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CFP: New England Theatre Journal 2004: Book Reviewers (no deadline noted; journal)

Monday, March 29, 2004 - 6:27am

for the=20


The New England Theatre Journal seeks book reviewers for its 2004 issue. NETJ=20
prints two types of reviews: Full reviews (1000 words) and Briefly Noted=20
(175-200 words each). Following are listed books available for either type of=20
review and, a few that are offered only for Brief Notice.=20

If you are interested in reviewing one of these titles, please e-mail cover=20
and brief resume/bio and your snail-mail address to Alycia Smith-Howard, Book=20
Reviews Editor or Greta Heintzelman, Assistant Book Reviews Editor at:=20

CFP: New England Theatre Journal 2004: Book Reviewers (no deadline noted; journal)

Monday, March 29, 2004 - 6:27am

for the=20


The New England Theatre Journal seeks book reviewers for its 2004 issue. NETJ=20
prints two types of reviews: Full reviews (1000 words) and Briefly Noted=20
(175-200 words each). Following are listed books available for either type of=20
review and, a few that are offered only for Brief Notice.=20

If you are interested in reviewing one of these titles, please e-mail cover=20
and brief resume/bio and your snail-mail address to Alycia Smith-Howard, Book=20
Reviews Editor or Greta Heintzelman, Assistant Book Reviews Editor at:=20

CFP: Currents in Electronic Literacy (4/30/04; e-journal issue)

Monday, March 29, 2004 - 6:27am

Call for papers on special journal topic "Intersections or Reflections: What Do
Technology and Literature Have to Say to One Another?"

The upcoming issue of Currents in Electronic Literacy
<> will provide a forum for the presentation and
discussion of technologically-informed work in literary studies. If literature
mirrors (and implicitly critiques) society, how has its academic study come to
reflect technological developments? Alternatively, where do literature and
technology intersect? Submissions might fit one of the following categories:

CFP: Currents in Electronic Literacy (4/30/04; e-journal issue)

Monday, March 29, 2004 - 6:27am

Call for papers on special journal topic "Intersections or Reflections: What Do
Technology and Literature Have to Say to One Another?"

The upcoming issue of Currents in Electronic Literacy
<> will provide a forum for the presentation and
discussion of technologically-informed work in literary studies. If literature
mirrors (and implicitly critiques) society, how has its academic study come to
reflect technological developments? Alternatively, where do literature and
technology intersect? Submissions might fit one of the following categories:

CFP: Victorian Review (no deadline; journal)

Friday, March 26, 2004 - 3:12am

Announcement and CFP:Victorian Review

The Victorian Review, an inter-disciplinary journal of nineteenth-century
studies, is pleased to announce the publication of its most recent issue.

Articles include:

Mary Ellen Kappler, "Playing 'Theayter': Dramatic Performance in the
Late-Victorian Fictional Slum"

Marty Gould, "Anticipation, Transformation, Accommodation: The Great
Exhibition on the London Stage"

Robert Aguirre, "Exhibiting Degeneracy: The Aztec Children and the Ruins of

Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor, "Who Acts John Bull: Speculating on English
National Character and Modern Morality"

Reviews include

CFP: Victorian Review (no deadline; journal)

Friday, March 26, 2004 - 3:12am

Announcement and CFP:Victorian Review

The Victorian Review, an inter-disciplinary journal of nineteenth-century
studies, is pleased to announce the publication of its most recent issue.

Articles include:

Mary Ellen Kappler, "Playing 'Theayter': Dramatic Performance in the
Late-Victorian Fictional Slum"

Marty Gould, "Anticipation, Transformation, Accommodation: The Great
Exhibition on the London Stage"

Robert Aguirre, "Exhibiting Degeneracy: The Aztec Children and the Ruins of

Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor, "Who Acts John Bull: Speculating on English
National Character and Modern Morality"

Reviews include

CFP: Mode: Interdisciplinary Humanities (grad) (4/2/04; journal)

Friday, March 26, 2004 - 3:12am
Anita Nicholson

CFP: Graduate Journal - Mode

Graduate students in Cornell's Department of English are currently
accepting submissions for a new print journal of interdisciplinary
writing in the humanities. While there are no thematic limitations on
material, we encourage papers that emphasize interdisciplinarity,
genre-crossing, and intertextual thought.


Deadline for Submissions:
Friday, April 2

10-20 pages

Please email your work as a Microsoft Word attachment (double spaced,
12-point) to

Or snail mail a hard copy to Patrick Foran at:
Cornell University
English Department
250 Goldwin Smith Hall
Ithaca, NY 14850

CFP: &quot;Then and Now&quot;: Present-Day Concerns in Literature of the Past (12/31/04; journal issue)

Friday, March 26, 2004 - 3:12am
Leona Toker

=93Then and Now=94
Call for Papers=20
Partial Answers, a semi-annual journal of literature and the history of =
ideas, calls for contributions to a rubric that was announced in its =
January 2004 issue (2/1) and is expected to continue in the subsequent =
volumes, specifically in the June 2005 issue (3/2). Papers in this =
rubric will deal with the ways in which present-day concerns and ideas =
are prefigured in the literature of the past, thus placing recent =
developments in a historical perspective. The editorial board is =
especially interested in articles that combine this type of inquiry with =
insights into the artistic achievements of the works discussed.=20

CFP: Mode: Interdisciplinary Humanities (grad) (4/2/04; journal)

Friday, March 26, 2004 - 3:12am
Anita Nicholson

CFP: Graduate Journal - Mode

Graduate students in Cornell's Department of English are currently
accepting submissions for a new print journal of interdisciplinary
writing in the humanities. While there are no thematic limitations on
material, we encourage papers that emphasize interdisciplinarity,
genre-crossing, and intertextual thought.


Deadline for Submissions:
Friday, April 2

10-20 pages

Please email your work as a Microsoft Word attachment (double spaced,
12-point) to

Or snail mail a hard copy to Patrick Foran at:
Cornell University
English Department
250 Goldwin Smith Hall
Ithaca, NY 14850

CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Paula Burnett

 CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7.1.04; journal issue)

EnterText 4.2 <>

free-access peer-reviewed online journal

for cultural, historical and social studies and creative work

Submissions are invited on Africa-related topics, including:

Aspects of the history, sociology or culture of African communities.

The problematics of national, regional and other identities.

African diasporas.

CFP: Film, Ideology, and Culture (5/10/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Carl Fisher


_genre: An International Journal of Literature and the Arts_

_genre_ is the annual scholarly journal of the CSULB Comparative Literature
and Classics Department. It has published 24 issues since the first volume
in 1967. The theme for this year's journal is


Essays might deal with any aspect of film/literature/ideology/culture, but
we are particularly interested in essays which use critical theory to
analyze the cultural influence of film, which examine the relationship
between film and literature, and which deal with world cinema and global
issues in film.

We welcome graduate student submissions.

CFP: Shakespeare in China (4/4/04 for MLA '04; 5/25/04 for journal issue '06)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Douglas Brooks

In conjunction with the theme of the 2006 issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare in China" (co-edited with Lingui Yang), the
journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual Meeting
of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2004).

CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Paula Burnett

 CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7.1.04; journal issue)

EnterText 4.2 <>

free-access peer-reviewed online journal

for cultural, historical and social studies and creative work

Submissions are invited on Africa-related topics, including:

Aspects of the history, sociology or culture of African communities.

The problematics of national, regional and other identities.

African diasporas.

CFP: Film, Ideology, and Culture (5/10/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Carl Fisher


_genre: An International Journal of Literature and the Arts_

_genre_ is the annual scholarly journal of the CSULB Comparative Literature
and Classics Department. It has published 24 issues since the first volume
in 1967. The theme for this year's journal is


Essays might deal with any aspect of film/literature/ideology/culture, but
we are particularly interested in essays which use critical theory to
analyze the cultural influence of film, which examine the relationship
between film and literature, and which deal with world cinema and global
issues in film.

We welcome graduate student submissions.

CFP: Shakespeare in China (4/4/04 for MLA '04; 5/25/04 for journal issue '06)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Douglas Brooks

In conjunction with the theme of the 2006 issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare in China" (co-edited with Lingui Yang), the
journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual Meeting
of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2004).

CFP: Shakespeare in China (4/4/04 for MLA '04; 5/25/04 for journal issue '06)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Douglas Brooks

In conjunction with the theme of the 2006 issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare in China" (co-edited with Lingui Yang), the
journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual Meeting
of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2004).
