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CFP: Screening Irish-America (12/1/06; 4/13/07-4/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Ruth Barton


The UCD O¹Kane Centre for Film Studies in conjunction with the Clinton
Institute for American Studies, UCD, the Humanities Institute, UCD, the
Irish Program, Boston College, the Huston School of Film and Digital Media
and the School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia
invite proposals for papers to be given at the:


To be held at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, UCD

13-15 April 2007

Proposals covering all aspects of Irish-American Screen Studies, from the
Early and Silent period through to New Media Technologies would be welcomed.
Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals.

CFP: Screening Irish-America (12/1/06; 4/13/07-4/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Ruth Barton


The UCD O¹Kane Centre for Film Studies in conjunction with the Clinton
Institute for American Studies, UCD, the Humanities Institute, UCD, the
Irish Program, Boston College, the Huston School of Film and Digital Media
and the School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia
invite proposals for papers to be given at the:


To be held at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, UCD

13-15 April 2007

Proposals covering all aspects of Irish-American Screen Studies, from the
Early and Silent period through to New Media Technologies would be welcomed.
Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals.

CFP: Media Access (11/20/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lucas Hilderbrand

Call for Papers:
Spectator special issue on
Media Access: Practices, Policies, and Historiographies
Volume 27, Number 1 (Spring 2007)

CFP: Screening Irish-America (12/1/06; 4/13/07-4/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Ruth Barton


The UCD O¹Kane Centre for Film Studies in conjunction with the Clinton
Institute for American Studies, UCD, the Humanities Institute, UCD, the
Irish Program, Boston College, the Huston School of Film and Digital Media
and the School of Film and Television Studies, University of East Anglia
invite proposals for papers to be given at the:


To be held at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, UCD

13-15 April 2007

Proposals covering all aspects of Irish-American Screen Studies, from the
Early and Silent period through to New Media Technologies would be welcomed.
Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals.

CFP: Empathy and Ethics (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

CEA 2007 -- Special Session on "Self and Other: Defining, Constructing,
and Representing Relationships through Empathy and Ethics"

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Conference Theme: Empathy and Ethics

UPDATED Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006
UPDATED Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2007
UPDATED: Submission Guidelines (Please see below):

CFP: Empathy and Ethics (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

CEA 2007 -- Special Session on "Self and Other: Defining, Constructing,
and Representing Relationships through Empathy and Ethics"

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Conference Theme: Empathy and Ethics

UPDATED Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006
UPDATED Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2007
UPDATED: Submission Guidelines (Please see below):

CFP: Empathy and Ethics (11/1/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

CEA 2007 -- Special Session on "Self and Other: Defining, Constructing,
and Representing Relationships through Empathy and Ethics"

The 38th Annual College English Association Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-14, 2007

Conference Theme: Empathy and Ethics

UPDATED Deadline for all proposals: November 1, 2006
UPDATED Conference Dates: April 12-14, 2007
UPDATED: Submission Guidelines (Please see below):

CFP: The Medieval City (10/27/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Francine McGregor

Call for Papers: THE MEDIEVAL CITY

24th Annual Conference of the
23-24 February 2007
Eastern Illinois University

Keynote Speaker: C. David Benson, University of Connecticut

CFP: Henry James Panel at Louisville (10/6/06; 20th-C., 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Wadsworth, Sarah

The Henry James Society will sponsor a session at the thirty-fifth
annual 20th-Century Literature and Culture Conference at the University
of Louisville, February 22-24, 2007. Paper proposals are invited on the
theme "TWICE-TOLD JAMES." Specific twentieth-century themes include (but
are not limited to) the following--

* (Re)reading James in the twentieth century

* The New York Edition

* James's Prefaces

* Film interpretations of James

* Twentieth-century writers interpreting / rewriting /
translating / revising James

* James in twentieth-century fiction

* James and twentieth-century cultural theory

CFP: Spectator: Media Co-Production (11/29/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Hyung-Sook Lee

Hello all,

Spectator, published biannually by the Division of Critical Studies, University of Southern California, is seeking papers on Media Co-productions for its next issue. Please circulate the information to your colleagues and PhD students.

Thank you.

Hyung-Sook Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Critical Studies
School of Cinema-TV
University of Southern California

Call for Papers

Topic Title: Hybrid Media, Ambivalent Feelings: Media Co-Productions and Cultural Negotiation
Spectator Volume 27, Issue 2 (Fall 2007)

CFP: Spectator: Media Co-Production (11/29/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Hyung-Sook Lee

Hello all,

Spectator, published biannually by the Division of Critical Studies, University of Southern California, is seeking papers on Media Co-productions for its next issue. Please circulate the information to your colleagues and PhD students.

Thank you.

Hyung-Sook Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Critical Studies
School of Cinema-TV
University of Southern California

Call for Papers

Topic Title: Hybrid Media, Ambivalent Feelings: Media Co-Productions and Cultural Negotiation
Spectator Volume 27, Issue 2 (Fall 2007)

CFP: Spectator: Media Co-Production (11/29/06; journal issue)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:36pm
Hyung-Sook Lee

Hello all,

Spectator, published biannually by the Division of Critical Studies, University of Southern California, is seeking papers on Media Co-productions for its next issue. Please circulate the information to your colleagues and PhD students.

Thank you.

Hyung-Sook Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Critical Studies
School of Cinema-TV
University of Southern California

Call for Papers

Topic Title: Hybrid Media, Ambivalent Feelings: Media Co-Productions and Cultural Negotiation
Spectator Volume 27, Issue 2 (Fall 2007)

CFP: Aesthetics and Radical Politics (UK) (12/15/06; 2/2/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:00pm

Fri 2nd Feb 2007, University of Manchester

Sponsored by the SGSA

There has always been a strong connection historically between
aesthetics and radical politics, and this is no less true for the
global justice movement's current preoccupation with cultural
approaches to political action. This conference seeks to bring
radical artists, activists, theorists and academics together to
discuss past and present convergences between the theories and
practices of artists and writers and the theories and practices of
movements for radical social change.

CFP: Aesthetics and Radical Politics (UK) (12/15/06; 2/2/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:00pm

Fri 2nd Feb 2007, University of Manchester

Sponsored by the SGSA

There has always been a strong connection historically between
aesthetics and radical politics, and this is no less true for the
global justice movement's current preoccupation with cultural
approaches to political action. This conference seeks to bring
radical artists, activists, theorists and academics together to
discuss past and present convergences between the theories and
practices of artists and writers and the theories and practices of
movements for radical social change.

CFP: Aesthetics and Radical Politics (UK) (12/15/06; 2/2/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:00pm

Fri 2nd Feb 2007, University of Manchester

Sponsored by the SGSA

There has always been a strong connection historically between
aesthetics and radical politics, and this is no less true for the
global justice movement's current preoccupation with cultural
approaches to political action. This conference seeks to bring
radical artists, activists, theorists and academics together to
discuss past and present convergences between the theories and
practices of artists and writers and the theories and practices of
movements for radical social change.

CFP: Aesthetics and Radical Politics (UK) (12/15/06; 2/2/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 8:00pm

Fri 2nd Feb 2007, University of Manchester

Sponsored by the SGSA

There has always been a strong connection historically between
aesthetics and radical politics, and this is no less true for the
global justice movement's current preoccupation with cultural
approaches to political action. This conference seeks to bring
radical artists, activists, theorists and academics together to
discuss past and present convergences between the theories and
practices of artists and writers and the theories and practices of
movements for radical social change.

CFP: (Land)scapes & Reflections (France) (11/20/06; 6/14/07-6/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm


An International Conference to be held at the University of Caen
Basse-Normandie - France -
         14 & 15 June 2007 -

    A (land)scape does not just spring up into existence, and is no absolute
either. In it, through it, a certain culture, and desires express
themselves, a subject is speaking, discourses are interwoven and
disseminated. Our conference will endeavour to sketch the many
crisscrossings which happen in a landscape.

CFP: (Land)scapes & Reflections (France) (11/20/06; 6/14/07-6/15/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm


An International Conference to be held at the University of Caen
Basse-Normandie - France -
         14 & 15 June 2007 -

    A (land)scape does not just spring up into existence, and is no absolute
either. In it, through it, a certain culture, and desires express
themselves, a subject is speaking, discourses are interwoven and
disseminated. Our conference will endeavour to sketch the many
crisscrossings which happen in a landscape.

CFP: Representations of Memory in Film (12/31/06; collection)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm
McSweeney, Terence

Call for Papers: Representations of Memory in Film


Terence McSweeney (University of Essex) and Alistair Harvey (University of Winchester) solicit proposals for a collection of essays entitled 'Representations of Memory in Film'.

We invite any academic approach to the term memory and its depiction in the cinematic art including, for example, philosophical, psychological, social psychological, cultural, filmic and personal reflections on the film-going experience.


CFP: Representations of Memory in Film (12/31/06; collection)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm
McSweeney, Terence

Call for Papers: Representations of Memory in Film


Terence McSweeney (University of Essex) and Alistair Harvey (University of Winchester) solicit proposals for a collection of essays entitled 'Representations of Memory in Film'.

We invite any academic approach to the term memory and its depiction in the cinematic art including, for example, philosophical, psychological, social psychological, cultural, filmic and personal reflections on the film-going experience.


UPDATE: Cross-Cultural Explorations of Trauma (10/10/06; NEMLA, 3/1/06-3/4/06)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm

New Deadline for "Cross Cultural Explorations of Trauma" at the North
East MLA, Baltimore March 1-4.

Despite Cathy Caruth's claim in her landmark collection "Trauma:
Explorations in Memory" that "trauma itself may provide the very link
between cultures," trauma has been infrequently explored from
cross-cultural and non-Western perspectives. This panel seeks to examine
the relationship between trauma and culture, to explore and possibly
critique the Eurocentric perspective of trauma studies, and to
investigate the manner in which trauma reinvigorates psychoanalysis with
the work of cultural critique.

Paper topics might consider the following questions:

CFP: Production, Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies (11/20/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm
Roy Perez

PRODUCTION: Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies
A Graduate Student Conferece
New York University, 23-24 February 2007
Coordinators at New York University seek abstracts for a two-day
conference on "production" at the intersection of critical race
analysis and literary studies. Organized by the Critical Race
Analysis and Literary Studies Colloquium (CRALS) at NYU, this
conference will provide an opportunity for graduate students to
present work that reflects on the significance of critical race
theories to teaching, research, and writing in departments of English
and other fields related to literary study. Beyond (but including)

CFP: Production, Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies (11/20/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm
Roy Perez

PRODUCTION: Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies
A Graduate Student Conferece
New York University, 23-24 February 2007
Coordinators at New York University seek abstracts for a two-day
conference on "production" at the intersection of critical race
analysis and literary studies. Organized by the Critical Race
Analysis and Literary Studies Colloquium (CRALS) at NYU, this
conference will provide an opportunity for graduate students to
present work that reflects on the significance of critical race
theories to teaching, research, and writing in departments of English
and other fields related to literary study. Beyond (but including)

CFP: Production, Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies (11/20/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm
Roy Perez

PRODUCTION: Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies
A Graduate Student Conferece
New York University, 23-24 February 2007
Coordinators at New York University seek abstracts for a two-day
conference on "production" at the intersection of critical race
analysis and literary studies. Organized by the Critical Race
Analysis and Literary Studies Colloquium (CRALS) at NYU, this
conference will provide an opportunity for graduate students to
present work that reflects on the significance of critical race
theories to teaching, research, and writing in departments of English
and other fields related to literary study. Beyond (but including)

CFP: Production, Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies (11/20/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm
Roy Perez

PRODUCTION: Critical Race Analysis and Literary Studies
A Graduate Student Conferece
New York University, 23-24 February 2007
Coordinators at New York University seek abstracts for a two-day
conference on "production" at the intersection of critical race
analysis and literary studies. Organized by the Critical Race
Analysis and Literary Studies Colloquium (CRALS) at NYU, this
conference will provide an opportunity for graduate students to
present work that reflects on the significance of critical race
theories to teaching, research, and writing in departments of English
and other fields related to literary study. Beyond (but including)

UPDATE: Cross-Cultural Explorations of Trauma (10/10/06; NEMLA, 3/1/06-3/4/06)

Friday, October 6, 2006 - 7:59pm

New Deadline for "Cross Cultural Explorations of Trauma" at the North
East MLA, Baltimore March 1-4.

Despite Cathy Caruth's claim in her landmark collection "Trauma:
Explorations in Memory" that "trauma itself may provide the very link
between cultures," trauma has been infrequently explored from
cross-cultural and non-Western perspectives. This panel seeks to examine
the relationship between trauma and culture, to explore and possibly
critique the Eurocentric perspective of trauma studies, and to
investigate the manner in which trauma reinvigorates psychoanalysis with
the work of cultural critique.

Paper topics might consider the following questions:
