cultural studies and historical approaches

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CFP: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing: Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2/20

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:31pm
Oya Berk - Halic Univ.

CFP: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2/20/06;
We are inviting 20-minute papers for a symposium to be
held by Halic University in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21
April 2006 on the subject of the modern self in and as

CFP: Watching Teen TV––Text and Culture (11/1/05; collection)

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 4:31pm
Louisa Stein

*/_Call for Papers~ Watching Teen TV: Text and Culture_/*

Editors: Sharon Marie Ross and Louisa Stein

/Watching Teen TV/ explores the phenomenon of "teen TV" in the United
States, examining the meanings and manifestations of this category from
a variety of perspectives (academic, cultural and social, industrial,
and historical). What is "Teen TV" and how has it contributed to
understandings of being a teen in the United States?

CFP: Sonic Debris: The Unknown History of 21st Century Music (11/15/05; collection)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Robert C. Thomas

The following collection, previously titled "The Power of Music,"
will no longer be published as a forthcoming journal issue of
"Crossings: A Counter-Disciplinary Journal," but will be published as
an edited book collection with a major academic press. The deadline
for submissions and inquiries has been extended to November 15th,
2005. The contact person remains Robert C. Thomas at

Call For Papers: Book Collection
"Sonic Debris: The Unknown History of 21st Century Music"
Deadline: November 15, 2005

CFP: New Jersey Writers (11/1/05; NJCEA, 3/18/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Edward Shannon

New Jersey Writers.
29th Annual New Jersey College English Association
Spring Conference
Saturday, March 18, 2006, Jubilee Hall
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ

New Jersey Writers.
This panel considers any approach to work by New Jersey Writers. All
periods and approaches are welcome.
Send 300-500 word abstracts by 11/1/05. Completed papers by 12/12/05.
Deadline for completed panels and paper proposals is January 6, 2006.
Membership in NJCEA is covered in registration fee. Please send
abstracts and papers as Word attachments.

CFP: Peace Zone: A Place of US (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Robert Madison

37th Annual College English Association Conference -- April 6-8, 2006, San =
Antonio, Texas
Peace Zone: A Place for US
Papers are welcome pertaining to cultures and literatures of peace being =
constructed in regions affected by war, especially within the United =
States. Discussion can range from missed or lost opportunities to promote =
peace to strategies to reduce enmity or promote coalescence.
Send a 50-word abstract along with complete contact information by October =
15 to
Karen Clark
Engish Department
Towson University
8000 York Rd.
Towson, MD 21252-0001

UPDATE: Regional Mothers and Motherhood (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Lisa E. Bernstein

College English Association National Conference: Reading the Regions /
Writing the Regions / Teaching the Regions San Antonio, Texas, April
6-8, 2006


The deadline for proposals has been extended to November 1, 2005


We invite papers and panel proposals on the topic of "Regional Mothers
and Motherhood" for the 37th annual meeting of CEA. The general
conference theme is "Regions."


CFP: Technology and Private Music/Public Music (10/25/05; KSU CSU, 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Gregory Eiselein

CFP: Technology and Private Music/Public Music

I am organizing a panel on "Technology and Private Music or Public
Music" for the upcoming 15th annual Kansas State University Cultural
Studies Conference on "Privacy" next March (March 9-11, 2006, in
Manhattan, Kansas).

Possible topics include the cultural impact of the iPod and other MP3
players, the super-miniaturization of music technology, the anonymous
"trading" of music over the internet, responses to or updates of Rey
Chow's landmark essay on the Walkman, the function or signification
of loud personal music in public places—for example, "boomboxes," car
stereos, leaky headphones, cell phones that play audible songs—etc.

CFP: Folk Music (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Smith, Christopher

Call for Papers: Folk Music

2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 26th =
Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico February 8-11, 2006=20


The SW/TEX PCA/ACA annual conference represents one of the nation's =
largest gatherings of interdisciplinary scholars, with a particular =
interest in critical examinations of non-traditional or =
cross-disciplinary topics.


CFP: Protest Music (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Smith, Christopher

Call for Papers: Protest Music

2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 26th =
Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico February 8-11, 2006=20


The SW/TEX PCA/ACA annual conference represents one of the nation's =
largest gatherings of interdisciplinary scholars, with a particular =
interest in critical examinations of non-traditional or =
cross-disciplinary topics.


UPDATE: Poetry and Politics (UK) (12/15/05; 7/13/06-7/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Andrew Sneddon {PG}

New Plenary Speakers & Call for Creative Submissions

Call for papers: Poetry and Politics. A Conference at the University of
Stirling, Scotland, 13-16 July 2006.=20

Poets and speakers to include Moniza Alvi, Eavan Boland, David Dabydeen,
Marilyn Hacker, Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Norbrook, Tom Paulin, Deryn
Rees-Jones, Jo Shapcott, and the Norton keynote speaker, Adrienne Rich.=20

Papers are invited which consider the theme of politics in relation to
poetry from classical antiquity to the contemporary. The following list
suggests some possible areas for development, but proposals in any area
relating to the conference theme of poetry and politics will be welcome:

CFP: The City: A Festival of Knowledge (11/15/05; CACLALS, 5/26/06-5/29/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
David Lafferty


CACLALS invites proposals for papers and panels at our next annual
conference to be held in May 2006 at York University. The Congress theme of
"The City: A Festival of Knowledge" speaks to some major concerns in the
field of postcolonial studies, such as those raised by notions of

CFP: Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads (11/1/05; 4/29/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Jenkins-Crowe Laurel K

Call for papers
Graduate Conference in Language and Literature 2006, University of Louisiana
The theme for 2006 is Reading Culture: Text and Community at the Crossroads.
Where do textual worlds and the world as text intersect?
We welcome papers in all areas of English, including but not limited to
folklore, literature (all areas and periods), literary theory and criticism,
linguistics, rhetoric, and pedagogy. Creative writing submissions and panel
submissions will also be considered. The keynote speaker will be American
Folklore Societty Fellow, Fulbright Distinguished Scholar and Alcee Fortier
Award winner Carl Lindahl of the University of Houston, author of Swapping

CFP: Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Robert Madison

"Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA"
37th Annual College English Association Conference
San Antonio, TX April 6-8 2006
Many works of sea literature come ashore for significant portions of their =
plots, stretching the genre of sea literature itself. This year SEA at =
CEA invites your thoughts on these "trans-genred" works which adopt =
landlocked regions to fulfill their seaborn themes. As usual, SEA at CEA =
will also host your submissions on all watery topics.
Send a fifty-word abstract by October 15, 2005, to Bob Madison, Department =
of English, U.S. Naval Academy, 107 Maryland Ave, Annapolis MD 21402 or =, including all your contact information.

CFP: Medieval Popular Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Laity, Kathryn

The Medieval area of the Popular Culture Association is now accepting
abstracts for the Thirty-Sixth National PCA Conference, April 12-16, 2006,
in Atlanta, GA.

We seek 15-20 minute papers on medieval popular culture, including for

literature, laws, penitentials, music, saints' lives, oral traditions,
charms and
folk remedies, wall paintings, clothing and jewelry, and so forth;


CFP: The Fantastic in Children's and Young Adult Literature (11/30/05; 3/15/06-3/19/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm
Christine Mains

The Fantastic in Children's and Young Adult Literature and Art
Drawn by the Fantastic
27th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
March 15-19, 2006
Wyndham Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hotel
Dania, Florida

Guest of Honor: Charles Vess
Guest Scholar: M. Thomas Inge
Special Guest Writer: Kathleen Ann Goonan

Deadline for Submissions: November 30, 2005

CFP: Neoliberalization/Poetry (10/30/05; journal issue)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm

XCP: CROSS CULTURAL POETICS, an interdisciplinary journal, seeks essays
addressing poetry/poetics of the Western hemisphere in the era of
neoliberalization. Essays addressing the interaction of economic forces of
production, exchange, redistribution, empire, et al, as (simultaneously)
categories, modes, and methodologies of examining literary works (and the
literary world)--as well as the work of scholars outside the U.S.
institutional structure--are most actively sought. For an outline of our
recent publishing activities (including our co-publication of Kamau
Brathwaite’s book, â€"Conversations-), please see <>.

UPDATE: Literature and Criminal Justice (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Criminal

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

UPDATE: Depicting Contact in Literature (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

Deadline extended:

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Depicting
Contact in Literature: Encounters Among Peoples, Places and Things"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

UPDATE: Literature and Labor (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Labor: Writing
and Work"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

UPDATE: Cartographies (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a special session on "Cartographies:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speaker will be WJT Mitchell; our diversity luncheon speaker will
be Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

UPDATE: Literature and Law (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Law"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

CFP: Permeability and Selfhood (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Lindsay Holmgren

Permeability and Selfhood.

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006


The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.


Call for Panels

UPDATE: Anatomy of Violence (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

Deadline extended:

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on " Anatomy of Violence in

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

UPDATE: Literature &amp; Medicine/Healing Arts (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

Deadline extended:

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and
Medicine / Literature and the Healing Arts"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CFP: Gothic Addictions (12/5/05; IGA-ACCUTE, 4/27/06-4/30/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Steven Bruhm

(27/04/06-30/04/06): The Gothic and Addiction

The International Gothic Association, in conjunction with the
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English,
is presenting a joint session on the subject of Gothic Addiction/

CFP: Theft and Stealing in Southern Literature (10/15/05; SSSL, 3/30/06-4/2/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Melanie Benson


The Society for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL) has announced
as the topic for its 2006 conference (March 30-April 2, 2006,
Birmingham, AL) "Labor, Literature, and the U.S. South." I am
seeking abstracts for a proposed panel on "Theft and Stealing in
Southern Literature."
