ethnicity and national identity

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CFP: Popular Culture and Postmodern Ireland (6/30/04; edited collection)

Friday, May 21, 2004 - 3:54am
anne mulhall

Call For Articles: ?Popular Culture and Postmodern Ireland? (edited
collection; 6/30/04)

We invite submissions for a reader of cultural criticism on the theme
of popular culture and postmodern Ireland. We welcome any new critical
readings of emerging cultural practices that reflect and/or intervene
in the diversity of cultural experience in contemporary Ireland. Areas
for exploration include, but are not limited to, the following:

CFP: Monographs on Contemporary American and Canadian Writers (book series)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 5:17am
Sharon Monteith

New Series Announcement


Call for Proposals for a new series of academic monographs

Manchester University Press is proud to announce the launch of a new
series dedicated to the critical appraisal of contemporary North American
writers. The series will reflect the breadth and diversity of writing in
America over the last thirty years, and will provide critical evaluations
of established, emerging and critically neglected novelists. This series
offers an exciting opportunity for authors to explore notions of the
contemporary, and to analyze current and developing modes of
representation with a focus on individual writers and their works.

CFP: Faulkner and Whiteness (9/24/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 5:17am
Faulkner Journal

The Faulkner Journal
Call for Papers: Faulkner and Whiteness
Deadline: 9/24/05

Guest Editor: Jay Watson, University of Mississippi

Faulkner lived and wrote at a time when models of normative and deviant
identity were increasingly racialized, even as models of racial identity
were increasingly biologized. This is one among many reasons why whiteness
in Faulkner--and the whiteness of Faulkner--deserve our critical attention.
This special double issue of The Faulkner Journal welcomes submissions that
problematize the ostensibly unremarkable phenomenon of whiteness in
Faulkner's life and career. Topics could include, but are by no means
limited to, the following:

CFP: Diaspora Identity (9/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 - 11:40pm
Lisa Romano

Mind and Human Interaction, an interdisciplinary journal published by
the Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction, University of
Virginia, is seeking papers on the theme of "Diaspora Identity".

Whether exiled or immigrating to a new land, whether first or second
generation, an individual psychologically intertwines the home of origin
and the present home in a variety of ways that impact his/her identity.
We would be very interested in learning more about this psychological
process and look forward to receiving your submission.

CFP: The Journal of New Zealand Literature: The JNZL Prize (12/24/04; journal)

Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 1:20am
Sarah Shieff


The Journal of New Zealand Literature is offering an annual prize for an original piece of research in the area of New Zealand Literary Studies. The prize will be awarded for the first time in 2005.

* The prize will be awarded for a first publication in the area of New Zealand literary studies. We particularly encourage work from graduate researchers and emerging scholars, but the prize is also open to established researchers in other fields who are making their first foray into New Zealand literary studies.

* There will be a cash prize of NZ$250.

* The winning entry will be published in JNZL (The Journal of New Zealand Literature).

* The prize is open internationally.

CFP: Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal (9/30/04; journal)

Thursday, April 29, 2004 - 1:20am
Caribbean Literary Studies - Anthurium

Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original works and critical studies of Caribbean literature, theater, film, art, and culture by writers and scholars worldwide exclusively in electronic form. The journal promotes a lively exchange among writers and scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences who hold diverse perspectives on Caribbean literature and culture and offers a mixture of critical essays, cultural studies, interviews, fiction, poetry, plays and visual art. Book reviews and bibliographies, special thematic issues and original art and photography are some of the features of this international journal of Caribbean arts and letters.

CFP: Arab Women's Autobiographical Writings in English (6/15/04; collection)

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 1:26am
Nawar Golley

Edited Book on Recent Arab Women's Autobiographical Writings in English
Call for contribution

    My book Reading Arab Women's Autobiographies. Shahrazad Tells Her
Story was published last November (2003) by Texas University Press.
The book fills a gap in the field. Texas University Press expressed
interest in another book in the same area.
    In the book, I looked at autobiographical, fictional
autobiographical and anthologies of interviews with women. I read texts
by Huda Shaarawi, Nawal El-Saadawi, Fadwa Tuqan, Bouthaina Shaaban,
Fatima Mernissi, and Nayra Atiya. The book also examined the
sociopolitical background of the texts as well as the tradition of
narrative theory.

CFP: Literature of the Pacific (6/1/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 6:51am
R. Weaver-Hightower

Call For Papers—Please Forward

We call for papers for a proposed edited
collection on the topics of literature and
authority—governmental, legal, rhetorical,
anthropological--in the Pacific, including
Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, the
Philippines, Malaysia, other Pacific Island
nations and Hawai'i. Successful essays will
address one or more Pacific writers and/or texts,
including both indigenous and "white" writers,
and will address either how the
interrelationships of politics and culture
affects writers, readers, and literature or how
literatures (traditional and non-traditional)
reflect themes of the relationship of history,
authority, and cultural self-expression.

CFP: Africa in India, India in Africa (5/15/04 & 8/30/04; collection)

Friday, March 19, 2004 - 5:52am
John Hawley

"Africa in India, India in Africa." Among the topics to be addressed
in this collection of essays will be the following: The Siddhis of
Gujarat, and contemporary interaction between African nations and south
Asia; The two waves of Indians to Africa; subsequent migration from and
within Africa in the 20th century; West Indian migration to Britain and
interaction with African immigrants in Britain; West Indian migration to
the US, and interaction with African Americans; Self-representations and
objectification by others in film, fiction, drama, etc.; Political and
economic interaction among local and immigrant communities. On a
broader theoretical plane, this collection of essays seeks 1) to address

UPDATE: Women in U. S. Race Riots (3/31/04; collection)

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 5:42am
Julie Cary Nerad

UPDATE: Call for Papers

Abstracts on women's roles in specific race riots (listed below) are
invited to complete a collection tentatively entitled "Rage, Resistance,
and Representation: Women in U. S. Race Riots."

Springfield, IL (1908); East St. Louis, IL (1917); Chicago, IL (1919);
Detroit, MI (1943)

UPDATE: Philip Roth Studies (new journal)

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 6:57am
Philip Roth Society



Editor, Derek Parker Royal - Texas A&M University-Commerce
Associate Editor, Jessica G. Rabin - Anne Arundel Community College
Book Review Editor, Victoria Aarons - Trinity University

UPDATE: Re-imagining Identity (3/15/04; journal issue)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Mester Literary Journal


Please notice extended deadline: March 15th, 2004

Mester, the yearly graduate student academic journal of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, seeks articles for its Special Issue to b=
published in June 2004, which will be devoted to:

Transformations: Re-imagining Identity

The centennial celebrations of Alejo Carpentier and Pablo Neruda, whose
works contributed to new representations of Latin American identity, serv=
to highlight how this concept has been re-imagined over the years. In thi=
Special Issue we seek to explore the topic of identity from a wide range =
scholarly points of view.

CFP: White Male Embodiment (4/1/04; collection)

Thursday, January 29, 2004 - 4:02am
Carolline Miles

CFP: White Male Embodiment (04/01/04; Collection)


We are gathering articles for a proposed collection on the white male
body as text and representation.

Recently, a number of scholars have responded to the lack of scholarship =
pertaining to manhood and the male body, and have paid increasing =
attention to the role and status of white men. This recent work suggests =
that embodying white men usefully dismantles the myth of a monolithic =
disembodied privileged white manhood. Not surprisingly, this still =
relatively new focus on the white male body and white male difference =
has provided a beginning rather than an end and still leaves a =
significant gap.

UPDATE: Famine in the Irish Canon (5/15/04; anthology)

Thursday, January 29, 2004 - 4:02am
George Cusack

Hungry Words: Images of Famine in the Irish Canon

Deadline extended to May 15, 2004

Abstracts of 500 words or essays of around 9,000 words are being solicited
for Hungry Words, an anthology which will examine representations of hunge=
or famine in the works of canonical Irish authors. The terms =B3famine=B2 and
=B3canonical=B2 are, of course, loaded ones in Irish studies, and it is my
particular desire to collect essays which question the various
manifestations of these terms in recent literary scholarship.

CFP: Writing Macao: Creative Text and Teaching (5/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 1:42am

Writing Macao:
creative text and teaching

Submissions are now sought for the second number of Writing Macao:creative
text and teaching, to appear in November of 2004. Contributions are
particularly sought in the area of theory and practice relating to the
teaching of creative writing in English in non-native contexts. The
deadline for papers is 1st May, 2004. Submissions of creative work will
also now be accepted.

UPDATE: Re-imagining Identity (2/1/04; journal issue)

Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 12:55am
Mester Literary Journal


Call for Papers

Mester, the yearly graduate student academic journal of the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, seeks articles for its Special Issue to b=
published in June 2004, which will be devoted to:

Transformations: Re-imagining Identity
