UPDATE: An American Family (8/15/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)
Area: An American Family=0A=0AOn January 11th 1973, PBS aired the first of =
a twelve-part series entitled An American Family. The groundbreaking docume=
ntary chronicled the day to day experiences of the Loud family from Santa B=
arbara, California. Mixing techniques of Direct Cinema and Cinema V=E9rit=
=E9, the filmmakers explored many of the issues that concerned Americans du=
ring the turbulent decade of the 1970s. Two of the important themes they ex=
plored were the crumbling of the American Dream and the breakdown of the Am=
erican Family. The series was viewed by over ten million viewers and attrac=
ted considerable controversy. We are inviting submissions on all aspects of=