The ‘Ordinary Magic’ of Resilience in Anglophone Literatures: Past, Present, Futures
Call for Papers
The ‘Ordinary Magic’ of Resilience in Anglophone Literatures:
Past, Present, Futures
22-23 February 2024
University of Stuttgart, Germany
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Call for Papers
The ‘Ordinary Magic’ of Resilience in Anglophone Literatures:
Past, Present, Futures
22-23 February 2024
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Conference online (via Zoom):
21-22 September 2023
Call for papers | RCL nº. 59 | Media-Bodies: matter and imaginary
Submissions deadline: July 31, 2023 changed to 22 September 2023 (full articles)
Expected publication date: December 2023
Aida Castro (ICNOVA / I2ADS)
Maria Mire (CICANT / AR.CO)
UPDATED: The Northeast Popular/American Culture Association (NEPCA) is seeking paper proposals on the topic of Romance/Popular Romance Fiction for its annual conference.
NEPCA’s 2023 fall conference will be held as a virtual conference from Thursday October 12 to Saturday October 14, 2023. The deadline for proposals is August 1, 2023.
Updated topic and due date!
International conference | November 27-28, 2023
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid ES
KEYNOTES: Cathryn Halverson (Södertörn University), John Wills (University of Kent)
KEYNOTE ROUNDTABLE: Rewest Research Group (David Río, Amaia Ibarraran, Angel Chaparro, Amaia Soroa)
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is looking for original and well-researched interdisciplinary papers at the intersection of comparative literature, literary studies, literature and translation, language and translation studies, linguistics, foreign language education, translator education, and theory and cultural studies that fall within the scope of the Journal. The mission of the Journal is to facilitate a more expanded and participatory academic discussion on the theoretical and/or applied scholarly work under its scope, and to inform scholars and public about recent developments in these fields.
Title: The Ninth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature
Date:1-2 February 2024
Venue: Ahwaz, Iran
Website: WWW.LLLD.IR
General Description:
The Ninth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature is organized by different universities and research centers.
The conference will be dedicated to current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation.
1st UTAD Conference (Turkish Society for Theatre Research, TSTR)
TED University, Ankara, Türkiye
14-16 September 2023
Contact email:
Call for Papers
The global and digital connectivity of recent years has transformed creative writing infrastructure and practice around the world. Recent decades have seen a number of critical and popular publications exploring the history and practice of creative writing, from Marc McGurl’s “The Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative Writing” (2011) to Lisa Jaillant’s Literary Rebels: A History of Creative Writing in Anglo-American Universities (2022). Yet, as these titles suggest, the critical focus has been on US and UK courses.
Conference: 24-25 August 2023
Conference online (via Zoom)
Rethinking Masculinities
Issue Editors:
Prof. Niladri R. Chatterjee
Professor, Department of English
University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal
Mahamadul Hassan Dhabak
Assistant Professor in English
Department of Basic Science & Humanities
B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Telangana
The 2nd Annual 9-Online Virtual Baseball Conference (October 12-13, 2023) invites original unpublished papers that study all aspects of baseball, with particular emphasis on history, literature, and social policy implications. Abstracts only, not to exceed 300 words, should be submitted no later than July 16, 2023, to co-directors Willie Steele ( and David Pegram ( for the abstract committee’s consideration. Presentations will be limited to 15 minutes.
Call for Proposals
Call for Papers: The Routledge Companion to Ernest Hemingway
The Routledge Literature Companions feature newly-commissioned work from an international team of contributors in exciting areas of literary studies. The essays in this volume, written in clear and jargon-free prose, are intended for both students and scholars, providing a comprehensive overview while introducing emerging scholarship. The Routledge Companion to Ernest Hemingway, edited by Verna Kale, is currently under contract.
ONLINE Film & History Section - October 12-14 2023
Call for 15-20 minute papers/presentations online format. While this area welcomes presentations on a wide range of film topics contributing to popular culture, we are epically interested in papers that explore the following:
Please consider submitting an abstract for the following panel proposal for The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists' (C19's) 2024 conference in Pasadena. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Death in Public
In “Sex in Public,” Berlant and Warner urged us to consider how sex—something seemingly private—is indeed “mediated by publics.” Similar to Berlant and Warner, we investigate how the concept of death, broadly defined, was determined, imagined, augmented, and regulated as a public spectacle throughout the nineteenth century.
July 14, 2023
55th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language AssociationSession Theme: Teaching Societal Change in the Classroom Despite Sociopolitical SurplusMarch 7-10, 2024, in Boston, MA
Illinois Medieval Association Symposium
“Gain through Loss: Accruing Spiritual Wealth from Voluntary Poverty”
Organizer: Francis A. Grabowski III
January 26, 2024, 3:00 pm Central, online
The Spatial Imagination in Postwar and Contemporary
American Literature and Art
A two-day international conference at the University of Strasbourg organized with support from the Institut Universitaire de France
Dates: 21-22 March 2024
Venue: University of Strasbourg, France
Confirmed keynote speaker: Dawn Raffel is a writer whose book Boundless as the Sky came out in January 2023.
Another keynote speaker to be confirmed.
Department of Liberal Arts, Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai
and the Association for Literary Urban Studies
Experiencing Home: Domestic Architecture in Urban Writing
An international conference
22 & 23 February 2024
Concept Note & CFP
We invite you to submit your work on any aspect of pop culture and pedagogy to Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy. Dialogue is the first open-access, peer-reviewed journal focused on the intersection of popular culture and pedagogy.
Apply to the New Scholars Program by September 5
Established in 2000, the Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) New Scholars Program strives to welcome researchers who have not previously published, lectured, or taught on bibliographical subjects by nurturing and promoting their scholarship. Each year, three New Scholars receive a cash award of $1,000, a $500 travel stipend, and the opportunity to present their work by participating in a two-pronged program:
Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America invites submissions for a special issue on the reception of dictionaries by their users.
The historical texts known as the Brut, based on the legendary history of Britain introduced by Geoffrey of Monmouth, survives in multiple prose and poetic versions. The English prose Brut, for instance, was the most widely copied and circulated text next to Wycliffe’s Bible in fourteenth-century England. Many of these texts have been brought to light in the past two decades, through new discoveries and digitalization of known manuscripts, adding to our growing knowledge of the dissemination of the Brut tradition. This session invites papers that share findings about the Brut manuscripts, including new evidence in individual manuscripts, comparisons of variant texts, and examination of paleographic and codicological
Popularized by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his History of the Kings of Britain (1136), the legendary history of the Britons known as the Brut was read, translated, supplemented, and transformed through many languages, genres, and art media, during the Medieval and Early Modern periods. The Brut, including the Arthuriad, has accordingly been the subject of a considerable amount of scholarship and criticism, examining its lasting influence on history, poetry, art, and culture of the regions where it circulated. This session continues the scholarly conversations on the Brut introduced at the 2021 Brut in New Troy conference and welcomes papers that take an interdisciplinary, multilingual, and/or inter-generic approach to the
Title: Faith, Morality, and the Man without Fear: Theology and Religion in Daredevil
Editors: Taylor Thomas and Regan Hardeman
Abstract, CV, and Proposal due: July 30, 2023
Initial Final Paper due: November 15, 2023