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CFP: Sports Culture, Film and Literature (12/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
Gregory Thompson



Call for Papers: Sports Culture, Film and Literature

2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

28th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico


February 14-17, 2007


The 2007 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New
Mexico at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Join us this year, as a returning
or first-time participant, as we celebrate a new future on Route 66 at
this regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can
be found at:

UPDATE: The Ethics of Passing (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

  The Ethics of Passing
  The concept of "passing" is not new to the American landscape. While racial/ethnic passing may be the most widely recognized form of passing, recent acceptance of queer and transgender studies reveals passing as more than a matter of skin color. The most general question, what are the ethics involved and undermined in participating in passing, opens the door to many other questions surrounding this issue. Does the actor always have control over her/his own ability to pass? What does it mean that someone can be passed without desiring such recognition? What kind of responsibility is involved in revealing ethnic, sexual, or gender "authenticity" if even the notion of the authentic has become problematic?

UPDATE: The Ethics of Passing (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

  The Ethics of Passing
  The concept of "passing" is not new to the American landscape. While racial/ethnic passing may be the most widely recognized form of passing, recent acceptance of queer and transgender studies reveals passing as more than a matter of skin color. The most general question, what are the ethics involved and undermined in participating in passing, opens the door to many other questions surrounding this issue. Does the actor always have control over her/his own ability to pass? What does it mean that someone can be passed without desiring such recognition? What kind of responsibility is involved in revealing ethnic, sexual, or gender "authenticity" if even the notion of the authentic has become problematic?

UPDATE: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

UPDATE: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

CFP: Suzan-Lori Parks (1/10/06; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
Gregory Miller

For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks at the eighteenth annual conference of the
American Literature Association to be held in Boston, May 24-27, 2007.

Papers that incorporate her newest work, 365 Days/365 Plays, are especially encouraged. All
approaches are welcome.

Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV no later than January 10, 2007 to Gregory Miller,
University of California at Davis (

UPDATE: Edward P. Jones (1/10/06; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
Gregory Miller

Deadline extended for a proposed panel on Edward P. Jones at the eighteenth annual conference of
the American Literature Association to be held in Boston, May 24-27, 2007.

Papers that focus on his short fiction are particularly encouraged, though papers on his novel, The
Known World, will be considered. All approaches are welcome.

Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV no later than January 10, 2007 to Gregory Miller,
University of California at Davis (

UPDATE: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

CFP: William Faulkner Society (1/15/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
John Matthews

The William Faulkner Society invites proposals for individual papers or
complete panels, topics open, for the American Literature Association
Conference to be held in Boston, May 24-27, 2007. The Society will sponsor
two panels at ALA. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to
John T. Matthews, President, The Faulkner Society, at no
later than January 15, 2007. Preliminary inquiries are welcomed.

CFP: 21st Century Literature: Now Through History (grad) (2/10/07; 3/24/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
Brian Whalen

21st Century Literature: Now through History

Madison Conference -- March 24, 2007

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

             "These imponderables are what I am finally concerned
with =96 our sense of the ground under and around us, our ...sense of
where is it in time we find ourselves=85 [O]ur relation =96 individually
and collectively =96 to the idea of past, present, and future has been
radically modified. A great many people now live with the feeling
that both the historical and the personal past exist on the other
side of a widening gulf, while the future seems to press down
with a palpable urgency."

                         =96Sven Birkerts, =93The Millennial Warp=94

CFP: 21st Century Literature: Now Through History (grad) (2/10/07; 3/24/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
Brian Whalen

21st Century Literature: Now through History

Madison Conference -- March 24, 2007

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

             "These imponderables are what I am finally concerned
with =96 our sense of the ground under and around us, our ...sense of
where is it in time we find ourselves=85 [O]ur relation =96 individually
and collectively =96 to the idea of past, present, and future has been
radically modified. A great many people now live with the feeling
that both the historical and the personal past exist on the other
side of a widening gulf, while the future seems to press down
with a palpable urgency."

                         =96Sven Birkerts, =93The Millennial Warp=94

CFP: Experience and Experiences (France) (3/15/07; 7/15/07-7/21/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for papers

13th International Philosophy Colloquium Evian
13. Internationales Philosophie-Kolloquium Evian
13ème Colloque Philosophique International d'Evian

Evian, July 15-21, 2007

Experience and Experiences
Erfahrung und Erfahrungen
L'expérience et les expériences

Conference website:

Prof. Dr. Georg W. Bertram, Institut für Philosophie, Universität
Hildesheim, Marienburger Platz 22, D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

CFP: Experience and Experiences (France) (3/15/07; 7/15/07-7/21/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for papers

13th International Philosophy Colloquium Evian
13. Internationales Philosophie-Kolloquium Evian
13ème Colloque Philosophique International d'Evian

Evian, July 15-21, 2007

Experience and Experiences
Erfahrung und Erfahrungen
L'expérience et les expériences

Conference website:

Prof. Dr. Georg W. Bertram, Institut für Philosophie, Universität
Hildesheim, Marienburger Platz 22, D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

CFP: Experience and Experiences (France) (3/15/07; 7/15/07-7/21/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for papers

13th International Philosophy Colloquium Evian
13. Internationales Philosophie-Kolloquium Evian
13ème Colloque Philosophique International d'Evian

Evian, July 15-21, 2007

Experience and Experiences
Erfahrung und Erfahrungen
L'expérience et les expériences

Conference website:

Prof. Dr. Georg W. Bertram, Institut für Philosophie, Universität
Hildesheim, Marienburger Platz 22, D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany

CFP: Neomedievalism (3/20/07; 9/27/07-9/30/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
aa aa

Call for Papers

22nd Annual Conference on Medievalism
International Society for Studies in Medievalism

27-30 September 2007

University of Western Ontario


Plenary speakers for the conference include Terry Jones (UK), Richard Firth
Green (Ohio State University), and Alain Corbellari (Univ. de Lausanne).

CFP: Neomedievalism (3/20/07; 9/27/07-9/30/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
aa aa

Call for Papers

22nd Annual Conference on Medievalism
International Society for Studies in Medievalism

27-30 September 2007

University of Western Ontario


Plenary speakers for the conference include Terry Jones (UK), Richard Firth
Green (Ohio State University), and Alain Corbellari (Univ. de Lausanne).
