International Conference: The Global Rise of Post-Truth: Literature, Linguistics, Politics, Technology
The Global Rise of Post-Truth: Literature, Linguistics, Politics, Technology
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The Global Rise of Post-Truth: Literature, Linguistics, Politics, Technology
International Conference: 24th (evening)-26th September 2025
Location: University of Vienna
Language of presentations: English
Deadline for abstracts (500-750 words and a short list of references): 15th March 2025
Selection of abstracts and notification of speakers: mid-April 2025
Conference Warming: 24th September 2025
Conference Dinner: 25th September 2025
Conference Fees: full: 65 Euros; reduced (PhD students; postdocs without access to funds): 35 Euros
Call for Papers
ANGLICA: An International Journal of English Studies
Thematic Issue 2026
Representations of Journalistic Practices
in Anglophone Literature, Film and Other Media
Guest Editors: Beatriz Valverde (Universidad de Jaén) and Barbara Korte (Universität Freiburg)
70 years of Lolita: (Re)reading Lolita after #MeToo
Organizing committee: Morgane Allain-Roussel (Université de Rouen), Marie Bouchet (Université de Toulouse 2), Ana Bumber (Université de Toulouse 3), Julie Loison-Charles (Université de Lille), Agnès Edel-Roy (Université de Paris Est-Créteil), Julie Lesnoff (Université Aix-Marseille), Léopold Reigner (Université de Rouen).
The conference will take place over two days in France on the Mont-Saint-Aignan campus of the University of Rouen-Normandy in November 2025
This panel will examine the ongoing catastrophe and accelerating devolution of medicine and its attendant practices in contemporary America. How late-stage America undermines health humanities keywords such as empathy, care, healing and the like are appreciated. What ways of "doing otherwise" are becoming evident in terms of medicine and health systems? What does this moment reveal in larger discussions of medicine, national affiliation, individual survival, and neoliberal, anti-democratic empire?
Journal “Temas de Integração”
2025 – no. 45
(REVISED) Call for Papers
Courtesans as Agents of Resistance: Unveiling Marginalized Voices in India (Tentative Title)
Call for Proposals (CFP): College Professors Who Homeschool: Expertise, Theory, and Practice
Deadline for Submission: DEADLINE EXTENDED: Feb. 21, 2025
As the homeschooling movement continues to grow, with close to 4 million documented homeschoolers in America (NHERI), college professors who choose to educate their own children at home bring a unique and valuable perspective to this educational approach. We invite college professors from various disciplines to contribute chapters to an upcoming collection on "College Professors and Homeschooling: Bridging Academic Scholarship and Home Education."
This roundtable responds to and anticipates the tactics of banning, censure, prohibition, and redaction deployed by conservative institutions of late. From the erasure of gender neutral pronouns by Argentine fascists to the elimination of "Latinx" by state officials in Arkansas, from the outlaw of DEI offices by the incoming Trump regime to Rodrigo Duterte’s genocidal “war on drugs” in the Philippines, it is clear that the right-wing believes deleting a signifier also deletes its referent.
The University of Southern Mississippi’s English Graduate Organization (EGO) invites abstracts and proposals from Mississippi and Gulf States graduate students for its annual spring conference, a two-day, in-person event on April 4th and 5th at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, MS.
To what ends do narratives fail? If narrative is our way of making sense of the world (Herman 2004), why frustrate sense-making? Well-known in experimental fiction and film (from Sterne, Stein and Rankine to Caché and The Stanley Parable), frustrated narratives also occur, intriguingly, in texts with more practical, didactic or ideological aims: documentaries, journalism, political discourse, advertising, etc. And despite our rich conceptual vocabulary of frustrating narratives—“weak narrativitiy” (McHale 2001), plot “perversion” (Roof 1996), “antinarrative” (Rose 2012), “unnarratability” (Abbott 2003; Warhol 2005)—much remains to be explored about the motivations, readerly dynamics and impacts of narrative frustration.
We are looking for papers for the panel Infrastructure as the Boundary Media/Medium at the coming 4S (Society of Science and Society Studies) conference at Seattle, WA, United States, September 3-7, 2025. We hope to encourage submissions from different disciplines including media studies, critical infrastructure studies, urban planning, and history of STS. Submission (~250 words abstract) processes should be completed via official website of 4S below.
Rin Huang (they/she)
Department of Cinema and Media Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
Tianren Luo (He/him)
Department of Comparative Literature, Brown University
4S Open Panel (No. 12): Infrastructure as the Boundary Media/Medium
XXVIII AISNA Biennial Conference
“Facing West: Thinking, Living, Outliving the American West”
(Bergamo, Italy, 11-13 September 2025) Deadline: February 28 2025
Panel 16
Remediating the West
Elena Lamberti (Università di Bologna),
Mattia Arioli (Università di Bologna),
13-16 May, 2025
Half a century later, the seeds Alice Walker planted with her seminal essay “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens” (1974) continue to blossom today in aesthetic conversations. In Search of a Beautiful Freedom: New and Selected Essays (2023), whose title is inspired in part by Alice Walker’s In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983), Farah Jasmine Griffin asserts, “That book helped to shape many of us formed as intellectuals and writers in its wake.
Queen's University Conference: Training the Early Modern Heart, 29-31 July 2025, Kingston, ON, Canada. Deadline for abstracts: 15 Feb 2025. Inquiries/submissions to J. Standing,;
A popular t-shirt claims the first Pride was a riot.
During a police raid on the Stonewall Inn on 28 June 1969, some customers fought back. Resistance continued for several nights. Whilst this may have inspired the first Pride march, it was not the first LGBT+ protest.
Special Issue, July 2025
The Role of Theatre at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Guest Editors:
Khalid Y. Long
Howard University
DeRon S. Williams
Loyola University Chicago
Call for Book Chapters
(Peter Lang International Academic Publishers)
Call for Chapters for the anthology Performing Dalits: Theatre of the Marginalized Communities of Bengal
Reffat Ferdous, Assistant Professor, Department of Television, Film and Photography, Dhaka University
Sreejata Paul, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Shiv Nadar University Delhi-NCR
Subham Dutta, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College (Affiliated to University of Calcutta)
One-Day International Conference
Pakistani English Literature and the UN 2030 Agenda
Conference Date
February 20, 2025
(Hybrid Mode)
Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference on Baseball in Literature and Culture
Friday, March 21, 2025
On the campus of Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas
Morning plenary speaker: David Block, author of Baseball before We Knew It and Pastime Lost
Luncheon keynote speaker: Bobby Dernier
Latinx Marxisms: Revolutionary Nationalism, Socialism and Communism in Latina/o/x History, Politics & Culture Editors Jaime Acosta Gonzalez, Ben Valdez Olguín, Jennifer Ponce de León This anthology seeks proposals for original scholarly essays, as well as testimonials, oral histories, and interviews, in addition to historical photos and images, that explore the long and complex legacies of Marxism and revolutionary praxis in U.S. Latinx history, politics, and culture.
The body functions as an active agent in generating knowledge, memory, and stories. This year's conference places the relationship between memory and the body at its core, emphasizing how the latter serves as a site of cultural, political, and historical negotiation. The body exerts significant influence on the creation and retrieval of memory, compelling us to critically examine the individual and collective memories produced and transmitted through the embodied experiences of culture, politics, trauma, and (post)nation.
XXVIII AISNA Biennial Conference
“Facing West: Thinking, Living, Outliving the American West”
(Bergamo, 11-13 September 2025) Deadline: February 28 2025
Panel 19.
(Un)Narrating the West: Literature, Politics, and the Frontier Unconscious
Marco Petrelli (Università degli Studi di Pisa),
Virginia Pignagnoli (Universitat autònoma de Barcelona),
The Jonathan Bayliss Society invites proposals for a roundtable on American experimental fiction. Beginning at least as early as Moby-Dick, American experimental fiction flourishes in the work of Stein, Burroughs, Pynchon, Gass, and Bayliss, and continues today with such writers as Giannina Braschi, Karen Russell, Colson Whitehead, Lance Olsen, and Mark Danielewski. Such writers disrupt conventions of genre, style, syntax, diction, propriety, narrative form, page layout, and much more. We are interested in papers devoted to particular works or authors as well as more wide-ranging or theoretical approaches to the topic.
Call for Articles: Volume 14, Issue 2 (2025)
The editors of Impact: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning are pleased to announce an open call for articles for a forthcoming issue.
Impact is a peer-reviewed biannual online journal devoted to interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and scholarship.
The editors especially value pieces that demonstrate the need for interdisciplinary solutions to twenty-first-century problems. Articles of interest will engage the advantages, challenges, and modes of interdisciplinary work.
I'm an Assistant Professor of English at The University of The Bahamas looking to put together a paper panel for the American Studies Association 2025 meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, held Nov. 20-22, 2025, on the following topic:
Proposed Session Title: Tourism and Self-Help Culture
Cinema’s First Epics in Focus:
Silent Epic Film from Literary Adaptation to Contemporary Epic Narratives
Faculty of Arts and Humanities I University of Porto
2-3 October 2025
Keynote Speakers
John Mullan (University College London)
Fiona Stafford (University of Oxford)