitaires du Midi : Caliban - French Journal of English Studies (
Eds. Nathalie Genet-Rouffiac (Service Historique de la Défense), Filip Krajník (Masaryk University) , Nathalie Rivere de Carles (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès)
Dates: September 19–20, 2024
Venue: Vienna, Austria
Iron Curtains or Artistic Gates? Communism and Cultural Diplomacy in the Global South (1945–1991 and Beyond)
Transformative Works and Cultures is now seeking submissions for the 2024 Fans of Color Research Prize. The award recognizes the best peer-reviewed article about fans and/or fandoms of color published in TWC in the preceding 3 years (for 2024, no earlier than 2021) and furthers the journal’s goal to support scholars whose work fills critical gaps in fan studies literature about racially marginalized and/or non-western fans. The winner will receive a $500 cash prize.
Submission details:
Call for Papers
CONRAD IN THE FAR EAST, Editor: Pei-Wen Clio Kao (National Ilan University)
The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University – Columbia University Press Conrad Project
Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press; New York: Columbia University Press, to be published in 2027.
We are seeking speakers to fill up a panel at the APL Conference “Borders/Freedom/Civility” at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, June 12-15, 2024, on the question of how science fiction aesthetics, the experience of science fiction, and the experience of otherness in science fiction relate. Science Fiction is one of the foremost genres exploring the relation between the alien other as a way of thinking through interhuman relations across borders, but, as a liminally “high” literary form, it is often excluded from discussions of the aesthetic experience of literature as a driving force of intellectual engagement.
Inspired by the APS Museum’s upcoming exhibition Sketching Splendor: Natural History in America, 1750-1850 the American Philosophical Society is organizing a daylong conference that will explore the ways humans have imagined, depicted, and constructed representations and knowledge about the natural world over time. The conference aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, scientists, naturalists, and collection professionals, as well as artists, filmmakers, climate activists, and others to consider the different forms of labor and expertise that have contributed to shaping past, present, and future understandings of nature as well as the place of humans within it.
Impost: A Journal of Creative and Critical Work, a peer-reviewed journal published by the English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities, welcomes submissions of creative writing (poetry, fiction, nonfiction, short dramatic pieces, and literary journalism), as well as scholarly essays in all fields of English studies.
Call for Papers
Fourteenth International Melville Society Conference
University of Connecticut (maritime campus), Avery Point, Connecticut, USA
Dates: June 16-19, 2025
Deadline for Proposals: October 15, 2024
Conference Theme: Oceanic Melville
Meditation and water are wedded forever.
Moby-Dick, Chapter 1
The oceans cover two thirds of our planet’s surface and are responsible
for over half of our oxygen and one fifth of our nutrition. They are in trouble.
Colour Turn invites abstracts on all areas of colour research and colour science. This includes research in the humanities and natural sciences. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary papers are also welcome.
Please send a 250-word abstract to submission[at] by Monday, April 8.
Please be sure to include your name, contact details and the title of the paper in your abstract.
For more information on the concept of the journal and our submission guidelines, please visit our website at
About Colour Turn
ies and Social Sciences
Menu Call for Papers on South Asian Studies
The Journal of South Asian Exchanges invites original research papers, theoretical studies, book reviews, and review articles on a wide range of topics related to South Asia. The journal is open to scholars, academics, and practitioners who are interested in discussing and deliberating on the path to South Asia in 2024 and the potential futures of South Asia. The journal will cover a wide range of themes, including but not limited to:
Cinema in contemporary India has been evolving in multifarious ways, technological innovations and the multiplicity of digital platforms significantly altering the experience of film production and reception. Apart from the mainstream Hindi cinema that enjoyed a national viewership till recent times, regional films have also emerged as popular forms of entertainment across the nation. Popular Indian cinema is being redefined and in this new environment, regional content is appreciated, new genres are welcomed, and a new viewing experience is well appreciated. Film production methods have also changed radically, with independent films gaining in popularity especially among the urban audience.
Texas Tech University’s 40th Women’s & Gender Studies annual spring conference, to be held on April 11, 2024, invites submissions on the theme Gender and The Public Sphere. Organizers seek proposals for individual papers or panels on topics related to gendered public discourses, the representations of gender in public life and popular culture, and all the nuanced meanings of Jurgen Habermas’s twentieth-century concept of the “public sphere” as it relates to emerging research on gender and sexuality. The conference seeks to explore questions such as:
Rethinking Marginality: Inclusion and Ableism
Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt – in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the University of New Mexico, USA–cordially invites you to participate in its international conference titled “Rethinking Marginality: Inclusion and Ableism,” to be held onsite from 1 – 2 March 2024.
We invite conference proposals for the University of Connecticut First-Year Writing Program’s Conference on the Teaching of Writing, taking place in Storrs on Saturday, April 20th, 2024.
We are proposing a special issue of Post-45 Journal, titled “Race and Animality Reconsidered.” In light of a host of recent interventions and discourses emerging from Black studies, postcolonial studies, environmental studies, and other fields, this special issue seeks to highlight contemporary work on the entanglements of racialization or racialized gendering and animalization, including what this means for the material lives of human and nonhuman animals since WWII.
Call for Well-Qualified Guest Reviewers
The international peer-reviewed Creative Industries Journal [CIJ] (Routledge/ Taylor and Francis), now in its 13th volume and approaching its 14th year, seeks to create a pool of guest reviewers, who possess the requisite expertise, to complement our Peer Review Board and Editorial team.
The Comparative Literature Graduate Student Organization at Binghamton University invites proposals for papers discussing popular genres for our graduate conferencescheduled for April 12-13, 2024.
There has been a heightened academic interest in popular genres within the last decade. Scholars have approached these texts from a variety of lenses, and—with our graduate conference—we hope to make space for further research through various forms of critical engagement. In addition to welcoming essays regarding individual texts and specific genres, we are also interested in examining the state of popular genres in the academy, and especially encourage submissions engaged with non-Western texts and theory.
The Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds invites submissions for a guest edited special issue exploring consent in games. The issues surrounding consent are far-reaching, and what constitutes consent continues to be a live subject of debate in wide-ranging arenas (including healthcare choices, data access, gun ownership rights, and sexual assault). As discussions around consent and entitlement swirl around the public sphere, game scholars and designers have a critical opportunity to explore this crucial cultural conversation through the lens of games.
We invite abstracts for papers on legal/ political hearings, inquiries and investigations in/ as theatre or performance, for in-person presentation at this year's Law, Culture & Humanities conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (May 17th-18th 2024).