Taylor Evermore: A Swift Symposium
Proposals for conference papers are now being accepted for "Taylor Evermore: A Swift Symposium," held in person at Indiana University of Pennsylvania on April 25-26, 2025.
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Proposals for conference papers are now being accepted for "Taylor Evermore: A Swift Symposium," held in person at Indiana University of Pennsylvania on April 25-26, 2025.
Psychoanalyzing the Post-Apocalypse:
Psychoanalytic Approaches to 21st Century Fiction and Film
“Under Strong Interest” by McFarland’s Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy series
Editors’ Introduction
New Writing: the International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing (Routledge) seeks high quality articles, as well as creative work
Articles submitted might focus on any aspect of Creative Writing Studies.
Submission length is open.
Celebrating the journal's fabulous 20th Anniversary in 2024, there are increased opportunites for publication, for guest reviewing and for involvement in regular New Writing events (held online, globally).
New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing (Routledge / Taylor and Francis) seeks articles and creative work for publication in Volume 22 (4 Issues, 2025) and Volume 23 (4 Issues, 2026). Any length. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rmnw20/about-this-journal#aims-and-scope Submissions are internationally peer reviewed and the journal is widely published, and made avai
Screen Bodies invites submissions to be considered for a forthcoming general issue. We are particularly interested in research on:
The Monstrous-Feminine and Feminist New Wave Cinema
Trans Cinema
Films of Kelly Reichardt
New French Extremity
The Politics of Gaming
Health Humanities
Science and Technology Studies (STS)
We also welcome exhibition reviews (1k-5k words).
American Literature Association
36th Annual Conference
May 21-24, 2025
Boston, MA
The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Society welcomes proposals for two guaranteed panels at the forthcoming American Literature Association Conference.
We invite presentations on any topic related to the life and work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
Please submit a one-page abstract to andrew_ball@emerson.edu by January 20.
American Literature Association
36th Annual Conference
May 21-24, 2025
Boston, MA
The American Religion and Literature Society welcomes proposals for one guaranteed, open-topic panel at the forthcoming American Literature Association Conference.
We invite presentations on any topic related to the intersection of religion and literature. Papers on any time period, genre, and religious tradition are welcome.
Please submit a one-page abstract to andrew_ball@emerson.edu by January 20.
We invite conference proposals for the University of Connecticut First-Year Writing Program’s Conference on the Teaching of Writing, taking place in Storrs on Thursday April 24th and Friday April 25th2025. Proposal submissions are due on February 1st, 2025 and can be submitted through this form.
[DEADLINE EXTENDED] Call for Submissions! The Lamp is seeking submissions for its 2025 issue (Volume 15)!
The Lamp is an international literary journal dedicated to showcasing the creative writing of graduate and professional students. If you write poetry, short fiction, scripts, creative nonfiction, or any other form of textual art, please submit your work to The Lamp at thelampeditor@gmail.com. The deadline is 24 January 2025. Please follow our submission guidelines below.
Submission Guidelines:
Food fests, feasts, and gatherings address the role of food in events, gatherings, celebrations, and ceremonies. Exploring how people incorporate ideas about food into festival culture, including history, heritage, tradition, creativity, and social and political factors.
In addition, it examines festivals in which food is not the main focus, yet contributes significantly to the atmosphere, memory, and tradition. It also looks at people's fascination with taste. In addition to examining these notions, we will also examine trends in the consumption and production of food.
Call for Papers
During our sixth annual online event, we will discuss 'making, remaking, and limitations' in festive, celebratory, and ritual cultures. Our questions are: How and why do people continue to make and remake culture? In what ways do they experience limitations when making and remaking culture, if any? What is the significance of the making and remaking of culture and whom is it for?
Women in World-Literature: Climate, Crisis, and Contagion
Conference dates: 19th and 20th June 2025
Abstract deadline
31st January 2025
Email to:womeninworldlitconference@gmail.com
This hybrid conference follows 2022's ‘Women in World(-)Literature’ which was also held at the University of Warwick.
Messengers from the Stars is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, offering academic articles, reviews, and providing an outlet for a wide range of creative work inspired by Science fiction and Fantasy. The 2025 issue will be dedicated to the following theme:
‘Getting Medieval’: Fantasy and the Middle Ages
Dis/Trusting the Institution(s) of Literature
University College Dublin, Ireland
17-20 June 2025
Keynote Speakers – Sarah Brouillette (Carleton University)
Christopher Newfield (Independent Social Research Foundation)
Simone Murray (Monash University)
Call for proposals exended!
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 24, 2025
Join us in New Orleans, LA, on April 11
Delgado Community College is excited to host the 2025 Louisiana Gateway English & Math Success Symposium (LaGEMSS). This symposium invites educators, administrators, and practitioners to share innovative practices, research, and strategies to improve student success in gateway English and Mathematics courses.
Symposium Tracks
LaGEMSS welcomes proposals that focus on the following areas:
Reflections and Refractions: Contemporary Anglophone Fiction and the Atlantic Poetics of WaterJournal: Atlantic Studies: Global CurrentsGuest Editors: Andrea Carosso and Valentina Romanzi (University of Torino) We are inviting proposals for a limited number of contributions to a Special Issue of Atlantic Studies: Global Currents, titled “Reflections and Refractions: Contemporary Anglophone Fiction and the Atlantic Poetics of Water.” The issue focuses on the new directions that anglophone fiction is exploring to express its “aquatic” imagination.We seek articles addressing new trends and currents of anglophone narratives focusing on the
CFP: The 27th Annual University of Florida Critical Theory Reading Group/MRG Conference
“Rethinking Institutions”
The Critical Theory Reading Group/MRG, University of Florida
March 27-29, Gainesville, FL
Keynote speakers: Michael Hardt and Kathi Weeks
Nicole LaRose Alumni keynote speaker: Wesley Beal
The 2025 Marxist Reading Group Conference invites submissions for “Rethinking Institutions” to explore the manifold issues endured by global institutions and reimagine the former for the present and future.
The London Arts-Based Research Centre
Women who Create: the Feminine and the Arts
A Transdisciplinary Conference
Conference Webpage: https://labrc.co.uk/women-who-create-2025/
March 29-31, 2025
March 29-30: In person participation at Cambridge University & online
March 31: Fully online
Call for Papers
Cost: 185 GBP (in person)
100 GBP (Online)
Abstract: Deadline February 15, 2025
Special Issue Call for Papers Bandung: Journal of the Global South Brutalism, Remaindered Life and World-making in the Precarious Global South: Representations in Fiction and Film
This special issue focuses on the critical practices that give rise to the notion of ‘brutalism’ and ‘remaindered life’ in the global South. Tied centrally to the militarized nature of neoliberalism, the concept of brutalism and remaindered life will be analyzed to understand how the divisive nature of neoliberalism is not only exploitative but aims to retain, even heighten the cultural supremacy, economic superstructure, and political power of the global North.
Following the inaugural Henri Nouwen Lectureship, the Henri Nouwen Society, in partnership with the Oblate School of Theology, is pleased to announce an Academic Symposium dedicated to the life, work, and enduring influence of Henri Nouwen, a profound thinker and writer whose contributions to theology, spirituality, and pastoral care have inspired countless individuals and communities. This symposium aims to bring together scholars and practitioners to explore and critically engage with Nouwen’s rich body of work.
Special issue on AI in Art and Designing
We are pleased to announce a special issue on AI in Art and Designing, and invite you to submit your original and unpublished research articles on this emerging and exciting topic. The special issue aims to explore the impact, challenges, and opportunities of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, on the creation and enhancement of digital artworks and designs. The special issue also welcomes critical and theoretical perspectives on the role and implications of AI in art and designing, as well as ethical and social issues related to AI art and design.
South Asian Expressions: Reimagining Narratives, Histories, and Cultures
South Asian literature presents an intricate and layered depiction of the life, history, and identity of the people within their geopolitical spaces of belonging and beyond. These narratives delve into the socio-political complexities, cultural tensions, and resilient identities shaped by colonial legacies and postcolonial realities. Addressing themes such as the impact of British colonialism and the upheavals of national and cultural divisions, this body of literature intricately portrays intersections of gender, caste, religion, and class, capturing the evolving dimensions of South Asian identity.
Call for Participation:
Visual Culture Papers
American Studies Association (ASA)
November 20-23, 2025 | San Juan, Puerto Rico
**As the ASA has extended the deadline for its general CFP, the Visual Culture Caucus is also extending its call until January 24.**
Call for Papers:
The Turn to Podcasts as a Mass Campaign Medium
Special Issue of The Journal of Radio and Audio Media
Dr. Arthur D. Soto-Vásquez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Prof. Kim Fox, American University in Cairo
Dr. Aram Sinnreich, American University
The Journal of Radio and Audio Media (JRAM), the world’s premier radio research journal, is published semi-annually by the Broadcast Education Association. JRAM is dedicated to radio research and the new technology redefining radio’s traditional use.
The Institute for Research on Women (IRW) at Rutgers University is seeking guest editors for the Spring 2026 issue of its online journal, Rejoinder (https://irw.rutgers.edu/rejoinder). Rejoinder features work at the intersection of scholarship and activism that reflects feminist/queer and social justice perspectives and is currently published once a year. Guest editors will be responsible for the overall shape of the issue, and Rejoinder staff will advise on the process.
The Function of Beauty: A Transdisciplinary Conference
“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
— Khalil Gibran
Conference Dates: April 24-25, 2025
Day 1-Pembroke Lodge (Richmond Park, London) / Online (Hybrid Format)
Day 2- Online only
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025
Cost: 180 GBP (in person)
100 GBP (Online)
Submissions are being accepted on an ongoing basis for upcoming issues of Catholic Library World.
Catholic Library World is the official journal of the Catholic Library Association. Established in 1929, CLW is a peer-reviewed association journal. CLW publishes articles focusing on all aspects of librarianship, especially as it relates to Catholic Studies and Catholicism. CLW articles are intended for an audience that is interested in the broad role and impact of various types of libraries, including, but not limited to academic, public, theological, parish and church libraries, and school libraries.
Call for Papers: Performing Imaginary Futures: Utopian (and Dystopian) Performativity
Cultural Studies Association (CSA) 2025 Annual Conference
29-31 May 2025
California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California
Imaginary Futures: Utopias, Dystopias & Protopias of Cultural Studies
The Performance Working Group of the Cultural Studies Association invites proposals for individual papers and pre-constituted panels for the 2025 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Annual Conference.
Appel à participation pour le numéro 10/2026 de la revue Topiques. Études satoriennes
Topiques des Orients et de l’Occident
La SATOR projette de consacrer un numéro spécial de sa revue en ligne TOPIQUES. Études satoriennes aux « Topiques d’Orients et d’Occident ». La SATOR s’est jusqu’à maintenant assez peu aventurée au-delà des limites de la culture européenne. Mais le travail est engagé[1] et l’objectif de ce numéro spécial de la revue TOPIQUES est de poursuivre sur cette lancée. Ce numéro sera coordonné par Jean-Pierre Dubost (UCA) et Claudine Le Blanc (Univ. de Paris – Sorbonne nouvelle).
The Institute for Research on Women (IRW) at Rutgers University is seeking guest editors for the Spring 2026 issue of its online journal, Rejoinder (https://irw.rutgers.edu/rejoinder). Rejoinder features work at the intersection of scholarship and activism that reflects feminist/queer and social justice perspectives and is currently published once a year. Guest editors will be responsible for the overall shape of the issue, and Rejoinder staff will advise on the process.