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CFP: Witchcraft and Paganism in Contemporary Media (10/31/05; 5/18/06-5/21/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm

Call for Papers

Charming and Crafty: Witchcraft and Paganism in Contemporary Media
May 18-21, 2006
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Keynote Speaker: Stephen Mitchell, Chair, Folklore and Mythology, Harvard

This conference aims to examine representations of Wtchcraft and Paganism in
film, television and other media (1900--present day), and explore a variety of
topics in an interdisciplinary format. Proposals for panels are welcome;
sessions will generally comprise three speakers for twenty minutes each. Suggested
topics include but are not limited to:

CFP: Witchcraft and Paganism in Contemporary Media (10/31/05; 5/18/06-5/21/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm

Call for Papers

Charming and Crafty: Witchcraft and Paganism in Contemporary Media
May 18-21, 2006
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Keynote Speaker: Stephen Mitchell, Chair, Folklore and Mythology, Harvard

This conference aims to examine representations of Wtchcraft and Paganism in
film, television and other media (1900--present day), and explore a variety of
topics in an interdisciplinary format. Proposals for panels are welcome;
sessions will generally comprise three speakers for twenty minutes each. Suggested
topics include but are not limited to:

CFP: Understanding Waste (7/22/05; journal issue)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Nate Eastman


VERB, a new publication of the Humanities Center at Lehigh University,
is currently seeking short (< 3000 word) essays, articles, and creative
pieces on the subject of "waste," broadly defined. Potential topics

        * Conspicuous consumption (including branding, planned obsolescence,
prestige economies, etc.,)

        * Approaches to the abject (including cross-cultural attitudes to
abject material, such as garbage or sewage, as well as exclusionary
practices related to abject objects, groups, or individuals).

        * Leisure (including readings of activities or programs conventionally
understood as wasteful).

CFP: Writing Centers and Disability (10/1/05; collection)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
James Inman

Call for Abstracts

Writing Centers and Disability

Deadline: October 1, 2005

Abstracts (approximately 500 words) for potential contributions are
invited for a new edited collection tentatively titled Writing Centers
and Disability. This collection will investigate the vital, but often
ignored intersection of Writing Center Studies and Disability Studies.

Contributions will ultimately fall into three general categories:

* Research on tutoring writers with disabilities,

* Research and narratives of experience of making the writing center
space accessible, and

CFP: Synoptique 10: Asian Cinema (7/15/05; e-journal issue)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm

SYNOPTIQUE, the online journal of film and film studies, is seeking
contributions for Edition 10, Summer 2005. Synoptique 10 will be devoted to a
range of issues in contemporary Asian cinema and media: the following list
represents suggested topics only. Additional proposals for essays, interviews,
festival reports and other journalistic content related to film are always
welcome. Submissions and proposals should be sent to Owen Livermore at

CFP: Synoptique 10: Asian Cinema (7/15/05; e-journal issue)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm

SYNOPTIQUE, the online journal of film and film studies, is seeking
contributions for Edition 10, Summer 2005. Synoptique 10 will be devoted to a
range of issues in contemporary Asian cinema and media: the following list
represents suggested topics only. Additional proposals for essays, interviews,
festival reports and other journalistic content related to film are always
welcome. Submissions and proposals should be sent to Owen Livermore at

CFP: Censorship and Academic Freedom (9/15/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Douglas Howard

Submissions are invited for a session on Censorship and Academic Freedom
at the 2006 NEMLA conference in Philadelphia, PA., March 02 - March 05,

>From the Ward Churchill controversy to the Patriot Act and the Academic
Bill of Rights, college campuses and classrooms have increasingly become
the focus of the censorship debate. This panel will examine the various
ways in which that debate is being played out and explore faculty
responses to the issues, both within and beyond their classes. Are
there certain subjects that should be avoided or ignored or should
colleges entertain even the most offensive possibilities in the name of
free speech?

CFP: Censorship and Academic Freedom (9/15/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Douglas Howard

Submissions are invited for a session on Censorship and Academic Freedom
at the 2006 NEMLA conference in Philadelphia, PA., March 02 - March 05,

>From the Ward Churchill controversy to the Patriot Act and the Academic
Bill of Rights, college campuses and classrooms have increasingly become
the focus of the censorship debate. This panel will examine the various
ways in which that debate is being played out and explore faculty
responses to the issues, both within and beyond their classes. Are
there certain subjects that should be avoided or ignored or should
colleges entertain even the most offensive possibilities in the name of
free speech?

UPDATE: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siecle (8/9/05; collection)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Anne Stiles

Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.

Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.

UPDATE: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siecle (8/9/05; collection)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Anne Stiles

Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.

Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.

UPDATE: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siecle (8/9/05; collection)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Anne Stiles

Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.

Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.

UPDATE: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siecle (8/9/05; collection)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Anne Stiles

Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.

Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.

CFP: Twentieth Century Short Story (8/10/05; collection)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Andrew Maunder

Facts on File Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction

Contributors are sought for the above book which aims to analyse the genre
in an accessible and student-friendly manner. In particular, contributors
are needed who are able to write on literature post-1930 to the present
day. Essay topics include:

Author biographies and bibliographies
Analyses of short stories and novellas
Literary themes and terms

Contributors will be asked to write short essays (500-1000 words) to be
submitted by 10 August 2005.

Suitably qualified graduate students are welcome.

CFP: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Hugh Tribbey

Please Post and Announce

        Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
        Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

CFP: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Hugh Tribbey

Please Post and Announce

        Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
        Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

CFP: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Hugh Tribbey

Please Post and Announce

        Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
        Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

CFP: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 8:34pm
Hugh Tribbey

Please Post and Announce

        Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
        Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
