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Friday, August 28, 2009 - 10:03am
National Popular Culture & American Culture Associations 2010 Conference

Call for Proposals: Sessions, Panels, Papers

National Popular Culture & American Culture Associations
2010 Conference
March 31-April 3, 2010
St. Louis, Missouri

For more information on the PCA/ACA, please go to .

DEADLINE: December 15, 2009
Sessions are scheduled in 1½ hour slots, with four papers or speakers each. You may propose individual papers, special panels, or sessions organized around a theme.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

HERA: Humanities Education & Research Association, El Paso, March 11-13, 2010

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 3:42pm
Humanities Education & Research Association

Call for Papers:
Intersections: Mind, Body, Time, Space
March 11-13, 2010, Camino Real Hotel, El Paso, Texas

The 2010 conference of the Humanities Education and Research Association will take place at one of the most dynamic intersections in the world—the border crossing of El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico. Constant traffic across this border port and the lively interchange of people and ideas through its gates has given birth to a regional identity that blends the Mexican and U. S. populations in a unique Southwestern Culture.

CFP- "Johnny Got His Pen" submissions - 9/30/09

Monday, August 24, 2009 - 6:13pm
Students of the Department of Comparative Literature and Classics, CSULB

Johnny Got His Pen: Artists involvement in peace and war.

genre, the journal published by the Students of the Department of Comparative Literature and Classics at Cal State Long Beach, are soliciting submissions for the journal's 40th volume. This volume will address how literature and the arts depict, incites, criticize, and mitigate political conflicts either throughout history or within contemporary societies. We are particularly interested in the way artists and art engage real and surreal concepts of armed struggle.

Sample Paper Topics:

11th Global Conference: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness (March 2010: Salzburg, Austria)

Monday, August 24, 2009 - 5:27am
Dr Rob Fisher/Inter-Disciplinary.Net

11th Global Conference
Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness

Monday 15th March - Thursday 18th March 2010
Salzburg, Austria

Call for Papers
This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference seeks to examine and explore issues surrounding evil and human wickedness. Papers, presentations, reports and workshops are invited on issues on or broadly related to any of the following themes:

Philosophy as Critical Theory: The Dialectic of Enlightenment Revisited

Friday, August 21, 2009 - 5:25pm
Daniel White

In The Dialectic of Enlightenment (Dialektik der Aufklärung, 1944) Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno invoked the voyage of Odysseus—especially his encounter with the Sirens—as a sustained metaphor for the emergence of the "subject" of knowledge, judgment, and discourse out of the mythic substratum of Homeric poetry. The authors understood Odysseus to be an emblem of the modern bourgeois individual, comparable to the Socratic "self" derided by Friedrich Nietzsche and designated by Max Weber as the calculating ratiocinator who gave us "progress" in its various forms: capitalist, socialist, technocratic, and utilitarian. The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School which the authors founded was designed to provide a groundbreaking position.

Politics and Literature: Controversial and Revolutionary Fiction - Due Date: October 30

Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 7:24pm
Pennsylvania Literary Journal

This online journal is for critical and creative works. Pennsylvania Literary Journal is created to make a positive contribution to literary criticism and to the arts around the world, and, more narrowly, in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. The first Summer Issue, "Experiments," is now available, at No requirements were set on the length, type, style, genre and the like for the submissions. Thus, the work reflects the various interpretations that the writers had of the topic, "Experiments."

Publishing and Professional Development

Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 10:42am
Letizia Guglielmo

We are seeking short anecdotes for inclusion in a forthcoming book (Tentative Title: Publishing for Profit and Promotion) addressing publishing and professional development opportunities for non-tenured faculty (graduate students, part-time faculty, adjuncts, assistant professors, academic professionals, lecturers, and other contingent faculty). We invite stories that share:

Glossing is Glorious, A Ring of Commentary, Kalamazoo, May 13-16, 2010; deadline Sept 10, 2009.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 12:44pm
45th International Congress on Medieval Studies; Glossator

Glossing is Glorious.
A Ring of Commentary, A Roundtable Discussion

We seek presentations for a roundtable discussion to be held at the
45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 13-16, 2010

Medieval commentary offers a synthetic textual form that urges an inquiry into the practice, ethics, poetics, and philosophy of commentary. The intricacies of the dialogue between reader and the text, the interplay among layers of commentary, even the very visual form of the text that resists, not only hierarchy, but which also challenges the reader to approach the process of interpretation with care and a poetics of being, render commentary a multi-dimensional genre.

[UPDATE] Enterprising Creativity: Innovation and the Future of Arts and Humanities Research (Graduate Conference)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 4:58am
University of Leeds

(Please note the extended deadline, now 31 August 2009.)


[Student-led postgraduate conference]

University of Leeds
Hosted by the Leeds Humanities Research Institute
6-7 November 2009

This year, the EU celebrates the 'European Year of Creativity and Innovation', aiming to 'raise awareness of the importance of creativity and innovation for personal, social and economic development'. What does in mean to innovate in the arts and humanities, and what role does such innovation play in a global society increasingly concerned with the valuation of ideas?

Papers Wanted on American Identity - 11/01/09 Deadline

Monday, August 17, 2009 - 5:20pm
St. John's University Humanities Review

Greetings fellow scholars,

This is a call for papers for the fall 2009 Humanities Review, a literary journal for the St. John's University English Department in Queens, NY.

Our current theme focuses on the polyvalent agencies at play within the construction of contemporary American Identity.

We are also strongly requesting cover art submissions that best exemplify the theme. Cover art open to drawing, painting, photography, and digital art. Limited color or mono-chrome are preferred. Please submit .TIFF FILES ONLY @ 800 dpi to the email address below.

Some matters to consider:

9th Global Conference: Violence - Probing the Boundaries (Salzburg, Austria: March 2010)

Monday, August 17, 2009 - 6:39am
Dr Rob Fisher/Inter-Disciplinary.Net

This conference is one of a continuing series that aims to bring together people from a wide range of disciplines to focus on a centrally significant aspect of our social lives: violence. On this multi- and inter-disciplinary basis we aim to produce an evolving body of thought as a contribution to the attempt to understand the nature and place of violence in our lives.

The main themes for the 2010 conference are outlined below: however, we are also pleased to receive proposals that extend or complement these.

October 16-17 -- Second Annual Graduate and Undergraduate Student Conference on Literature, Composition, and Rhetoric

Friday, August 14, 2009 - 3:15pm
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Sigma Tau Delta - Xi Alpha chapter

We are welcoming graduate and undergraduate student papers or full panel proposals that address any area of literature (British, American, world, colonial and post-colonial, medieval, modern, contemporary, etc.), rhetoric, composition, or pedagogical studies. Please submit a 250-300 word abstract to Submissions must include name, institutional affiliation, student status (graduate or undergraduate), contact information (name, phone number, address, email address), and a list of any audio/visual equipment needed for your presentation. Presentation time should be limited to 20 minutes (usually about ten pages). Abstracts should be received by August 31, 2009.

Obsolescence. (2/13-2/15/2010)

Thursday, August 13, 2009 - 3:40pm
Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference

The fifth annual Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee seeks submissions for "Obsolescence," a graduate student conference to be held February 13-15, 2010, in conjunction with the Center for 21st Century Studies and its research theme for 2009-2011: "Figuring Place and Time."

[UPDATE] Collection: The Cartographical Necessity of Exile (abstracts, 9/1/09)

Thursday, August 13, 2009 - 1:23pm
Karen Elizabeth Bishop (Harvard University)



Derek Walcott identified a cartographical necessity of exile in his 1984 collection of poetry, Midsummer, when he wrote:

So, however far you have travelled, your
steps make more holes and the mesh is multiplied –
… exiles must make their own maps

Update: Pop Goes the Region--the popular and the regional in literature and representation

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 - 9:28pm
LiNQ Literature in North Queensland


Extended Closing DATE 1 October 2009

POP Goes the Region

The small town, the local, and regionalism have long been considered precious territory to be guarded by grassroots music and local art movements, enshrined in high letters, and embalmed in obscurity. This issue of LiNQ (Literature in North Queensland) seeks to challenge and update this notion of the regional. As the Internet connects us in a global village of downloadable ephemera, the local community is redefined. How does the region connect with the popular?

CFP: Call for submissions to the premier issue of Red Feather Journal (, an online, international, int

Sunday, August 9, 2009 - 4:04pm
Red Feather Journal (

Red Feather Journal facilitates an international dialogue among scholars and professionals through vigorous discussion of the intersections between the child image and the conception of childhood, children's material culture, children and politics, the child body, and any other conceptions of the child within local, national, and global contexts. The journal invites critical and/or theoretical examination of the child image to further our understanding of the consumption, circulation, and representation of the child throughout the world's visual mediums. The journal welcomes submissions that examine a broad range of Media's: children's film, Hollywood film, international film, Television, the Internet, print sources, art, or any other visual medium.

Spring 2010 (March 31-April 3) PCA/ACA Conference --Women's Studies Area

Friday, August 7, 2009 - 1:07pm
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association

All topics relevant to Women's Studies are appropriate for placement in this area and at this conference. The organization is interdisciplinary and the conference offers an opportunity to work across and within traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Poetics of Pain: Aesthetics, Ideology and Representation (2/25-26/2010)

Friday, August 7, 2009 - 12:14pm
Department of Comparative Literature - City University of New York

Department of Comparative Literature
The Graduate Center - City University of New York

Call for Papers

Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference:
The Poetics of Pain: Aesthetics, Ideology, and Representation
February 25th-26th, 2010

Peer English 5 - Call for Papers

Thursday, August 6, 2009 - 5:23am
Ben Parsons/ University of Leicester

Peer English (ISSN 1746-5621) is a refereed academic journal, now in its fifth year, published by members of the School of English at the University of Leicester. Our remit is to publish leading research from those academics at the very beginnings of their careers (graduate study, post-doctoral research) through to those already established within the community. This approach also includes the notion of 'work in progress' and we welcome contributions of high academic standards from those currently involved in active research, be they doctoral candidates or Heads of Departments.

[UPDATE] CFP Call for Editors for Red Feather Journal

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 - 9:58pm
Red Feather Journal (

UPDATE: Call for Editors: Red Feather Journal: an International Journal of Children's Media Culture (

Due to the wonderful response, our Editorial Board is now complete and we are suspending our call for Board members at this time.

2010 Southeast Conference on Christianity and Literature April 8-10, 2010

Monday, August 3, 2009 - 11:12am
Conference on Christianity and Literature

"The Ethics of Literature"

In recent years, literary scholarship has been increasingly concerned with ethics, both as a theme in literature and as an approach to it. Where and how do ethical concerns interrelate with literature, literary scholarship, and the academy?
Papers suitable for a twenty-minute presentation [approx. 2,000-2,500 words] are invited on the following or related topics:
• the ethics of literary pedagogy
• the ethical nature and needs of the academy
• literature and socio-political ethics
• religious ethics in literature
We also welcome papers on other topics regarding the intersection of Christianity and literature.

[REMINDER OF DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS ] Crossing the Line: Affinities before and after 1900

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 5:04am
University of Liverpool 28-29 January 2010

Crossing the Line is a student-led postgraduate conference that will explore and interrogate the multifarious affinities between Victorian and Modernist cultures. It focuses on the cross-currents of attraction and repulsion at the turn of the century. This event asks whether affinities exist innately in the body as psychological and emotional connections, and investigates those affinities which are cultural constructions. It questions whether affinities are permanent or can be eroded by the passage of time.

We invite research students from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to present papers considering affinities across the threshold of the Victorian and Modernist worlds.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Call for Papers: Ports of Call---Cultures of Exchange, UCLA

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 - 3:42pm
UCLA Comparative Literture Graduate Student Conference

As gateways to other worlds and world-systems, port cities, such as Tangier, Istanbul, London, Manila, and Kobe, one of Japan's most important ports, are sites of economic and cultural exchange. They are at the cutting edge of global trends and transnational movements that promote the export and import of goods, people, ideas, and ideologies. At least as early as the 16th century, port cities, such as Cadiz in Spain, Cambay in western India, and Sao Salvador da Bahia, in Brazil, to name only a few, have nurtured utopias and launched a thousand dreams into a yet to be conquered horizon. Port cities have been both the crate of colonial desire and the locus of revolutionary fervor.

CFP: ecloga

Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 11:30am
University of Strathclyde

ecloga, a peer-refereed journal run by English Studies postgraduates at the University of Strathclyde, invites papers for the next issue. Established in 2001, ecloga has a growing reputation for publishing outstanding research by postgraduates and academics from Scotland, the UK and abroad.

For the next issue of ecloga we are interested in receiving papers on any topic from the broad field of English studies. Our aim in not providing a title or theme is to encourage a range of papers that reflects current research interests. We also welcome submissions of creative writing.


Friday, July 24, 2009 - 10:18am

Parsomen, the quarterly periodical of the department of Comparative Literature in Istanbul Bilgi University, seek submissions of papers for its returning issue in November, 2009 after its interval of 2 years. Parsomen aims to establish itself as an international forum for both scholars and graduate students to follow and further current discussions in literary and cultural studies, as well as to create new ones, along with special topics. The special topic for our inaugural issue is METAMORPHOSIS/TRANSFORMATION, although we solicit papers for general topic interests without any limits in an interdisciplinary spectrum that comparative literature departments encourage. Some subtopics for our initial topic, though not exhaustive, might include:

John Buchan and the Idea of Modernity (10th July 2010)

Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 11:23am
Kate Macdonald and Nathan Waddell

An interdisciplinary conference hosted by the Institute of English Studies, University of London

Saturday 10 July, 2010

Proposals are invited for 20-minute conference presentations on the life and writing of John Buchan (1875-1940). This event will commemorate the 70th anniversary of Buchan's death and celebrate the imminent emergence of his works from UK copyright on 1 January 2011.

Submitted proposals will focus on some or all of the following:

Re-Orienting English: Paradigms in /of Crisis; date 2009/12/05; deadline 2009/09/01

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 8:44pm
Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University

What is English studies in the early decade of the 21st century, when the national boundaries are being crossed and redrawn thanks to the international flight, the Internet and people flows, when the rise of China starts to challenge the dominance of the English, when it has dawned upon us much of academic production is enmeshed with the credit crunch? New intellectual paradigms seem to emerge as literary studies vie with cultural studies, and other subjects for finance, space, work force and, more importantly, students.

This conference aims to highlight emerging research focuses related to the studies of the English language, culture, literature, art, manners and tastes, etc. with special emphasis to their "oriental" context(s).
