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CFP: Aestheticism: Dehumanizing or Rehumanizing? (5/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Kelly Comfort

Aestheticism: De-humanizing or Re-humanizing Art, the Artist, and the Artistic
Receptor? (Book Project)

Call for chapter proposals for the book project "Aestheticism: De-humanizing
or Re-humanizing Art, the Artist, and the Artistic Receptor?" to be submitted
by August 2006. Cambridge Scholarly Press has already contacted me to express
an interest in publishing an edited collection on this topic.

Deadline for chapter proposal (500-1000 words): May 1, 2006.

Deadline for the completed manuscript (15-30 pp. including notes and works
cited) for accepted proposals: July 1, 2006.

Contact: Kelly Comfort (

CFP: Aestheticism: Dehumanizing or Rehumanizing? (5/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Kelly Comfort

Aestheticism: De-humanizing or Re-humanizing Art, the Artist, and the Artistic
Receptor? (Book Project)

Call for chapter proposals for the book project "Aestheticism: De-humanizing
or Re-humanizing Art, the Artist, and the Artistic Receptor?" to be submitted
by August 2006. Cambridge Scholarly Press has already contacted me to express
an interest in publishing an edited collection on this topic.

Deadline for chapter proposal (500-1000 words): May 1, 2006.

Deadline for the completed manuscript (15-30 pp. including notes and works
cited) for accepted proposals: July 1, 2006.

Contact: Kelly Comfort (

CFP: Aestheticism: Dehumanizing or Rehumanizing? (5/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Kelly Comfort

Aestheticism: De-humanizing or Re-humanizing Art, the Artist, and the Artistic
Receptor? (Book Project)

Call for chapter proposals for the book project "Aestheticism: De-humanizing
or Re-humanizing Art, the Artist, and the Artistic Receptor?" to be submitted
by August 2006. Cambridge Scholarly Press has already contacted me to express
an interest in publishing an edited collection on this topic.

Deadline for chapter proposal (500-1000 words): May 1, 2006.

Deadline for the completed manuscript (15-30 pp. including notes and works
cited) for accepted proposals: July 1, 2006.

Contact: Kelly Comfort (

CFP: Lillian Hellman (5/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Richard J Simpson (Student)

The Lillian Hellman Society invites the submission of short articles,
notes, reminiscences, bibliographies, or announcements pertaining to
Hellman's life and/or works to be published in the initial issue of
The Lillian Hellman Newsletter.

Deadline: May 1 postmark. Electronic submissions or inquiries may be
sent to either Kelly Reames <> or Jason Simpson

Please mail hard copy submissions to:

Dr. Kelly Reames
Dept. of English
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd., #11086
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1086

CFP: TV, Radio, Communications (5/26/06; PCA/ACAS, 10/5/06-10/7/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Wilcox Rhonda

Television, Radio, Communications

Popular Culture Association in the South / American Culture Association
in the South Conference

October 5-7, 2006

Marriott Savannah Riverfront--Savannah, Georgia

Proposals are welcome for individual presentations or entire sessions
(traditional presentations, roundtables, or other configurations) on
television, radio, or any aspect of communications for the 2006
PCAS/ACAS joint conference in Savannah.

CFP: Romantic Poets and the Language of Abolition (UK) (5/30/06; NASSR/BARS, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm

Panel: Romantic Poets and the Language of Abolition

Abstracts welcome on any aspect of the writings of the British Romantic poets
and their abolitionist writings. This is for the joint NASSR/BARS conference
in England in 2007, celebrating the abolition of the slave trade in the UK.
Panelists must be members of NASSR/BARS in 2007.

Dr. Marcy L. Tanter
Associate Professor of English
Director of Sophomore Literature
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX 76402

CFP: Romantic Poets and the Language of Abolition (UK) (5/30/06; NASSR/BARS, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm

Panel: Romantic Poets and the Language of Abolition

Abstracts welcome on any aspect of the writings of the British Romantic poets
and their abolitionist writings. This is for the joint NASSR/BARS conference
in England in 2007, celebrating the abolition of the slave trade in the UK.
Panelists must be members of NASSR/BARS in 2007.

Dr. Marcy L. Tanter
Associate Professor of English
Director of Sophomore Literature
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX 76402

CFP: Romantic Poets and the Language of Abolition (UK) (5/30/06; NASSR/BARS, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm

Panel: Romantic Poets and the Language of Abolition

Abstracts welcome on any aspect of the writings of the British Romantic poets
and their abolitionist writings. This is for the joint NASSR/BARS conference
in England in 2007, celebrating the abolition of the slave trade in the UK.
Panelists must be members of NASSR/BARS in 2007.

Dr. Marcy L. Tanter
Associate Professor of English
Director of Sophomore Literature
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX 76402

CFP: The Sea as Frontier (Puerto Rico) (7/31/06; CEA-CC, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter
Fall 2006 Conference: 10-11 November 2006
"Our Watery World: Humans and the Sea"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

The CEA-CC invites proposals for a panel titled "The Sea as Frontier."
 Please send 200-250 word proposal to Nandita Batra at by 31 July 2006. Proposals may be sent by
email as part of a text message but not as attachments. Presenters must be
registered members of the CEA-CC at the time of the conference.

More information available at

CFP: The Sea as Frontier (Puerto Rico) (7/31/06; CEA-CC, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter
Fall 2006 Conference: 10-11 November 2006
"Our Watery World: Humans and the Sea"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

The CEA-CC invites proposals for a panel titled "The Sea as Frontier."
 Please send 200-250 word proposal to Nandita Batra at by 31 July 2006. Proposals may be sent by
email as part of a text message but not as attachments. Presenters must be
registered members of the CEA-CC at the time of the conference.

More information available at

CFP: The Sea as Frontier (Puerto Rico) (7/31/06; CEA-CC, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter
Fall 2006 Conference: 10-11 November 2006
"Our Watery World: Humans and the Sea"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

The CEA-CC invites proposals for a panel titled "The Sea as Frontier."
 Please send 200-250 word proposal to Nandita Batra at by 31 July 2006. Proposals may be sent by
email as part of a text message but not as attachments. Presenters must be
registered members of the CEA-CC at the time of the conference.

More information available at

UPDATE: Taiwan Literature and Culture (3/30/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
B Lei

Special Session: Mimicry, Parody, Hybridity: Contemporary Taiwan Literature
and Culture

2006 MLA Convention

Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006

Deadline Extended: March 30, 2006

UPDATE: Taiwan Literature and Culture (3/30/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
B Lei

Special Session: Mimicry, Parody, Hybridity: Contemporary Taiwan Literature
and Culture

2006 MLA Convention

Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006

Deadline Extended: March 30, 2006

UPDATE: Taiwan Literature and Culture (3/30/06; MLA '06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
B Lei

Special Session: Mimicry, Parody, Hybridity: Contemporary Taiwan Literature
and Culture

2006 MLA Convention

Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2006

Deadline Extended: March 30, 2006

UPDATE: European Film Theory (4/20/06; collection)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Trifonova, Temenuga

UPDATE: European Film Theory (4/20/06; collection)

Notification of accepted abstracts: May 15, 2006

Deadline for completed papers: June 30, 2006

Submissions are sought for an edited collection on European film theory. Possible topics
include, but are not limited to, the following:

- philosophical and/or historical origins of European film theory (e.g. Kantian
idealism, Husserl's transcendental phenomenology, Brecht's theory of epic theatre, the
Frankfurt school's critique of the culture industries, the aesthetic theories of
Kracauer, Arnheim, Balazs, Adorno, Marcuse)

- realism and theatricality in European film theory

- classical vs contemporary European film theory

UPDATE: European Film Theory (4/20/06; collection)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:32pm
Trifonova, Temenuga

UPDATE: European Film Theory (4/20/06; collection)

Notification of accepted abstracts: May 15, 2006

Deadline for completed papers: June 30, 2006

Submissions are sought for an edited collection on European film theory. Possible topics
include, but are not limited to, the following:

- philosophical and/or historical origins of European film theory (e.g. Kantian
idealism, Husserl's transcendental phenomenology, Brecht's theory of epic theatre, the
Frankfurt school's critique of the culture industries, the aesthetic theories of
Kracauer, Arnheim, Balazs, Adorno, Marcuse)

- realism and theatricality in European film theory

- classical vs contemporary European film theory

CFP: Arab American Entries for Encyclopedia (5/1/06; encyclopedia)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Dr. Seiwoong Oh

Call for Contributions

Arab American Entries in Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature

Scholars of Arab American literature are invited to contribute articles to
be included in the Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature, a 5-volume
set in which Arab American entries will become part of the Asian American
volume. The Encyclopedia will be published in late 2006 by Facts On File,
a New York publisher of reference books for high school and college
students (

CFP: Arab American Entries for Encyclopedia (5/1/06; encyclopedia)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Dr. Seiwoong Oh

Call for Contributions

Arab American Entries in Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature

Scholars of Arab American literature are invited to contribute articles to
be included in the Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature, a 5-volume
set in which Arab American entries will become part of the Asian American
volume. The Encyclopedia will be published in late 2006 by Facts On File,
a New York publisher of reference books for high school and college
students (

CFP: Arab American Entries for Encyclopedia (5/1/06; encyclopedia)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Dr. Seiwoong Oh

Call for Contributions

Arab American Entries in Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature

Scholars of Arab American literature are invited to contribute articles to
be included in the Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature, a 5-volume
set in which Arab American entries will become part of the Asian American
volume. The Encyclopedia will be published in late 2006 by Facts On File,
a New York publisher of reference books for high school and college
students (

CFP: Arab American Entries for Encyclopedia (5/1/06; encyclopedia)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Dr. Seiwoong Oh

Call for Contributions

Arab American Entries in Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature

Scholars of Arab American literature are invited to contribute articles to
be included in the Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Literature, a 5-volume
set in which Arab American entries will become part of the Asian American
volume. The Encyclopedia will be published in late 2006 by Facts On File,
a New York publisher of reference books for high school and college
students (

CFP: Mary Shelley and Her Contemporaries (7/1/06; collection)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Lamar Adam Mekler

Submissions are requested for a collection of essays focusing on the work of
Mary Shelley and her contemporaries. This collection is developing out of a
very successful panel from this year's NEMLA conference, and there is a
publisher interested in possibly producing the collection.
