film and television

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CFP: AEQ: Media Literacy (11/30/03; journal issue)

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 - 6:39pm
Ann Hawkins


AEQ: Academic Exchange Quarterly
Spring 2004, Volume 8, Issue 1
Expanded issue up to 400+ pages.
Articles on various topics plus the following special section

SPECIAL TOPIC: Media Literacy


CFP: Reappreciating "The Last Temptation of Christ" (1/31/04; collection)

Friday, February 21, 2003 - 8:29pm
Middleton, Darren J.N.

2005 is the fiftieth annivesary of the publication (in Greek) of Nikos
Kazantzakis's novel, "The Last Temptation of Christ." Since this time, and
especially after Martin Scorsese's filmic adapatation of the novel in
1988, assessments of this work have ranged from "praiseworthy" to
"blasphemous," according to religious persuasion.

Proposals are invited for a chapter contributions to an essay collection
reappreciating "The Last Temptation of Christ" fifty years on. The
anthology, to be published in 2005, will be divided into two sections, one
part devoted to the novel and one part devoted to the film.

CFP: Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature (5/1/03; journal issue)

Sunday, February 16, 2003 - 10:04pm
Cheyla Samuelson

Research Journal of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara


“Performance and Spectatorship in Film and Literature”

The graduate student research journal of the Department of Spanish and
Portuguese at UC Santa Barbara is soliciting papers for its forthcoming 2003
publication. The issue will focus on performance and spectatorship in Hispanic
and Lusophone film and literature. Interdisciplinary studies and approaches are
especially welcome.

CFP: The Cinema of Tod Browning (12/?/03; collection)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:33pm
Bernd Herzogenrath

 THE CINEMA OF TOD BROWNING (Collection, 2005)

I am looking for high-quality contributions to a volume on THE CINEMA OF TOD
BROWNING - a major press (Wallflower Press) has already expressed interest
in this project.

CFP: Film-Philosophy (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:59pm

[Sincere apologies if you receive this more than once.]

.', :. .
.. , ..' : ..
.. '. .. ,. ..: ..
.. .: .'.. ,. . ... F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
. ' ...,... . . .:. . .
. .. . : ... .'.. ..,.. ISSN 1466-4615
. ., . . :... . . '.. Journal : Salon : Portal
. .'. , : ..... . PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD
. .:..'...,. .
.. :.,.. '....
....:,. '.
.' :. .



The following books have been received and need reviewers:

CFP: AIDS and Cinema (no deadline noted; collection)

Monday, January 27, 2003 - 9:45pm

CFP: essay on Aids and Cinema -for forthcoming volume of essays on Medicine and

The editors of a volume of essays on Medicine and cinema are seeking an
original and quality piece on AIDS and cinema. Anyone interested in submitting
such a piece for consideration should write, with a precis and a cv, to Dr
Andrew Moor, Lecturer in Film, Univ. of Wales, Bangor on

CFP: Sound in Film and Visual Media (8/1/03; collection)

Friday, January 17, 2003 - 10:48pm

Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media
             (Continuum publishers)

This international volume, aiming to be published in 2004, seeks
contributions from people with an interest in field.

Some of the areas to be covered might include:

History of sound cinema -- different periods
New Technologies in cinema sound
multimedia and sound
pioneers of sound
adverstising sound
Visual arts and sound
Voice Recording
Tape, CD & DVD
Film Genre and sound

Chapters will likely be in the vicinity of 5,000 -- 10,000 words, depending
on scope of the chapter topic.

UPDATE: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Friday, January 17, 2003 - 10:29pm
Karen Mcnally


Scope, a fully refereed online journal of film studies, edited by staff
and postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies at the
University of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of 1,000 to 1,500
words and review essays of 2,500 to 3,000 words to be included in
forthcoming issues. We are interested in both recently released movies and
retrospective reviews of older films (especially if these films have just
been released on video or DVD, or have been the focus of renewed critical

CFP: M/C: Media and Culture: Various Topics (various deadlines; journal issues)

Wednesday, December 18, 2002 - 4:17am
M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 11 December 2002

                          M/C - Media and Culture
             is calling for contributors to the 2003 issues of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

CFP: Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations in Film & TV (4/1/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 3:26pm

Call For Papers

We are soliciting submissions for an upcoming collection of essays entitled
Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations of Shakespeare in Film and Telelvision
to be published by McFarland.

The volume will address the appropriation of Shakespearean narratives,
thematics, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema and
television. For example, the essays may observe the dialogue between the
Shakespearean source and the cinematic context or examine the intersection of
high and low art forms. The submissions should not concentrate on films of
Shakespearean plays, but instead on those works that are based on or borrow
from Shakespeare.

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: World-Building or World-Borrowing (on-line journal & ongoing collection)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002 - 6:08pm
Catriona Mills

CFP: World-Building or World-Borrowing: The universe of media tie-in fiction
An M/C Reviews "Words" Special Feature

Edited by Catriona Mills

Media tie-in fiction is the secret success story of modern publishing.
Novels based on the Star Trek and Star Wars universes routinely top the New
York Times best seller lists, but remain something of a covert pleasure. To
many, they seem to occupy an uneasy position between genre fiction and pulp.
But within the field there is a striking and vibrant diversity of style,
form and content. Clearly, there is room for critical intervention into
this phenomenon.

CFP: Media-Culture Reviews (e-journal)

Wednesday, September 4, 2002 - 5:58pm
Kate Douglas

M/C Reviews is an on-line review journal, affiliated with M/C: A Journal
of Media and Culture. M/C Reviews is an internationally recognised journal
that publishes progressive critical interventions within 5 sub-sections:
Events, Screens, Sounds, Spaces and Words. We also publish themed issues
in Features, including our most recent edition that explored issues
relating to the 2002 Football World Cup.

We would like to invite contributions for short articles/reviews on any
topic relating to our 5 sub-sections. Preference will be given to articles
or reviews of current cultural products or recent issues.

CFP: Queer Cinema in Europe (10/1/02 & 7/1/03; collection)

Tuesday, August 6, 2002 - 6:24pm

CFP: Queer Cinema in Europe

Contributions are sought for 'Queer Cinema in Europe', an edited anthology of
critical essays to be published by Intellect Books in 2004. The collection
will explore the varying deployments of lesbian, gay and queer representation
to re-define and deconstruct notions of national identity and culture from
within a unique and diverse European context.

Suggested subjects include:

CFP: Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (ongoing; book series)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:25pm
gary hall

Call for Contributions

New Book Series from Continuum

Studies in Culture and Theory

Gary Hall & Chris Hables Gray

Parveen Adams, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Jim Falk, Steve Graham, Donna
Haraway, Deborah Heath, Manuel De Landa, Paul Patton, Constance Penley,
Kevin Robins, Avital Ronell, Andrew Ross, Allucquere Rosanne

UPDATE: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Monday, April 15, 2002 - 5:46pm
Kate Egan


Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies edited by staff
and postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies at the
University of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of current or
upcoming films of about 1000/1500 words to be included in forthcoming

Retrospective reviews of older films will also be considered for
publication, especially if these films have just been released on video or
DVD, or if they have been the focus of renewed critical attention.

CFP: SCOPE: Conference Reports (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, November 2, 2001 - 8:38pm
Jeongmee Kim

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies (we're at http//
www. film) edited by staff and postgraduate students
within the Institute of Film Studies at the University of Nottingham, is
looking for conference reports of about 1000-1500 words to be included in
forthcoming issues. We're seeking contributions on the events listed
below, but we also welcome reports on other relevant conferences in film,
media and cultural studies.

Reports, queries and expressions of interest should be sent to Jeongmee
Kim, Conference Reports Editor;

· Cosmopolitan Cinema: Hollywood and Asia: American Studies Association Conference (11/8-11/01, Washington DC)

UPDATE: SCOPE: Conference Reports (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, August 17, 2001 - 3:57pm
Jeongmee Kim

SCOPE: Conference Reports ( no deadline; e-journal)

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies (we're at http//
www. film) edited by staff and postgraduate students
within the Institute of Film Studies at the University of Nottingham, is
looking for conference reports of about 1000-1500 words to be included in
forthcoming issues. We're seeking contributions on the events listed
below, but we also welcome reports on other relevant conferences in film,
media and cultural studies.

Reports, queries and expressions of interest should be sent to Jeongmee
Kim, Conference Reports Editor,

UPDATE: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Tuesday, August 7, 2001 - 3:40pm
Kate Egan

CFP: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies edited by
staff and postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies
at the University of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of about
1000/1500 words to be included in forthcoming issues. We are seeking
contributions on the movies listed below, but reviewers are welcome to
suggest other titles:

CFP: Presidency in Film: John Adams (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 2:40am

Call for Paper:

Is there anyone out there who has written
on John Adams in film or on The Adams
Chronicles with respect to John Adams
(first 6 episodes of the series)?

We are assembling a collection of essays
something on this contentious character
in our history...

Would be delighted to hear from you...

Peter Rollins

Peter C. Rollins
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies
(Web site:
RR 3 Box 80
Cleveland, OK 74020
(918)243-7637 and fax 5995

UPDATE: SCOPE: Film Studies Conference Reports (no deadline; e-journal)

Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 8:22pm
Tom Wilkinson

CFP:SCOPE: Conference Reports (e-journal)

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies (we're at edited by staff and postgraduate
students within the institute of Film Studies at the University of
Nottingham, is looking for conference reports of about 1000-1500 words to
be included in forthcoming issues. We're seeking contributions on the
events listed below, but we also welcome reports on other relevant
conferences in film, media and cultural studies.
