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CFP: Women Writers of Spain and the Americas (1300-1800) (3/15/06; AEEA, 9/21/06-9/23/06)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - 3:02pm
Grady C. Wray

The Asociación de Escritoras de España y las Américas (1300-1800) (AEEA)
invites abstracts for its 2006 Conference held in conjunction with the
Association for Hispanic Classical Theater (AHCT) in Washington, D.C., on
September 21-23, 2006. The keynote speaker will be Christopher Wilson, an
expert on Carmelite iconography and professorial lecturer of Art History at
George Washington University. Karen Berman, of Georgetown University, and
Hugo Medrano, of Gala Theater in Washington, D.C.
(, will direct plays by early modern Spanish
women. A theater workshop will be held at Gala Theater following the

CFP: American Indian Literatures & Cultures (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - 3:02pm
Leslie Fife

Call for Papers: American Indian Literatures & Cultures


Popular Culture Association


American Culture Association

Annual Meeting


April 12 – 16, 2006

Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel

Atlanta, Georgia


We invite submissions from individuals or organized panels (3 or 4 persons) focusing on any issue relating to American Indian/First Nation/Indigenous peoples' lives and literatures. We especially invite the participation of native scholars and writers.



NOVEMBER 1st, 2005



--200-250 word abstract [presentation title--10 words maximum]

CFP: Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European Diasporas (11/15/05; 2/26/06-2/27/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 5:22pm
Yiddish Conference


Yiddish / Jewish Cultures: Literature, History, Thought in Eastern European

Date: Sunday, February 26th to Monday, February 27th, 2006

Location: Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York
University, New York City

What does the field of "Yiddish Studies" mean in the 21st century?

Announcing a graduate student conference on the varieties of Yiddish
cultural, historical, and linguistic expression either located within
Eastern Europe, or emanating to diasporas such as the Americas, Israel, and
other parts of the world.

CFP: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the US: Crosscurrents (11/18/05; MELUS, 4/27/06-4/30/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:33pm
Elena Machado

MELUS, The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the
United States, announces its 20th Annual Conference,
from April 27-30, 2006.

Call for Papers and Panels

Conference Theme
Crosscurrents: Navigating the Mainland and the Margins in U.S. Ethnic

Host: Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letter, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton, FL

Conference Committee: Sika Dagbovie, Andrew Furman, Cleavis Headley,
Elena Machado Sáez, Johnnie Stover, Anthony Tamburri, Derrick White,
Wenying Xu

CFP: William Gilmore Simms and 19th Century American Literature Conference (12/15/05; 4/27/06-4/29/06)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:32pm
David Newton

Call for Papers

William Gilmore Simms Conference: Simms and the Geography of Americanism
A Bicentennial Celebration of the Author's Life and Writings, 1806-2006
April 27-29, 2006
Pennsylvania Historical Society
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Call for Papers / Invitation to Attend

We invite literary scholars, historians, and scholars from other disciplines
to submit paper proposals on topics related to Simms's life and achievements
as a writer. We especially invite papers that situate Simms in a broader
national as well as international context, interrogating the circles of
culture in which he lived and wrote. These may include:

CFP: New Jersey Writers (11/1/05; NJCEA, 3/18/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Edward Shannon

New Jersey Writers.
29th Annual New Jersey College English Association
Spring Conference
Saturday, March 18, 2006, Jubilee Hall
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ

New Jersey Writers.
This panel considers any approach to work by New Jersey Writers. All
periods and approaches are welcome.
Send 300-500 word abstracts by 11/1/05. Completed papers by 12/12/05.
Deadline for completed panels and paper proposals is January 6, 2006.
Membership in NJCEA is covered in registration fee. Please send
abstracts and papers as Word attachments.

CFP: Thoreau Featured at Carson Conference (1/19/06; 6/13/06-6/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
barbara klein

The Fourth NEW-CUE Writers' Conference and
Workshop in honor of Rachel Carson
June 13-16, 2006

Nature and Environmental Writers – College and University Educators
(NEW-CUE), a non-profit, environmental education organization, invites
submissions for possible presentation at its Fourth Writers' Conference
and Workshop in honor of Rachel Carson, June 13-16, 2006 at The Spruce
Point Inn in Boothbay Harbor, ME. The 2006 Conference/Workshop will
feature the work of Henry David Thoreau, and the theme will be

CFP: Charles Olson's Prose (12/1/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Grieve-Carlson, Gary

CFP: Charles Olson's Prose (12/1/05; ALA, 5/25/06 - 5/28/06)


For a proposed panel on Charles Olson's prose at the 2006 ALA conference =
San Francisco, please submit a title and 250-word abstract no later than
December 1, 2005. Papers may deal with any aspect of any of Olson's =
works, e.g., The Special View of History, Human Universe, the Beloit
Lectures, Projective Verse, etc. Final presentations strictly limited =
to 20

Gary Grieve-Carlson

Professor of English

Lebanon Valley College

Annville, PA 17003

CFP: New Perspectives on Susanna Rowson (12/1/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm
Jennifer Desiderio

CFP: New Perspectives on Susanna Rowson (SSAWW, Philadelphia, November 8-11, 2006)

It has been twenty years since the recovery and republication of Rowson's /Charlotte Temple/. We solicit papers for the Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference that address new areas of scholarship on this now canonical author. We are particularly interested in papers which situate Rowson in new contexts or address her lesser known works.

Please email 200 word abstracts by December 1, 2005 to Jennifer Desiderio, Canisius College( Desiree Henderson, University of Texas at Arlington( <>).

CFP: Holy Land(s) in American Lit (10/5/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Yothers, Brian

Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =

CFP: Theft and Stealing in Southern Literature (10/15/05; SSSL, 3/30/06-4/2/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Melanie Benson


The Society for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL) has announced
as the topic for its 2006 conference (March 30-April 2, 2006,
Birmingham, AL) "Labor, Literature, and the U.S. South." I am
seeking abstracts for a proposed panel on "Theft and Stealing in
Southern Literature."

CFP: Native American Literature (10/25/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Benjamin Carson

College English Association National Conference, April 6-8, 2006, San Antonio, Texas.

We invite papers on Native American Literature for the 37th Annual meeting of the CEA. Special consideration will be given to papers on Native American Literature that address this year's conference theme, "Regions,"--and questions such as "How do we construct and understand our geographical, historical, cultural, and ideological regions?" and, "how do those understandings inform what we write, read, and teach?"--but all papers on Native American Literature will be considered.

Proposals should include the following information:

CFP: African-American Literature (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Sunday, September 18, 2005 - 4:31pm
Shelia Collins

College English Association National Conference
April 6-8, 2006
San Antonio, Texas

We invite papers and panel proposals on African-American literature for the
37th annual meeting of CEA. The general conference theme is "Regions."
Proposals that offer new and inventive readings on African-American
literature will be considered. Please interpret the conference theme

CFP: Hemingway Society Panels (11/1/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Sunday, September 18, 2005 - 4:30pm
Hilary Justice

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals – American Literature Association, 2006

The Hemingway Society invites proposals for papers and/or panels for two
sessions at the May 2006 ALA conference.

We are particularly interested in papers considering the following topics,
but welcome proposals on all topics:

Hemingway and Consumerism

Hemingway and Contemporary Writers

The Hemingway Society seeks proposals from all critical and theoretical
approaches, and actively encourages submissions by advanced graduate
students and recent graduates.

CFP: Charles Chesnutt Panel (9/20/05; CLA, 4/5/06-4/8/06)

Sunday, September 18, 2005 - 4:30pm
Wright-Mcfatter, Susan

CALL for Papers=20
Charles Chesnutt Association=20
2006 CLA Conference=20
Birmingham, AL=20
April 5-8 2006

The general topic of the conference is The Theme of Literature and Film:
>From Page to Screen. We are looking for single page abstracts on any
connection between Chesnutt's works and/or his philosophy on art, race,
class, etc. and film, including his association with Oscar Micheaux. =20
Please send abstracts as soon as possible, but before September 20,
2005. =20

CFP: Hemingway Society Panels (11/1/05; MLA '06)

Sunday, September 18, 2005 - 4:29pm
Hilary Justice

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals – Modern Language Association, 2006

The Hemingway Society invites proposals for papers and/or panels for two
sessions at the December 2006 MLA conference.

We are particularly interested in papers considering the following topics,
but welcome proposals on all topics:

- Hemingway and the Cold War

- Under Kilimanjaro

The Hemingway Society seeks proposals from all critical and theoretical
approaches, and actively encourages submissions by advanced graduate
students and recent graduates.

CFP: Studies in American Indian Literatures: Pedagogy (12/1/05; journal issue)

Friday, September 16, 2005 - 3:12pm
Barbara Cook

For a special issue of Studies in American Indian Literatures (volume =
19.1, Spring 2007) focusing on pedagogy:
The editors of this special issue invite submissions of articles that =
directly address pedagogical questions in the teaching of Native American =
literatures. Potential topics include:
methods of teaching individual texts, including recently published and =
other "less canonical" texts;
teaching from oral traditions;
strategies for inclusion of non-literary cultural and historical background=
 materials, information, and resources;
gender issues in the content and reception of particular texts;
religious identity and ceremony, including student response to critiques =

CFP: Appalachian Studies (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Friday, September 16, 2005 - 3:12pm
Leslie Fife

Call for papers: Appalachian Studies






Submission Deadline: 1 November 2005


Appalachia was, and remains, one place where Americans' thoughts go when they have to re-think what it means to be American. Whether it is understood as the First Frontier, the original Old West, or an Eden infested with the snakes of race, class, and violence, Appalachia offers exceedingly fertile ground for popular and scholarly investigation.


Presentations covering a broad range of Appalachian culture are welcome, as are thematic panels composed of three to four presentations. Topics may include:


CFP: Nineteenth-Century American Literature (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Friday, September 16, 2005 - 3:12pm

CFP: Nineteenth-Century American Literature
37th Annual College English Association National Conference
(Conference title: "Reading the Regions / Writing the Regions / Teaching the
San Antonio, Texas (April 6-8, 2006)
Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2005

CFP: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on North American Borderlands (1/1/06; 10/20/06-10/21/06)

Friday, September 16, 2005 - 3:12pm
Glenn Crothers



"Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on North American=20



October 20-21, 2006

Louisville, Kentucky


Conference Conveners:=20

Andrew Cayton (Miami University Ohio)

David J. Weber (Southern Methodist University)


The Filson Institute for the Advanced Study of the Ohio Valley and the
Upper South proposes a two-day academic conference examining in
comparative perspective the nature and variety of North American
borderlands and their peoples from the sixteenth to the nineteenth
centuries. The conference will be in Louisville, Kentucky, at The Filson
Historical Society. =20


UPDATE: Affect and Excess: The Politics of American Melodrama (Cyprus) (9/23/05; EASA, 4/7/06-4/10/06)

Monday, September 12, 2005 - 3:12pm
Ilka Saal

Please note the corrected date for the conference!


Workshop at European American Studies Association Biennial Conference
"Conformism, Non-Conformism and Anti-Conformism in the Culture of the
United States," April 7-10, 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus.

We invite papers that examine the politics and aesthetics of American
melodrama (on stage, page, and screen).

Please send queries, abstracts (250 words) and brief bio by September 23,
2005 to or
