all recent posts

UPDATE: Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature (5/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:15am
Ricardo Vivancos Perez

Research Journal of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

UPDATE: Please, note that the deadline for submissions has been extended =
to MAY 31st.


"Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature"

The graduate student research journal of the Department of Spanish and =
Portuguese at UC Santa Barbara is soliciting papers for its forthcoming =
2003 publication. The issue will focus on performance and spectatorship =
in Hispanic and Lusophone film and literature. Interdisciplinary studies =
and approaches are especially welcome.

UPDATE: Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature (5/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:15am
Ricardo Vivancos Perez

Research Journal of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

UPDATE: Please, note that the deadline for submissions has been extended =
to MAY 31st.


"Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature"

The graduate student research journal of the Department of Spanish and =
Portuguese at UC Santa Barbara is soliciting papers for its forthcoming =
2003 publication. The issue will focus on performance and spectatorship =
in Hispanic and Lusophone film and literature. Interdisciplinary studies =
and approaches are especially welcome.

UPDATE: Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature (5/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:15am
Ricardo Vivancos Perez

Research Journal of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

UPDATE: Please, note that the deadline for submissions has been extended =
to MAY 31st.


"Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature"

The graduate student research journal of the Department of Spanish and =
Portuguese at UC Santa Barbara is soliciting papers for its forthcoming =
2003 publication. The issue will focus on performance and spectatorship =
in Hispanic and Lusophone film and literature. Interdisciplinary studies =
and approaches are especially welcome.

UPDATE: Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature (5/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 12:15am
Ricardo Vivancos Perez

Research Journal of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

UPDATE: Please, note that the deadline for submissions has been extended =
to MAY 31st.


"Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature"

The graduate student research journal of the Department of Spanish and =
Portuguese at UC Santa Barbara is soliciting papers for its forthcoming =
2003 publication. The issue will focus on performance and spectatorship =
in Hispanic and Lusophone film and literature. Interdisciplinary studies =
and approaches are especially welcome.

UPDATE: Salon Cultures and the World of Marcel Proust (7/31/03; e-journal)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:49pm
DiTallo, Paula

The deadlines for the LBR's Salon Culture & Literary Influence Issue
have been extended. The abstract due date has been extended until
July 31, 2003. The paper due date has been extended until September
30, 2003.

---------------CFP Content--------------------------------
The Left Bank Review will address the influence of salon culture in
the lives of the early Modernists living in Paris-- beginning with
the world of Marcel Proust. The LBR will also explore the
transformation of salon culture as it applies to contemporary writers
living and working in today's metropolitan environments.

CFP: Critical Matrix: Disciplines and Disciplinarity (7/1/03; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:48pm
David M. Ball

Volume 14, Special Issue: Disciplines and Disciplinarity

Critical Matrix: The Princeton Journal of Women, Gender and Culture, is
seeking original submissions for an issue dedicated to the problems and
potential of disciplines and disciplinarity in the humanities. Within
and between departments of study, it has become increasingly difficult
to specify respective objects of investigation, critical methodologies,
and most importantly, the intellectual stakes and precise nature of the
work being done. English, French, German, rhetoric, and architecture-to
name just a few-have begun to stand in as loose designators of cultural,
geopolitical, ethical, or theoretical orientations.

CFP: Oral Traditions and Gender in Early Modern Texts (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:46pm
Karen Bamford

Contributions are sought for a collection of essays addressing connections
between oral traditions--including folktales and folklore--and gender in
early modern literature. Send completed papers (no more than 5,000 words)or
abstracts by June 1, 2004 to both Karen Bamford <> and Mary
Ellen Lamb <>.

Karen Bamford
Associate Professor
Dept. of English, Mount Allison University
63D York St., Sackville, NB, Canada, E4L 1G9
phone: 506-364-2550; fax:506-364-2524

CFP: Oral Traditions and Gender in Early Modern Texts (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:46pm
Karen Bamford

Contributions are sought for a collection of essays addressing connections
between oral traditions--including folktales and folklore--and gender in
early modern literature. Send completed papers (no more than 5,000 words)or
abstracts by June 1, 2004 to both Karen Bamford <> and Mary
Ellen Lamb <>.

Karen Bamford
Associate Professor
Dept. of English, Mount Allison University
63D York St., Sackville, NB, Canada, E4L 1G9
phone: 506-364-2550; fax:506-364-2524

CFP: Oral Traditions and Gender in Early Modern Texts (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:46pm
Karen Bamford

Contributions are sought for a collection of essays addressing connections
between oral traditions--including folktales and folklore--and gender in
early modern literature. Send completed papers (no more than 5,000 words)or
abstracts by June 1, 2004 to both Karen Bamford <> and Mary
Ellen Lamb <>.

Karen Bamford
Associate Professor
Dept. of English, Mount Allison University
63D York St., Sackville, NB, Canada, E4L 1G9
phone: 506-364-2550; fax:506-364-2524

CFP: Oral Traditions and Gender in Early Modern Texts (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:46pm
Karen Bamford

Contributions are sought for a collection of essays addressing connections
between oral traditions--including folktales and folklore--and gender in
early modern literature. Send completed papers (no more than 5,000 words)or
abstracts by June 1, 2004 to both Karen Bamford <> and Mary
Ellen Lamb <>.

Karen Bamford
Associate Professor
Dept. of English, Mount Allison University
63D York St., Sackville, NB, Canada, E4L 1G9
phone: 506-364-2550; fax:506-364-2524

UPDATE: AEQ: Social Awareness and the Writing Classroom (8/30/03; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:43pm
Natalie Friedman

UPDATE: Social Awareness and the Writing Classroom deadline extended for
Acaemic Exchange Quarterly!

The peer-reviewed journal, Academic Exchange Quarterly, will devote part of
its Winter 2003 issue to the topic of Social Awareness and the Writing
Classroom. The deadline has been extended to August 2003. See below for a
description of the topic, and visit the AEQ website for information on
submissions, and the formal call for papers.

CFP: Journal of Caribbean Literatures: Aruba, Bonaire, and Cura?ao (7/1/03; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:36pm
Joseph Aimone

Call for Papers

The Journal of Caribbean Literatures (JCLs) is the peer reviewed journal of
literature and culture of the entire Caribbean. Subscriptions and sample
issues are available at

Aware of the growing importance of the newly expanding field of Caribbean
Studies, JCLs seeks quality submissions for its forthcoming special
pioneering double issue on Caribbean literatures in Dutch and Papiamentu
from the Leeward Islands:

Literatures of Aruba, Bonaire and Cura=E7ao
Guest Editors: Olga Elaine Rojer, American University, and Joseph O.
Aimone, Santa Clara University

CFP: Journal of Caribbean Literatures: Aruba, Bonaire, and Cura?ao (7/1/03; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:36pm
Joseph Aimone

Call for Papers

The Journal of Caribbean Literatures (JCLs) is the peer reviewed journal of
literature and culture of the entire Caribbean. Subscriptions and sample
issues are available at

Aware of the growing importance of the newly expanding field of Caribbean
Studies, JCLs seeks quality submissions for its forthcoming special
pioneering double issue on Caribbean literatures in Dutch and Papiamentu
from the Leeward Islands:

Literatures of Aruba, Bonaire and Cura=E7ao
Guest Editors: Olga Elaine Rojer, American University, and Joseph O.
Aimone, Santa Clara University

CFP: Journal of Caribbean Literatures: Aruba, Bonaire, and Cura?ao (7/1/03; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:36pm
Joseph Aimone

Call for Papers

The Journal of Caribbean Literatures (JCLs) is the peer reviewed journal of
literature and culture of the entire Caribbean. Subscriptions and sample
issues are available at

Aware of the growing importance of the newly expanding field of Caribbean
Studies, JCLs seeks quality submissions for its forthcoming special
pioneering double issue on Caribbean literatures in Dutch and Papiamentu
from the Leeward Islands:

Literatures of Aruba, Bonaire and Cura=E7ao
Guest Editors: Olga Elaine Rojer, American University, and Joseph O.
Aimone, Santa Clara University

CFP: South African &amp; American Comparative Studies (6/1/03; e-journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:34pm
Andrew Offenburger

Safundi, The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies,
encourages any scholar or professional to submit a paper for publication
on the website, Papers are being collected for
publication in Issue 11 (July 2003).
DUE DATE: June 1, 2003
SUGGESTED TOPICS: Any topic dealing with South African and American
comparative studies: politics, sociology, biology, law, economics, art,
music, letters, history, etc. Essays and personal experience pieces are
also welcomed. Research addressing one country specifically will be
considered, research comparing the two countries is preferred.

CFP: South African &amp; American Comparative Studies (6/1/03; e-journal issue)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:34pm
Andrew Offenburger

Safundi, The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies,
encourages any scholar or professional to submit a paper for publication
on the website, Papers are being collected for
publication in Issue 11 (July 2003).
DUE DATE: June 1, 2003
SUGGESTED TOPICS: Any topic dealing with South African and American
comparative studies: politics, sociology, biology, law, economics, art,
music, letters, history, etc. Essays and personal experience pieces are
also welcomed. Research addressing one country specifically will be
considered, research comparing the two countries is preferred.

CFP: Henry James: Senses of the Past (3/1/04; journal)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:28pm
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Senses of the Past"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2004 Forum on "Senses of the Past."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

Spectres, ghosts, graveyards, graves, monuments, memorials, ruins
Relics, fragments, traces
Memory, nostalgia
Repetition, Time-travel
Age, aging; childhood
The past; Excavating the past
Historical events
Fiction as history, fiction vs. history, historical fiction
Theories, uses of history in James
James as an historical figure
History of James criticism
History of James's writings, texts
Literary history
Historical influences on James
James as historical influence
James family legacies

CFP: Henry James: Senses of the Past (3/1/04; journal)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:28pm
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Senses of the Past"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2004 Forum on "Senses of the Past."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

Spectres, ghosts, graveyards, graves, monuments, memorials, ruins
Relics, fragments, traces
Memory, nostalgia
Repetition, Time-travel
Age, aging; childhood
The past; Excavating the past
Historical events
Fiction as history, fiction vs. history, historical fiction
Theories, uses of history in James
James as an historical figure
History of James criticism
History of James's writings, texts
Literary history
Historical influences on James
James as historical influence
James family legacies

CFP: Henry James: Leon Edel Prize (grad &amp; beginning scholars) (11/1/03; journal)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:28pm
Service Account hjamesr


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry
James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of
$150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time
academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and
graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA
style, and with return postage enclosed) to:

CFP: Henry James: Leon Edel Prize (grad &amp; beginning scholars) (11/1/03; journal)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:28pm
Service Account hjamesr


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry
James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of
$150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time
academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and
graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA
style, and with return postage enclosed) to:

CFP: Queer as Folk (9/1/03; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:24pm
Jes Battis

QUEER AS FOLK. Contributions are sought for a collection of essays
(tentatively) titled: "Queer as Text: Critically Cruising Gender,
Performance and Sexuality in 'Queer as Folk'." Press in negotiation.
Essays may focus on both the British and American versions of the show,
and analyses that critically compare both versions are especially
welcome. Topics may include:

- intersections of gender performance, sexuality and class within the

- deconstructions (and interpellations) of 'queer' (that is, how the show
aligns or disaligns itself with current traditions of queer theory)

- themes of alterity, alienation and exile vs power, pride and inclusion
within the show

CFP: Queer as Folk (9/1/03; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:24pm
Jes Battis

QUEER AS FOLK. Contributions are sought for a collection of essays
(tentatively) titled: "Queer as Text: Critically Cruising Gender,
Performance and Sexuality in 'Queer as Folk'." Press in negotiation.
Essays may focus on both the British and American versions of the show,
and analyses that critically compare both versions are especially
welcome. Topics may include:

- intersections of gender performance, sexuality and class within the

- deconstructions (and interpellations) of 'queer' (that is, how the show
aligns or disaligns itself with current traditions of queer theory)

- themes of alterity, alienation and exile vs power, pride and inclusion
within the show

CFP: Collaboration, Literature &amp; Composition (6/9/03; collection)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:21pm
Frank Gaughan

Collaboration, Literature & Composition (Collection;

We are seeking abstracts for an upcoming anthology
that explores theoretical collaborations of literature
and composition. In a meeting of form and function,
abstracts (and ensuing essays) must be collaboratively
written. We are open to all subjects; periods;
genres; critical, rhetorical, or pedagogical
perspectives; (etc.) as long as they join literature
and composition in discussion.
