all recent posts

UPDATE: Time/Passages (grad) (2/1/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
IU English Department GSAC

UPDATE: Please note that we have extended the deadline
to February 1, 2007, and have updated information
about email submissions and our keynote speaker.

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

UPDATE: Time/Passages (grad) (2/1/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
IU English Department GSAC

UPDATE: Please note that we have extended the deadline
to February 1, 2007, and have updated information
about email submissions and our keynote speaker.

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

UPDATE: Redefining the New in English Studies (1/26/07; GES, 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Odell, Karenbeth

Call for Papers for the Annual Graduate English Society Conference at Texas Tech University:


"Redefining the New: Guiding the Direction of English Studies." Lubbock, Texas


Friday and Saturday, February 23-24, 2007

Extended Abstract Deadline: January 26, 2007


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Jay, Loyola University--Chicago,

UPDATE: Redefining the New in English Studies (1/26/07; GES, 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Odell, Karenbeth

Call for Papers for the Annual Graduate English Society Conference at Texas Tech University:


"Redefining the New: Guiding the Direction of English Studies." Lubbock, Texas


Friday and Saturday, February 23-24, 2007

Extended Abstract Deadline: January 26, 2007


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Jay, Loyola University--Chicago,

UPDATE: Redefining the New in English Studies (1/26/07; GES, 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Odell, Karenbeth

Call for Papers for the Annual Graduate English Society Conference at Texas Tech University:


"Redefining the New: Guiding the Direction of English Studies." Lubbock, Texas


Friday and Saturday, February 23-24, 2007

Extended Abstract Deadline: January 26, 2007


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Paul Jay, Loyola University--Chicago,

CFP: Popular Women's Fiction in the 18th/19th Centuries (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Voss, Julie Ruth

Popular Women's Fiction in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association=20

Calgary, Alberta=20

4-6 October 2007


This special session invites papers on any aspect of popular women's =
fiction-American, British, or Canadian-of the eighteenth and nineteenth =
centuries. Abstracts and papers should be in English.


Send 1-page abstracts by email to or by mail to Julie =
R. Voss, Department of English, 301 McClung Tower, University of =
Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996-0430. Deadline for abstracts is 1 March =

CFP: Popular Women's Fiction in the 18th/19th Centuries (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Voss, Julie Ruth

Popular Women's Fiction in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association=20

Calgary, Alberta=20

4-6 October 2007


This special session invites papers on any aspect of popular women's =
fiction-American, British, or Canadian-of the eighteenth and nineteenth =
centuries. Abstracts and papers should be in English.


Send 1-page abstracts by email to or by mail to Julie =
R. Voss, Department of English, 301 McClung Tower, University of =
Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996-0430. Deadline for abstracts is 1 March =

CFP: Popular Women's Fiction in the 18th/19th Centuries (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Voss, Julie Ruth

Popular Women's Fiction in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association=20

Calgary, Alberta=20

4-6 October 2007


This special session invites papers on any aspect of popular women's =
fiction-American, British, or Canadian-of the eighteenth and nineteenth =
centuries. Abstracts and papers should be in English.


Send 1-page abstracts by email to or by mail to Julie =
R. Voss, Department of English, 301 McClung Tower, University of =
Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996-0430. Deadline for abstracts is 1 March =

CFP: Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South Asia (Goa) (8/1/07; 12/16/07-12/19/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Sura Rath

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda
Tenth International Conference
=93Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South =
Call for Papers
16-19 December 2007
Venue: International Centre, Goa
Thematic Outline
The tenth international conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory =
will be held in Goa from December 16 through December 19, 2007 in =
collaboration with the Department of English of Goa University. =20
This conference seeks to bring together social scientists, humanists and =
thinkers and practitioners in the creative arts to reflect on the symbolic =
and affective investments in land and country over the millennia in the =

CFP: Popular Women's Fiction in the 18th/19th Centuries (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Voss, Julie Ruth

Popular Women's Fiction in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association=20

Calgary, Alberta=20

4-6 October 2007


This special session invites papers on any aspect of popular women's =
fiction-American, British, or Canadian-of the eighteenth and nineteenth =
centuries. Abstracts and papers should be in English.


Send 1-page abstracts by email to or by mail to Julie =
R. Voss, Department of English, 301 McClung Tower, University of =
Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996-0430. Deadline for abstracts is 1 March =

CFP: Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South Asia (Goa) (8/1/07; 12/16/07-12/19/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Sura Rath

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda
Tenth International Conference
=93Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South =
Call for Papers
16-19 December 2007
Venue: International Centre, Goa
Thematic Outline
The tenth international conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory =
will be held in Goa from December 16 through December 19, 2007 in =
collaboration with the Department of English of Goa University. =20
This conference seeks to bring together social scientists, humanists and =
thinkers and practitioners in the creative arts to reflect on the symbolic =
and affective investments in land and country over the millennia in the =

CFP: Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South Asia (Goa) (8/1/07; 12/16/07-12/19/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Sura Rath

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda
Tenth International Conference
=93Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South =
Call for Papers
16-19 December 2007
Venue: International Centre, Goa
Thematic Outline
The tenth international conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory =
will be held in Goa from December 16 through December 19, 2007 in =
collaboration with the Department of English of Goa University. =20
This conference seeks to bring together social scientists, humanists and =
thinkers and practitioners in the creative arts to reflect on the symbolic =
and affective investments in land and country over the millennia in the =

CFP: Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South Asia (Goa) (8/1/07; 12/16/07-12/19/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Sura Rath

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda
Tenth International Conference
=93Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South =
Call for Papers
16-19 December 2007
Venue: International Centre, Goa
Thematic Outline
The tenth international conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory =
will be held in Goa from December 16 through December 19, 2007 in =
collaboration with the Department of English of Goa University. =20
This conference seeks to bring together social scientists, humanists and =
thinkers and practitioners in the creative arts to reflect on the symbolic =
and affective investments in land and country over the millennia in the =

CFP: Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South Asia (Goa) (8/1/07; 12/16/07-12/19/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Sura Rath

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda
Tenth International Conference
=93Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South =
Call for Papers
16-19 December 2007
Venue: International Centre, Goa
Thematic Outline
The tenth international conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory =
will be held in Goa from December 16 through December 19, 2007 in =
collaboration with the Department of English of Goa University. =20
This conference seeks to bring together social scientists, humanists and =
thinkers and practitioners in the creative arts to reflect on the symbolic =
and affective investments in land and country over the millennia in the =

CFP: Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South Asia (Goa) (8/1/07; 12/16/07-12/19/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Sura Rath

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda
Tenth International Conference
=93Thinking Territory: Affect and Attachment towards Land in South =
Call for Papers
16-19 December 2007
Venue: International Centre, Goa
Thematic Outline
The tenth international conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory =
will be held in Goa from December 16 through December 19, 2007 in =
collaboration with the Department of English of Goa University. =20
This conference seeks to bring together social scientists, humanists and =
thinkers and practitioners in the creative arts to reflect on the symbolic =
and affective investments in land and country over the millennia in the =

CFP: Colorado Community College Conference on Composition (1/31/07; 4/13/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Chuck Fisher



The Colorado Community College Conference on Composition, known as the "5C's," will be held on Friday, April 13, 2007. Proposals for presenting are due by January 31. The Call for Presentations, keynote speaker biography, registration procedures, proceedings from last year's conference, and more information are available at the conference web site:


Address inquiries to Chuck Fisher, Department of English, Aims Community College at or call 970-339-6520.

UPDATE: Rhizomes: Feminisms' Others (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Carol Siegel

Special Issue: Rhizomes 14: "Feminism's Others"

As with Rhizomes 7, Theory's Others, this special issue will provide a
space for theorists whose work falls outside the usual academic
boundaries, but here the focus will be on feminist thought. In that
feminism fundamentally aims to correct misconceptions about women in
order to bring about social and cultural gender equality, feminists must
represent -- and circulate representations -- of women as a group, which
would be impossible without making some general statements about women.

UPDATE: Rhizomes: Feminisms' Others (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Carol Siegel

Special Issue: Rhizomes 14: "Feminism's Others"

As with Rhizomes 7, Theory's Others, this special issue will provide a
space for theorists whose work falls outside the usual academic
boundaries, but here the focus will be on feminist thought. In that
feminism fundamentally aims to correct misconceptions about women in
order to bring about social and cultural gender equality, feminists must
represent -- and circulate representations -- of women as a group, which
would be impossible without making some general statements about women.

UPDATE: Rhizomes: Feminisms' Others (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Carol Siegel

Special Issue: Rhizomes 14: "Feminism's Others"

As with Rhizomes 7, Theory's Others, this special issue will provide a
space for theorists whose work falls outside the usual academic
boundaries, but here the focus will be on feminist thought. In that
feminism fundamentally aims to correct misconceptions about women in
order to bring about social and cultural gender equality, feminists must
represent -- and circulate representations -- of women as a group, which
would be impossible without making some general statements about women.

UPDATE: Rhizomes: Feminisms' Others (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Carol Siegel

Special Issue: Rhizomes 14: "Feminism's Others"

As with Rhizomes 7, Theory's Others, this special issue will provide a
space for theorists whose work falls outside the usual academic
boundaries, but here the focus will be on feminist thought. In that
feminism fundamentally aims to correct misconceptions about women in
order to bring about social and cultural gender equality, feminists must
represent -- and circulate representations -- of women as a group, which
would be impossible without making some general statements about women.

CFP: University-Community Partnership Conference (3/9/07; 7/18/07-7/20/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Megan Raymond

The Community Calls Forth the University
The Fourth Annual University-Community Partnership Conference
July 18-20, 2007
The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center
Blacksburg, Virginia
Proposals Due: March 9, 2007
How do communities define engagement with institutions of higher education?
Last year, participants of the University-Community Partnership Conference
addressed the challenge of engagement as an imperative of the higher
education mission. The 2007 event seeks to extend this conversation by
exploring the perspective of community partners in the engaged partnership
process. What does it mean for communities to choose engagement with higher

CFP: Poetic Form and Disability (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Petra Kuppers

A Special Session for the MLA 2007 conference in Chicago:

"Poetic Form and Disability"

We welcome proposals that address intersections, opportunities,
aesthetic challenges and disjunctures between poetics and disability
studies. The emphasis is on formal approaches: we are less interested
in poetry that narrates disability, or whose authors happen to be
disabled, but rather in approaches to poetry and poetry criticism that
locate disability in, through, and with formal elements. We understand
disability here as a social formation, playing across embodiment and
cultural embedment: but what shape this political understanding of
disability takes might very well be part of the investigation.

CFP: Poetic Form and Disability (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Petra Kuppers

A Special Session for the MLA 2007 conference in Chicago:

"Poetic Form and Disability"

We welcome proposals that address intersections, opportunities,
aesthetic challenges and disjunctures between poetics and disability
studies. The emphasis is on formal approaches: we are less interested
in poetry that narrates disability, or whose authors happen to be
disabled, but rather in approaches to poetry and poetry criticism that
locate disability in, through, and with formal elements. We understand
disability here as a social formation, playing across embodiment and
cultural embedment: but what shape this political understanding of
disability takes might very well be part of the investigation.

CFP: Poetic Form and Disability (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:25am
Petra Kuppers

A Special Session for the MLA 2007 conference in Chicago:

"Poetic Form and Disability"

We welcome proposals that address intersections, opportunities,
aesthetic challenges and disjunctures between poetics and disability
studies. The emphasis is on formal approaches: we are less interested
in poetry that narrates disability, or whose authors happen to be
disabled, but rather in approaches to poetry and poetry criticism that
locate disability in, through, and with formal elements. We understand
disability here as a social formation, playing across embodiment and
cultural embedment: but what shape this political understanding of
disability takes might very well be part of the investigation.
