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CFP: Shaw Symposium at the Shaw Festival (4/30/06; 8/18/06-8/20/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Richard Dietrich

CALL FOR PAPERS for The Third Annual Shaw Symposium at the Shaw
Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, August 18-20, 2006.

PROPOSALS for papers and panel topics (focused as much as possible on
Too True To Be Good and Arms and The Man, the two Shaw plays being
produced at the Shaw Festival, and confined to twenty minutes in
length) should be sent to Dr. Leonard Conolly, preferably as an
attachment to an email (, or by mail to Professor
Leonard Conolly, Department of English, Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B8. Include a 300-500 word
abstract. Deadline is April 30, 2006.

CFP: Static: Choice and Suffering (5/15/06; online journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
l.a.w. scrivner


Static Online Journal

Submissions are solicited on the theme of Choice and Suffering for the third
issue of Static, the online journal of the London Consortium (publication
date: end June 2006).

The concept of choice is highly valued, especially in the West, as a
fundamental right of free individuals. Our sense of being free is often
based on our freedom to exercise choice in the marketplace, in matrimony, in
the voting booth, or in the hypertext link. But choice has its darker side:
it can prove to be illusory; sometimes the process of choosing can be
agonising; making a choice can close off future choices; we are frequently
forced to make choices.

UPDATE: AnaChronisT: All topics (4/18/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
The AnaChronisT

Deadline extended:

The AnaChronisT,

a blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of English
Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,

invites research papers and interviews on literatures in
English for its next issue, to be published in December 2006. All topics
within the realm of English-language literatures are acceptable. Papers are
to be submitted by Tuesday, 18 April 2006.

The AnaChronisT welcomes submissions by graduate and doctoral students as
well as academics. The requirements of application are as follows:

CFP: Panel Sessions, T. S. Eliot Society (6/1/06; 9/22/06-9/24/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Ben Lockerd

Call for Papers The 27th Annual Meeting of The T. S. Eliot Society St. =
Louis, MO September 22-24, 2006 The Society invites proposals for papers =
to be presented in conference panels at the annual meeting in St. Louis. =
Papers on any topic related to Eliot are welcome. Proposals of approximate=
ly 500 words articulating clearly the central aim or direction of the =
paper or presentation should be forwarded to the President, Professor =
Benjamin Lockerd, Department of English, Grand Valley State University, =
Allendale, MI 49401, USA (or, preferably, by e-mail to =
 Please include a brief biographical sketch or short curriculum vitae as =

CFP: Panel Sessions, T. S. Eliot Society (6/1/06; 9/22/06-9/24/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Ben Lockerd

Call for Papers The 27th Annual Meeting of The T. S. Eliot Society St. =
Louis, MO September 22-24, 2006 The Society invites proposals for papers =
to be presented in conference panels at the annual meeting in St. Louis. =
Papers on any topic related to Eliot are welcome. Proposals of approximate=
ly 500 words articulating clearly the central aim or direction of the =
paper or presentation should be forwarded to the President, Professor =
Benjamin Lockerd, Department of English, Grand Valley State University, =
Allendale, MI 49401, USA (or, preferably, by e-mail to =
 Please include a brief biographical sketch or short curriculum vitae as =

UPDATE: Reading British Literature as Cultural Criticism (4/6/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Pacific Ancient and Modern Languge Assoication Conference (PAMLA)
Panel Topic: Reading British Literature as Cultural Criticism
November 10-11, 2006
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA
Extended Deadline: April 6, 2006
Proposals for 15-20 minute papers are invited for a session devoted to
assessing literature read as cultural criticism or cultural studies. Papers on
literary theory arguing for, against, or beyond this approach to literature, or
 papers that apply this type of criticism are all welcome.
Send your one-page proposal and one-page CV by e-mail to Jean Arnold,
English Department, California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University

UPDATE: Christ in Contemporary Cultures (6/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Gregor Thuswaldner

Christ in Contemporary Cultures: A Cultural Studies Conference=20
at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts, September 28-30, 2006=20

Hosted by Gordon College, Center for Christian Studies and partially =
funded by the Lilly Foundation Endowment, Inc.=20

Conference Organizers:=20
Brian Johnson, Ph.D. and Gregor Thuswaldner, Ph.D.=20

Keynote Speaker: Dr. CORNEL WEST, Princeton University=20


UPDATE: Christ in Contemporary Cultures (6/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Gregor Thuswaldner

Christ in Contemporary Cultures: A Cultural Studies Conference=20
at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts, September 28-30, 2006=20

Hosted by Gordon College, Center for Christian Studies and partially =
funded by the Lilly Foundation Endowment, Inc.=20

Conference Organizers:=20
Brian Johnson, Ph.D. and Gregor Thuswaldner, Ph.D.=20

Keynote Speaker: Dr. CORNEL WEST, Princeton University=20


UPDATE: Christ in Contemporary Cultures (6/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Gregor Thuswaldner

Christ in Contemporary Cultures: A Cultural Studies Conference=20
at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts, September 28-30, 2006=20

Hosted by Gordon College, Center for Christian Studies and partially =
funded by the Lilly Foundation Endowment, Inc.=20

Conference Organizers:=20
Brian Johnson, Ph.D. and Gregor Thuswaldner, Ph.D.=20

Keynote Speaker: Dr. CORNEL WEST, Princeton University=20


CFP: Little Magazines and the Visual Arts in Modernism (4/20/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Blizard, Dawn


Modernist Studies Association 8

October 19-22, 2006, Tulsa, OK


"Little Magazines and the Visual Arts"


The arrival of modernism in the visual arts, for British and American audiences alike, is often equated simply with urban spectacles that drew critical viewers en masse - in Britain, the 1910 exhibition of "Monet and the Post-Impressionists," and in America, the 1913 New York Armory Show. This panel seeks to complicate these assumptions by considering the role that visual reproductions and verbal descriptions of art have played in shaping the conception of what we have come to know as modernism.


UPDATE: Remembering Nellie McKay (4/3/06; journal)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Kimberly Blockett

Update: African American Review is giving us a little more space and time.
Please note the later deadline and higher word limit.

The Nellie Tree: Reflections on the Life of Nellie Y. McKay

Recently, one of the central figures in African-American and Black Women¹s
literary studies, Nellie Y. McKay, passed away. Over the course of her
nearly forty years as an academic, she was one of the premier champions of
African-American literature, particularly the role of its women, as part of
the American canon.

CFP: Little Magazines and the Visual Arts in Modernism (4/20/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Blizard, Dawn


Modernist Studies Association 8

October 19-22, 2006, Tulsa, OK


"Little Magazines and the Visual Arts"


The arrival of modernism in the visual arts, for British and American audiences alike, is often equated simply with urban spectacles that drew critical viewers en masse - in Britain, the 1910 exhibition of "Monet and the Post-Impressionists," and in America, the 1913 New York Armory Show. This panel seeks to complicate these assumptions by considering the role that visual reproductions and verbal descriptions of art have played in shaping the conception of what we have come to know as modernism.


CFP: Little Magazines and the Visual Arts in Modernism (4/20/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Blizard, Dawn


Modernist Studies Association 8

October 19-22, 2006, Tulsa, OK


"Little Magazines and the Visual Arts"


The arrival of modernism in the visual arts, for British and American audiences alike, is often equated simply with urban spectacles that drew critical viewers en masse - in Britain, the 1910 exhibition of "Monet and the Post-Impressionists," and in America, the 1913 New York Armory Show. This panel seeks to complicate these assumptions by considering the role that visual reproductions and verbal descriptions of art have played in shaping the conception of what we have come to know as modernism.


UPDATE: Remembering Nellie McKay (4/3/06; journal)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Kimberly Blockett

Update: African American Review is giving us a little more space and time.
Please note the later deadline and higher word limit.

The Nellie Tree: Reflections on the Life of Nellie Y. McKay

Recently, one of the central figures in African-American and Black Women¹s
literary studies, Nellie Y. McKay, passed away. Over the course of her
nearly forty years as an academic, she was one of the premier champions of
African-American literature, particularly the role of its women, as part of
the American canon.

UPDATE: Remembering Nellie McKay (4/3/06; journal)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Kimberly Blockett

Update: African American Review is giving us a little more space and time.
Please note the later deadline and higher word limit.

The Nellie Tree: Reflections on the Life of Nellie Y. McKay

Recently, one of the central figures in African-American and Black Women¹s
literary studies, Nellie Y. McKay, passed away. Over the course of her
nearly forty years as an academic, she was one of the premier champions of
African-American literature, particularly the role of its women, as part of
the American canon.

UPDATE: USACLALS: Division & Mutual Aid in Postcolonial History and Literature (4/15/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
John Hawley

Deadline extended:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kirpal Singh, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco;
one mile from San Jose airport)

UPDATE: USACLALS: Division & Mutual Aid in Postcolonial History and Literature (4/15/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
John Hawley

Deadline extended:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kirpal Singh, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco;
one mile from San Jose airport)

UPDATE: USACLALS: Division & Mutual Aid in Postcolonial History and Literature (4/15/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
John Hawley

Deadline extended:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kirpal Singh, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco;
one mile from San Jose airport)

UPDATE: USACLALS: Division & Mutual Aid in Postcolonial History and Literature (4/15/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
John Hawley

Deadline extended:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kirpal Singh, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco;
one mile from San Jose airport)

CFP: Theorizing Beyond High/Low (4/21/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Mark Freed

Theorizing Beyond High/Low

    This panel is part of the Midwest Modern Language Association annual =
conference to be held in Chicago Nov. 9-11, 2006.=20

             The Cultural Turn in literary studied was to a large degree =
predicated on various critiques of high or elite culture (Frankfurt, =
Birmingham, poststructural) that led to subsequent critical attention to =
mass or popular culture. Ever since, both the concepts as well as the =
phenomena of "high" and "low" or "mass" culture continue to be in play. =

CFP: Theorizing Beyond High/Low (4/21/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Mark Freed

Theorizing Beyond High/Low

    This panel is part of the Midwest Modern Language Association annual =
conference to be held in Chicago Nov. 9-11, 2006.=20

             The Cultural Turn in literary studied was to a large degree =
predicated on various critiques of high or elite culture (Frankfurt, =
Birmingham, poststructural) that led to subsequent critical attention to =
mass or popular culture. Ever since, both the concepts as well as the =
phenomena of "high" and "low" or "mass" culture continue to be in play. =

CFP: Peer Seminars, T. S. Eliot Society (7/1/06; 9/21/06-9/24/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Ben Lockerd

Peer Seminars on T. S. Eliot 1. Eliot and the London Scene, 1914-19392. =
Eliot in the Theatre This year the T. S. Eliot Society is offering two =
peer seminars at its annual meeting in St. Louis, 21*24 September 2006. =
Vincent Sherry will lead a seminar on "Eliot and the London Scene, =
1914-1939," in which participants are invited to consider the manifold =
ways in which Eliot interacted with the various cultures of London between =
the outbreak of the First World War and the beginning of the Second. The =
aim of the seminar is to project a composite picture of Eliot coming into =
his several roles as poet, critic, editor, and public intellectual in =

CFP: Peer Seminars, T. S. Eliot Society (7/1/06; 9/21/06-9/24/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Ben Lockerd

Peer Seminars on T. S. Eliot 1. Eliot and the London Scene, 1914-19392. =
Eliot in the Theatre This year the T. S. Eliot Society is offering two =
peer seminars at its annual meeting in St. Louis, 21*24 September 2006. =
Vincent Sherry will lead a seminar on "Eliot and the London Scene, =
1914-1939," in which participants are invited to consider the manifold =
ways in which Eliot interacted with the various cultures of London between =
the outbreak of the First World War and the beginning of the Second. The =
aim of the seminar is to project a composite picture of Eliot coming into =
his several roles as poet, critic, editor, and public intellectual in =

CFP: Chapbooks and Knowledge in 18c Britain (4/15/06; NEASECS, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Miriam Jones

I have proposed the following panel for the upcoming meeting of the
Northeast American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (9-12 Nov.
2006, in Salem, Mass.) and am soliciting proposals for papers:

Chapbooks and Knowledge in 18c Britain

How did references to, and/ or knowledge of, chapbooks figure in 18c
redefinitions of knowledge? How did those participating self-
consciously in "Enlightenment" describe chapbooks and their readers,
and how did such descriptions figure in the production, consumption,
and assessment of different kinds of print products?

CFP: Chapbooks and Knowledge in 18c Britain (4/15/06; NEASECS, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm
Miriam Jones

I have proposed the following panel for the upcoming meeting of the
Northeast American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (9-12 Nov.
2006, in Salem, Mass.) and am soliciting proposals for papers:

Chapbooks and Knowledge in 18c Britain

How did references to, and/ or knowledge of, chapbooks figure in 18c
redefinitions of knowledge? How did those participating self-
consciously in "Enlightenment" describe chapbooks and their readers,
and how did such descriptions figure in the production, consumption,
and assessment of different kinds of print products?

CFP: Pressure to Experiment (UK) (5/29/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Pressure to Experiment

A two day international conference on experimentation in contemporary writing

Organised by the Centre for Contemporary Writing

To be held at the University of Southampton, UK on
28th and 29th September 2006

This conference explores the role of literary experimentation in contemporary
writing. After nearly a hundred years of modernism we ask what purpose and
meaning we now attribute to experimentation in fiction, in poetry and in
critical thought. Specific questions to be addressed include:

What are the contemporary aesthetic, political, and cultural pressures on

CFP: Pressure to Experiment (UK) (5/29/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Pressure to Experiment

A two day international conference on experimentation in contemporary writing

Organised by the Centre for Contemporary Writing

To be held at the University of Southampton, UK on
28th and 29th September 2006

This conference explores the role of literary experimentation in contemporary
writing. After nearly a hundred years of modernism we ask what purpose and
meaning we now attribute to experimentation in fiction, in poetry and in
critical thought. Specific questions to be addressed include:

What are the contemporary aesthetic, political, and cultural pressures on

CFP: Pressure to Experiment (UK) (5/29/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:30pm

Pressure to Experiment

A two day international conference on experimentation in contemporary writing

Organised by the Centre for Contemporary Writing

To be held at the University of Southampton, UK on
28th and 29th September 2006

This conference explores the role of literary experimentation in contemporary
writing. After nearly a hundred years of modernism we ask what purpose and
meaning we now attribute to experimentation in fiction, in poetry and in
critical thought. Specific questions to be addressed include:

What are the contemporary aesthetic, political, and cultural pressures on
