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CFP: Attention Shoppers! Theorizing the Mall (grad) (3/31/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:10pm
Adam Lawrence

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory
is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal
published annually by graduate students in the
Department of English Language and Literature at
Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students either
currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or
having recently graduated from one are invited to
submit papers for a special issue exploring the mall
and its itinerant shoppers.

CFP: Attention Shoppers! Theorizing the Mall (grad) (3/31/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:10pm
Adam Lawrence

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory
is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal
published annually by graduate students in the
Department of English Language and Literature at
Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students either
currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or
having recently graduated from one are invited to
submit papers for a special issue exploring the mall
and its itinerant shoppers.

CFP: Attention Shoppers! Theorizing the Mall (grad) (3/31/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:10pm
Adam Lawrence

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory
is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal
published annually by graduate students in the
Department of English Language and Literature at
Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students either
currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or
having recently graduated from one are invited to
submit papers for a special issue exploring the mall
and its itinerant shoppers.

CFP: Rhetorical Approaches to Literature (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:10pm
Nina Chordas

  Topic is open for any rhetorical approach to literature of any period
or place; Rocky Mountain MLA convention will be held in Tuscon, AZ,
October 12-14, 2006. Electronic submissions are encouraged. Please send
abstracts of no more than 250 words in the body of your email message by
March 1, 2006 to
Alternately, abstracts may be sent to Nina Chordas, 3264 Mendenhall Loop
Road #28, Juneau, AK 99801

CFP: Rhetorical Approaches to Literature (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:10pm
Nina Chordas

  Topic is open for any rhetorical approach to literature of any period
or place; Rocky Mountain MLA convention will be held in Tuscon, AZ,
October 12-14, 2006. Electronic submissions are encouraged. Please send
abstracts of no more than 250 words in the body of your email message by
March 1, 2006 to
Alternately, abstracts may be sent to Nina Chordas, 3264 Mendenhall Loop
Road #28, Juneau, AK 99801

CFP: General Papers and Publishing Academic Work (grad) (1/17/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm

The University of Durham's Online Journal
A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English in the UK and Europe

Invites postgraduates studying in the UK and Europe to submit papers of not
more than 7000 words on a topic of YOUR CHOICE in the broad range of English
Studies for issue 13 (March 2006) of our refereed online journal. Papers must
conform to the MLA guidelines for presentation and be received no later than


This journal publishes papers from PhD, MPhil, or MA by research students
ONLY. Please, when submitting your work, include the following information in
the email: name of University, full title of program, title of essay.

CFP: General Papers and Publishing Academic Work (grad) (1/17/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm

The University of Durham's Online Journal
A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English in the UK and Europe

Invites postgraduates studying in the UK and Europe to submit papers of not
more than 7000 words on a topic of YOUR CHOICE in the broad range of English
Studies for issue 13 (March 2006) of our refereed online journal. Papers must
conform to the MLA guidelines for presentation and be received no later than


This journal publishes papers from PhD, MPhil, or MA by research students
ONLY. Please, when submitting your work, include the following information in
the email: name of University, full title of program, title of essay.

CFP: Space of Garden - Space of Culture (Poland) (1/31/06; 5/13/06-5/15/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Jaroslaw Pluciennik

We are pleased to inform you that between May 13th and May
15th, 2006, Katedra Teorii Literatury [Department of Theory
of Literature] of Instytut Teorii Literatury, Teatru i Sztuk
Audiowizualnych [Institute of the Theory of Literature,
Theatre and Audio-Visual Arts] of Uniwersytet Łódzki [the
University of Łódź] organizes an international conference
devoted to:

Space of a Garden â€" Space of Culture

UPDATE: Interactions: Literature and Culture (1/15/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Sebnem Toplu

EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 15, 2006

"Interactions" is an international journal on British and American
Literature and Culture, published twice a year in Fall and Spring by Ege
University Depts. of British and American Studies (Izmir/Turkey).

It is internationally refereed and indexed in MLA International
Bibliography, featuring essays, film and book reviews (ISSN 1300-574-X).

General submission deadlines are July 1 for the Fall Issue and December 1
for the Spring Issue.

Articles (4000-7000 words) and reviews (2000-4000 words) should follow MLA
paranthetical citation format.

CFP: Space of Garden - Space of Culture (Poland) (1/31/06; 5/13/06-5/15/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Jaroslaw Pluciennik

We are pleased to inform you that between May 13th and May
15th, 2006, Katedra Teorii Literatury [Department of Theory
of Literature] of Instytut Teorii Literatury, Teatru i Sztuk
Audiowizualnych [Institute of the Theory of Literature,
Theatre and Audio-Visual Arts] of Uniwersytet Łódzki [the
University of Łódź] organizes an international conference
devoted to:

Space of a Garden â€" Space of Culture

UPDATE: Interactions: Literature and Culture (1/15/06; journal issue)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Sebnem Toplu

EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 15, 2006

"Interactions" is an international journal on British and American
Literature and Culture, published twice a year in Fall and Spring by Ege
University Depts. of British and American Studies (Izmir/Turkey).

It is internationally refereed and indexed in MLA International
Bibliography, featuring essays, film and book reviews (ISSN 1300-574-X).

General submission deadlines are July 1 for the Fall Issue and December 1
for the Spring Issue.

Articles (4000-7000 words) and reviews (2000-4000 words) should follow MLA
paranthetical citation format.

CFP: Encountering the Text (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Dr. Kenneth Florey

Kenneth Florey, Organizer
The Seventh Annual Graduate English Conference
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

CFP: Encountering the Text (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Dr. Kenneth Florey

Kenneth Florey, Organizer
The Seventh Annual Graduate English Conference
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

CFP: Encountering the Text (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Dr. Kenneth Florey

Kenneth Florey, Organizer
The Seventh Annual Graduate English Conference
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

CFP: Encountering the Text (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Dr. Kenneth Florey

Kenneth Florey, Organizer
The Seventh Annual Graduate English Conference
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

CFP: Encountering the Text (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Dr. Kenneth Florey

Kenneth Florey, Organizer
The Seventh Annual Graduate English Conference
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Encountering the Text:
Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, Writing

UPDATE: Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800 (2/1/06; collection)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Joshua B. Fisher

Updated Call for Submissions
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom

Seeking three or four additional proposals for a volume tentatively entitled
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom. The editors
are looking for 5-6,000 word essays preferably on Restoration or Eighteenth
century topics although essay proposals on the early modern period will be
considered as well.

By presenting a wide range of definitions and theoretical perspectives as
well as a variety of pedagogical strategies and approaches for teaching and
exploring notions of early modern through eighteenth-century ephemera,
contributors will seek to address the following kinds of questions.

UPDATE: Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800 (2/1/06; collection)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Joshua B. Fisher

Updated Call for Submissions
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom

Seeking three or four additional proposals for a volume tentatively entitled
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom. The editors
are looking for 5-6,000 word essays preferably on Restoration or Eighteenth
century topics although essay proposals on the early modern period will be
considered as well.

By presenting a wide range of definitions and theoretical perspectives as
well as a variety of pedagogical strategies and approaches for teaching and
exploring notions of early modern through eighteenth-century ephemera,
contributors will seek to address the following kinds of questions.

UPDATE: Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800 (2/1/06; collection)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Joshua B. Fisher

Updated Call for Submissions
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom

Seeking three or four additional proposals for a volume tentatively entitled
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom. The editors
are looking for 5-6,000 word essays preferably on Restoration or Eighteenth
century topics although essay proposals on the early modern period will be
considered as well.

By presenting a wide range of definitions and theoretical perspectives as
well as a variety of pedagogical strategies and approaches for teaching and
exploring notions of early modern through eighteenth-century ephemera,
contributors will seek to address the following kinds of questions.

UPDATE: Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800 (2/1/06; collection)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Joshua B. Fisher

Updated Call for Submissions
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom

Seeking three or four additional proposals for a volume tentatively entitled
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom. The editors
are looking for 5-6,000 word essays preferably on Restoration or Eighteenth
century topics although essay proposals on the early modern period will be
considered as well.

By presenting a wide range of definitions and theoretical perspectives as
well as a variety of pedagogical strategies and approaches for teaching and
exploring notions of early modern through eighteenth-century ephemera,
contributors will seek to address the following kinds of questions.

UPDATE: Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800 (2/1/06; collection)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Joshua B. Fisher

Updated Call for Submissions
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom

Seeking three or four additional proposals for a volume tentatively entitled
Rethinking Ephemera 1550-1800: From Scholarship to Classroom. The editors
are looking for 5-6,000 word essays preferably on Restoration or Eighteenth
century topics although essay proposals on the early modern period will be
considered as well.

By presenting a wide range of definitions and theoretical perspectives as
well as a variety of pedagogical strategies and approaches for teaching and
exploring notions of early modern through eighteenth-century ephemera,
contributors will seek to address the following kinds of questions.

UPDATE: Battleground States: Scholarship in Times of Crisis (grad) (1/1/06; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Adam Franklin

UPDATE: Keynote speakers announced and paper submission
deadline extended to January 1, 2006.

Keynote speaker

Dr. Ann Larabee
Associate Chair, Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Associate Professor, American Thought and Language
Michigan State University
Areas of interest: Disaster Studies; Cultural Impacts of
Technology; Cultural Theory; Feminism and Technology; History
of Terrorism

Keynote panelists

UPDATE: Battleground States: Scholarship in Times of Crisis (grad) (1/1/06; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Adam Franklin

UPDATE: Keynote speakers announced and paper submission
deadline extended to January 1, 2006.

Keynote speaker

Dr. Ann Larabee
Associate Chair, Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Associate Professor, American Thought and Language
Michigan State University
Areas of interest: Disaster Studies; Cultural Impacts of
Technology; Cultural Theory; Feminism and Technology; History
of Terrorism

Keynote panelists

UPDATE: Battleground States: Scholarship in Times of Crisis (grad) (1/1/06; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Friday, December 16, 2005 - 6:09pm
Adam Franklin

UPDATE: Keynote speakers announced and paper submission
deadline extended to January 1, 2006.

Keynote speaker

Dr. Ann Larabee
Associate Chair, Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Associate Professor, American Thought and Language
Michigan State University
Areas of interest: Disaster Studies; Cultural Impacts of
Technology; Cultural Theory; Feminism and Technology; History
of Terrorism

Keynote panelists
