CfA: "Trash: Cycles of the Im_Material" On_Culture Issue 17 Autumn 2024
Call for Abstracts for Issue 17 (Autumn 2024)
Trash: Cycles of the Im_Material
Guest Editors: Marco Presago, Juliane Saupe, Tobias Schädel
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Call for Abstracts for Issue 17 (Autumn 2024)
Trash: Cycles of the Im_Material
Guest Editors: Marco Presago, Juliane Saupe, Tobias Schädel
Call for Papers:
"(E-co)nnections: The Humanities in a Time of Climate Change"
The Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens cordially invite you to the 4th Young Scholar Symposium, a hybrid-format event which will take place on March 2, 2024 at the Library Amphitheatre of the School of Philosophy (Athens).
Workshop for Early Career Researchers (Deadline Extended)
“Air Pollution, Plastics, and Global Health”
Organized by Savannah Schaufler
November 28-29, 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline:
September 1, 2023
Online via Zoom
Subject Fields:
Environmental Humanities; Health Humanities; Discard Studies; Human Ecology; Anthropology; Sociology; Human Behavior; Art and Visual Studies; Race Studies
*** FINAL CALL ****
*** Contributors are asked to provide an Abstract of their proposed contribution (250 words) and a short Author bio (100 words) by 31 July 2023. ***
This call for chapters is open to academic and non-academic contributors and we especially welcome early career scholars and practitioners. There is also an opportunity for additional co-editor roles and membership of the Editorial Board.
Sidney at Kalamazoo, May 9-11, 2024 (in person, not virtual)
59th International Congress on Medieval Studies
This conference inaugurates stsing e.V., an association (“Verein”) doing Science and Technology Studies (STS) in and through Germany, established in 2020. STS is an interdisciplinary field of research and acti- vity interested in how science and technology are practically done and socially embedded. The association is informed by international discussions and brings together networks of senior and early career resear- chers. stsing e.V. currently has over 100 members from a broad range of disciplines in German-speaking countries, universities and research institutions, with working groups engaged in inter- and transdiscipli- nary collaboration. Find more information on the stsing e.V. website:
Speculative Fiction (SF) creators regularly imagine worlds in precipitous decline where the privileged few live in a safe, prosperous, hazard-free enclave from which surplus subaltern populations are excluded. What do these stories of safety for the few while the “surplus” rot outside or join a captive servant class status tell us about our own concepts of borders, citizenship, and expendability? Presenters are invited to engage with one or more texts using cultural studies, postcolonial theory, or other relevant analytic tool to analyze how gated communities function in the SF canon or the real world.
International Conference
Reimagining Planetary: Planetarity and the Earth Family
24-25 November 2023
In Animal Rights: Considered in Relation to Social Process (1892), Henry Salt argues that “Oppression and cruelty are invariably founded on a lack of imaginative sympathy,” which purports the notion of the “tyrant or tormentor” from ever having a “true sense of kinship with the victim” (16). In a similar way, Donna Haraway states in When Species Meet (2007), that “we are a knot of species coshaping [sic] one another in layers of reciprocating complexity all the way down” (42). Taking cues from Salt and Haraway, our panel will take up key features of human and animal relations and their intersection with the queerness of imaginative sympathy.
4 & 5 April 2024, University of Amsterdam | Deadline for proposals: 15 October 2023.
Keynote Speaker:
Macarena Gómez-Barris (Brown University, author of The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives, Duke University Press, 2017)
For this two-day, single-stream, and in-person conference, sponsored by the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and Dutch Research Council, scholars are invited to explore how the human and nonhuman forces shaping and emerging from the earth are articulated in art and cultural practice.
There has been a veritable outpouring of both popular and academic writing on folk horror in the wake of folk horror’s resurgence in the post-2009 period. The last three years, for instance, has seen an excellent and comprehensive documentary film, Kier-La Janisse’s Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror (2021); a special issue of the journal Revenant: Critical and Cultural Studies of the Supernatural (2020) dedicated to folk horror (with a special issue of Horror Studies in the works); and four collections of scholarly essays either just published or forthcoming in 2023 (see Bacon; Bayman and Donnelly; Edgar and Johnson; and Keetley and Heholt).
Call for Proposals!
Organized by the students in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) program at the University of British Columbia - Okanagan, our conference mission is to bring together folks who are invested in interdisciplinary work. Our Fall 2023 Conference theme, An Interdisciplinarian’s Toolbox: Emerging Practices and Methodologies for Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries, focuses on the ways in which we engage in interdisciplinary research, further reflecting on how these processes may give rise to new ideas, knowledge, and change.
For over a century, studies of the medieval epic in romance languages have focused on questions of genesis, transmission, themes, symbols, and motifs, but the contributions from the non-human—but very real—natural world to this literature remains under-represented. These epics bear witness to a profound understanding of the inter-relatedness of all life forms and to the consequences of its denial. This session invites scholars from diverse disciplines to reconsider medieval romance epic traditions that reaffirm the bond between the human and non-human, and that address any human eclipse due to the discounting of the natural world.
Call for Papers
The ‘Ordinary Magic’ of Resilience in Anglophone Literatures:
Past, Present, Futures
22-23 February 2024
University of Stuttgart, Germany
The Spatial Imagination in Postwar and Contemporary
American Literature and Art
A two-day international conference at the University of Strasbourg organized with support from the Institut Universitaire de France
Dates: 21-22 March 2024
Venue: University of Strasbourg, France
Confirmed keynote speaker: Dawn Raffel is a writer whose book Boundless as the Sky came out in January 2023.
Another keynote speaker to be confirmed.
Call for Papers
“The Politics of Home”
A Special Issue of
Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power
Guest Editors: Kristin Aubel and Sarah Heinz (Wien)
**Call for Papers, Reviews, and Creative Pieces**
Gothic Nature: Decolonising the EcoGothic
Issue V: Themed Issue
Deadline for Paper Abstracts: Aug 15, 2023
Guest Editor: Professor Kim D. Hester Williams
Editors-in-Chief: Dr Elizabeth Parker and Dr Harriet Stilley
A note from the Editors-in-Chief:
‘EcoGothic from postcolonial societies has long pointed towards the need to reconceptualise the relation between humans and their environment as central to the project of decolonisation.’
—Kerstin Oloff, 2012
2023 Dress and Body Association Conference
While we have already received a good crop of exciting paper proposals, we have decided to reopen and extend our submission deadline for proposals to AUGUST 1.
If you are still thinking about presenting your work at this year’s conference, or if you were running a little late for the first deadline, this is your chance!
For English speakers, there are two major definitions of “climate” as a noun:
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Conference 2024
Boston, MA
March 7-10, 2024
South Asian Review: Special Issue on Bangladesh
Crisis and/in South Asian Literature in English
14th- 16th December 2023
The panel, "Representing Ecocides in Settler Colonial Arts and Literatures", will be organised at the 2024 NeMLA Conference, from March 7-10, 2024, in Boston, MA.
The Aesthetics of Contamination: Oceanic Environments, Identities, Intermedial Research-Creation
Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, 27-29 Oct, 2023
Deadline for Submissions: 31 August, 2023
DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: Monday, August 7, 2023
Panel at 36th CIHA World Congress - Lyon 2024 (
Grounding the Arts: Crossing the History of Art with the History of Earth Sciences
In 1597, Agostino del Riccio wrote in his Istoria delle pietre, “why do we visit Rome and Florence and other cities if it is not to see stones reduced to good shapes?" He thus expressed the link that has always existed between materials from the Earth and artistic creation. This link puts into question the relationship between the natural and the artificial, materials and crafts.
Gothic Nature is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that engages with the Gothic conceptions of, and relationship to, the natural world. For the TV and film review section of its fifth issue, the journal seeks reviews for ecoGothic television series and films released in the last 1-2 years. Additionally, Issue V of the journal is a Special Issue with a focus on decolonizing the ecoGothic. As such, older television and films with this particular focus will also be considered.
Virginia Woolf & Ecologies II
Fall Symposium on Virginia Woolf
October 20th – 22nd, 2023
On Zoom
Ecology (noun): ecol·o·gy | \ i-ˈkä-lə-jēn.
plural ecologies
1a: The branch of biology that deals with the relationships between living organisms and their environment. Also: the relationships themselves, esp. those of a specified organism.
1c: In extended use: the interrelationship between any system and its environment; the product of this.
Literature of Contagion: The Representation of Epidemics in the Contemporary World
Special Session: SAMLA Conference (November 9-11, 2023 in Atlanta, GA)