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CFP: Florida Literature, Florida Studies (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Monday, September 12, 2005 - 3:12pm
Maurice O'Sullivan

The Florida CEA invites papers or panel proposals on any aspects of =
Florida Literature, Florida Culture, or Florida Studies for the College =
English Association's 37th National Conference in San Antonio, April 6-8, =
2006. Please submit the following information to Professor Steve Brahlek =
( by October 15, 2005.
- Name
- Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Title for Proposed Presentation
- Abstract of no more than 500 words
- A-V Equipment Needs, if any
- Special Needs, if any

CFP: Early American Cartographies (10/1/05; 3/2/06-3/4/06)

Saturday, September 10, 2005 - 4:39pm
Susan Imbarrato

Dear colleagues:
Please see below a call for papers
(with apologies for cross-posting).
Thank you,
Susan Imbarrato


      March 2-4, 2006, at the Newberry Library:

A conference sponsored by the Society of Early Americanists; the
Newberry Library's Center for Renaissance Studies, Hermon Dunlap Smith
Center for the History of Cartography, D'Arcy McNickle Center for
American Indian History, and Dr. William M. Scholl Center for Family
and Community History; and the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal
Arts, College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame.

CFP: American Literary Characters (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for American Literary Characters, a
four-volume work to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on
File. Contributors will be paid and credited in the volume. For wants
list and style sheet, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter Street,
Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1896-1945 (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for Encyclopedia of American Literature,
1896-1945 to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on File.
Entries wil treat authors; significant works; and literary schools,
movements, genres. Contributors will be paid and credited in the
volume. For further details, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter
Street, Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Jewish Studies Area (10/15/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm


Jewish Studies Area
2006 Conference
Popular Culture Association

April 12 - 15, 2006
Atlanta, Georgia

The Jewish Studies Area of the Popular Culture Association is open to any
scholar or author with an interest in Jewish Studies. Those interests may
include (but are not exclusive to):

Literature Creative Writing
Film Drama
History Holocaust Studies
Culture Art (including Fine Art, Music, Comic Art, etc.)
Society Politics (US and Israel, Israel and Palestine, etc.)
Language Religion
          And any other topic of interest

CFP: August Wilson (7/17/06; journal issue)

Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 6:35pm

The Editor of CALLALOO invites you to submit formal articles, informal
essays, and other kinds of texts (including visual and creative works) about


as playwright, poet, and essayist for publication consideration in a Special
Issue of the journal to be devoted to the author.

Each manuscript should be postmarked no later than Monday, July 17, 2006, to

The Editor
Department of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227

Electronic submissions may be sent to Callaloo at with the heading
August Wilson Manuscript before the aforementioned deadline.

CFP: Heart's Day Conference: African American and Diasporic Writers (11/30/05; 2/10/06)

Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 6:34pm
Williams, Dana

The Department of English at Howard University invites abstracts of papers
to be presented at its annual Heart's Day celebration to be held on the
university's main campus February 10, 2006. The Heart's Day Conference
commemorates the work of African American and Diasporic writers.
Since studies in the Humanities encourage "the absolute joy of learning" and
a "life commitment to reading," some themes discussed in relation to
literary and philosophic works that comprise the Humanities-for example,
cultural collision and resolution, loss and recovery, tradition and change,
the quest for personal integrity, the quest for kinship, the quest for the

CFP: Leon Edel Prize: Henry James (grad & jr faculty) (11/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, August 25, 2005 - 11:41am
Service Account hjamesr


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of $150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA style, and with return postage enclosed) to

CFP: William Dean Howells and Women (1/8/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Stokes, Claudia

The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine
Howells's relationships with women, broadly defined. Possible paper
topics may include Howells's own personal life, his fiction and
criticism, literary friendships, writings on marriage and sexuality, or
editorial work.

Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.


Dr. Claudia Stokes

Assistant Professor of English

Co-Director, Women's and Gender Studies

Trinity University

CFP: The Unexpected Howells (1/8/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, August 22, 2005 - 2:51pm
Stokes, Claudia

The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine
instances of Howells's life and work that diverge from what we would
normally expect of him, literary or otherwise. Possible topics may
include politics, ghost stories and occultism, utopian fiction, poetry,
literary criticism, sentimentalism, and sexuality, among others.

Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.


Dr. Claudia Stokes

Assistant Professor of English

CFP: Henry James and Jane Austen (11/1/05; ACCUTE, 5/27/06)

Friday, August 12, 2005 - 3:08pm

"The Unconscious Master: Henry James and Jane Austen"

(27 May - 4 June 2006 at 75th Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences; the
ACCUTE conference will take place over 3-4 days within that timeframe)

CFP: Nineteenth Century Literature and the Cultural Moment (grad) (11/15/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Friday, August 12, 2005 - 3:07pm
frederic pottier

Nineteenth Century Literature and the Cultural Moment

Graduate Student Literature Conference

at the University of South Carolina, Columbia

March 31-April 1, 2006


Whether discussing the Industrial Revolution, the Woman Question, or other forms of political turmoil, many nineteenth-century writers condensed larger issues of the day into specific literary events -- or moments -- that both reflected and defined the historical and cultural climate of the time.


CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (10/15/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 2:02pm

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) seeks
submissions for the fall 2005 edition.

Deadline: 15 October 2005

Please send submissions to:

To submit to the journal, as well as to Magazine Americana and Newsletter
Americana, you must be a member of Americana: The Institute for the Study of
American Popular Culture. Please visit for


CFP: The Construction of African American Folk (9/1/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 2:02pm
Kocher, Ruth Ellen

Panel Title: The Construction of Folk: Traditions, Interpretations, and Appropriations in African American Literature
Conference: Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA March 2-5, 2005
I am accepting paper proposals until September 1, 2005 for the aforementioned panel. Before submitting your proposal, please consider the following short panel description.

CFP: Photography in America (Cyprus) (no deadline noted; EAAS, 4/7/06-4/10/06)

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 - 2:00pm

"Photography in America: Issues of Individual, National, and Cultural
Identity / Conformism, Non-Conformism, and Anti-Conformism"

Workshop at the 2006 EAAS Cyprus Conference



Dr.Katherine Hoffman, Fine Arts Dept. St. Anselm College.Manchester,
New Hampshire, 03102,U.S.A. (Spring 2006, Fulbright Distinguished
Chair, Austria) =20
Email: or


Dr. Klaus Rieser, American Studies Dept., Karl Franzens University,
Graz, Austria,=20
Email: <>=20



CFP: Natve American Literature Symposium (10/15/05; 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 4:20pm

April 6-8, 2006
Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort
Operated by the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858

The Native American Literature Symposium is the leading Native Studies
conference, a Native-run event, at a Native venue. Scheduled to appear is
Michelle St. John and "The Scrubbing Project."

CFP: American Art &amp; Architecture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 4:20pm
Leslie Fife

American Art and Architecture Call for Papers


PCA/ACA National Convention

Atlanta 2006


The Art and Architecture Area of the American Culture Association

is seeking proposals for papers for the PCA/ACA Annual Conference

in Atlanta, April 12 to 15, 2006.


Any aspect of American Visual Culture will be considered. Open Sessions are

scheduled along with Theme Sessions.


Proposals for papers for three and four person panels on any topic related to Art and Architecture in North America may be submitted by e-mail to either the A&A Area Chair or to the Theme Session Chairs noted below.


CFP: Asian American Literature Workshop (Cyprus) (8/31/05; EAAS, 4/7/06-4/10/06)

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 4:20pm
Elisabetta Marino

We are seeking submission for a workshop on Asian American literature to be=
held during the next EAAS Conference (European Association for American=20
Studies), 7-10 April 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Please, send a 150-200 abstract by August 31st to and=

What follows is the abstract of the workshop

The Problem of Double Allegiance in the Literary Production of Asian=20
Americans (1985 =96 2005)

CFP: Edith Wharton Society Essay Prize (8/31/05; journal issue)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:40pm
Donna Campbell

The Edith Wharton Society Essay Prize
Beginning in the fall of 2005, the Edith Wharton Society Essay Prize will be
awarded annually for the best unpublished essay on Edith Wharton by a
beginning scholar. Graduate students, independent scholars, and faculty
members who have not held a tenure-track or full-time appointment for more
than four years are eligible to submit their work.

The winning essay will be published in The Edith Wharton Review, a
peer-reviewed journal, and the writer will receive an award of $250.

CFP: Asian American Lit. and Postcolonial Theory (9/1/05; collection)

Friday, July 29, 2005 - 12:37pm
Katherine Sugg

We are seeking essays for an edited collection on "Asian American
Literature and Postcolonial Theory," which should be both an exploration
and a mapping of the debates around these two terms and their corollaries.
Such corollary debates have erupted over the use of terms such as diaspora,
cultural memory, racial melancholy and trauma, nationalism, ethnicity, and
hybridity in Asian American cultural critique. Essays that consider these
genealogies and/or question the usefulness of theories derived from
colonial and postcolonial discourse are especially welcome. Also of
interest would be specific author, period, regional, national, and textual

CFP: Henry James Reference Book (no deadline; book)

Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 8:35pm
Jeff Soloway

> CFP: Henry James reference book (no deadline; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
> libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume reference book on
> Henry James, focusing on critical analysis of his works. The ideal author
> will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of James's life and works, and an
> ability to write clearly and succinctly for students in both high school
