CFP: David Lynch (no deadline noted; collection)
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From: Larry Sanger <>
Open content encyclopedia calls for submissions about music
A major new encyclopedia project,, requests expert help in
constructing an "open content" encyclopedia, planned to become the largest
general encyclopedia in history. The project has significant financial
support, and its leaders and owners are committed to a years-long,
intensive effort -- to founding an open, public institution.
This is a call for papers for the 4th Issue of M/C/T a journal/e-zine
concerned with Media, Culture and Technology. For this issue, we have the
following special theme:
The Fake Issue
What's real? What's true? These may seem like outdated questions in these
hyper wired times of ours. Indeed, as Jean Baudrillard pointed out years
ago, the question of authenticity no longer matters in the same way, now
that we are fully immersed in an environment of virtual simulation. The
quest for authenticity is not only pointless but dissatisfying as well.
This is a call for papers for the 4th Issue of M/C/T a journal/e-zine
concerned with Media, Culture and Technology. For this issue, we have the
following special theme:
The Fake Issue
What's real? What's true? These may seem like outdated questions in these
hyper wired times of ours. Indeed, as Jean Baudrillard pointed out years
ago, the question of authenticity no longer matters in the same way, now
that we are fully immersed in an environment of virtual simulation. The
quest for authenticity is not only pointless but dissatisfying as well.
This is a call for papers for the 4th Issue of M/C/T a journal/e-zine
concerned with Media, Culture and Technology. For this issue, we have the
following special theme:
The Fake Issue
What's real? What's true? These may seem like outdated questions in these
hyper wired times of ours. Indeed, as Jean Baudrillard pointed out years
ago, the question of authenticity no longer matters in the same way, now
that we are fully immersed in an environment of virtual simulation. The
quest for authenticity is not only pointless but dissatisfying as well.
This is a call for papers for the 4th Issue of M/C/T a journal/e-zine
concerned with Media, Culture and Technology. For this issue, we have the
following special theme:
The Fake Issue
What's real? What's true? These may seem like outdated questions in these
hyper wired times of ours. Indeed, as Jean Baudrillard pointed out years
ago, the question of authenticity no longer matters in the same way, now
that we are fully immersed in an environment of virtual simulation. The
quest for authenticity is not only pointless but dissatisfying as well.
The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism
ISSN 1094-2254
The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism
ISSN 1094-2254
Thanks to all who responded to our last call! We have two more entries
listed below.
Call for Papers
Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Short Story Writers since
World War II. 4th Series.
The Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB) is widely used in libraries
as a reliable source of information about the lives and careers of
authors. The DLB is written to make literature and its creators better
understood and more accessible to students and the reading public, while
satisfying the standards of teachers and scholars. Entry writers will
be compensated.
We need two articles on the short fiction of the following authors:
*Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal*, which provides a forum
for the presentation of scholarship and criticism about women, invites
submissions from scholars across the disciplines, including literature,
history, art, sociology, law, political science, economics, religious
studies, anthropology and the sciences. We also publish poetry as
well as film and book reviews. Send three copies of submissions
(up to 25 pp. in length and conforming to current MLA style) to
Wendy Martin, Editor, Claremont Graduate University, Blaisdell
House, 143 East Tenth Street, Claremont, CA 91711-6163.
*Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal*, which provides a forum
for the presentation of scholarship and criticism about women, invites
submissions from scholars across the disciplines, including literature,
history, art, sociology, law, political science, economics, religious
studies, anthropology and the sciences. We also publish poetry as
well as film and book reviews. Send three copies of submissions
(up to 25 pp. in length and conforming to current MLA style) to
Wendy Martin, Editor, Claremont Graduate University, Blaisdell
House, 143 East Tenth Street, Claremont, CA 91711-6163.
Connecticut Review seeks articles and interviews on a broad range of
cultural topics. The journal especially aims to provide a forum for
theoretically informed articles that do not fit the increasingly
pre-programmed rubric of most academic journals. Past contributors include
Andrew Benjamin, Geoffrey Hartman, Carol Jacobs, Alberto Manguel, and
Richard Wilbur. Connecticut Review is the recipient of the CLEJ's Phoenix
Award for significant editorial achievement and has been selected several
times for the Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry. Please format
articles according to the MLA style sheet. Send two copies of work to:
Vivian Shipley, Editor, English Department, Southern Connecticut State
Obsidian Is in Its 25th Anniversary Year
Founded in 1975 by Alvin Aubert at SUNY-Purchase,
Obsidian, the academic journal of black creative writing,
is now in its 25th anniversary year.
Each Editor changes the numbering of the journal.
The new editor is Afaa M. Weaver (b.Michael S. Weaver),
the poet and playwright. As the third Editor, after
Alvin Aubert and Jerry Barax, Obsidian is now:
Obsidian III/Literature in the African Diaspora. The
journal is based in Raleigh, North Carolina at
NC State University.
Obsidian Is in Its 25th Anniversary Year
Founded in 1975 by Alvin Aubert at SUNY-Purchase,
Obsidian, the academic journal of black creative writing,
is now in its 25th anniversary year.
Each Editor changes the numbering of the journal.
The new editor is Afaa M. Weaver (b.Michael S. Weaver),
the poet and playwright. As the third Editor, after
Alvin Aubert and Jerry Barax, Obsidian is now:
Obsidian III/Literature in the African Diaspora. The
journal is based in Raleigh, North Carolina at
NC State University.
Obsidian Is in Its 25th Anniversary Year
Founded in 1975 by Alvin Aubert at SUNY-Purchase,
Obsidian, the academic journal of black creative writing,
is now in its 25th anniversary year.
Each Editor changes the numbering of the journal.
The new editor is Afaa M. Weaver (b.Michael S. Weaver),
the poet and playwright. As the third Editor, after
Alvin Aubert and Jerry Barax, Obsidian is now:
Obsidian III/Literature in the African Diaspora. The
journal is based in Raleigh, North Carolina at
NC State University.
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(Un)Sexing the Text: Experimental Fiction by American Women.
We are putting together a collection of essays on experimental fiction by
American Women, and need an essay on Rikki Ducornet and an essay on Kathy
Acker to complete the volume. A university press has expressed interest in
this project. Please email completed essays and vitae, or letters of
interest to: <> or <>
Jeffrey DeShell
Fulbright Lecturer
American Studies Department
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, H-1146
X-posted from
(Un)Sexing the Text: Experimental Fiction by American Women.
We are putting together a collection of essays on experimental fiction by
American Women, and need an essay on Rikki Ducornet and an essay on Kathy
Acker to complete the volume. A university press has expressed interest in
this project. Please email completed essays and vitae, or letters of
interest to: <> or <>
Jeffrey DeShell
Fulbright Lecturer
American Studies Department
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, H-1146
Published by Duke University Press
Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner
1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement
The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website
Published by Duke University Press
Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner
1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement
The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website
Published by Duke University Press
Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner
1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement
The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website
Published by Duke University Press
Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner
1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement
The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website
Estuary: A journal of Contemporary Art and Literature
Seeks criticism, critical reviews, creative nonfiction, poetry, short
fiction, one-act plays, b/w line art, b/w photography, in experimental or
conventional formats. Critical essays should demonstrate familiarity with
current trends in literary and cultural theory; reviews and articles
focusing on installations, performance art, experimental theater,
experimental writing, and cultural studies especially welcome. Works
by/about African-Americans and other U.S. minority cultures are encouraged.
Deadline: May 15 for fall, 2000 issue. Submission and brief bio.
including relevant publications to:
New Journal
Call for Papers
Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Short Story Writers since
World War II. 4th Series.
The Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB) is widely used in libraries
as a reliable source of information about the lives and careers of
authors. The DLB is written to make literature and its creators better
understood and more accessible to students and the reading public, while
satisfying the standards of teachers and scholars. Entries writers will
be compensated.
We seek critical biographies on the following authors:
Now in its 26th year, the formerly annual journal Explorations in
Renaissance Culture announces that, beginning with the current year 2000, it
will be a biannual publication. Each year's issues will appear in June and
late December.
We therefore heartily encourage the submission of articles on subjects in
any discipline in Early Modern studies: literature, art and iconography,
music, history, gender studies, languages, culture, etc.
Moria, the online journal, is looking for articles on contemporary
poetic theory or articles on recent poets in the language tradition or
other experimental traditions.
Moria is located at
Moria, the online journal, is looking for articles on contemporary
poetic theory or articles on recent poets in the language tradition or
other experimental traditions.
Moria is located at