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CFP: Media-Culture Reviews (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002 - 5:58pm
Kate Douglas

M/C Reviews is an on-line review journal, affiliated with M/C: A Journal
of Media and Culture. M/C Reviews is an internationally recognised journal
that publishes progressive critical interventions within 5 sub-sections:
Events, Screens, Sounds, Spaces and Words. We also publish themed issues
in Features, including our most recent edition that explored issues
relating to the 2002 Football World Cup.

We would like to invite contributions for short articles/reviews on any
topic relating to our 5 sub-sections. Preference will be given to articles
or reviews of current cultural products or recent issues.

CFP: German-American Studies / Humanities Computing (no deadline noted; CD/DVD)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002 - 5:46pm
Michael Shaughnessy


The Max Kade
German-American Electronic Library
Volume 1

A Publication of the German-American Studies Program,
University of Cincinnati

This new electronic library series will publish original works of
scholarship in German-American Studies, e.g.: German-American history,
language, literature, and culture.

Proposals particularly suited to electronic publication will be given
special consideration. This includes research that effectively incorporates
multimedia material, worthy projects that would not normally be published in
print form due to size or cost constraints, and interactive projects that
are completely multimedia-based.

CFP: German-American Studies / Humanities Computing (no deadline noted; CD/DVD)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002 - 5:46pm
Michael Shaughnessy


The Max Kade
German-American Electronic Library
Volume 1

A Publication of the German-American Studies Program,
University of Cincinnati

This new electronic library series will publish original works of
scholarship in German-American Studies, e.g.: German-American history,
language, literature, and culture.

Proposals particularly suited to electronic publication will be given
special consideration. This includes research that effectively incorporates
multimedia material, worthy projects that would not normally be published in
print form due to size or cost constraints, and interactive projects that
are completely multimedia-based.

CFP: German-American Studies / Humanities Computing (no deadline noted; CD/DVD)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002 - 5:46pm
Michael Shaughnessy


The Max Kade
German-American Electronic Library
Volume 1

A Publication of the German-American Studies Program,
University of Cincinnati

This new electronic library series will publish original works of
scholarship in German-American Studies, e.g.: German-American history,
language, literature, and culture.

Proposals particularly suited to electronic publication will be given
special consideration. This includes research that effectively incorporates
multimedia material, worthy projects that would not normally be published in
print form due to size or cost constraints, and interactive projects that
are completely multimedia-based.

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly editors (journal)

Thursday, August 29, 2002 - 3:24pm
Ben Varner


The editorial board of Academic Exchange Quarterly is looking for
qualified individuals who would serve as permanent editors for each
of the following topics listed at this website:

If you are interested in a topic or have an idea for
another one, please review carefully the information
at the following websites:

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly editors (journal)

Thursday, August 29, 2002 - 3:24pm
Ben Varner


The editorial board of Academic Exchange Quarterly is looking for
qualified individuals who would serve as permanent editors for each
of the following topics listed at this website:

If you are interested in a topic or have an idea for
another one, please review carefully the information
at the following websites:

CFP: American Studies, Texas, and the Southwest (4/30/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 4:51pm

The Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas (JASAT) is a
refereed journal published annually in the fall and welcomes manuscripts
15-25 pages in length on various aspects of American culture, with an
emphasis on Texas, the south, and southwest. Although manuscripts are
accepted at any time, the deadline for each issue is April 30. Among recent
articles are a study of inter-ethnic relations and the music industry in Los
Angeles, "'An Aural Counterpart': Afro-Chicano Music Culture and Mainstream
Radio in Post-war Los Angeles"; an examination of the first wire-line
telegraphy company west of the Mississippi, "Wiring Texas: The Story of the

CFP: American Studies, Texas, and the Southwest (4/30/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 4:51pm

The Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas (JASAT) is a
refereed journal published annually in the fall and welcomes manuscripts
15-25 pages in length on various aspects of American culture, with an
emphasis on Texas, the south, and southwest. Although manuscripts are
accepted at any time, the deadline for each issue is April 30. Among recent
articles are a study of inter-ethnic relations and the music industry in Los
Angeles, "'An Aural Counterpart': Afro-Chicano Music Culture and Mainstream
Radio in Post-war Los Angeles"; an examination of the first wire-line
telegraphy company west of the Mississippi, "Wiring Texas: The Story of the

CFP: Men and Masculinities (no deadline noted; encyclopedia)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 3:02am
Merry G. Perry (chuma)

Please contact Michael S. Kimmel ( if you
are interested in the following CFP. Also, please pass on this CFP to
other colleagues who might be interested.


Merry G. Perry
Area Chair, Masculinities
National PCA/ACA Conference
Department of English
West Chester University
532 Main Hall
West Chester, PA 19383

Dear Colleagues:

CFP: Men and Masculinities (no deadline noted; encyclopedia)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 3:02am
Merry G. Perry (chuma)

Please contact Michael S. Kimmel ( if you
are interested in the following CFP. Also, please pass on this CFP to
other colleagues who might be interested.


Merry G. Perry
Area Chair, Masculinities
National PCA/ACA Conference
Department of English
West Chester University
532 Main Hall
West Chester, PA 19383

Dear Colleagues:

CFP: New England Regional Cultures (7/1/03; collection)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:53am
Solomon Davidoff


The Greenwood Publishing Group, an award-winning publisher of reference
books and monographs, is developing a major new reference series that will
provide an invaluable and unprecedented tool in the field of Regional
Studies. The series will be marketed to college, high school, and public
libraries throughout the United States, and will be offered for sale as
individual volumes and as a complete set.

I am seeking contributors for the volume dealing with the New England
region, made up of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island and Vermont, for each of the following topical chapters:

CFP: New England Regional Cultures (7/1/03; collection)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:53am
Solomon Davidoff


The Greenwood Publishing Group, an award-winning publisher of reference
books and monographs, is developing a major new reference series that will
provide an invaluable and unprecedented tool in the field of Regional
Studies. The series will be marketed to college, high school, and public
libraries throughout the United States, and will be offered for sale as
individual volumes and as a complete set.

I am seeking contributors for the volume dealing with the New England
region, made up of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island and Vermont, for each of the following topical chapters:

CFP: Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research (journal)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:50am
Candace Spigelman

Announcing a New Undergraduate Research Journal. Young Scholars in Writing:
Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric seeks theory-driven and/or
research-based submissions from undergraduates on the following topics:
writing, rhetoric, composition, professional writing, technical writing,
business writing, discourse analysis, writing technologies, peer tutoring
in writing, writing process, writing in the disciplines, and related
topics. Submissions to this refereed journal should be between 8 and 20
pages, in MLA format, and should be accompanied by a professor's note that
the essay was written by the student. Please send three copies of

CFP: Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research (journal)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:50am
Candace Spigelman

Announcing a New Undergraduate Research Journal. Young Scholars in Writing:
Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric seeks theory-driven and/or
research-based submissions from undergraduates on the following topics:
writing, rhetoric, composition, professional writing, technical writing,
business writing, discourse analysis, writing technologies, peer tutoring
in writing, writing process, writing in the disciplines, and related
topics. Submissions to this refereed journal should be between 8 and 20
pages, in MLA format, and should be accompanied by a professor's note that
the essay was written by the student. Please send three copies of

CFP: Philip Roth Society (no deadline; newsletter)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:50am
Roth Society

The Philip Roth Society, a new organization devoted to the study and the
appreciation of the writings of Philip Roth, will soon inaugurate a
newsletter, and it's looking for individuals interested in contributing.
 As this is a literary newsletter, contributions should not be long and
journal-length. Brief writings concerning Roth and his fiction, in any
way and from any approach, are welcome.

The goal of the Philip Roth Society is to encourage the exchange of
ideas and texts concerning this most significant author through
discussions, panel presentations at scholarly conferences, and journal
publications. The newsletter will be a major factor in accomplishing

CFP: Philip Roth Society (no deadline; newsletter)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:50am
Roth Society

The Philip Roth Society, a new organization devoted to the study and the
appreciation of the writings of Philip Roth, will soon inaugurate a
newsletter, and it's looking for individuals interested in contributing.
 As this is a literary newsletter, contributions should not be long and
journal-length. Brief writings concerning Roth and his fiction, in any
way and from any approach, are welcome.

The goal of the Philip Roth Society is to encourage the exchange of
ideas and texts concerning this most significant author through
discussions, panel presentations at scholarly conferences, and journal
publications. The newsletter will be a major factor in accomplishing

CFP: Sonia Sanchez (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 10:49pm

> Hi. How are you? I am writing to you because I'd like you to contribute to=
> an Anthology on Sonia Sanchez entitled, Sonia On My Mind: A Collection of=20
> Scholarly Essays and Literary Criticism.=20
> Joyce Ann Joyce, author of Ijala: Sonia Sanchez and the African Poetic=20
> Tradition, is writing the introduction. Houston A. Baker, Dr. Lorenzo=20
> Thomas, Dr. Nathan Hare, and several others have already expressed their=20
> interest in participating.=20

CFP: Sonia Sanchez (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 10:49pm

> Hi. How are you? I am writing to you because I'd like you to contribute to=
> an Anthology on Sonia Sanchez entitled, Sonia On My Mind: A Collection of=20
> Scholarly Essays and Literary Criticism.=20
> Joyce Ann Joyce, author of Ijala: Sonia Sanchez and the African Poetic=20
> Tradition, is writing the introduction. Houston A. Baker, Dr. Lorenzo=20
> Thomas, Dr. Nathan Hare, and several others have already expressed their=20
> interest in participating.=20

CFP: Graduate Student Life (website)

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 10:49pm
Anita Nicholson is a new site focused on humanities graduate
students who are looking for information on writing the
thesis\dissertation, looking for cheap airfare sites or searching for
E-reources on African American Literature, Science Fiction, American
Literature, on-line e-texts, etc.

CFP: Graduate Student Life (website)

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 10:49pm
Anita Nicholson is a new site focused on humanities graduate
students who are looking for information on writing the
thesis\dissertation, looking for cheap airfare sites or searching for
E-reources on African American Literature, Science Fiction, American
Literature, on-line e-texts, etc.

CFP: Critical Matrix: Feminism and Gender Studies (journal)

Saturday, August 10, 2002 - 6:28pm
William K McManus

CRITICAL MATRIX is a forum for research, criticism, theory and creative
work in feminism and gender studies. Seeking connections among scholarly,
aesthetic and activist approaches to gender, CM brings together written and
visual materials that explore, redefine or reach across traditional
disciplinary boundaries. Today an award-winning, internationally circulated
professional journal,CM was founded by feminist graduate students in the
early 1980s to provide academic support for exploratory scholarship in
Women's Studies and continues to encourage submission that might encounter
resistance or neglect within established disciplines. We solicit new work

CFP: Critical Matrix: Feminism and Gender Studies (journal)

Saturday, August 10, 2002 - 6:28pm
William K McManus

CRITICAL MATRIX is a forum for research, criticism, theory and creative
work in feminism and gender studies. Seeking connections among scholarly,
aesthetic and activist approaches to gender, CM brings together written and
visual materials that explore, redefine or reach across traditional
disciplinary boundaries. Today an award-winning, internationally circulated
professional journal,CM was founded by feminist graduate students in the
early 1980s to provide academic support for exploratory scholarship in
Women's Studies and continues to encourage submission that might encounter
resistance or neglect within established disciplines. We solicit new work
