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CFP: Participations: Audience and Reception Studies (journal)

Monday, June 14, 2004 - 2:44am

Participations: new issue and call for submissions

Announcement & Call for submissions

The second issue of Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception
studies, a new journal which aims to provide an on-line, interdisciplinary
forum for the fields of audience and reception studies has just come out.

CFP: Celebrity Culture (9/1/04; collection)

Friday, May 14, 2004 - 5:23am
Susan Holmes

Celebrity Culture
                        Su Holmes and Sean Redmond

Celebrity Culture will represent a significant intervention in the field
on a number of different levels. Essentially, what we are proposing here is
a book which brings together approaches to stardom and celebrity which
range across historical periods, media forms and national contexts - as
well as disciplinary borders and modes of enquiry (film, television, music,
sport, Internet, print media). The book aims to bring together a broad
range of essays which address the contemporary, cross-media and
international landscape of today?s fame culture.

CFP: Broadcasting Modernism (7/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 - 1:35am

Call for Papers
Broadcasting Modernism

Abstracts are invited for a volume on the relations between Modernist literature and aspects of radio. Abstracts might treat either the influence of radio on literary production, or the impact of literary production on the forms of broadcasting activity. As an alternative outlet for creative expression, radio employed many writers and poets in the dissemination of culture via the public/national radio services of the B.B.C. or the C.B.C, or via U. S. commercial stations. Papers treating this topic in other languages are also welcome, as is commentary on the differing practices and impact of commercial vs. national broadcasting systems.

CFP: Film-Philosophy Book Reviews 2004 (4/30/04; journal)

Friday, April 23, 2004 - 3:09am

X-posted from

[Sincere apologies if you receive this more than once.]

   | | F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | Journal : Salon : Portal | ||| | |
         | ISSN 1466-4615 | | |
| || PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD | | | |
   | | | | | |


_Film-Philosophy_ seeks reviewers for the following books:

CFP: Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Kristen M. Holt

Calling for authors to write for the Encyclopedia of Documentary Film,
to be published by Routledge (a division of Taylor & Francis Books) in
September 2005. The Encyclopedia will be a three-volume work and will
contain over 800 entries describing individual films, directors,
producers, theorists, production companies, and publications. It will
also address broad themes such as modernism, Marxism, and feminism, and
key concepts including reflexivity and autobiography.

Entries will also cover style techniques, technical issues, and types of
documentaries. Overviews of the documentary film traditions of specific
countries and regions will also be provided.

CFP: MTV and Philosophy (5/30/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Epiphanie Bloom

Do the philosophical implications of MTV really get you going?

If so, you are invited to submit an abstract for a collection of essays on
'MTV and Philosophy'. I seek to obtain the permission of Open Court Books in
publishing the result as part of their trendy Popular Culture and Philosophy
series. The series has spawned six successful volumes since its 2001 debut
with 'Seinfeld and Philosophy', including the best-selling 'The Matrix and
Philosophy', and is noted for revitalising philosophical narratives through
its celebration of pop culture as worthy of in-depth analysis.

CFP: Film, Ideology, and Culture (5/10/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 5:56am
Carl Fisher


_genre: An International Journal of Literature and the Arts_

_genre_ is the annual scholarly journal of the CSULB Comparative Literature
and Classics Department. It has published 24 issues since the first volume
in 1967. The theme for this year's journal is


Essays might deal with any aspect of film/literature/ideology/culture, but
we are particularly interested in essays which use critical theory to
analyze the cultural influence of film, which examine the relationship
between film and literature, and which deal with world cinema and global
issues in film.

We welcome graduate student submissions.

CFP: Sex, Sexuality and Identity in the Cinema (3/31/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - 2:25am
Nouvelles vues sur le cinema quebecois

[Sex, sexuality and nationality: interrupted coitus or continuous =


In Film Studies as elsewhere in the Humanities, sexuality and identity =
are often first conceptualized in psychoanalytical terms. In the case of =
a =93national cinema=94 =96 Quebec=92s cinema =96 the reflection on =
sexual identity opens the door to a second paradigm of analysis: the =
nation and the allegory. Femininity, masculinity, homosociality and =
homosexuality then become fertile ground for the allegorization of the =
national and the national identity around the sexual and sexual =


CFP: Reconstruction: Media Studies (ongoing; journal issue)

Friday, March 12, 2004 - 6:16am
Davin Heckman

 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture (ISSN 1547-4348)
<> is an innovative culture studies journal
dedicated to fostering an intellectual community composed of scholars and
their audience, granting them all the opportunity and ability to share
thoughts and opinions on the most important and influential work in
contemporary interdisciplinary studies.

CFP: Feminism &amp; HBO (5/7/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 3:58am
Lisa Johnson


Deadline: May 7, 2004
Editor: Lisa Johnson
"This is way more than a tag line to us. This is the philosophy we infuse
with all of the decisions we make, whether programming or marketing or new
product calls. Everything we do is about doing things differently than
somewhere else." -Eric Kessler, AOL Time Warner sales and marketing
president, on the =B3It=B9s Not TV, It=B9s HBO=B2 advertising campaign, 1997-2003.

CFP: Orson Welles and the Filming of Shakespeare (8/30/04; journal issue)

Monday, February 23, 2004 - 3:18am
Melnikoff, Kirk

Shakespeare Bulletin
A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship
University of West Georgia


"Orson Welles and the Filming of Shakespeare"

Shakespeare Bulletin is seeking essays for a special edition of the
Shakespeare on Film Newsletter (which is published as part of SB) dedicated
to Orson Welles and Shakespeare. Essays can be on any aspect of Welles'
filmic work with Shakespeare.

CFP: Thunderbirds Television Series (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Joan Marie Verba

Call for Papers

Mobile Control
A Journal for the Thunderbirds Television Series

Mission Statement:

Mobile Control is a refereed journal for the study of the
Supermarionation television series, Thunderbirds. Source material
includes all episodes as well as the two movies Thunderbirds Are Go! and
Thunderbird 6. The purpose of the journal is to provide information and
enjoyment to both scholars and fans, and to promote interest in the

Submission guidelines:

UPDATE: Ecocriticism and Film, Photography, Television, Music (7/23/04; journal)

Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 6:55am
M S Phillips

Call for Papers

Green Letters 6

Deadline: July 23rd 2004

Focus: 'Film - photography - television - music'

Green Letters, the journal of ASLE-UK (the Association for the Study of
Literature and the Environment), is devoted to exploring interdisciplinary
interfaces between humans and the natural and built environment.

Articles are invited for our Autumn 2004 edition on ecocriticism and film,
photography, television or music.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

* A close reading of a particular text or work

* An examination of environmental representations in the work of a
particular director, screenwriter, photographer or musician

UPDATE: Reading Rocky Horror (no deadline noted; edited collection)

Sunday, February 8, 2004 - 12:50am
Jeffrey Weinstock

Although the announced deadline for submissions for the _Reading Rocky
Horror: The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture_ edited collection
project has passed, I will still consider additional submissions.

The initial cfp netted a fine group of essays, but one too narrowly focused
on issues of spectatorship or gender. I will still consider essays on those
topics, but am most interested in submissions that tackle the film, its
cult, and its influence from other perspectives.

If you are interested in developing an essay, please contact me at
<> or (989) 774-3101.

CFP: Peter Greenaway's Tulse Luper Suitcases (12/15/04; journal)

Thursday, January 29, 2004 - 4:02am

Image [&] Narrative (, a peer reviewed e-journal on=
visual narratology in the broadest sense, invites essays that respond to Pet=
Greenaway=E2=80=99s recent Tulse Luper Suitcases: A Personal History of Uran=
ium, a=20
project that manifests itself in the forms of television, film, CDs, an inte=
site (, and as art objects. Submissions can be in=20
either French or English. (They will not be translated but the accompanying=20

CFP: Gilmore Girls (5/7/04; collection)

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 - 5:23am
Ritch Calvin

CALL FOR PAPERS (Collection)
Entries are invited for a proposed anthology on the subject of the =
television series, Gilmore Girls. Now in its fourth season, the series =
has achieved popular success on a fledgling network. It is also the =
first TV series "to make it to air supported by the Family Friendly =
Forum's script development fund. An initiative between some of the =
nation's top advertisers and The WB, the program is intended to offer a =
greater array of compelling family programming on network television" =
( However, to date, little critical attention =
has been paid to the series.

CFP: My So-Called Life (3/20/04; collection)

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 - 6:46am
Michele Byers

CALL FOR PAPERS: "Dear Angela:" Remembering My So-Called Life

Edited by Michele Byers, Saint Mary's University, and David Lavery, Middle
Tennessee State University.

The editors are currently seeking proposals and contributions for an edited
collection of essays focused on the television series My So-Called Life
(1994 – 95).

UPDATE: Globalization and Media across the Curriculum (11/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 1:42am
Donna Dunbar-Odom

Call for Papers - Extended Deadline<br><br>
Citizens of the World: <br>
Using Media to Introduce Globalization across the Curriculum<br><br>
Across the humanities curriculum, from general education to upper <br>
division courses, students are being asked to grapple with issues of
globalization and its repercussions. Out of these global changes, common
metaphors are emergingmetaphors such as borderlands and border crossings,
empire and transnationalism, to name a few. Such complex metaphors can be
intimidating to many undergraduates. This proposed collection explores

UPDATE: Queer TV (5/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 1:42am

The Queer TV collection first announced in early December now has a
publisher---McFarland. There is still plenty of time to submit abstracts and essays
for the volume. See information below.

Queer TV
An Edited Collection

CFP: The Cinema of Tod Browning (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 1:42am
Bernd Herzogenrath

I am currently looking for high-quality contributions to a volume on =
CINEMA OF TOD BROWNING =96 a major press (Wallflower Press) has alrea=
expressed interest in this project.
Tod Browning has up to this day remained a somewhat un(der)-theorized=
maker. Also having produced successes such as Dracula (with Bela Lugo=
si) and
fulminant financial disasters such as Freaks, the impact of his obses=
with the (representation of the) body, its fragmentation and dismembe=
on the development on Modern Cinema remains to be analysed. In partic=
with reference to much of today=92s discussion about corporeality and
