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CFP: Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European Diasporas (11/15/05; 2/26/06-2/27/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 5:22pm
Yiddish Conference


Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European

Date: Sunday, February 26th to Monday, February 27th, 2006

Location: Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York
University, New York City

What does the field of "Yiddish Studies" mean in the 21st century?

Announcing a graduate student conference on the varieties of Yiddish
cultural, historical, and linguistic expression either located within
Eastern Europe, or emanating to diasporas such as the Americas, Israel, and
other parts of the world.

CFP: Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European Diasporas (11/15/05; 2/26/06-2/27/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 5:22pm
Yiddish Conference


Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European

Date: Sunday, February 26th to Monday, February 27th, 2006

Location: Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York
University, New York City

What does the field of "Yiddish Studies" mean in the 21st century?

Announcing a graduate student conference on the varieties of Yiddish
cultural, historical, and linguistic expression either located within
Eastern Europe, or emanating to diasporas such as the Americas, Israel, and
other parts of the world.

CFP: Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European Diasporas (11/15/05; 2/26/06-2/27/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 5:22pm
Yiddish Conference


Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European

Date: Sunday, February 26th to Monday, February 27th, 2006

Location: Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York
University, New York City

What does the field of "Yiddish Studies" mean in the 21st century?

Announcing a graduate student conference on the varieties of Yiddish
cultural, historical, and linguistic expression either located within
Eastern Europe, or emanating to diasporas such as the Americas, Israel, and
other parts of the world.

CFP: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the US: Crosscurrents (11/18/05; MELUS, 4/27/06-4/30/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:33pm
Elena Machado

MELUS, The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the
United States, announces its 20th Annual Conference,
from April 27-30, 2006.

Call for Papers and Panels

Conference Theme
Crosscurrents: Navigating the Mainland and the Margins in U.S. Ethnic

Host: Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letter, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton, FL

Conference Committee: Sika Dagbovie, Andrew Furman, Cleavis Headley,
Elena Machado Sáez, Johnnie Stover, Anthony Tamburri, Derrick White,
Wenying Xu

CFP: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the US: Crosscurrents (11/18/05; MELUS, 4/27/06-4/30/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:33pm
Elena Machado

MELUS, The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the
United States, announces its 20th Annual Conference,
from April 27-30, 2006.

Call for Papers and Panels

Conference Theme
Crosscurrents: Navigating the Mainland and the Margins in U.S. Ethnic

Host: Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letter, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton, FL

Conference Committee: Sika Dagbovie, Andrew Furman, Cleavis Headley,
Elena Machado Sáez, Johnnie Stover, Anthony Tamburri, Derrick White,
Wenying Xu

CFP: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the US: Crosscurrents (11/18/05; MELUS, 4/27/06-4/30/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:33pm
Elena Machado

MELUS, The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the
United States, announces its 20th Annual Conference,
from April 27-30, 2006.

Call for Papers and Panels

Conference Theme
Crosscurrents: Navigating the Mainland and the Margins in U.S. Ethnic

Host: Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letter, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton, FL

Conference Committee: Sika Dagbovie, Andrew Furman, Cleavis Headley,
Elena Machado Sáez, Johnnie Stover, Anthony Tamburri, Derrick White,
Wenying Xu

CFP: Theatre History Focus Group (11/1/05; ATHE, 8/3/06-8/6/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Bruce Kirle

The Theatre History Focus Group (THFG) invites proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, papers, and alternative session formats for the annual meeting of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), which will be held at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago from August 3-6, 2006. The conference theme is "ATHE at 20: Theatrical Milestones, Past Legacies, Present Possibilities, and Future Strategies." The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2005.

CFP: William Gilmore Simms and 19th Century American Literature Conference (12/15/05; 4/27/06-4/29/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
David Newton

Call for Papers

William Gilmore Simms Conference: Simms and the Geography of Americanism
A Bicentennial Celebration of the Author's Life and Writings, 1806-2006
April 27-29, 2006
Pennsylvania Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Call for Papers / Invitation to Attend

We invite literary scholars, historians, and scholars from other disciplines
to submit paper proposals on topics related to Simms's life and achievements
as a writer. We especially invite papers that situate Simms in a broader
national as well as international context, interrogating the circles of
culture in which he lived and wrote. These may include:

CFP: Pennsylvania College English Association Annual Conference (1/13/06; 3/23/06-3/25/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Robin Cadwallader


Pennsylvania College English Association (PCEA) Conference
March 23-25, 2006
Wyndham Gardens Hotel, Oakland
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

PCEA invites either panels or individual proposals for the 2006 conference, March 23-25, in Pittsburgh, PA. Proposals on any topic related to literature, film, composition, and pedagogy, are welcome, as are submissions of creative writing. Presenters must join PCEA in order to participate.

CFP: Pennsylvania College English Association Annual Conference (1/13/06; 3/23/06-3/25/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Robin Cadwallader


Pennsylvania College English Association (PCEA) Conference
March 23-25, 2006
Wyndham Gardens Hotel, Oakland
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

PCEA invites either panels or individual proposals for the 2006 conference, March 23-25, in Pittsburgh, PA. Proposals on any topic related to literature, film, composition, and pedagogy, are welcome, as are submissions of creative writing. Presenters must join PCEA in order to participate.

CFP: Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Diana Dominguez

CFP: Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX
PCA/ACA; 2/8/06-2/11/06)
Abstract Deadline November 15, 2004
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM February 8-11, 2005
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
For further details regarding the conference (listing of all areas, hotel,
registration, tours, etc.) please visit the developing website:
Any aspect of Children's or Young Adult Literature (traditional or

CFP: Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Diana Dominguez

CFP: Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture (11/15/05; SW/TX
PCA/ACA; 2/8/06-2/11/06)
Abstract Deadline November 15, 2004
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual
Albuquerque, NM February 8-11, 2005
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
For further details regarding the conference (listing of all areas, hotel,
registration, tours, etc.) please visit the developing website:
Any aspect of Children's or Young Adult Literature (traditional or

CFP: Changing English: Studies in Culture & Education (1/15/06 & ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
S. A. Fischer

Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education is an established journa=
for English teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary education. The
journal aims to encourage international dialogue between teachers and
researchers and to support teachers and schools on issues surrounding
literacy and language. In particular, Changing English considers the futur=
of English as a subject in the context of its history and the scope for
development and change.

CFP: Changing English: Studies in Culture & Education (1/15/06 & ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
S. A. Fischer

Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education is an established journa=
for English teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary education. The
journal aims to encourage international dialogue between teachers and
researchers and to support teachers and schools on issues surrounding
literacy and language. In particular, Changing English considers the futur=
of English as a subject in the context of its history and the scope for
development and change.

CFP: Journals from Cantadora Press (ongoing; journal issues)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Cantadora Press

Cantadora Press publishes peer-reviewed academic
humanities journals. At the present time, we publish
five journals – "Cognitio: A Graduate Humanities
Journal," "The Journal of Early American Wars and
Armed Conflicts," "The Best Century: A Journal of the
Nineteenth Century," "The Journal of Interdisciplinary
Twentieth Century Studies," and "One Nation: A Journal
of American Studies." All journals are published
semi-annually (2 issues per year).

CFP: Journals from Cantadora Press (ongoing; journal issues)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Cantadora Press

Cantadora Press publishes peer-reviewed academic
humanities journals. At the present time, we publish
five journals – "Cognitio: A Graduate Humanities
Journal," "The Journal of Early American Wars and
Armed Conflicts," "The Best Century: A Journal of the
Nineteenth Century," "The Journal of Interdisciplinary
Twentieth Century Studies," and "One Nation: A Journal
of American Studies." All journals are published
semi-annually (2 issues per year).

CFP: Unexplored Regions: Literature and Service Learning (10/25/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Annalisa Castaldo

Unexplored regions: Literature and Service Learning
 CEA conference, San Antonio, TX, April 6-8, 2006

Most service learning connected with English has been part of composition classes. This panel will investigate links between the regions of literature and service learning. Can there be sound pedagogical and scholarly connections? If so, what are they?

CFP: Advertising & Popular Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Leslie Fife



2006 PCA/ACA Conference – April 12-15, 2006


Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30303


SUBMISSIONS: Please send titles along with a thesis-type summary describing the essence of your proposed paper. Early entrants may get preference concerning presentation time, session choices, equipment choices, etc. You are welcome to invite your colleagues to submit papers for consideration and presentation at the convention. All participants, however, must be PCA members and convention registrants.


SEND SUBMISSIONS TO: Dr. Sammy R. Danna, Loyola University Chicago

820 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611

CFP: Transnational Feminisms (12/15/05; collection)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Jha, Priya

Call for Papers: Interdisciplinary Transnational Feminist Collection
(12/15/05: final deadline 5/1/06)
We are soliciting articles of up to 6,000 words (MLA style) for inclusion i=
a cross-disciplinary collection. The purpose of this collection is to serv=
as a link between transnational feminist theories as written about and put
into practice in the social sciences and the humanities. Our hope is to
develop a model for communication between these fields of enquiry and to
foster progressive dialog between practioners in the various discursive
fields of academic enquiry. This anthology originated in two seminars on

CFP: Transnational Feminisms (12/15/05; collection)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Jha, Priya

Call for Papers: Interdisciplinary Transnational Feminist Collection
(12/15/05: final deadline 5/1/06)
We are soliciting articles of up to 6,000 words (MLA style) for inclusion i=
a cross-disciplinary collection. The purpose of this collection is to serv=
as a link between transnational feminist theories as written about and put
into practice in the social sciences and the humanities. Our hope is to
develop a model for communication between these fields of enquiry and to
foster progressive dialog between practioners in the various discursive
fields of academic enquiry. This anthology originated in two seminars on

CFP: Transnational Feminisms (12/15/05; collection)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Jha, Priya

Call for Papers: Interdisciplinary Transnational Feminist Collection
(12/15/05: final deadline 5/1/06)
We are soliciting articles of up to 6,000 words (MLA style) for inclusion i=
a cross-disciplinary collection. The purpose of this collection is to serv=
as a link between transnational feminist theories as written about and put
into practice in the social sciences and the humanities. Our hope is to
develop a model for communication between these fields of enquiry and to
foster progressive dialog between practioners in the various discursive
fields of academic enquiry. This anthology originated in two seminars on

CFP: Culture of Fandom (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm

Call for Papers: Culture of Fandom
2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association
27th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 8-11, 2006

The 2006 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico
at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Join us this year, as a returning or
first-time participant, as we celebrate a new future on Route 66 at this
regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can
be found at

CFP: 15th Annual British Commonwealth & PostColonial Studies Conference (11/1/05; 2/24/06-2/25/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Deborah Champion

Call for Papers 2006=20

Download a PDF flyer of the Call for Papers

Submit a Proposal
Electronic proposals ONLY.=20
Click and =
Fill out your Submission on-line!

Deadline for submission of abstracts/papers and panel proposals November =
1, 2005.=20
Electronic Proposals Only!

CFP: 15th Annual British Commonwealth & PostColonial Studies Conference (11/1/05; 2/24/06-2/25/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Deborah Champion

Call for Papers 2006=20

Download a PDF flyer of the Call for Papers

Submit a Proposal
Electronic proposals ONLY.=20
Click and =
Fill out your Submission on-line!

Deadline for submission of abstracts/papers and panel proposals November =
1, 2005.=20
Electronic Proposals Only!

CFP: Rethinking the Humanities in Africa (Nigeria) (1/30/06; 6/13/06-6/14/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Faculty of Arts OAU-Ife







                                                            JUNE 13 – 14, 2006

                                    Venue: Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria


CFP: The Human Person and Nature in Medieval Literature (Taiwan) (10/31/05; Fu Jen, 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
Brian Reynolds

Call for Papers

We invite you to contribute to the Seventh Annual Fu Jen Medieval
Conference, entitled 'The Human Person and Nature in Medieval Literature',
which will take place in April of 2006 (dates to be finalised). The
conference will seek to explore the Medieval understanding of nature,
situated in the relationship between matter and form, body and soul,
creation and God. We are especially interested in papers that cross
disciplinary boundaries. Some areas that papers might address are:

· Nature, fallen and redeemed

· Unity and diversity in nature

· Nature as text and sign

· Nature and gender
