CFP: Digital Poetry Redux, to/from Modernist Poetry (4/1/07; MSA, 11/1/07-11/4/07)
Call for Papers: Modernist Studies Association Proposed Panel
Digital Poetry Redux, to/from Modernist Poetry
Annual Meeting, 1-4 November 2007 (Long Beach, CA)
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Call for Papers: Modernist Studies Association Proposed Panel
Digital Poetry Redux, to/from Modernist Poetry
Annual Meeting, 1-4 November 2007 (Long Beach, CA)
Call for Papers: Modernist Studies Association Proposed Panel
Digital Poetry Redux, to/from Modernist Poetry
Annual Meeting, 1-4 November 2007 (Long Beach, CA)
We are seeking contributions to a collection on Fight Club, welcoming
articles that examine the novel and/or the film, as well as critical
examinations of their interrelation.
Opinions regarding David Fincher's 1999 filmic adaptation of Chuck
Palahniuk's 1996 novel Fight Club differ widely, raging from from
students remarking that, "this is a movie that poignantly and accurately
voices some of the major existential concerns of the postmodern
generation," to critical castigation that bashes Fight Club as, "a film
without a single redeeming quality, which may have to find its audience
in Hell." Fincher's film has become a widespread popular cultural
We are seeking contributions to a collection on Fight Club, welcoming
articles that examine the novel and/or the film, as well as critical
examinations of their interrelation.
Opinions regarding David Fincher's 1999 filmic adaptation of Chuck
Palahniuk's 1996 novel Fight Club differ widely, raging from from
students remarking that, "this is a movie that poignantly and accurately
voices some of the major existential concerns of the postmodern
generation," to critical castigation that bashes Fight Club as, "a film
without a single redeeming quality, which may have to find its audience
in Hell." Fincher's film has become a widespread popular cultural
We are seeking contributions to a collection on Fight Club, welcoming
articles that examine the novel and/or the film, as well as critical
examinations of their interrelation.
Opinions regarding David Fincher's 1999 filmic adaptation of Chuck
Palahniuk's 1996 novel Fight Club differ widely, raging from from
students remarking that, "this is a movie that poignantly and accurately
voices some of the major existential concerns of the postmodern
generation," to critical castigation that bashes Fight Club as, "a film
without a single redeeming quality, which may have to find its audience
in Hell." Fincher's film has become a widespread popular cultural
"Art Made Tongue-Tied By Authority": Expression, Suppression, and Censorship
Conference date: Friday September 21 Saturday September 22, 2007
Place: Department of English, University of Ottawa
Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2007
According to playwright Eugene O'Neill, "Censorship of anything, at any
time, in any place, on whatever pretence, has always been and always will be
the last resort of the boob and the bigot." Censorship continues to be a
major impediment to freedom of speech in literature, music, and visual and
"Art Made Tongue-Tied By Authority": Expression, Suppression, and Censorship
Conference date: Friday September 21 Saturday September 22, 2007
Place: Department of English, University of Ottawa
Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2007
According to playwright Eugene O'Neill, "Censorship of anything, at any
time, in any place, on whatever pretence, has always been and always will be
the last resort of the boob and the bigot." Censorship continues to be a
major impediment to freedom of speech in literature, music, and visual and
"Art Made Tongue-Tied By Authority": Expression, Suppression, and Censorship
Conference date: Friday September 21 Saturday September 22, 2007
Place: Department of English, University of Ottawa
Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2007
According to playwright Eugene O'Neill, "Censorship of anything, at any
time, in any place, on whatever pretence, has always been and always will be
the last resort of the boob and the bigot." Censorship continues to be a
major impediment to freedom of speech in literature, music, and visual and
"Art Made Tongue-Tied By Authority": Expression, Suppression, and Censorship
Conference date: Friday September 21 Saturday September 22, 2007
Place: Department of English, University of Ottawa
Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2007
According to playwright Eugene O'Neill, "Censorship of anything, at any
time, in any place, on whatever pretence, has always been and always will be
the last resort of the boob and the bigot." Censorship continues to be a
major impediment to freedom of speech in literature, music, and visual and
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit 500-word abstracts =
or completed papers to the Literature and Psychology session at the =
South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) Conference to be held =
1-3 November 2007 in Memphis, Tennessee.
The session is open topic; papers addressing any and all issues =
pertinent to the intersection between literature and psychology will be =
If interested, please send a 500-word abstract or the completed =
paper to John G. Morris, Professor of English, Cameron University, 2800 =
W. Gore Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505. If you prefer you may send either the =
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit 500-word abstracts =
or completed papers to the Literature and Psychology session at the =
South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) Conference to be held =
1-3 November 2007 in Memphis, Tennessee.
The session is open topic; papers addressing any and all issues =
pertinent to the intersection between literature and psychology will be =
If interested, please send a 500-word abstract or the completed =
paper to John G. Morris, Professor of English, Cameron University, 2800 =
W. Gore Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505. If you prefer you may send either the =
A Special Session is proposed for the MLA 2007
conference in Chicago.
"Reading the Wind: Literary Pedagogy for Myth, Magic,
Ritual, Spirituality, Religion in African, Middle
Eastern, Asian, trans-American Texts" explores
alternatives to post-colonial, Lacanian, and
post-structuralist readings.
Panelists are welcomed who can address the
supersensible dimension of a specific work from the
above geographic areas using its spiritual, religious,
cosmological, or philosophical context.
A Special Session is proposed for the MLA 2007
conference in Chicago.
"Reading the Wind: Literary Pedagogy for Myth, Magic,
Ritual, Spirituality, Religion in African, Middle
Eastern, Asian, trans-American Texts" explores
alternatives to post-colonial, Lacanian, and
post-structuralist readings.
Panelists are welcomed who can address the
supersensible dimension of a specific work from the
above geographic areas using its spiritual, religious,
cosmological, or philosophical context.
A Special Session is proposed for the MLA 2007
conference in Chicago.
"Reading the Wind: Literary Pedagogy for Myth, Magic,
Ritual, Spirituality, Religion in African, Middle
Eastern, Asian, trans-American Texts" explores
alternatives to post-colonial, Lacanian, and
post-structuralist readings.
Panelists are welcomed who can address the
supersensible dimension of a specific work from the
above geographic areas using its spiritual, religious,
cosmological, or philosophical context.
Panel Title: The End of Tolerance?
South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention (SAMLA) November
9 - November 11, 2007 Atlanta GA.
As the new century began, 'tolerance' was supposed to pour healing oil On
American waters and enable some ground for a universal moral commitment. In
Europe, it was believed that the emergence of the European Union and the
"European Dream" would enable a culture of tolerance and a kindly
integration of The Other. The languages and beliefs of the Other were to be
embraced, even celebrated.
Panel Title: The End of Tolerance?
South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention (SAMLA) November
9 - November 11, 2007 Atlanta GA.
As the new century began, 'tolerance' was supposed to pour healing oil On
American waters and enable some ground for a universal moral commitment. In
Europe, it was believed that the emergence of the European Union and the
"European Dream" would enable a culture of tolerance and a kindly
integration of The Other. The languages and beliefs of the Other were to be
embraced, even celebrated.
"Bohemians, Radicals, Progressives, and Lefties: Eugene O'Neill and His Contemporaries"
For a book-length collection of essays, we seek to explore O'Neill's connections to the "left"-both through the rebellious, bohemian artists O'Neill came in contact with through his formative artistic years with the Provincetown Players (George "Jig" Cook, Susan Glaspell, John Reed, Louise Bryant, Djuna Barnes, Charles Henry Demuth, Mary Heaton Vorse, Floyd Dell, Mabel Dodge, Neith Boyce, etc.), and others from the avant-garde at any stage of his career.
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Caucus (03/01/07; RMMLA, 10/04/07-10/06/07 Calgary)
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Caucus Seminar
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)
October 4-6, 2007 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Papers are welcomed on any aspect of the GLBTQ experience as expressed through literature, film and/or theory. All proposals will be considered.
Please submit abstracts of 300 words and be sure to include a title. On your abstract, please include your name, institutional affiliation
(if applicable), email address, office phone number, and whether you
will need any AV equipment for your presentation. The deadline for abstracts is Mar. 1st. 2007.
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Caucus (03/01/07; RMMLA, 10/04/07-10/06/07 Calgary)
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Caucus Seminar
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)
October 4-6, 2007 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Papers are welcomed on any aspect of the GLBTQ experience as expressed through literature, film and/or theory. All proposals will be considered.
Please submit abstracts of 300 words and be sure to include a title. On your abstract, please include your name, institutional affiliation
(if applicable), email address, office phone number, and whether you
will need any AV equipment for your presentation. The deadline for abstracts is Mar. 1st. 2007.
Call for Papers
8th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society
University of Plymouth, UK, July 12-14, 2007.
The 8th international conference of the Utopian Studies Society will be held at the University of Plymouth, July 12th to 14th , 2007. The conference will examine a range of topics related to utopia and utopianisms, its historical articulation and contemporary realisation. Keynote speakers are Dr Esther Leslie (Birkbeck) and Lalit Kishor Bhati (Auroville, India).
Proposals are invited for papers and strands on the following broad themes and other areas of utopian studies:
The deadline for proposals for the session entitled "Women's Realist Fiction of the Late 20th Century: The Politics of the Personal" has been extended to 15 March 2007. This session is sponsored by the Women's Studies Caucus for the 2007 M/MLA convention in Cleveland.
The deadline for proposals for the session entitled "Women's Realist Fiction of the Late 20th Century: The Politics of the Personal" has been extended to 15 March 2007. This session is sponsored by the Women's Studies Caucus for the 2007 M/MLA convention in Cleveland.
Proposed Special Session for the 2007 Modern Language Association Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Culture, Aesthetics, and the State
We invite proposals for papers that explore the relation between
aesthetics and the emergence of the modern state. We are open to papers
from a wide range of national cultures and historical periods. Possible
themes might include political fantasy, political rhetorics and/or
discourses, state fictions, citizenship and literacy, and representations
of sovereignty.
Please submit half-page abstracts (500 words maximum) and a short c.v.
electronically by March 15, 2007 to:
Topic: Marriage
This panel will highlight new theories about the ways in which the legal, personal and social components of marriage direct our interpretation and understanding of literary texts. We invite submissions from all periods and genres, with topics including but not limited to:
• Marriage law
• Infidelity
• Divorce
• Separation
• Second marriages
• Age at marriage
• Engagement / broken engagements
• Breach of promise
• Gay marriage
• Marriage vows
• Marital abuse
• Sentimental novels
• Religion
• Widows and widowers
• Honeymoons
• Premarital sex
• Marriage rituals
Submission deadline: April 1, 2007
Topic: Marriage
This panel will highlight new theories about the ways in which the legal, personal and social components of marriage direct our interpretation and understanding of literary texts. We invite submissions from all periods and genres, with topics including but not limited to:
• Marriage law
• Infidelity
• Divorce
• Separation
• Second marriages
• Age at marriage
• Engagement / broken engagements
• Breach of promise
• Gay marriage
• Marriage vows
• Marital abuse
• Sentimental novels
• Religion
• Widows and widowers
• Honeymoons
• Premarital sex
• Marriage rituals
Submission deadline: April 1, 2007
Topic: Marriage
This panel will highlight new theories about the ways in which the legal, personal and social components of marriage direct our interpretation and understanding of literary texts. We invite submissions from all periods and genres, with topics including but not limited to:
• Marriage law
• Infidelity
• Divorce
• Separation
• Second marriages
• Age at marriage
• Engagement / broken engagements
• Breach of promise
• Gay marriage
• Marriage vows
• Marital abuse
• Sentimental novels
• Religion
• Widows and widowers
• Honeymoons
• Premarital sex
• Marriage rituals
Submission deadline: April 1, 2007
Proposed Special Session for the 2007 Modern Language Association Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Culture, Aesthetics, and the State
We invite proposals for papers that explore the relation between
aesthetics and the emergence of the modern state. We are open to papers
from a wide range of national cultures and historical periods. Possible
themes might include political fantasy, political rhetorics and/or
discourses, state fictions, citizenship and literacy, and representations
of sovereignty.
Please submit half-page abstracts (500 words maximum) and a short c.v.
electronically by March 15, 2007 to:
Vladimir Nabokov vividly remembered his childhood reading and being read to; he also wrote that "great novels are great fairy tales." Considerations of any aspect of this topic are welcome. Please email a one-page abstract to Charles Nicol,
by 10 March. Inquiries are welcome and will be answered. This session at the MLA in Chicago in late December is sponsored by the International Vladimir Nabokov Society.
Charles Nicol
Emeritus Professor of English and Humanities
Indiana State University
Home phone: 812-443-6141
Interstices 08: Disagreement
Extended Deadline: 30 April 2007
Precedence: bulk
For a proposed special session at MLA 2007 in Chicago.
Black Women Writers of New England: Revisiting Ann Petry and Dorothy West.
This special session will explore comparative literary studies of the
writings of Ann Petry and Dorothy West. Papers or abstracts by l5 March
should be sent to Pearlie Peters ( Abstracts and papers
must be accompanied by a statement indicating the proposed presenter's
current membership in the MLA.
Dr. Pearlie Peters,
Professor of English
Department of English
Rider University
2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648-3099
609, 895-5566