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CFP: Womens Poetry and the Firesides (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Andrew Higgins

Call for Papers
    Panel Title: Women's Poetry and the Firesides
    38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
    March 1-4, 2007
    Baltimore, Maryland
    This panel seeks papers that explore the relationship between nineteenth-century women poets and the Fireside poets (or other popular but now non-canonical male poets). I'm particularly interested in papers that explore the way male poets responded to the successes of women poets. Please send a 300-word abstract to by Sept 15, 2006.
    Deadline: September 15, 2006
    Abstract of the Panel:

CFP: Womens Poetry and the Firesides (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Andrew Higgins

Call for Papers
    Panel Title: Women's Poetry and the Firesides
    38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
    March 1-4, 2007
    Baltimore, Maryland
    This panel seeks papers that explore the relationship between nineteenth-century women poets and the Fireside poets (or other popular but now non-canonical male poets). I'm particularly interested in papers that explore the way male poets responded to the successes of women poets. Please send a 300-word abstract to by Sept 15, 2006.
    Deadline: September 15, 2006
    Abstract of the Panel:

CFP: Womens Poetry and the Firesides (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Andrew Higgins

Call for Papers
    Panel Title: Women's Poetry and the Firesides
    38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
    March 1-4, 2007
    Baltimore, Maryland
    This panel seeks papers that explore the relationship between nineteenth-century women poets and the Fireside poets (or other popular but now non-canonical male poets). I'm particularly interested in papers that explore the way male poets responded to the successes of women poets. Please send a 300-word abstract to by Sept 15, 2006.
    Deadline: September 15, 2006
    Abstract of the Panel:

CFP: Womens Poetry and the Firesides (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Andrew Higgins

Call for Papers
    Panel Title: Women's Poetry and the Firesides
    38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
    March 1-4, 2007
    Baltimore, Maryland
    This panel seeks papers that explore the relationship between nineteenth-century women poets and the Fireside poets (or other popular but now non-canonical male poets). I'm particularly interested in papers that explore the way male poets responded to the successes of women poets. Please send a 300-word abstract to by Sept 15, 2006.
    Deadline: September 15, 2006
    Abstract of the Panel:

CFP: Exploring the Renaissance (12/1/06; SCRC, 3/8/07-3/10/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Arlen Nydam

Exploring the Renaissance 2007: An International Conference

San Antonio, Texas
March 8-10, 2007

St. Anthony Hotel

Keynote Lecturer, Asuncion Lavrin, Arizona State University
Louis L. Martz Lecturer, Annabel Patterson, Yale University
William B. Hunter Lecturer, Regina Schwartz, Northwestern University

CFP: Exploring the Renaissance (12/1/06; SCRC, 3/8/07-3/10/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Arlen Nydam

Exploring the Renaissance 2007: An International Conference

San Antonio, Texas
March 8-10, 2007

St. Anthony Hotel

Keynote Lecturer, Asuncion Lavrin, Arizona State University
Louis L. Martz Lecturer, Annabel Patterson, Yale University
William B. Hunter Lecturer, Regina Schwartz, Northwestern University

CFP: Preaching and Politics in Early Modern Britain (UK) (7/1/06; CRASSH, 11/3/06-11/4/06)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Hugh Adlington



Preaching and Politics in Early Modern Britain


A two-day international conference at the Centre for Research in the =
Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, =
3-4 November 2006. =20


'The sermon properly considered - as theatrical, as fundamentally =
occasional, as literary art inextricably engaged in the public sphere - =
stands poised to take a wholly new place in literary study, and a better =
understood one in historical study.'

(Lori Anne Ferrell and Peter McCullough, 2000)


How far have we come in the six years since Ferrell and McCullough's =

CFP: Preaching and Politics in Early Modern Britain (UK) (7/1/06; CRASSH, 11/3/06-11/4/06)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Hugh Adlington



Preaching and Politics in Early Modern Britain


A two-day international conference at the Centre for Research in the =
Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, =
3-4 November 2006. =20


'The sermon properly considered - as theatrical, as fundamentally =
occasional, as literary art inextricably engaged in the public sphere - =
stands poised to take a wholly new place in literary study, and a better =
understood one in historical study.'

(Lori Anne Ferrell and Peter McCullough, 2000)


How far have we come in the six years since Ferrell and McCullough's =

CFP: Preaching and Politics in Early Modern Britain (UK) (7/1/06; CRASSH, 11/3/06-11/4/06)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Hugh Adlington



Preaching and Politics in Early Modern Britain


A two-day international conference at the Centre for Research in the =
Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, =
3-4 November 2006. =20


'The sermon properly considered - as theatrical, as fundamentally =
occasional, as literary art inextricably engaged in the public sphere - =
stands poised to take a wholly new place in literary study, and a better =
understood one in historical study.'

(Lori Anne Ferrell and Peter McCullough, 2000)


How far have we come in the six years since Ferrell and McCullough's =

CFP: Journal of Radical Art, Theory and Criticism (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Dylan Miner

Another [Art] World: A Journal of Radical Art, Theory and Criticism
Recent developments in the =91art market=92 have forced artists to think =
beyond exhibiting their works in galleries and museums. These same =20
changes situate biennials and art fairs as the reified site where =20
artists position their work in relation to globalizing economies and =20
hegemonic discourses. Inversely, the market has also created =20
supplementary spaces where artists from the so-called margins may =20
enter into dialogue with those at the center. Nonetheless, this =20
trajectory continues to expand in an extremely inequitable direction, =20=

CFP: Journal of Radical Art, Theory and Criticism (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Dylan Miner

Another [Art] World: A Journal of Radical Art, Theory and Criticism
Recent developments in the =91art market=92 have forced artists to think =
beyond exhibiting their works in galleries and museums. These same =20
changes situate biennials and art fairs as the reified site where =20
artists position their work in relation to globalizing economies and =20
hegemonic discourses. Inversely, the market has also created =20
supplementary spaces where artists from the so-called margins may =20
enter into dialogue with those at the center. Nonetheless, this =20
trajectory continues to expand in an extremely inequitable direction, =20=

CFP: Anti-Heroes (9/10/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/3/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Elric Kline

"The Anti-Hero: Because Good Doesn't Have to Be Nice"

A panel at the 2007 convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association=
March 1-3, Baltimore MD.

CFP: Anti-Heroes (9/10/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/3/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Elric Kline

"The Anti-Hero: Because Good Doesn't Have to Be Nice"

A panel at the 2007 convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association=
March 1-3, Baltimore MD.

CFP: Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science (11/1/06; MAWSA, 3/31/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Dr. Lois Gilmore

CFP: Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association Conference March 31, 2007

"Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science"



The Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association invites submissions for its
annual conference to be held March 31, 2007, at Bucks County Community
College in Newtown, PA. This year's conference theme is "Creative Forces:
Women, Art, Science."



This conference spotlights the dynamic relations and fecund negotiations
among the complex and interrelated domains of the arts, the sciences, and



CFP: Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science (11/1/06; MAWSA, 3/31/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Dr. Lois Gilmore

CFP: Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association Conference March 31, 2007

"Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science"



The Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association invites submissions for its
annual conference to be held March 31, 2007, at Bucks County Community
College in Newtown, PA. This year's conference theme is "Creative Forces:
Women, Art, Science."



This conference spotlights the dynamic relations and fecund negotiations
among the complex and interrelated domains of the arts, the sciences, and



CFP: Teaching Medieval Women (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm

Call for Papers


"Teaching Medieval Women"


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Papers should address any aspect of teaching medieval women, including
teaching the texts and subjects associated with women (female authors,
protagonists, subjects, and audiences) in medieval literature, as well
as the act of teaching medieval women themselves (issues of literacy and
the education of women). Papers should be no longer than twenty minutes
in length.


Deadline: September 15, 2006


CFP: Teaching Medieval Women (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm

Call for Papers


"Teaching Medieval Women"


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Papers should address any aspect of teaching medieval women, including
teaching the texts and subjects associated with women (female authors,
protagonists, subjects, and audiences) in medieval literature, as well
as the act of teaching medieval women themselves (issues of literacy and
the education of women). Papers should be no longer than twenty minutes
in length.


Deadline: September 15, 2006


CFP: Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science (11/1/06; MAWSA, 3/31/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Dr. Lois Gilmore

CFP: Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association Conference March 31, 2007

"Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science"



The Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association invites submissions for its
annual conference to be held March 31, 2007, at Bucks County Community
College in Newtown, PA. This year's conference theme is "Creative Forces:
Women, Art, Science."



This conference spotlights the dynamic relations and fecund negotiations
among the complex and interrelated domains of the arts, the sciences, and



CFP: Teaching Medieval Women (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm

Call for Papers


"Teaching Medieval Women"


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Papers should address any aspect of teaching medieval women, including
teaching the texts and subjects associated with women (female authors,
protagonists, subjects, and audiences) in medieval literature, as well
as the act of teaching medieval women themselves (issues of literacy and
the education of women). Papers should be no longer than twenty minutes
in length.


Deadline: September 15, 2006


CFP: Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science (11/1/06; MAWSA, 3/31/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:27pm
Dr. Lois Gilmore

CFP: Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association Conference March 31, 2007

"Creative Forces: Women, Art, Science"



The Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association invites submissions for its
annual conference to be held March 31, 2007, at Bucks County Community
College in Newtown, PA. This year's conference theme is "Creative Forces:
Women, Art, Science."



This conference spotlights the dynamic relations and fecund negotiations
among the complex and interrelated domains of the arts, the sciences, and



CFP: Journal For the Academic Study of Magic (8/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

The Journal for the Academic Study of Magic (JSM)
  Call For Papers for Issue 4, deadline 1st August 2006
      Note the extended deadline for submissions.
  Issue 4 of the JSM, due to appear late in 2006, is now seeking contributions. Scholarly articles in English about any aspect of magic/occultism are welcome up to 8000 words in length.
  Submission to the journal is in English, by Email attachment, in Rich Text Format documents using Harvard Citation Style. Full submission details, an outline style guide can be found here :

CFP: Journal For the Academic Study of Magic (8/1/06; journal issue)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

The Journal for the Academic Study of Magic (JSM)
  Call For Papers for Issue 4, deadline 1st August 2006
      Note the extended deadline for submissions.
  Issue 4 of the JSM, due to appear late in 2006, is now seeking contributions. Scholarly articles in English about any aspect of magic/occultism are welcome up to 8000 words in length.
  Submission to the journal is in English, by Email attachment, in Rich Text Format documents using Harvard Citation Style. Full submission details, an outline style guide can be found here :

CFP: Visibility and Bodily Representation in French and Francophone Literature and History (8/15/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Cybelle McFadden Wilkens

Call for papers

French and Francophone Literature & History

=AB Visible et invisible : lutte de femmes =BB

Edited Collection

We invite scholars to submit abstracts of articles for publication on =20=

the topic of women=92s visibility and women=92s bodily representation in =
French and Francophone Literature and History.

This collection, =93Visible et invisible: lutte de femmes,=94 seeks to =20=

CFP: Visibility and Bodily Representation in French and Francophone Literature and History (8/15/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Cybelle McFadden Wilkens

Call for papers

French and Francophone Literature & History

=AB Visible et invisible : lutte de femmes =BB

Edited Collection

We invite scholars to submit abstracts of articles for publication on =20=

the topic of women=92s visibility and women=92s bodily representation in =
French and Francophone Literature and History.

This collection, =93Visible et invisible: lutte de femmes,=94 seeks to =20=
