CFP: Panel Sessions, T. S. Eliot Society (6/1/06; 9/22/06-9/24/06)
Call for Papers The 27th Annual Meeting of The T. S. Eliot Society St. =
Louis, MO September 22-24, 2006 The Society invites proposals for papers =
to be presented in conference panels at the annual meeting in St. Louis. =
Papers on any topic related to Eliot are welcome. Proposals of approximate=
ly 500 words articulating clearly the central aim or direction of the =
paper or presentation should be forwarded to the President, Professor =
Benjamin Lockerd, Department of English, Grand Valley State University, =
Allendale, MI 49401, USA (or, preferably, by e-mail to =
Please include a brief biographical sketch or short curriculum vitae as =