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UPDATE: George Herbert and Social Class (UK) (2/23/07; 10/5/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Herbert Conferences HERBCONF


George Herbert’s Pastoral: Poetry and Priesthood, Past and Future
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference
Sarum College, Salisbury, England
5-6 October, 2007

Panel Topic: George Herbert and Social Class

Plenary Speakers:
Helen Wilcox of the University of Wales, Bangor, Cristina Malcolmson of
Bates College, and David Jasper of the University of Glasgow.

Two University Presses have expressed interest in publication of conference

UPDATE: George Herbert and Social Class (UK) (2/23/07; 10/5/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Herbert Conferences HERBCONF


George Herbert’s Pastoral: Poetry and Priesthood, Past and Future
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference
Sarum College, Salisbury, England
5-6 October, 2007

Panel Topic: George Herbert and Social Class

Plenary Speakers:
Helen Wilcox of the University of Wales, Bangor, Cristina Malcolmson of
Bates College, and David Jasper of the University of Glasgow.

Two University Presses have expressed interest in publication of conference

UPDATE: The Experience of War in the Space Between, 1914-45 (2/15/07; 6/8/07-6/9/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Brassard, Genevieve

Deadline extended to February 15th--The Experience of War in the Space Between, June 8-9, 2007, Annapolis, MD.

The Experience of War in the Space Between, 1914-45

Submissions are invited for the 9th annual conference of The Space Between Society: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945, in Annapolis, Maryland, 7-10 June 2007

Keynote Speaker: Michael Saler, Prof of History, University of California, Davis, author of The Avant-Garde in Interwar England (OUP, 1999)

UPDATE: Rerouting the Postcolonial (UK) (3/19/07; 7/3/07-7/4/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Rudd Alison

Call for Papers



The University of Northampton, UK, 3-4 July 2007 (07/03/07 - 07/04/07)


To mark the re-launch of the journal World Literature Written in English
as the Journal of Postcolonial Studies, The Centre for Contemporary
Fiction and Narrative, University of Northampton, and the Journal of
Postcolonial Writing, in association with Taylor and Francis publishers
and the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies, hosts:

Keynote Speakers -=20


Simon Gikandi =20

Patrick Williams=20

Elleke Boehmer=20

Alastair Niven

UPDATE: Rerouting the Postcolonial (UK) (3/19/07; 7/3/07-7/4/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Rudd Alison

Call for Papers



The University of Northampton, UK, 3-4 July 2007 (07/03/07 - 07/04/07)


To mark the re-launch of the journal World Literature Written in English
as the Journal of Postcolonial Studies, The Centre for Contemporary
Fiction and Narrative, University of Northampton, and the Journal of
Postcolonial Writing, in association with Taylor and Francis publishers
and the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies, hosts:

Keynote Speakers -=20


Simon Gikandi =20

Patrick Williams=20

Elleke Boehmer=20

Alastair Niven

UPDATE: Rerouting the Postcolonial (UK) (3/19/07; 7/3/07-7/4/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Rudd Alison

Call for Papers



The University of Northampton, UK, 3-4 July 2007 (07/03/07 - 07/04/07)


To mark the re-launch of the journal World Literature Written in English
as the Journal of Postcolonial Studies, The Centre for Contemporary
Fiction and Narrative, University of Northampton, and the Journal of
Postcolonial Writing, in association with Taylor and Francis publishers
and the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies, hosts:

Keynote Speakers -=20


Simon Gikandi =20

Patrick Williams=20

Elleke Boehmer=20

Alastair Niven

UPDATE: Rerouting the Postcolonial (UK) (3/19/07; 7/3/07-7/4/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Rudd Alison

Call for Papers



The University of Northampton, UK, 3-4 July 2007 (07/03/07 - 07/04/07)


To mark the re-launch of the journal World Literature Written in English
as the Journal of Postcolonial Studies, The Centre for Contemporary
Fiction and Narrative, University of Northampton, and the Journal of
Postcolonial Writing, in association with Taylor and Francis publishers
and the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies, hosts:

Keynote Speakers -=20


Simon Gikandi =20

Patrick Williams=20

Elleke Boehmer=20

Alastair Niven

CFP: Paradoxa: Ursula K. LeGuin (8/31/07; journal issue)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
steffen hantke

Call for Papers: Paradoxa: World Literary Genres
A Volume on Ursula K. Le Guin

"She is the kind of writer businessmen hate most, producing challenging,
unpredictable books whose meanings are too elusive to be easily controlled."
- Meredith Tax, The Nation:, January 28, 2002

CFP: Paradoxa: Ursula K. LeGuin (8/31/07; journal issue)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
steffen hantke

Call for Papers: Paradoxa: World Literary Genres
A Volume on Ursula K. Le Guin

"She is the kind of writer businessmen hate most, producing challenging,
unpredictable books whose meanings are too elusive to be easily controlled."
- Meredith Tax, The Nation:, January 28, 2002

CFP: Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (2/28/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm

CFP: Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (2/28/07; collection)
From: John J. Han <>

Previously unpublished critical essays are being sought for a new volume in Rodopi Press's Dialogue series on Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood. The "Dialogue" series offers emerging and experienced scholars the opportunity to present alternative (point/counterpoint) readings and approaches to classic texts that have received canonical acceptance in either American or Continental literature.

CFP: Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (2/28/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm

CFP: Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (2/28/07; collection)
From: John J. Han <>

Previously unpublished critical essays are being sought for a new volume in Rodopi Press's Dialogue series on Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood. The "Dialogue" series offers emerging and experienced scholars the opportunity to present alternative (point/counterpoint) readings and approaches to classic texts that have received canonical acceptance in either American or Continental literature.

UPDATE: American Regional Hip Hop (2/28/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
mickey hess

Deadline extension from Jan 30 to Feb 28 for American Regional Hip Hop.

My call, in its entirety, should now read:

>From Dr. Mickey S. Hess <>
Date Fri, 29 Dec 2006 21:27:14 -0500 (EST)
>From The Greenwood Guide to American Regional Hip Hop
(Proposals due February 28, 2007. Essays due June 15, 2007)

UPDATE: American Regional Hip Hop (2/28/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
mickey hess

Deadline extension from Jan 30 to Feb 28 for American Regional Hip Hop.

My call, in its entirety, should now read:

>From Dr. Mickey S. Hess <>
Date Fri, 29 Dec 2006 21:27:14 -0500 (EST)
>From The Greenwood Guide to American Regional Hip Hop
(Proposals due February 28, 2007. Essays due June 15, 2007)

UPDATE: American Regional Hip Hop (2/28/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
mickey hess

Deadline extension from Jan 30 to Feb 28 for American Regional Hip Hop.

My call, in its entirety, should now read:

>From Dr. Mickey S. Hess <>
Date Fri, 29 Dec 2006 21:27:14 -0500 (EST)
>From The Greenwood Guide to American Regional Hip Hop
(Proposals due February 28, 2007. Essays due June 15, 2007)

UPDATE: Reading Daniel Deronda (UK) (3/23/07; 8/31/07-9/1/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
TI Sperlinger, English

Reading Daniel Deronda
University of Bristol, UK
31 August - 1 September 2007

Keynote speakers: Valentine Cunningham and John Rignall

This interdisciplinary conference will focus on George Eliot's Daniel
Deronda in order to explore wider themes and debates provoked by the novel.
It will provide an opportunity for scholars engaged in research on the
nineteenth century to discuss a single book that embodies a breadth of
concerns within literature of the period. Lifelong Learning students will
also participate in this conference.

UPDATE: Reading Daniel Deronda (UK) (3/23/07; 8/31/07-9/1/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
TI Sperlinger, English

Reading Daniel Deronda
University of Bristol, UK
31 August - 1 September 2007

Keynote speakers: Valentine Cunningham and John Rignall

This interdisciplinary conference will focus on George Eliot's Daniel
Deronda in order to explore wider themes and debates provoked by the novel.
It will provide an opportunity for scholars engaged in research on the
nineteenth century to discuss a single book that embodies a breadth of
concerns within literature of the period. Lifelong Learning students will
also participate in this conference.

CFP: Renaissance Futures (3/31/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Andrea Brady

CFP: Renaissance Futures (edited collection)
        Abstracts due: 31 March 2007
        Articles (6,000 words) due: 31 March 2008
For more information, see:
We are seeking essays for an edited collection on 'Renaissance Futures'.
Topics may include, but are not limited to, early modern conceptions or
narratives of the following:
        Progress, mutability, predestination, providence, fate, fortune,
destiny, personal development; pilgrim's progresses, dreams, visions,
intuitions, fortune-telling and soothsaying; personal futures: providing

CFP: Renaissance Futures (3/31/07; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
Andrea Brady

CFP: Renaissance Futures (edited collection)
        Abstracts due: 31 March 2007
        Articles (6,000 words) due: 31 March 2008
For more information, see:
We are seeking essays for an edited collection on 'Renaissance Futures'.
Topics may include, but are not limited to, early modern conceptions or
narratives of the following:
        Progress, mutability, predestination, providence, fate, fortune,
destiny, personal development; pilgrim's progresses, dreams, visions,
intuitions, fortune-telling and soothsaying; personal futures: providing

UPDATE: Reading Daniel Deronda (UK) (3/23/07; 8/31/07-9/1/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:30pm
TI Sperlinger, English

Reading Daniel Deronda
University of Bristol, UK
31 August - 1 September 2007

Keynote speakers: Valentine Cunningham and John Rignall

This interdisciplinary conference will focus on George Eliot's Daniel
Deronda in order to explore wider themes and debates provoked by the novel.
It will provide an opportunity for scholars engaged in research on the
nineteenth century to discuss a single book that embodies a breadth of
concerns within literature of the period. Lifelong Learning students will
also participate in this conference.
