CFP: Victorian Visuality, Visible Victorians (9/15/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Victorian Visuality, Visible Victorians: Vision, Spectacle, and Image
in Victorian Literature and Culture
NEMLA 2006
Philadelphia, PA
March 2-5, 2006
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Victorian Visuality, Visible Victorians: Vision, Spectacle, and Image
in Victorian Literature and Culture
NEMLA 2006
Philadelphia, PA
March 2-5, 2006
Autobiography and the Body
We are seeking papers that will focus on the role of the body in autobiography for a panel that will be held at the Northeast MLA Conference March 2-5, 2006 in Philadelphia, PA. This panel will focus on the recent trend among feminist scholars to examine the prevalence of the body in the autobiographies of women and its noticeable absence in autobiographies of men. Often in women’s autobiography, the physical self contributes largely to the author’s own identity. For example, Lucy Grealy’s Autobiography of a Face equates her physical appearance with her definition of self, while more tradition autobiographies of men, such as Benjamin Franklin and Henry Adams, emphasize a life of intellectual accomplishments.
Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity
Knowledge, Politics, Cultural Production
The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) invites proposals for =
the international workshop, Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity, =
to be held between 29th - 31st of March, 2006 in Amsterdam, the =
Netherlands. This interdisciplinary workshop will be dedicated to =
exploring the concepts of commitment and complicity as they manifest =
themselves at the intersections of knowledge, politics and cultural =
Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity
Knowledge, Politics, Cultural Production
The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) invites proposals for =
the international workshop, Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity, =
to be held between 29th - 31st of March, 2006 in Amsterdam, the =
Netherlands. This interdisciplinary workshop will be dedicated to =
exploring the concepts of commitment and complicity as they manifest =
themselves at the intersections of knowledge, politics and cultural =
Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity
Knowledge, Politics, Cultural Production
The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) invites proposals for =
the international workshop, Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity, =
to be held between 29th - 31st of March, 2006 in Amsterdam, the =
Netherlands. This interdisciplinary workshop will be dedicated to =
exploring the concepts of commitment and complicity as they manifest =
themselves at the intersections of knowledge, politics and cultural =
sponsored session at the 41st Annual International Congress
on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo MI
Sponsored by the University of Chicago Medieval Workshop
I am seeking scholarly essays for an edited volume on ECOCRITICISM AND
FILM. Please submit a 5 page essay proposal which includes a description of
the project, relevant bibliography, and author’s biographical statement
with selected publications by November 1, 2005. Email submissions accepted.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
I am seeking scholarly essays for an edited volume on ECOCRITICISM AND
FILM. Please submit a 5 page essay proposal which includes a description of
the project, relevant bibliography, and author’s biographical statement
with selected publications by November 1, 2005. Email submissions accepted.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
Humor in Middle English, Excluding Chaucer
Special Session
41st International Congress on Medieval Studies
Kalamazoo, MI
4-7 May 2006
I invite abstracts on all aspects of humor in Middle English texts,
excluding Chaucer, for a special session on the topic at the 41st
International Congress on Medieval Studies. Papers have a strict
presentation limit of 20 minutes, and The Congress considers submission
of an abstract and Abstract Cover Sheet to be an agreement by the author
to attend the Congress and to deliver the paper in person if it is
accepted. I will forward all abstracts/cover sheets not selected for
this session to the general committee for consideration in other
The second "Scottish Renaissance" which is often said to have begun with
the publication of Lanark and which reached a high point with the
publication of Trainspotting appears to have reached a new stage
following devolution and the establishment of Scotland's first parliament
in nearly three hundred years. Scotland's recently changed political
situation suggests a number of questions regarding the present and future
of contemporary Scottish fiction. Has devolution changed the implied role
of the Scottish fiction writer and the reception of and/or market for
contemporary Scottish fiction? What part, if any, does recent Scottish
fiction play in the forming, or questioning, of a national political
The second "Scottish Renaissance" which is often said to have begun with
the publication of Lanark and which reached a high point with the
publication of Trainspotting appears to have reached a new stage
following devolution and the establishment of Scotland's first parliament
in nearly three hundred years. Scotland's recently changed political
situation suggests a number of questions regarding the present and future
of contemporary Scottish fiction. Has devolution changed the implied role
of the Scottish fiction writer and the reception of and/or market for
contemporary Scottish fiction? What part, if any, does recent Scottish
fiction play in the forming, or questioning, of a national political
Fall 2005 Issue Theme
>From Access to Assessment:
Teaching the Language Arts in Kansas & Beyond
submission deadline for the fall issue: October 1, 2005
RiLUnE - Revue of Literatures of the European Union
Papers are being accepted for the second issue on "Forms and antiforms in European contemporary poetry".
RiLUnE - Revue of Literatures of the European Union
Papers are being accepted for the second issue on "Forms and antiforms in European contemporary poetry".
Northeastern Modern Language Association (NEMLA5 Conference
March 2-5, 2006
Philadelphia, PA.
Phantom Processions and Runaway Trains: How Narrative Structures are Linked
to Models of the Psyche
The metaphor of a ³train of thought² is an old and accepted one. with sanity
as the ability to maintain the train of rational causation, and madness, the
breakdown of that train.
David Hume compares the mind to a theatre, and suggests that thoughts are a
series of phantom performers who pass in procession on the stage of the
mind. Like Hume, Freud sees the psyche as a space; in the ²topographical
Graduate Student Conference Natural and National Crises: Re-thinking the Relationship between Literature and Crisis
Date: May 5th, 6th 2006.
Université de Montréal,
Département d'études anglaises.
Guest lecturer: Dionne Brand
Deadline for submitting panel proposals: September 26th 2005
Deadline for submitting papers: January 15th 2006
The contemporary world system of global capitalist expansion that is producing new imperialisms around the globe will remain imperialist throughout the visible future, unless we learn how to "cross borders" from a dominating and imperialising past and present to a more "democratic" and just future society.
Graduate Student Conference Natural and National Crises: Re-thinking the Relationship between Literature and Crisis
Date: May 5th, 6th 2006.
Université de Montréal,
Département d'études anglaises.
Guest lecturer: Dionne Brand
Deadline for submitting panel proposals: September 26th 2005
Deadline for submitting papers: January 15th 2006
The contemporary world system of global capitalist expansion that is producing new imperialisms around the globe will remain imperialist throughout the visible future, unless we learn how to "cross borders" from a dominating and imperialising past and present to a more "democratic" and just future society.
Graduate Student Conference Natural and National Crises: Re-thinking the Relationship between Literature and Crisis
Date: May 5th, 6th 2006.
Université de Montréal,
Département d'études anglaises.
Guest lecturer: Dionne Brand
Deadline for submitting panel proposals: September 26th 2005
Deadline for submitting papers: January 15th 2006
The contemporary world system of global capitalist expansion that is producing new imperialisms around the globe will remain imperialist throughout the visible future, unless we learn how to "cross borders" from a dominating and imperialising past and present to a more "democratic" and just future society.
Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe
International Conference
Frankfurt University, Germany - June 1-3, 2006
Elisabeth Bekers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sissy Helff (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Daniela Merolla (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe
International Conference
Frankfurt University, Germany - June 1-3, 2006
Elisabeth Bekers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sissy Helff (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Daniela Merolla (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe
International Conference
Frankfurt University, Germany - June 1-3, 2006
Elisabeth Bekers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sissy Helff (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Daniela Merolla (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
Call for Papers: True Crime in Television, Film, and History
2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association
27th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico
February 8-11, 2006
The 2006 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New
Mexico at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Join us this year, as a returning
or first-time participant, as we celebrate a new future on Route 66 at
this regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can
be found at <>
Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe
International Conference
Frankfurt University, Germany - June 1-3, 2006
Elisabeth Bekers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sissy Helff (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Daniela Merolla (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
Call for Papers: True Crime in Television, Film, and History
2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association
27th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico
February 8-11, 2006
The 2006 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New
Mexico at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Join us this year, as a returning
or first-time participant, as we celebrate a new future on Route 66 at
this regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can
be found at <>
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
March 2-5, 2006
Mixed Media in Contemporary Poetry
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
March 2-5, 2006
Mixed Media in Contemporary Poetry
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
March 2-5, 2006
Mixed Media in Contemporary Poetry
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
March 2-5, 2006
Mixed Media in Contemporary Poetry
Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe
International Conference
Frankfurt University, Germany - June 1-3, 2006
Elisabeth Bekers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sissy Helff (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Daniela Merolla (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe
International Conference
Frankfurt University, Germany - June 1-3, 2006
Elisabeth Bekers (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sissy Helff (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Daniela Merolla (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)