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CFP: Transcendentalism in a Time of War (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Sandy Petrulionis

>>Scholars suggest that the polarizing nature of Transcendental
>>rhetoric ignited the Civil War. Can this be true? How did
>>Transcendentalists react to the reality of war? How does their
>>rhetoric of "holy war" sound today? Sponsored by the Thoreau
>>Society. 250-word abstracts by March 15 to Laura Dassow Walls,

CFP: Transcendentalism in a Time of War (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Sandy Petrulionis

>>Scholars suggest that the polarizing nature of Transcendental
>>rhetoric ignited the Civil War. Can this be true? How did
>>Transcendentalists react to the reality of war? How does their
>>rhetoric of "holy war" sound today? Sponsored by the Thoreau
>>Society. 250-word abstracts by March 15 to Laura Dassow Walls,

CFP: Writing in a Post-Cultural America (grad) (2/19/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Tim Lockridge

With Pen in Hand: Writing in a Post-Cultural America

General Call for Papers

The English Department of Virginia Tech welcomes the submission of
abstracts from all disciplines on all topics addressing writing,
literature, and culture for the annual graduate student conference,
With Pen in Hand, taking place April 7th and 8th, 2006. This year's
topic is "Writing in a Post-Cultural America."

To welcome a newly developed MFA program to Virginia Tech, this
year's conference will include panels regarding creative writing—both
the practice and the theory. We welcome submissions of poetry, short
stories, and essays concerning the theoretical side of creative writing.

CFP: Writing in a Post-Cultural America (grad) (2/19/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Tim Lockridge

With Pen in Hand: Writing in a Post-Cultural America

General Call for Papers

The English Department of Virginia Tech welcomes the submission of
abstracts from all disciplines on all topics addressing writing,
literature, and culture for the annual graduate student conference,
With Pen in Hand, taking place April 7th and 8th, 2006. This year's
topic is "Writing in a Post-Cultural America."

To welcome a newly developed MFA program to Virginia Tech, this
year's conference will include panels regarding creative writing—both
the practice and the theory. We welcome submissions of poetry, short
stories, and essays concerning the theoretical side of creative writing.

CFP: Writing in a Post-Cultural America (grad) (2/19/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Tim Lockridge

With Pen in Hand: Writing in a Post-Cultural America

General Call for Papers

The English Department of Virginia Tech welcomes the submission of
abstracts from all disciplines on all topics addressing writing,
literature, and culture for the annual graduate student conference,
With Pen in Hand, taking place April 7th and 8th, 2006. This year's
topic is "Writing in a Post-Cultural America."

To welcome a newly developed MFA program to Virginia Tech, this
year's conference will include panels regarding creative writing—both
the practice and the theory. We welcome submissions of poetry, short
stories, and essays concerning the theoretical side of creative writing.

CFP: Georgia Philological Association (Literature, Language, Linguistics, Composition, and Pedagogy (3/31/06; 4/21/06 & jour

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Brucie, Thomas J.

Brewton-Parker College, Mount Vernon, Georgia, will host the first
annual conference of the Georgia Philological Association on April 21,
2006, beginning at 9:00AM and concluding at 4:00PM.


We invite professors, graduate students, and independent scholars to
join the association and submit scholarly papers and ideas for panel
discussions as directed below. Subjects may relate to American,
British, French, Hispanic, Russian, German, or Slavic literature or
language, as well as linguistics, composition, and pedagogy.


We are also sponsoring a contest to design a permanent logo for the
Association, and the winning design will receive a $100. award.


CFP: Georgia Philological Association (Literature, Language, Linguistics, Composition, and Pedagogy (3/31/06; 4/21/06 & jour

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Brucie, Thomas J.

Brewton-Parker College, Mount Vernon, Georgia, will host the first
annual conference of the Georgia Philological Association on April 21,
2006, beginning at 9:00AM and concluding at 4:00PM.


We invite professors, graduate students, and independent scholars to
join the association and submit scholarly papers and ideas for panel
discussions as directed below. Subjects may relate to American,
British, French, Hispanic, Russian, German, or Slavic literature or
language, as well as linguistics, composition, and pedagogy.


We are also sponsoring a contest to design a permanent logo for the
Association, and the winning design will receive a $100. award.


CFP: Georgia Philological Association (Literature, Language, Linguistics, Composition, and Pedagogy (3/31/06; 4/21/06 & jour

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Brucie, Thomas J.

Brewton-Parker College, Mount Vernon, Georgia, will host the first
annual conference of the Georgia Philological Association on April 21,
2006, beginning at 9:00AM and concluding at 4:00PM.


We invite professors, graduate students, and independent scholars to
join the association and submit scholarly papers and ideas for panel
discussions as directed below. Subjects may relate to American,
British, French, Hispanic, Russian, German, or Slavic literature or
language, as well as linguistics, composition, and pedagogy.


We are also sponsoring a contest to design a permanent logo for the
Association, and the winning design will receive a $100. award.


CFP: Sesquicentennial Shaw: A Conference (3/15/06; 6/8/06-6/11/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Richard Dietrich

         The International Shaw Society announces an International
Bernard Shaw Conference, which will be co-hosted by Brown University
in Providence, Rhode Island, June 8-11, 2006, Asa Messer Emeritus
Professor Don Wilmeth presiding.
TOPICS: Papers (for twenty minute talks) may be on a wide range of
topics and written from any critical perspective but may speak, in
acknowledgment of Shaw's impending 150th birthday, of his longevity
as a canonical author and challenges to that, of the contributions he
and his works have made to a wide range of cultural fields, including
the theater of course, of whatever problematics he and his works
anticipated and/or exemplify, and in answer to the question of

CFP: Sesquicentennial Shaw: A Conference (3/15/06; 6/8/06-6/11/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Richard Dietrich

         The International Shaw Society announces an International
Bernard Shaw Conference, which will be co-hosted by Brown University
in Providence, Rhode Island, June 8-11, 2006, Asa Messer Emeritus
Professor Don Wilmeth presiding.
TOPICS: Papers (for twenty minute talks) may be on a wide range of
topics and written from any critical perspective but may speak, in
acknowledgment of Shaw's impending 150th birthday, of his longevity
as a canonical author and challenges to that, of the contributions he
and his works have made to a wide range of cultural fields, including
the theater of course, of whatever problematics he and his works
anticipated and/or exemplify, and in answer to the question of

CFP: The Presence of the Past in the Victorian Age (6/2/06; VISAWUS, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
George Griffith



The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies=20
Association of the Western United States=20
(VISAWUS) announces its eleventh annual=20

DATES: Oct. 26-28, 2006

PLACE: Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA

HOTEL: Warner Center Marriott
21850 Oxnard Street,
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Room Rates: $109/night

The focus of this year's conference is "The=20
Presence of the Past in the Victorian Age."=20
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

CFP: Non-Chaucerian Humor in Middle English (6/1/06; collection)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Michael George

Call for Papers
Essay Collection on Non-Chaucerian Humor in Middle English
Deadline for Papers: 6/1/06
Edited by Michael W. George

I am seeking essays on any aspect of non-Chaucerian humor in Middle English texts. Essays on humor theory and humor in individual texts/writers are welcome. Publication of the volume should occur approximately one year from deadline.

Length: 5000 words
Style: Chicago, 15th ed.
Submission: MS Word or RTF (rich text) document emailed to

Dr. Michael W. George
Assistant Professor of English
Millikin University

CFP: Non-Chaucerian Humor in Middle English (6/1/06; collection)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Michael George

Call for Papers
Essay Collection on Non-Chaucerian Humor in Middle English
Deadline for Papers: 6/1/06
Edited by Michael W. George

I am seeking essays on any aspect of non-Chaucerian humor in Middle English texts. Essays on humor theory and humor in individual texts/writers are welcome. Publication of the volume should occur approximately one year from deadline.

Length: 5000 words
Style: Chicago, 15th ed.
Submission: MS Word or RTF (rich text) document emailed to

Dr. Michael W. George
Assistant Professor of English
Millikin University

CFP: After Culture: Emergent Anthropologies (3/1/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
After Culture Emergent Anthropologies

Papers are sought for the inaugural volume of a new peer-reviewed
journal, "After Culture: Emergent Anthropologies." The first issue is
planned for release in September 2006, and thereafter will be
published semiannually (in March and September) and made available
free through the internet (URL forthcoming).

CFP: After Culture: Emergent Anthropologies (3/1/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
After Culture Emergent Anthropologies

Papers are sought for the inaugural volume of a new peer-reviewed
journal, "After Culture: Emergent Anthropologies." The first issue is
planned for release in September 2006, and thereafter will be
published semiannually (in March and September) and made available
free through the internet (URL forthcoming).

CFP: Doris Lessing Society Panel at MLA '06 (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 10:46pm
Alice Ridout

          This is a cfp from the Doris Lessing Society for one of their two sponsored panels at this year's MLA Convention in Philadelphia from 27-30 December. Please send proposals by 15 March. Papers may address other authors alongside Lessing. Presenters must be members of the MLA and of the Doris Lessing Society ($16 US; for details visit website:
  Panel Title: Trauma and the Works of Doris Lessing
