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CFP: Present Pasts in African Lit and Film (Ghana) (10/13/05; ALA, 5/17/06-5/21/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

CFP: Present Pasts in African Literature and Film

Deadline: 10/13/05

African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana

May 17-21, 2006

Papers are sought for a panel on the topic "Present Pasts in African
Literature and Film" at the May 2006 African Literature Association
conference in Ghana.

CFP: Present Pasts in African Lit and Film (Ghana) (10/13/05; ALA, 5/17/06-5/21/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

CFP: Present Pasts in African Literature and Film

Deadline: 10/13/05

African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana

May 17-21, 2006

Papers are sought for a panel on the topic "Present Pasts in African
Literature and Film" at the May 2006 African Literature Association
conference in Ghana.

CFP: Present Pasts in African Lit and Film (Ghana) (10/13/05; ALA, 5/17/06-5/21/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

CFP: Present Pasts in African Literature and Film

Deadline: 10/13/05

African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana

May 17-21, 2006

Papers are sought for a panel on the topic "Present Pasts in African
Literature and Film" at the May 2006 African Literature Association
conference in Ghana.

CFP: Present Pasts in African Lit and Film (Ghana) (10/13/05; ALA, 5/17/06-5/21/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

CFP: Present Pasts in African Literature and Film

Deadline: 10/13/05

African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana

May 17-21, 2006

Papers are sought for a panel on the topic "Present Pasts in African
Literature and Film" at the May 2006 African Literature Association
conference in Ghana.

CFP: African Literature and World Christianity (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gallagher, Susan

The Conference on Christianity and Literature invites submissions of
abstracts for the CCL session at the annual MLA Convention in December
2006. The session will be called "The Next Christendom" and African
Literature." Proposals should engage with the ideas of Philip Jenkins'
recent controversial book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global
Christianity, in relationship with the wider field of African
Literature. In his book, Jenkins argues that Christianity has become
the religion of the South, not the West. Questions that could be
addressed include how does the phenomenon of "world Christianity" inform
African literature, and how might African literature inform the

CFP: African Literature and World Christianity (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gallagher, Susan

The Conference on Christianity and Literature invites submissions of
abstracts for the CCL session at the annual MLA Convention in December
2006. The session will be called "The Next Christendom" and African
Literature." Proposals should engage with the ideas of Philip Jenkins'
recent controversial book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global
Christianity, in relationship with the wider field of African
Literature. In his book, Jenkins argues that Christianity has become
the religion of the South, not the West. Questions that could be
addressed include how does the phenomenon of "world Christianity" inform
African literature, and how might African literature inform the

CFP: African Literature and World Christianity (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gallagher, Susan

The Conference on Christianity and Literature invites submissions of
abstracts for the CCL session at the annual MLA Convention in December
2006. The session will be called "The Next Christendom" and African
Literature." Proposals should engage with the ideas of Philip Jenkins'
recent controversial book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global
Christianity, in relationship with the wider field of African
Literature. In his book, Jenkins argues that Christianity has become
the religion of the South, not the West. Questions that could be
addressed include how does the phenomenon of "world Christianity" inform
African literature, and how might African literature inform the

UPDATE: Food and the Victorians (11/1/05; journal issue)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Ross Forman

Call for Papers: “Food and the Victorians”

Victorian Literature and Culture seeks articles for an upcoming special issue on “Food and the Victorians,” edited by Ross Forman and Suzanne Daly. Essays should follow MLA guidelines and may address any aspect of the production or consumption of food or drink. Interdisciplinary work is welcome. Essays should be approximately 8,000 words in length.

Please send two copies by November 1, 2005 to:

Suzanne Daly
Department of English
Bartlett Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst MA 01003-9269

Inquiries may be directed to or to

UPDATE: Poetry and Politics (UK) (12/15/05; 7/13/06-7/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Andrew Sneddon {PG}

New Plenary Speakers & Call for Creative Submissions

Call for papers: Poetry and Politics. A Conference at the University of
Stirling, Scotland, 13-16 July 2006.=20

Poets and speakers to include Moniza Alvi, Eavan Boland, David Dabydeen,
Marilyn Hacker, Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Norbrook, Tom Paulin, Deryn
Rees-Jones, Jo Shapcott, and the Norton keynote speaker, Adrienne Rich.=20

Papers are invited which consider the theme of politics in relation to
poetry from classical antiquity to the contemporary. The following list
suggests some possible areas for development, but proposals in any area
relating to the conference theme of poetry and politics will be welcome:

UPDATE: Poetry and Politics (UK) (12/15/05; 7/13/06-7/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Andrew Sneddon {PG}

New Plenary Speakers & Call for Creative Submissions

Call for papers: Poetry and Politics. A Conference at the University of
Stirling, Scotland, 13-16 July 2006.=20

Poets and speakers to include Moniza Alvi, Eavan Boland, David Dabydeen,
Marilyn Hacker, Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Norbrook, Tom Paulin, Deryn
Rees-Jones, Jo Shapcott, and the Norton keynote speaker, Adrienne Rich.=20

Papers are invited which consider the theme of politics in relation to
poetry from classical antiquity to the contemporary. The following list
suggests some possible areas for development, but proposals in any area
relating to the conference theme of poetry and politics will be welcome:

UPDATE: Poetry and Politics (UK) (12/15/05; 7/13/06-7/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Andrew Sneddon {PG}

New Plenary Speakers & Call for Creative Submissions

Call for papers: Poetry and Politics. A Conference at the University of
Stirling, Scotland, 13-16 July 2006.=20

Poets and speakers to include Moniza Alvi, Eavan Boland, David Dabydeen,
Marilyn Hacker, Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Norbrook, Tom Paulin, Deryn
Rees-Jones, Jo Shapcott, and the Norton keynote speaker, Adrienne Rich.=20

Papers are invited which consider the theme of politics in relation to
poetry from classical antiquity to the contemporary. The following list
suggests some possible areas for development, but proposals in any area
relating to the conference theme of poetry and politics will be welcome:

CFP: The City: A Festival of Knowledge (11/15/05; CACLALS, 5/26/06-5/29/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
David Lafferty


CACLALS invites proposals for papers and panels at our next annual
conference to be held in May 2006 at York University. The Congress theme of
"The City: A Festival of Knowledge" speaks to some major concerns in the
field of postcolonial studies, such as those raised by notions of

CFP: Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads (11/1/05; 4/29/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Jenkins-Crowe Laurel K

Call for papers
Graduate Conference in Language and Literature 2006, University of Louisiana
The theme for 2006 is Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads.
Where do textual worlds and the world as text intersect?
We welcome papers in all areas of English, including but not limited to
folklore, literature (all areas and periods), literary theory and criticism,
linguistics, rhetoric, and pedagogy. Creative writing submissions and panel
submissions will also be considered. The keynote speaker will be American
Folklore Societty Fellow, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar and Alcee Fortier
Award winner Carl Lindahl of the University of Houston, author of Swapping

CFP: Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads (11/1/05; 4/29/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Jenkins-Crowe Laurel K

Call for papers
Graduate Conference in Language and Literature 2006, University of Louisiana
The theme for 2006 is Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads.
Where do textual worlds and the world as text intersect?
We welcome papers in all areas of English, including but not limited to
folklore, literature (all areas and periods), literary theory and criticism,
linguistics, rhetoric, and pedagogy. Creative writing submissions and panel
submissions will also be considered. The keynote speaker will be American
Folklore Societty Fellow, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar and Alcee Fortier
Award winner Carl Lindahl of the University of Houston, author of Swapping

CFP: Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads (11/1/05; 4/29/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Jenkins-Crowe Laurel K

Call for papers
Graduate Conference in Language and Literature 2006, University of Louisiana
The theme for 2006 is Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads.
Where do textual worlds and the world as text intersect?
We welcome papers in all areas of English, including but not limited to
folklore, literature (all areas and periods), literary theory and criticism,
linguistics, rhetoric, and pedagogy. Creative writing submissions and panel
submissions will also be considered. The keynote speaker will be American
Folklore Societty Fellow, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar and Alcee Fortier
Award winner Carl Lindahl of the University of Houston, author of Swapping

CFP: Philament: Model (10/30/05; online journal issue)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

From: Philament <>
Date: September 20, 2005
CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts
Deadline: October 30, 2005 (critique, commentary, and creative for online
Publication: June 2006

Philament, the online journal of cultural studies and literary arts affiliated
with the University of Sydney
(, invites postgraduate
scholars to contribute articles, reviews and creative work for its eighth
issue, Model.

CFP: Moveable Type: Articles and Reviews (grad) (11/15/05; e-journal)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Kiki Benzon


Moveable Type, the online journal of the Postgraduate Society at the
Department of English Language and Literature at University College London,
publishes critical work by postgraduate (MA and PhD) students worldwide.


The editors of Moveable Type seek articles which explore narrative in all
its forms—print text, film, online/hypertext, graphic fiction—and from all
nations and historical periods.

We are also seeking reviews of recent fiction, poetry collections, films,
graphic novels, online narratives, biographies, cultural theory and
literary/film criticism.


CFP: Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Robert Madison

"Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA"
37th Annual College English Association Conference
San Antonio, TX April 6-8 2006
Many works of sea literature come ashore for significant portions of their =
plots, stretching the genre of sea literature itself. This year SEA at =
CEA invites your thoughts on these "trans-genred" works which adopt =
landlocked regions to fulfill their seaborn themes. As usual, SEA at CEA =
will also host your submissions on all watery topics.
Send a fifty-word abstract by October 15, 2005, to Bob Madison, Department =
of English, U.S. Naval Academy, 107 Maryland Ave, Annapolis MD 21402 or =, including all your contact information.

UPDATE: Theorizing the Borders: Literature, History, and Identity Across the Anglo-Scottish Divide (9/27/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Katherine Terrell (kterrell)

Deadline Extended for sponsored session: Theorizing the Borders:
Literature, History, and Identity Across the Anglo-Scottish Divide

International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI
May 4-7 2006

We invite papers on any aspect of medieval Anglo-Scottish relations;
we are particularly interested in theoretically informed papers
examining how these real or imagined relationships helped to shape
conceptions of nation, culture, and identity on both sides of the

New deadline: Sept. 27

Please send 500-word abstracts via e-mail to session organizers:

Katherine Terrell

UPDATE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Area (11/10/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

(Apologies for cross-postings)

2nd Call For Papers

The SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY Area of the Popular Culture Association
reiterates its invitation for submissions for the:


Deadline for submissions: 10th November 2005 (please note the due
date has moved up a few days)

UPDATE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Area (11/10/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

(Apologies for cross-postings)

2nd Call For Papers

The SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY Area of the Popular Culture Association
reiterates its invitation for submissions for the:


Deadline for submissions: 10th November 2005 (please note the due
date has moved up a few days)

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry (10/25/05; KSU CSU, 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gregory Eiselein

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry

I am organizing a panel on "Confessional and Postconfessional
American Poetry" for the upcoming 15th annual Kansas State University
Cultural Studies Conference on "Privacy" next March (March 9-11,
2006, in Manhattan, Kansas).

The panel seeks papers on poets who explore the psyche and the self,
childhood and adult traumas, experience and autobiography. I am also
interested in papers about poets who contest or mimic the concerns of
confessional poets.

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry (10/25/05; KSU CSU, 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gregory Eiselein

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry

I am organizing a panel on "Confessional and Postconfessional
American Poetry" for the upcoming 15th annual Kansas State University
Cultural Studies Conference on "Privacy" next March (March 9-11,
2006, in Manhattan, Kansas).

The panel seeks papers on poets who explore the psyche and the self,
childhood and adult traumas, experience and autobiography. I am also
interested in papers about poets who contest or mimic the concerns of
confessional poets.

CFP: Medieval Popular Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Laity, Kathryn

The Medieval area of the Popular Culture Association is now accepting
abstracts for the Thirty-Sixth National PCA Conference, April 12-16, 2006,
in Atlanta, GA.

We seek 15-20 minute papers on medieval popular culture, including for

literature, laws, penitentials, music, saints' lives, oral traditions,
charms and
folk remedies, wall paintings, clothing and jewelry, and so forth;


CFP: Computers and Philosophy (France) (11/18/05; 5/3/06-5/5/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

We apologise for multiple copies of this CfP. Please distribute widely.

CALL FOR PAPERS quick link
COMPUTERS & PHILOSOPHY, an International Conference

Le Mans University, Laval, France, 3-5 May, 2006

Chair: C.T.A. Schmidt e-mail

CFP: Computers and Philosophy (France) (11/18/05; 5/3/06-5/5/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

We apologise for multiple copies of this CfP. Please distribute widely.

CALL FOR PAPERS quick link
COMPUTERS & PHILOSOPHY, an International Conference

Le Mans University, Laval, France, 3-5 May, 2006

Chair: C.T.A. Schmidt e-mail
