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CFP: Improvisation and Text (3/5/07; 4/5/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, February 1, 2007 - 11:59pm
Steph Brown

The Graduate English Students' Association in the University of Virginia's
Department of English would like to invite submissions to our annual
conference, to be held from April 5th to April 7th, 2007.
This conference invites papers that examine the relationship between texts
and the practice of improvisation. Creative works inevitably involve
improvisations of various kinds in their dealings with previous genre
categories, innovations within the formal boundaries of their media, and
even gaps between their own expectations and the end product. How do texts
register these dynamics through moments of improvisation? Is improvisation

UPDATE: Transverse: Comparative Literature Journal (grad) (2/5/07; journal issue)

Thursday, February 1, 2007 - 10:33pm

extended deadline for essays: Feb. 5, 2007

Transverse, a graduate literary journal of the Centre for Comparative
Literature at the University of Toronto, invites submissions of essays
for the next issue, to be published in Spring 2007. Transverse is a
paper-based journal with a pdf version available on-line at

UPDATE: UNCW Graduate Conference (2/15/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Thursday, February 1, 2007 - 10:33pm

We have updated the submission date for the University of North
Carolina-Wilmington Graduate English Conference. It is now: 15 Feb
2007. The actual Conference is still 31 March 2007 with a reading the
night before from various UNCW creative writers. Thanks a lot. UNCW
GEA. >Jesse A Lambertson

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Graduate English Association Conference
(30-31 March 2007)

Sea Change (s): The Evolution of Texts and Their Reception

CFP: MLA Prose Fiction Division (3/1/07; MLA '07

Thursday, February 1, 2007 - 10:33pm
Michelle A Masse

MLA Prose Fiction paper call for December 2007 meeting in Chicago:


Narrative against, with, through, alongside the visual in media such as
dance, film, graphic novels, photography, comics, painting, diagrammatics,
hypertext, anime, etc. 500 word proposals due by 1 March; electronic
format. Please email to Judith L. Sensibar <>

Michelle Massé
Professor of English & Women's and Gender Studies
Associate Chair, Department of English
Chair, MLA Delegate Assembly Organizing Committee
Editor, SUNY Feminist Theory and Criticism series
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

CFP: Books, Texts and Readers (1/31/07; 3/23/07-3/24/07)

Thursday, February 1, 2007 - 10:33pm
Nabil Khawla

*The Graduate Association of French and Italian Students*

*is pleased to announce its*

*20th Annual Symposium*

Books, Texts and Readers in French and Italian Studies

March 23-24, 2007

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Keynote speaker
Michael H. Shank

UPDATE: Victorian Materialities (2/15/07; NAVSA, 10/10/07-10/13/07)

Thursday, February 1, 2007 - 10:33pm
Lisa Surridge

Note corrected email addresses:


The North American Victorian Studies Association and the Victorian
Studies Association of Western Canada will join forces for a joint
conference to be held 10-13 October 2007. The conference will take
place at the Laurel Point Inn on Victoria's beautiful inner harbour.
Featured presenters include Stephen Arata, Peter Bailey, Kirstie
Blair, Nicholas Daly, Jennifer Green-Lewis, Donald E. Hall, Gail
Turley Houston, Linda K. Hughes, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Seth
Koven, Philippa Levine, Lynda Nead, John Picker, Erika
Rappaport, and Talia Schaffer.

UPDATE: Collectors and Collecting: Private Collections and their Role in Libraries (UK) (1/31/07; 7/19/07-7/20/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:53am
Helen Scott

The deadline for paper proposals for the following conference has been
extended to 31 January 2007.


*Collectors and Collecting: Private Collections and their Role in


Proposals are invited for papers for a conference to be held at Chawton
House Library on 19 and 20 July 2007. The event is jointly organised by
Chawton House Library, the University of Southampton English Department,
and Goucher College, Baltimore.


CFP: Re-imagining, Re-inventing, and Re-reading (grad) (2/15/07; MadLit, 4/20/07-4/22/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:24am
Kristiane Stapleton

CFP: Re-imagining, Re-inventing, and Re-reading (grad [April 20th-22nd] )
The Graduate Student Association is pleased to host the Third Annual MadLit conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This year's theme invites a wide range of graduate student papers from a variety of literary and rhetorical periods that engage with re-imagining, re-inventing, or re-reading texts, genres, disciplines, and pedagogies.

CFP: Victorian Materialities (2/1/07; NAVSA, 10/10/07-10/13/07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:24am
Lisa Surridge


The North American Victorian Studies Association and the Victorian
Studies Association of Western Canada will join forces for a joint
conference to be held 10-13 October 2007. The conference will take
place at the Laurel Point Inn on Victoria's beautiful inner harbour.
Featured presenters include Stephen Arata, Peter Bailey, Kirstie
Blair, Nicholas Daly, Jennifer Green-Lewis, Donald E. Hall, Gail
Turley Houston, Linda K. Hughes, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Seth
Koven, Philippa Levine, Lynda Nead, John Picker, Erika
Rappaport, and Talia Schaffer.

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, January 20, 2007 - 1:24am

CFP: Romantic Shakespeare. (3/1/07; MLA '07)

In conjunction with the theme of a future issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Romantic Shakespeare" the journal seeks abstracts for a
proposed Special Session at the 2007 Annual meeting of the MLA in
Chicago. Proposals are welcome that explore the editing or
interpretation of Shakespeare and early modern literature in the
Romantic period, as well as the impact of early modern literature on
the literary production of writers associated with the English
Romantic Movement.

UPDATE: William Dean Howells's Reviews (1/16/07; ALA, 5/25/07-5/27/07)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 10:50pm
Stokes, Claudia

Howells's Reviews

For a panel in the program of the 2007 American Literature Association
annual convention, the William Dean Howells Society invites paper
proposals that examine the work of William Dean Howells in reviews.
Possible topics may include Howells's own publications as a book
reviewer, other critics' reviews of Howells's work, or Howells's
responses to the work of other reviewers. Please send by January 16,
2007 paper proposals no longer than 500 words and copy of cv to Claudia
Stokes at or by post to Claudia Stokes,
Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX


Dr. Claudia Stokes

UPDATE: Byron and Modernity (1/30/07; 10/25/07-10/28/07)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 10:20pm
Byron & Modernity

Please note that the keynote speakers for the Byron and Modernity=20
conference will be Professor Jerome McGann (John Stewart Bryan=20
Professor at the University of Virginia), Professor Tilottama Rajan=20
(Canada Research Chair in Theory and English at the University of=20
Western Ontario), and Professor Christopher Ricks (Warren Professor of=20=

the Humanities at Boston University). Below is the previously posted=20
call for papers.

Submissions are invited for =93Byron and Modernity=94 an international=20=

conference, sponsored by the University of British Columbia, to be held=20=

in Vancouver at the Coast Plaza Hotel and Suites October 25-28, 2007 . =20=

CFP: New Reading Interfaces (3/16/07; MLA '07)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 10:19pm
Rita Raley

Panel proposals for "New Reading Interfaces," an MLA session sponsored
by the Association for Computers and the Humanities (Chicago, December

Description: This panel will address reading in the context of networked
and multimedia communication environments. Possible topics include text
visualizations, alternative interfaces, immersive or VR environments for
text. Proposals welcome from both practical (design, coding) and
theoretical perspectives.

Type of submission wanted: abstracts + 1-2 pp. CV
Deadline: March 16
Contact: Rita Raley <raley at>

CFP: Intertexuality: Conversations Between the Sheets (grad) (1/5/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:00pm

Intertexuality: Conversations Between the Sheets
English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
March 30-31, 2007

Call for papers and panels:

"Conversations Between the Sheets" is concerned with the direct and/or indirect discourse between texts that takes place when authors (whoever an author may be—from a single writer or coauthors to a community of editors, publishers, booksellers, etc.) interact with each other—alluding, referencing, paraphrasing, quoting, borrowing, sharing, stealing, extending, challenging, or opposing each others' ideas. Whether it is in the form of support, abuse, or simply recognition of ideas between writers, texts converse with each other.

CFP: Digital Archiving (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 10:59pm

Digital Archiving
This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be
held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation
at the University of California Riverside's 14th
Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7,

UPDATE: Making an Audience (Medieval) (Ireland) (1/12/07; 4/18/07-4/20/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 10:59pm
Making Books, Shaping Readers

Deadline extended:

The First International Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference
University College, Cork, April 18th - 20th 2007

Theme: "Making an Audience (Medieval)"

We have had a fantastic response to our conference CFP, but to complete our
programme we are looking for a panel of medievalists, with papers focused on
the theme of the conference. We are also delighted to confirm that Prof John
Thompson (QUB) and Prof Bill Bell (Edinburgh) will be our plenary speakers.

CFP: Joint Journalism Historians Conference (1/10/07; 3/24/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 10:59pm
Elliot King


(The American Journalism Historians Association and the AEJMC History Division joint spring meeting)

When: SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2007
Time: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Place: Kimball Hall, New York University, 246 Greene Street, New York, NY
Cost: $40

CFP: General Papers and PhD Bibliography (grad) (1/19/07; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:26pm

The University of Durham’s Online Literature Journal

A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English
In the UK and Europe

INVITES postgraduates studying in the UK and Europe to submit papers of not
more than 7000 words on a topic of their choice within the broad range of
English Studies for Issue 15 (March 2007) of this fully refereed online
journal. Papers should conform to the MLA guidelines for presentation and be
received no later than:

JANUARY 19, 2007

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.
