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CFP: Literacy of the Body (1/1/06; 2/10/06-2/11/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Jeannie Musick

CALL FOR PAPERS: Literacy of the Body

The Louisiana State University Graduate Theatre Organization in
conjunction with
The Louisiana State University English Graduate Student Association
16th Annual Mardi Gras Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
February 10-11

Text and the Provisionality of Meaning: Theory into Action

Keynote Speaker: Terry Eagleton, Professor of Cultural Theory and the John
Rylands Fellow, The University of Manchester, England.
Selected Publications: Literary Theory: An Introduction (1983/1996), The
Gatekeeper: A Memoir (2001), After Theory (2004)

Theatre Panel: Literacy of the Body

CFP: The American Renaissance and New York City (grad) (2/1/06; CUNY, 3/24/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm

 Panel: The American Renaissance and New York City.

CUNY Graduate Student Conference: The City in Literature, March 24, 2006.

As the mugs sold at the New York Historical Society Gift Shop exclaim,
Emerson, in The Conduct of Life, famously pronounced, "New York is a sucked orange."

CFP: The American Renaissance and New York City (grad) (2/1/06; CUNY, 3/24/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm

 Panel: The American Renaissance and New York City.

CUNY Graduate Student Conference: The City in Literature, March 24, 2006.

As the mugs sold at the New York Historical Society Gift Shop exclaim,
Emerson, in The Conduct of Life, famously pronounced, "New York is a sucked orange."

CFP: Midwest Conference on British Studies (4/15/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Craig Dionne


Midwest Conference on British Studies
52nd Annual Meeting

27-29 October 2006
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its
fifty-second annual meeting will be hosted by Indiana University-Purdue
University at Indianapolis at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

This year's plenary speakers are:

Linda Levy Peck (George Washington University), who will speak on "Murder,
Mayhem and Marriage in Restoration England."


CFP: Melville and Aesthetics (2/1/05; collection)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Samuel Otter

         Proposals are invited for a volume of essays on the works of=20
Herman Melville and the =93aesthetic turn=94 in contemporary literary=20
criticism. Over the last few years, it has become clear that there are=20
many gifted critics of American literature out there with aesthetics on=20
their minds. In this volume, we hope to create a forum in which literary=20
critics can engage questions associated with that topic on the common=20
ground of a single author=92s work.

CFP: Iris Murdoch (UK) (5/30/06; 9/15/06-9/16/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Erica Longfellow

International Conference
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Kingston University

September 15 &16 2006


Kingston University is pleased to announce the third Iris Murdoch
Conference, to be held at Kingston University in 2006. The Conference will
focus on Murdoch's relevance to contemporary debates on morality and
literature, and will investigate the ways her moral philosophy manifests
itself in her novels. We also welcome philosophical and theological papers
on any aspect of Murdoch's moral philosophy. In addition, we shall consider
papers for panels on specific topics or aspects of individual novels.

CFP: Iris Murdoch (UK) (5/30/06; 9/15/06-9/16/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Erica Longfellow

International Conference
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Kingston University

September 15 &16 2006


Kingston University is pleased to announce the third Iris Murdoch
Conference, to be held at Kingston University in 2006. The Conference will
focus on Murdoch's relevance to contemporary debates on morality and
literature, and will investigate the ways her moral philosophy manifests
itself in her novels. We also welcome philosophical and theological papers
on any aspect of Murdoch's moral philosophy. In addition, we shall consider
papers for panels on specific topics or aspects of individual novels.

CFP: Iris Murdoch (UK) (5/30/06; 9/15/06-9/16/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Erica Longfellow

International Conference
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Kingston University

September 15 &16 2006


Kingston University is pleased to announce the third Iris Murdoch
Conference, to be held at Kingston University in 2006. The Conference will
focus on Murdoch's relevance to contemporary debates on morality and
literature, and will investigate the ways her moral philosophy manifests
itself in her novels. We also welcome philosophical and theological papers
on any aspect of Murdoch's moral philosophy. In addition, we shall consider
papers for panels on specific topics or aspects of individual novels.

CFP: Walter Pater: New Questions, Latent Questionings (1/10/06; 7/27/06-7/29/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm

"Walter Pater: New Questions, Latent Questionings "=20

For a conference organized by the International Walter Pater Society =20
Thursday - Saturday night, July 27-29, 2006=20
To be hosted by Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) =20

CFP: Urbanism, Urbanity, and the 19th-C novel (2/1/06; 8/3/06-8/6/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
JoAnna Rottke


August 3-6, 2006
University of California, Santa Cruz
sponsored by the Dickens Project

Featured Speaker: Sharon Marcus, Columbia University

Two-page proposals due by Feb. 1, 2006. Mail proposals (hard copies only) to:

Professor Hilary Schor
Dept. of English
University of Southern California
Los Angeles CA 90089

CFP: Urbanism, Urbanity, and the 19th-C novel (2/1/06; 8/3/06-8/6/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
JoAnna Rottke


August 3-6, 2006
University of California, Santa Cruz
sponsored by the Dickens Project

Featured Speaker: Sharon Marcus, Columbia University

Two-page proposals due by Feb. 1, 2006. Mail proposals (hard copies only) to:

Professor Hilary Schor
Dept. of English
University of Southern California
Los Angeles CA 90089

CFP: Postcolonial Creatures (UK) (1/8/06; 3/17/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
L.C. Pechey

CFP: POSTCOLONIAL CREATURES (deadline 8/1/2006; 17/3/2006)

'To speak plainly [colonialism] turns [the native] into an animal' (Frantz

Postcolonial Creatures, a one-day colloquium at the Faculty of English,
University of Cambridge, on the 17th March 2006, seeks to interrogate the
dynamics of dehumanization and re-humanization in the colonies, the
post-colonies and the (so-called) developing world through the lenses of
postcolonial literature and postcolonial theory.

CFP: Relationship Between Human & Nonhuman Animals (1/15/06; 9/7/06-9/9/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Kara Kendall

Announcing A Call for Papers for
        Kindred Spirits: the Relationship Between Human and NonHuman Animals,
            An Interdisciplinary Conference

        Law, Race, Speciesism, Sexuality, Feminism, Ethics, Rights Movements,
Literature, Religion, Gender Studies, History, Science, Creative Writing,
Philosophy, the Visual and Performing Arts, Veterinary Medicine, etc.

Please visit the Kindred Spirits Website for information updates:

Dates: September 7-9, 2006
Place: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

CFP: Relationship Between Human & Nonhuman Animals (1/15/06; 9/7/06-9/9/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Kara Kendall

Announcing A Call for Papers for
        Kindred Spirits: the Relationship Between Human and NonHuman Animals,
            An Interdisciplinary Conference

        Law, Race, Speciesism, Sexuality, Feminism, Ethics, Rights Movements,
Literature, Religion, Gender Studies, History, Science, Creative Writing,
Philosophy, the Visual and Performing Arts, Veterinary Medicine, etc.

Please visit the Kindred Spirits Website for information updates:

Dates: September 7-9, 2006
Place: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

CFP: Relationship Between Human & Nonhuman Animals (1/15/06; 9/7/06-9/9/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Kara Kendall

Announcing A Call for Papers for
        Kindred Spirits: the Relationship Between Human and NonHuman Animals,
            An Interdisciplinary Conference

        Law, Race, Speciesism, Sexuality, Feminism, Ethics, Rights Movements,
Literature, Religion, Gender Studies, History, Science, Creative Writing,
Philosophy, the Visual and Performing Arts, Veterinary Medicine, etc.

Please visit the Kindred Spirits Website for information updates:

Dates: September 7-9, 2006
Place: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

CFP: Postcolonial Creatures (UK) (1/8/06; 3/17/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
L.C. Pechey

CFP: POSTCOLONIAL CREATURES (deadline 8/1/2006; 17/3/2006)

'To speak plainly [colonialism] turns [the native] into an animal' (Frantz

Postcolonial Creatures, a one-day colloquium at the Faculty of English,
University of Cambridge, on the 17th March 2006, seeks to interrogate the
dynamics of dehumanization and re-humanization in the colonies, the
post-colonies and the (so-called) developing world through the lenses of
postcolonial literature and postcolonial theory.

CFP: Postcolonial Creatures (UK) (1/8/06; 3/17/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
L.C. Pechey

CFP: POSTCOLONIAL CREATURES (deadline 8/1/2006; 17/3/2006)

'To speak plainly [colonialism] turns [the native] into an animal' (Frantz

Postcolonial Creatures, a one-day colloquium at the Faculty of English,
University of Cambridge, on the 17th March 2006, seeks to interrogate the
dynamics of dehumanization and re-humanization in the colonies, the
post-colonies and the (so-called) developing world through the lenses of
postcolonial literature and postcolonial theory.
