Dead or Alive: The Future of Zombie Studies Edited Collection
Call for Papers for an Edited Collection
Dead or Alive: The Futures of Zombie Studies
Edited by Marlon Lieber and Tim Lanzendörfer
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Call for Papers for an Edited Collection
Dead or Alive: The Futures of Zombie Studies
Edited by Marlon Lieber and Tim Lanzendörfer
CFP: Ecological Grief and Mourning in the Literature and the Arts in the Anglophone World (18th – 21st c.)
Université Paris Cité, LARCA & Catholic University of Paris
3-4 April 2025
Deadline for proposals: 15 June 2024
Adrienne Rich has written that her feminist politics entails “locating the grounds from which to speak with authority,” beginning “not with a continent or a house, but with the geography closest in–the body.” Taking inspiration from Rich and foundational women of color feminists, this panel invites papers exploring the politics of position within the academy and scholars' embodiment in relation to our work.
Visions of the Gulf
Mediating Experiences, Experiencing Mediation
University of Washington Cinema & Media Studies Graduate Conference May 4, 2024
Keynote Speaker: Weihong Bao, UC Berkeley
Call for Proposals
*Travel funding will be available upon request
Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities Concordia University, Montreal. May 3–5, 2024Deadline: February 15, 2024
“May you live in interesting times!”
Apocryphal Chinese Curse
Digital media has dramatically changed our understanding, knowledge, and experience of bodies. Body tracking apps and smart watches allow for new and intense practices of self-surveillance; social media platforms such as Insta and Tiktok present the constant work of body optimization as reasonable and desirable; selfie culture commonly serves to demonstrate willing compliance with new unachievable beauty standards. Filters, editing, lighting, and angling suggest that everybody can be brought into normative shape. Bodies are highly commodified when influencers link their accounts to LTK or amazon storefronts where products are being sold that suggest that youth, fitness, health, thinness, and beauty can be bought.
In her 2020 publication Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto, Legacy Russell explores the notion of “glitch-as-error with its genesis in the realm of the machinic and the digital.” With this framing, she argues that glitches might “inform the way we see the AFK [Away-From-Keyboard or real] world, shaping how we might participate in it toward greater agency for and by ourselves” (8-9). With her sights set on social systems of gender, race, and sexuality in particular, Russell asks how embodied subjects who defy patriarchal white supremacist cisheterosexist norms are positioned or appear as glitches, as errors, in digital and AFK spaces.
Architectures to think with #1 (
Deadline for proposals (up to 500w): 4th Feb 2024
The crumbling Hotel Splendid of Marie Redonnet. The room where Lisa Robertson’s Hazel Brown awakens. The autofictional reflections of Joanna Walsh’s experience as a hotel reviewer. And of course, the multilinear, hybrid Hotel Theory of Wayne Koestenbaum.
Themed Issue: Consent is an Access Issue: Rethinking Disability, Accessibility, and Consent-Based Theatre Practices
Call for Papers Deadline: March 31, 2024
“Disabled people’s liberation cannot be boiled down to logistics.”
–Mia Mingus
In the contemporary digital era, there has been a notable transition of Black children's literature towards the audiobook format, facilitated by platforms such as Audible, Overdrive, and Libby. This shift has significantly expanded the accessibility of Black children's literature beyond the traditional confines of physical books (Rubery, 2011). The role of audiobook narrators in this context becomes crucial, as they are instrumental in bringing stories to life, thereby enhancing the listening experience, comprehension, and the overall success of publishing ventures (Burkey, 2007).
The deadline for submissions for Volume 9 of Chiasma: A Site for Thought has been extended until March 31st.
Please see the call for papers for more information.
Previous submission, here.
Chiasma: A Site for Thought, the International Journal of Theory and Philosophy at Western University’s Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism is soliciting papers on the relationship between philosophy and Fascism (broadly understood).
Call for Papers: Special Issue, The Comparatist
Topic: Justice
General Editor: Zahi Zalloua (Whitman College)
Chapter proposals are invited for an edited volume tentatively titled Going Home Again: Revisiting American Literature of Suburbia. We are aiming for a balance of revisionary views of “classic” suburban literature of the post-war decades informed by current critical approaches; explorations of how 21st century American literature has represented and revised ideas about suburbia; and arguments looking comparatively at both. We hope that putting newer and older works of American suburban literature in dialogue may suggest ways in which the genre and its history can be redefined.
Our Glocal Shakespeare: Intercultural Encounters With The Bard
Conference co-hosted by “Turkish Shakespeares Project” and Istanbul Bilgi University English Language and Literature Department
19-20 April 2024
Venue: Santral Campus, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Contact: Murat Öğütcü ( and İnci Bilgin Tekin (
Deadline for abstracts and bios: 20.02.2024
Call for Papers: Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies
Special Issue: ‘Eco-Artivism in Oceania’
View the full call here>>
We are seeking paper abstracts for a panel proposal provisionally titled "Ecocritical Adaptations in Animations and Experimental Films." The conference of FMSAC will take place at McGill University in Montreal, June 14–16, 2024 (
Co-organizers : Fei Shi and Sylvie Bissonnette (sylvie_bis at
Deadline: January 20, 2024
The 2024 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 8-9, 2024, in Toronto, Ontario, at York University.
This year's keynote speakers are Dr. Larissa Lai and Dr. Nicholas Ruddick.
We invite proposals for papers in any area of Canadian science fiction and fantasy, including:
-studies of individual works and authors;
-comparative studies;
-studies that place works in their literary and/or
cultural contexts.
CFP Special Issue of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Drawing Conclusions: The Rise of Research Comics
Submission deadline: April 1 2024
This special issue of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (Taylor & Francis) explores practice-based approaches to comics-based-research and the various methodologies of communicating academic research through the comics format. In recent years the continued growth of comics-based research has been enriched by the increased visibility of research-based comics in academic journals, scholarly presses, and other platforms.
Black women view their hair as a problem. To enjoy black hair, such negative thinking has to be unlearned. --bell hooks
Don’t remove the kinks from your hair. Remove them from your brain. --Marcus Garvey
It takes care and attention and time to handle natural hair. Something we have lost from our African culture are the rituals of health and beauty and taking time to anoint ourselves. And the first way we lost it was in our hair. --Hariette Cole, in Hair Story
Routledge Resources Online - Chinese Studies (formally the Routledge Research Encyclopedia of Chinese Studies) is now online: We continue to solicit papers introducing traditional and innovative topics within the broad field of Chinese Studies. Entries are between 2000 - 5000 words under a topic of your own choice approvable by the section editors. Papers are welcome in the following 14 key areas:
Extended Submission Deadline (2/1/24): WRITING THE MIDWEST: A Symposium of Scholars and Creative Writers
The Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature (SSML)
May 28-30, 2024. Kellogg Hotel and Convention Center, East Lansing, Michigan
About SSML and The Writing the Midwest Symposium: The Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature (SSML), founded in 1971, exists to support the study and dissemination of work in Midwestern literature, art, film, and scholarly study.
Comprehending Comics: Exploring Methodologies and Approaches to Comic Studies in History and the Social Sciences
Dates: September 8-9, 2024.
Location: fully remote / online
Deadline: Please submit your proposal by May 1, 2024
Call for papers
International conference:
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, 7-8 November 2024
Imagining Italy: Space, Gender and Discourse in Women’s Writing 1789-1914
L’Italie sous la plume des femmes : espace, genre, discours 1789-1914
Antonella Braida (IDEA), Claire McKeown (IDEA), Kerstin Wiedemann (CERCLE)
The ADE Bulletin is the refereed journal of the Association of Departments of English, published annually by the Modern Language Association. The bulletin is soliciting abstracts for a special issue on advising and mentoring in the undergraduate English major. Publication is scheduled for 2025. Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2024. Deadline for submission of selected essays: 30 September 2024. Special issue editor: Felicia Jean Steele, associate professor and associate chair of English at The College of New Jersey and Eastern Regent for Sigma Tau Delta.
Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting 22–24 May 2024 ONLINE ONLY
The IAEP Executive Committee is excited to announce our 2024 annual meeting. As announced at the 2023 meeting we plan to hold conferences in-person in the spring of odd-numbered years and remotely in the spring of even-numbered years. While we recognize the value of in-person conferences, we are also mindful of the importance of reducing the environmental impact of our environmental philosophy conferences.
For this year’s online conference we invite proposals for individual papers as well as organized panels on any aspect of environmental philosophy.
Emerging Scholars Organization (ESO) Call for Papers: Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference
June 23-26, 2024
Courtyard by Marriot Beachfront
Gulfport, Mississippi
Theme: “Reconstruction(s)”
CALL FOR PAPERSTheme: “On the Frontiers of Literary, Linguistic, and Theoretical Criticism” Revered Professor John Nkemngong Nkengasong, one of Cameroon’s most exceptional scholars and academics cum distinguished writer, passed away on June 11, 2023. He would have retired from the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaounde 1 on August 19, 2024 - his birthday. As Professor of Literature, Literary Theory, and Cultural Studies, John Nkengasong taught a variety of courses and supervised a multitude of postgraduate dissertations and theses. His many years of research and professional experience took him to many countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, and America.
2nd Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Conference
Harvard University
Friday, March 29 - Saturday, March 30, 2024
Keynote: Professor Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, University of California, Santa Cruz
Call for Papers
American Futurisms
SANAS Biennial Conference 2024
Swiss Association for North American Studies
University of Geneva, November 7-8, 2024
Conference Director: Prof. Deborah Madsen
Assisted by: Ms. Caroline Martin, Ms. Aïcha Bouchelaghem
Call for Papers