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CFP: Literatures in English (no deadline noted; 6/6/07-6/9/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:25pm
Jonathan Hill

Dear cfp.upenn:

I would like to place the following notice in your list:

Literatures in English. June 6-9 2007. Saint Olaf College, Northfield,
MN 55057. Web site: <> Contact:
Jonathan E. Hill, Department of English, Saint Olaf College, Northfield,
MN 55057. 507-646-3448

Thank you.

Jonathan E. Hill
Departmen of English
Saint Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057

CFP: Exile and the Narrative Imagination (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm

Call for papers for a session on Exile and the Narrative Imagination at
2006 NEMLA conference in Baltimore, Meryland. March 01 - March 04,

The session will examine texts by any exiled writer from any country,
dealing with the literary representation of exile.
Papers may focus on exile as a form of modern alienation, as a metaphor
for psychic difference, as an allegory of separation or on modern
exilic politics and emigre conditions.

Please send abstracts to Dr. Agnieszka Gutthy.
Electronic submissions:
Submission deadline: September 15, 2006

CFP: Exile and the Narrative Imagination (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm

Call for papers for a session on Exile and the Narrative Imagination at
2006 NEMLA conference in Baltimore, Meryland. March 01 - March 04,

The session will examine texts by any exiled writer from any country,
dealing with the literary representation of exile.
Papers may focus on exile as a form of modern alienation, as a metaphor
for psychic difference, as an allegory of separation or on modern
exilic politics and emigre conditions.

Please send abstracts to Dr. Agnieszka Gutthy.
Electronic submissions:
Submission deadline: September 15, 2006

CFP: Studies in American Naturalism (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Newlin, Keith

Studies in American Naturalism publishes critical essays, documents, notes, bibliographies, and reviews concerning American literary naturalism, broadly conceived. Published twice each year by the International Theodore Dreiser Society and the Department of English, University of North Carolina Wilmington, the journal seeks contributions illuminating the texts and contexts of naturalism across all genres from its nineteenth-century origins to its twentieth- and twenty-first century transformations.

Please see our web site for submission guidelines, our distinguished editorial board, and forthcoming contents.


CFP: Studies in American Naturalism (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Newlin, Keith

Studies in American Naturalism publishes critical essays, documents, notes, bibliographies, and reviews concerning American literary naturalism, broadly conceived. Published twice each year by the International Theodore Dreiser Society and the Department of English, University of North Carolina Wilmington, the journal seeks contributions illuminating the texts and contexts of naturalism across all genres from its nineteenth-century origins to its twentieth- and twenty-first century transformations.

Please see our web site for submission guidelines, our distinguished editorial board, and forthcoming contents.


CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06-6/30/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Sarah Davison

CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06 – 6/30/07)

Fin de Siècle is an interdisciplinary seminar series based at the University of
Oxford which aims to develop fresh perspectives on literature, society, and the
arts in England between 1870 and 1920. In the six years since its inception,
the series has provided a vibrant forum for both graduates and established
academics, hosting presentations on subjects as diverse as the 'Aesthetic
Eighties', Jerome K. Jerome and the rise of the literary professional, Oscar
Wilde and archaeology, trouble-making in George Moore's fiction, Robert
Bridges's classical poetry, and the aesthetics of smell in literature and art.

CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06-6/30/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Sarah Davison

CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06 – 6/30/07)

Fin de Siècle is an interdisciplinary seminar series based at the University of
Oxford which aims to develop fresh perspectives on literature, society, and the
arts in England between 1870 and 1920. In the six years since its inception,
the series has provided a vibrant forum for both graduates and established
academics, hosting presentations on subjects as diverse as the 'Aesthetic
Eighties', Jerome K. Jerome and the rise of the literary professional, Oscar
Wilde and archaeology, trouble-making in George Moore's fiction, Robert
Bridges's classical poetry, and the aesthetics of smell in literature and art.

CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06-6/30/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Sarah Davison

CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06 – 6/30/07)

Fin de Siècle is an interdisciplinary seminar series based at the University of
Oxford which aims to develop fresh perspectives on literature, society, and the
arts in England between 1870 and 1920. In the six years since its inception,
the series has provided a vibrant forum for both graduates and established
academics, hosting presentations on subjects as diverse as the 'Aesthetic
Eighties', Jerome K. Jerome and the rise of the literary professional, Oscar
Wilde and archaeology, trouble-making in George Moore's fiction, Robert
Bridges's classical poetry, and the aesthetics of smell in literature and art.

UPDATE: Fabulous! The Diva Issue-Camera Obscura Special Issue (8/1/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Patricia White

Deadline extended!
                                                 CALL FOR PAPERS

Camera Obscura is planning a special issue titled Fabulous! The Diva
Issue. From actual goddesses to 21st century divinities in film,
television, and popular music, the figure of the diva has captivated,
inspired, and appalled. She (and, maybe, he?) is larger-than-life
and carries with her the cultural and psychic baggage of individuals,
communities, and nations. We are looking for essays (5,000-6,000
words) and shorter "appreciations" (500-1400 words) that consider the
intersection of film, television, or music divas with gender,
sexuality, race/ethnicity, and class.

UPDATE: Fabulous! The Diva Issue-Camera Obscura Special Issue (8/1/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Patricia White

Deadline extended!
                                                 CALL FOR PAPERS

Camera Obscura is planning a special issue titled Fabulous! The Diva
Issue. From actual goddesses to 21st century divinities in film,
television, and popular music, the figure of the diva has captivated,
inspired, and appalled. She (and, maybe, he?) is larger-than-life
and carries with her the cultural and psychic baggage of individuals,
communities, and nations. We are looking for essays (5,000-6,000
words) and shorter "appreciations" (500-1400 words) that consider the
intersection of film, television, or music divas with gender,
sexuality, race/ethnicity, and class.

UPDATE: Fabulous! The Diva Issue-Camera Obscura Special Issue (8/1/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Patricia White

Deadline extended!
                                                 CALL FOR PAPERS

Camera Obscura is planning a special issue titled Fabulous! The Diva
Issue. From actual goddesses to 21st century divinities in film,
television, and popular music, the figure of the diva has captivated,
inspired, and appalled. She (and, maybe, he?) is larger-than-life
and carries with her the cultural and psychic baggage of individuals,
communities, and nations. We are looking for essays (5,000-6,000
words) and shorter "appreciations" (500-1400 words) that consider the
intersection of film, television, or music divas with gender,
sexuality, race/ethnicity, and class.

UPDATE: Fabulous! The Diva Issue-Camera Obscura Special Issue (8/1/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Patricia White

Deadline extended!
                                                 CALL FOR PAPERS

Camera Obscura is planning a special issue titled Fabulous! The Diva
Issue. From actual goddesses to 21st century divinities in film,
television, and popular music, the figure of the diva has captivated,
inspired, and appalled. She (and, maybe, he?) is larger-than-life
and carries with her the cultural and psychic baggage of individuals,
communities, and nations. We are looking for essays (5,000-6,000
words) and shorter "appreciations" (500-1400 words) that consider the
intersection of film, television, or music divas with gender,
sexuality, race/ethnicity, and class.

CFP: American Literature and Constitutional Law (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm

Call for Papers: American Literature, Literary Theory, and Constitutional
38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 1 - 4, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
How might we explain the recent proliferation of scholarly activity taking
place at the intersections of American literature, literary theory, and
Constitutional law? Critical texts that discuss literature and the law usually
utilize fiction to discuss the law and legal system as they are represented in
literature, or they utilize the methodology of literary criticism to assess and
interpret laws as well as legal processes. Most literary critics who engage

CFP: American Literature and Constitutional Law (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm

Call for Papers: American Literature, Literary Theory, and Constitutional
38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 1 - 4, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
How might we explain the recent proliferation of scholarly activity taking
place at the intersections of American literature, literary theory, and
Constitutional law? Critical texts that discuss literature and the law usually
utilize fiction to discuss the law and legal system as they are represented in
literature, or they utilize the methodology of literary criticism to assess and
interpret laws as well as legal processes. Most literary critics who engage

CFP: Literature of Exile (7/30/06; AATSEEL, 12/27/06-12/30/06)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm

Call for papers for a session on Literature of Exile at
2006 AATSEEL conference in Philadelphia. PA. December 27 -
 December 30, 2006

    The session will examine texts by any exiled writer from any country,
    dealing with the literary representation of exile.

Please send abstracts to Dr. Agnieszka Gutthy.
    Electronic submissions:
    Submission deadline: July 30, 2006

CFP: Literature of Exile (7/30/06; AATSEEL, 12/27/06-12/30/06)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm

Call for papers for a session on Literature of Exile at
2006 AATSEEL conference in Philadelphia. PA. December 27 -
 December 30, 2006

    The session will examine texts by any exiled writer from any country,
    dealing with the literary representation of exile.

Please send abstracts to Dr. Agnieszka Gutthy.
    Electronic submissions:
    Submission deadline: July 30, 2006

CFP: The Flaw (8/15/06; 5/25/07-5/27/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Claire Sykes

Call for Papers for
An Interdisciplinary Conference on

The Flaw

Deadline : August 15th, 2006
Organizers : Agn=E8s Conacher and Catherine Dhavernas
Queen=92s University, Kingston, Canada

CFP: The Flaw (8/15/06; 5/25/07-5/27/07)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Claire Sykes

Call for Papers for
An Interdisciplinary Conference on

The Flaw

Deadline : August 15th, 2006
Organizers : Agn=E8s Conacher and Catherine Dhavernas
Queen=92s University, Kingston, Canada

CFP: Saw Palm: a Florida-themed Literary E-Journal (9/30/06; e-journal issue)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Michael Kuperman

Saw Palm, a Florida-themed literary e-journal, invites submissions of
poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, art, photography, and book reviews for
its inaugural issue. We're looking for Florida work—which may include work
from anywhere that concerns itself with Florida (images, people, themes), or
work from Florida not obviously about someplace else. Please email
submissions in the body of the message and a brief bio to or hard copies to Saw Palm, c/o John Fleming, Department
of English, CPR 107, University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave.,
Tampa, FL 33620-5550. All mail submissions must include a SASE. No

CFP: Saw Palm: a Florida-themed Literary E-Journal (9/30/06; e-journal issue)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Michael Kuperman

Saw Palm, a Florida-themed literary e-journal, invites submissions of
poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, art, photography, and book reviews for
its inaugural issue. We're looking for Florida work—which may include work
from anywhere that concerns itself with Florida (images, people, themes), or
work from Florida not obviously about someplace else. Please email
submissions in the body of the message and a brief bio to or hard copies to Saw Palm, c/o John Fleming, Department
of English, CPR 107, University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave.,
Tampa, FL 33620-5550. All mail submissions must include a SASE. No

UPDATE: Alternative Expressions of the Numinous (Australia) (6/16/06; 8/18/06-8/20/06)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Helen Farley

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until 16 =

Send abstracts to:

Information and registration at:

Suitable topics include:=20



Alternative expressions of major religions

Religions of re-enchantment

Popular culture religions

Indigenous religions

Paganism and Neo-Paganism

New Religious Movements

Personalised religion

Alternative methodologies

UPDATE: Alternative Expressions of the Numinous (Australia) (6/16/06; 8/18/06-8/20/06)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Helen Farley

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until 16 =

Send abstracts to:

Information and registration at:

Suitable topics include:=20



Alternative expressions of major religions

Religions of re-enchantment

Popular culture religions

Indigenous religions

Paganism and Neo-Paganism

New Religious Movements

Personalised religion

Alternative methodologies

UPDATE: Alternative Expressions of the Numinous (Australia) (6/16/06; 8/18/06-8/20/06)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Helen Farley

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until 16 =

Send abstracts to:

Information and registration at:

Suitable topics include:=20



Alternative expressions of major religions

Religions of re-enchantment

Popular culture religions

Indigenous religions

Paganism and Neo-Paganism

New Religious Movements

Personalised religion

Alternative methodologies

CFP: ALA Symposium on American Fiction, Dreiser Panel (7/15/06; ALA, 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 3:24pm
Newlin, Keith

Call for Papers

The International Theodore Dreiser Society will sponsor one session at the American Literature Association Symposium on American Fiction, September 28-30, 2006, at the Bahia Resort Hotel in San Diego, California. Papers on all aspects of Dreiser's fiction and related topics are welcome.

Please email proposals or papers by July 15, 2006, to the session chair,
