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CFP: Deep South (grad) (8/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:13am
Jacob Edmond

Call for Poetry Papers: Submit Critical Work to Deep South!

Deep South is emerging from hibernation.Our 2006 call for critical
submissions closes on August 1st, 2006. We will publish critical essays in
the Humanities and Arts, extracts from work in progress and reviews,
pertaining to a poetry theme. Submissions from anyone are welcome. Quality
of work will be given priority over graduate or under-graduate status.
With a Spring deadline in mind, we intend to publish Deep South by
September 2006. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by
members of the Deep South editorial team. All submitters will receive
e-mail notification of acceptance or rejection by the end of August.

CFP: Deep South (grad) (8/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:13am
Jacob Edmond

Call for Poetry Papers: Submit Critical Work to Deep South!

Deep South is emerging from hibernation.Our 2006 call for critical
submissions closes on August 1st, 2006. We will publish critical essays in
the Humanities and Arts, extracts from work in progress and reviews,
pertaining to a poetry theme. Submissions from anyone are welcome. Quality
of work will be given priority over graduate or under-graduate status.
With a Spring deadline in mind, we intend to publish Deep South by
September 2006. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by
members of the Deep South editorial team. All submitters will receive
e-mail notification of acceptance or rejection by the end of August.

CFP: Writing the Queer Self (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:13am
Damion Clark

Writing the Queer Self: Sex, Gender, and the Creation of Space in Queer
Life Writing
This panel seeks to examine the roles that the inclusion of queer sex and
gender non-conformity in LGBT autobiographies, diaries, and memoirs play in
creating a unique rhetorical space for queer bodies. Additionally, this
panel will look at the ways that specifically queer life writing alters the
landscapes of literary biographies of LGBT authors, and the interpretations
of their works. Possible topics might include a reading of place that quee=
sex holds in Joe Orton=B9s diaries, his creation of a hyper-masculine and
hyper-sexual persona, and how that influences John Lahr=B9s biography, and

CFP: Writing the Queer Self (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:13am
Damion Clark

Writing the Queer Self: Sex, Gender, and the Creation of Space in Queer
Life Writing
This panel seeks to examine the roles that the inclusion of queer sex and
gender non-conformity in LGBT autobiographies, diaries, and memoirs play in
creating a unique rhetorical space for queer bodies. Additionally, this
panel will look at the ways that specifically queer life writing alters the
landscapes of literary biographies of LGBT authors, and the interpretations
of their works. Possible topics might include a reading of place that quee=
sex holds in Joe Orton=B9s diaries, his creation of a hyper-masculine and
hyper-sexual persona, and how that influences John Lahr=B9s biography, and

CFP: Un/worldly bodies (8/21/06; journal issue)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Julie Barr

eSharp: electronic social sciences, humanities
and arts review for postgraduates


eSharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the world of academic publishing.

The first seven issues are currently online at and we are now looking for submissions for the eighth edition to be launched in November 2006. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.

The theme of the eighth edition is:

Un/Worldly Bodies

CFP: Un/worldly bodies (8/21/06; journal issue)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Julie Barr

eSharp: electronic social sciences, humanities
and arts review for postgraduates


eSharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the world of academic publishing.

The first seven issues are currently online at and we are now looking for submissions for the eighth edition to be launched in November 2006. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.

The theme of the eighth edition is:

Un/Worldly Bodies

CFP: Questioning Colonialism (10/15/06; 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Merideth, Aaron James

February 22-24, 2007. Questioning Colonialism. The Sixteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Interdisciplinary Symposium at the University of Miami invites abstracts for papers on topics dealing with colonization and its aftermath in the Americas, Africa, the Mideast, and the Far East. Topics may include indigenous cultures and their reaction to colonization; navigation; cartography; visual and literary representations of the colonized and the colonizing; the transformation of European world views; and the effects of empire in North and South America. We welcome a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches.

CFP: Questioning Colonialism (10/15/06; 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Merideth, Aaron James

February 22-24, 2007. Questioning Colonialism. The Sixteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Interdisciplinary Symposium at the University of Miami invites abstracts for papers on topics dealing with colonization and its aftermath in the Americas, Africa, the Mideast, and the Far East. Topics may include indigenous cultures and their reaction to colonization; navigation; cartography; visual and literary representations of the colonized and the colonizing; the transformation of European world views; and the effects of empire in North and South America. We welcome a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches.

CFP: Questioning Colonialism (10/15/06; 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Merideth, Aaron James

February 22-24, 2007. Questioning Colonialism. The Sixteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Interdisciplinary Symposium at the University of Miami invites abstracts for papers on topics dealing with colonization and its aftermath in the Americas, Africa, the Mideast, and the Far East. Topics may include indigenous cultures and their reaction to colonization; navigation; cartography; visual and literary representations of the colonized and the colonizing; the transformation of European world views; and the effects of empire in North and South America. We welcome a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches.

CFP: Questioning Colonialism (10/15/06; 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Merideth, Aaron James

February 22-24, 2007. Questioning Colonialism. The Sixteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Interdisciplinary Symposium at the University of Miami invites abstracts for papers on topics dealing with colonization and its aftermath in the Americas, Africa, the Mideast, and the Far East. Topics may include indigenous cultures and their reaction to colonization; navigation; cartography; visual and literary representations of the colonized and the colonizing; the transformation of European world views; and the effects of empire in North and South America. We welcome a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches.

CFP: Questioning Colonialism (10/15/06; 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
Merideth, Aaron James

February 22-24, 2007. Questioning Colonialism. The Sixteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Interdisciplinary Symposium at the University of Miami invites abstracts for papers on topics dealing with colonization and its aftermath in the Americas, Africa, the Mideast, and the Far East. Topics may include indigenous cultures and their reaction to colonization; navigation; cartography; visual and literary representations of the colonized and the colonizing; the transformation of European world views; and the effects of empire in North and South America. We welcome a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches.

CFP: LGBTQ America Today (10/31/06; collection)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
John Hawley

I am under contract with Greenwood Press to edit a three-volume, 600,000 word encyclopedia entitled 'LGBTQ America Today.' If you think you might be interested in contributing an entry or entries, please contact me and I will forward to you the full description, including the lengthy proposed table of contents that indicates the words allotted to each entry. I am setting a somewhat arbitrary deadline of Halloween for delivery of first drafts, principally as a sure-fire jog to the memory. Contributors are encouraged to finish well before that (on the other hand, a bit more time may be available if one's workload has become oppressive).

CFP: LGBTQ America Today (10/31/06; collection)

Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 11:12am
John Hawley

I am under contract with Greenwood Press to edit a three-volume, 600,000 word encyclopedia entitled 'LGBTQ America Today.' If you think you might be interested in contributing an entry or entries, please contact me and I will forward to you the full description, including the lengthy proposed table of contents that indicates the words allotted to each entry. I am setting a somewhat arbitrary deadline of Halloween for delivery of first drafts, principally as a sure-fire jog to the memory. Contributors are encouraged to finish well before that (on the other hand, a bit more time may be available if one's workload has become oppressive).
