Poetics and Politics of Memory/Trauma-Scapes in South Asian Literatures
Conference Dates: 29 May - 01 June 2025
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Conference Dates: 29 May - 01 June 2025
The Marilynne Robinson Society will be hosting two panels at the annual American Literature Association Conference (May 21-24, 2025; Boston, MA). The first panel will focus on a wide variety of topics connected to Robinson’s essays and novels.
Please submit a 350-word proposal and short bio to haein.park@biola.edu by November 15, 2024.
The Fifteenth Biennial
At Middle Tennessee State University
March 6-7, 2025
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Keynote Speaker: Professor Daniel Magilow, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
See ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) listing for submission portal: https://www.acla.org/giving-literature-criticism-politics
Paper proposals cannot be accepted via email.
ACLA conference will take place May 29–June 1, 2025, via Zoom.
Special session hosted by the Society for Queer and Trans Meival Studies at the International Congress for Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI in May 2025 seeks submissions for the panel "Medieval Performances of Chastity and Gender."
This session seeks to examine how Dostoevsky's portrayal of love and death reflects his broader philosophical concerns and how these themes interact within his narrative structures. Although this session primarily aims to explore the themes of love and death in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, papers on other Russian authors will also be considered.
The journal Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research announces a call for papers for the special issue "Sex Work From Feminist and Queer Perspectives". Issue editors are Barbora Doležalová (FSV UK), anna řičář libánská (FF UK) and Isotta Rossoni (Leiden University).
Dear colleagues,
Please find below the links to the call for papers of the international conference "Political Speeches in Film" which will take place at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France on March 17, 18, 2025:
https://idea.univ-lorraine.fr/sites/default/files/2024-04/CFP%20-%20Political%20Speeches%20in%20Film%20-%20EN-1_0.pdf (English version)
This is a call for participation in a roundtable on ChatGPT and teaching persuasive communication at the 56th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention in Philadelphia, PA, USA on March 6-9, 2025.
This roundtable will examine practical strategies for integrating ChatGPT (or any GenAI bot/software) into rhetoric/persuasive communication classes (i.e., writing and/or speaking persuasively). We are particularly interested in receiving proposals that demonstrate how colleagues implement any of the following strategies:
The Game Studies area of the National Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association Conference invites proposals for papers and panels on games and game studies for the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference to be held on April 16-19, 2025, in New Orleans. The deadline for proposals is November 30th.
I. Topics of Interest
The organizers seek proposals and papers covering all aspects of gaming, gaming culture and game studies. Proposals can address any game medium (computer, social, console, tabletop, etc.) and all theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. Please see our Facebook group for our mission announcement.
New Metal Worlds. Building Bridges and Mending Broken Backs
The International Society for Metal Music Studies (ISMMS) and Metal Music Studies-Spain, in collaboration with the University of Seville, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Granada, the University of Córdoba, the University of Jaén, the University of Oviedo, and the University of La Laguna, invites applications in response to the Call for Proposals 2025 for ISMMS’ 7th Biennial International Research Conference. The event will be held in Seville, Spain, 3-6 June, 2025 (and virtually) under the theme:
47th Comparative Drama Conference
July 9-11, 2025
London, England
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the Comparative Drama Conference 2025 will be hosted by the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) and will be held in Europe for the first time in its near 50-year history.
Green Letters invites papers of up to 6000 words in length for a special issue on Critical Psychedelic Studies and the Environmental Humanities, guest-edited by John Miller (University of Sheffield), Christie Oliver-Hobley (University of Sheffield) and Peter Sands (University of York).
Chronotopic revisions, embodiment, and adaptation in Shakespeare-inspired dance pieces.
ESRA conference, Porto, July 9-12, 2025
In the wake of neoliberalism, academia is increasingly being turned into a market imperative, marked by the rising global popularity of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses and the concomitant reduction in funding for humanities departments. This situation presents a crisis for the Humanities and the values and forms of knowledge it stands for. This crisis is manifesting itself in ways such as the persistent gap among disciplines as well as between scholarship and lived experiences. The breakdown of disciplinary boundaries and the consequent intermingling of Humanities and Sciences has led to the rise of new knowledge systems.
In 2008, the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) released its 70th anniversary manifesto reaffirming film’s status as the “optimal archival storage” of the moving image. “Don’t throw film away!” they urged, for unlike its digital successors, film elements tangibly embody traces of their own material history alongside a bygone cultural heritage. “No matter what technologies may emerge,” they write, existing film elements “connect us to the certainties of the past.”
David. Bowie. Is.
CFP, Anthology
Samuel Gladden and James Rovira, editors
Call for Papers, Latinx Literature at CEA 2025
March 27-29, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Latinx Literature for our 54th annual conference. Submit your proposal at www.cea-web.org
Call for Papers
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
Annual Conference
46th Annual Conference, February 19-22, 2025
Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Proposal submission deadline: October 31, 2024
“Odd Temporalities”
ACLA 2025, to be held virtually from May 29 to June 1, 2025
Call for Papers:
Despite the growing tide of decolonization, scholars of Arabic-Islamic in the west has refrained from engaging with decolonial theories. Dimitri Gutas' most recent "paraphilosophical" thesis raises even more questions about the entrenchment of the secular in the study of philosophy in the Islamic world. Decoloniality can help scholars from falling into the traps of orientalist scholarships. Approaching the Arabic-Islamic tradition from the celebrated vantage point of critical theory is helpful for scholars from the north and south alike.
We are delighted to announce that we are coming up with an edited volume encompassing the various contours of contemporary Maternity Rights and Motherhood experiences to be published by a reputed international publishing house. We are eager to hear your professional thoughts, observations and analysis regarding the Maternity Bill, which applies to many nations, including India. The book intends to provide a thorough analysis of the effects of the Maternity Bill on the population of working mothers, making it an invaluable resource for advocates, employers, employees and policymakers. The volume aims to deconstruct the maternity bill, clarify its elements, highlight its flaws and offer practical advice on how to deal with its ramifications.
Subject: Call for Papers: Literary Theory at CEA 2025
Call for Papers, Literary Theory at CEA 2025
March 27-29, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Subject: Call for Papers: Multicultural and World Literature at CEA 2025
Call for Papers, Multicultural and World Literature at CEA 2025
March 27-29, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonesta Philadelphia Rittenhouse Square
1800 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Since their formal inception in the 19th century, writing courses have been seen as “a preparation for citizenship and productive work” (Brereton, 1995, p. 9). Rhetoric around the “knowledge economy” prioritizes communication skills in equipping students for success in competitive job markets (Cope and Kalantzis, 2009). These students, however, face more than professional challenges in the world: the rise of climate catastrophe, wealth inequality, misinformation, state-sanctioned violence, and economic uncertainty, to name a few.
The International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML) will be hosted outside of Europe for the first time since its inception in Glasgow in 1980. Universidad Externado de Colombia is the proud host of this opportunity to bring together expertise from more than two continents, to share experiences and research regarding minority/minoritized languages. The ample linguistic diversity of the American/Abya Yala continent provides challenges, but also great examples of intercultural dialogue and multilingual cohabitation. ICML will be a great opportunity for knowledges to be exchanged, academic and practitioner experiences shared, and dialogues fostered.
We are soliciting chapter proposals for an edited volume that investigates the origins and evolutions of gender benchmarking in Asian literature. This proposed book volume is tentatively titled Evolving Genders: The Dynamics of Narrative Benchmarking in Asian Literature.It is a collection of scholarly research outputs that examines how various agents such as ritualistic practices, family expectations, cultural orientations and even dogmatic factors contribute to the benchmarking of gender aspects as presented in Asian literature.
Concept Note:
Contemporary translation theory reflects the breakdown in the traditional dichotomy “author” versus “translator,” since it views the translator no longer as a subordinate figure to the author, but as an equal co-creator of the literary work, who rewrites the original text in another language and thus actively participates in the creative process. How does attention to this changing relationship between the author and the translator help with understanding of the creation and interpretation of meaning and the subsequent longevity of the translated work in a new environment?