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CFP: [General] Diasporic Scotlands MLA 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 3:30pm
Fiona Wilson

15-20 minute papers are invited on the topic of diasporic writing within
and beyond Scotland. All periods are of interest. Exile, migration,
hybridity, cosmopolitan and transnational identities.

MLA San Francisco 2008

1 page abstracts with vitae by March 1 to

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Sat Jan 12 2008 - 10:30:28 EST

CFP: [General] Southern Writers, Southern Writing Graduate Conference

Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 4:16pm
Jill E. Anderson

The 14th Annual Southern Writers, Southern Writing is a University of
Mississippi Graduate Student Conference held in conjunction with the Annual
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference.
The Graduate Students in the Departments of English and Southern Studies
invite you to submit abstracts exploring Southern culture. Accepted
submissions will be presented in Oxford, Mississippi, July 17th-19th, 2008.
 The keynote speaker will be John T. Edge, director of the Southern
Foodways Alliance and author of numerous books on Southern cuisine,
including Fried Chicken: An American Story.

Topics for papers or panels are not restricted to literature. They may include:

CFP: [General] SCMLA 2008 Literature and Psychology Panel

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 - 4:58pm
Ronald Fields

Abstracts and/or papers are sought for the Literature and Psychology
panel of the SCMLA conference being held in San Antonio, TX November 6-8,
2008. In keeping with the conference theme of “borders,” the session is
called “Literature and Psychology: Humanity on the Border.” This session
explores the psychological aspects of literary works or authors as they
relate to existence on various borders or margins, with particular
interest in psycho-cultural borderlines. Potential topics include:

CFP: [General] Textuality, Visuality and their Convergence (2008 RMMLA; Deadline March 1)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 - 4:22pm
Susan Cook

Call for Papers:
Textuality, Visuality and their Convergence
Submissions are invited for this Special Topic Session at the October 9-
11, 2008 Rocky Mountain MLA Convention in Reno, Nevada. Papers may
address but are not limited to the following topics:

Writing the visual
Seeing or not seeing texts
Cultural and/or theoretical approaches to textuality and visuality
The role of visual studies in literary scholarship
The role of literary studies in visual studies scholarship
Particular readings that blend these two approaches

Please send a 300-word abstract and a brief CV in .doc or .pdf format to
Susan Cook,

CFP: [General] American Name Society at MLA

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 - 8:22pm
Kemp Williams

Two open sessions at the annual meeting of the Modern Language
Association in San Francisco, 27-30 December 2008. Fields may include
literature, literary theory, philosophy, linguistics, geography,
sociology, history. Panels may be organized on single authors or
subjects. 150-word abstracts by 7 March 2008 to Kemp Williams
( Presenters of accepted papers must be members of
both ANS and MLA. MLA membership will be required by 7 April 2008. ANS
membership deadline TBA.

CFP: [General] The Audiobook (MLA 2008)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 - 10:39am
Matt Rubery

Papers for this proposed special session will consider the significance of
the audiobook. The growing popularity of audiobooks over the last decade
means that literary critics may no longer be able to turn a blind eye -- or
a deaf ear, in this case -- to the ways in which oral delivery influences
the reception of literature. This panel will explore the extent to which
the audiobook not only enables us to hear literature but to hear it in new
ways. While audiobooks are still responsible for only a small fraction of
the total book publishing market, their use is among the minority of
reading practices found to be increasing as the number of overall readers

CFP: [General] Delta Blues Symposium XIV

Monday, January 7, 2008 - 7:04pm
Thomas Williams

The Department of English and Philosophy at Arkansas State University
(Jonesboro campus) announces its fourteenth annual Delta Blues Symposium,
to be held 27-29 March 2008. The theme for Delta Blues Symposium XIV is
Sense of Place. Presentations are encouraged from scholars and students
of the humanities and social sciencesâ€"especially anthropology, art
history, economics, folklore studies, geography, history, literature,
musicology, political science, and sociology. As well, we seek
contributions from scholars and students of the physical and natural
        It should be emphasized that though we especially encourage

CFP: [General] Environmentalism and Religion (MLA 2008 ASLE-sponsored panel) March 1 deadline

Monday, January 7, 2008 - 5:45pm
Sarah E. McFarland

“Forgive Us Earth, for We Have Sinned”?: Environmentalism and Religion

MLA 2008 in San Francisco
Panel sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment

The environmental message of _An Inconvenient Truth_ was challenged by many
for what they considered the hypocrisy of its narrator, Al Gore: he flew in
airplanes all over the world, for example, while chastising Americans for
their excessive carbon consumption. Many environmentalists preach one thing
and live another, as Janisse Ray recently contended in her _Orion_ article,
“Alter Call for True Believers.” She asks, what does it mean to preach to
(or be in) the “choir” of an environmental movement?

CFP: [General] Technologies Issue: Women's Studies Quarterly

Monday, January 7, 2008 - 3:17am
Stacie McCormick

As forms of knowledge, as practices, and as artefacts, technologies have
reshaped, and continue to reshape, the ways we think, write, create, and
perceive the self, the body and the community. This special issue of WSQ
invites feminist work that considers the concept of technology, conceived
broadly, and explores the multiple technologies --whether high-tech or
low-tech, futuristic, contemporary, or historical â€" that are influencing us.

UPDATE: [Graduate] Writing the Wave: Major and Minor Trends in English Studies

Sunday, January 6, 2008 - 8:35pm
Katherine Bodrie

Call for Papers: “Writing the Wave: Major and Minor Trends in English Studies”
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Graduate English Association Conference
April 18 & 19, 2008 (The conference is on April 19, but we plan to host a
social event the night before.)

UPDATE: [General] 2008 Pennsylvania College English Association Conference

Sunday, January 6, 2008 - 8:09pm
Antonio Vallone

The deadline for proposal submissions has been extended to February 29,

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Sun Jan 06 2008 - 15:09:21 EST

CFP: [General] The Adolescent Novel (MLA 2008)

Sunday, January 6, 2008 - 3:46pm

Abstracts are invited for a proposed Special Session at MLA 2008, in San
Francisico, 27-30 December 2008, that engage critical/theoretical
approaches to the adolescent novel, broadly conceived: coming-of-age
narratives; first novels as "adolescent" texts; future of the adolescent
novel in the 21st century.

250-word abstracts by 15 March 2008 to:

Electronic submissions preferred.

Judith Broome
Assistant Professor
Department of English
William Paterson University
300 Pompton Rd.
Wayne, New Jersey 07470

CFP: [General] Literature and Fashion

Saturday, January 5, 2008 - 10:39pm
Sara Bernstein

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Reno, Nevada, October 9-11, 2008.
          * * * * * * *
Both literature and fashion are often figured as simultaneously enacting
and disrupting a multitude of borders, from the division between an
individual’s body and mind, to the boundaries of empires and nation-states.
The 2008 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is seeking papers that
explore the relationship between these two forms. Papers may use fashion as
a lens through which to understand a literary work or works, or fashion and
literature may work together to explore broader cultural issues. We are

CFP: [General] Reel Borders: Transnational Cinema in the 21st Century

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 - 7:29pm
Nicole McClure

Reel borders: Transnational Cinema in the 21st Century
UConn will host a one-day film seminar in conjunction with the Reel
Ireland Film Festival on Saturday, April 5, 2008. The theme will be
Transnational Cinemas. As technological developments and economic and
social globalization come to the forefront of contemporary cultural
studies, the concept of the transnational artist becomes increasingly
more important. Themes that will be considered include but are not
limited to how nationalism is strengthened or weakened in the face of
such globalization, literary adaptations to film, identifying a (trans)
national audience, Diasporic film, hyphenated identities and cross-
cultural production.

UPDATE: [General] Literature and Pathology

Saturday, December 29, 2007 - 7:53pm
Jessica Howell

Note: DEADLINE EXTENDED to 01/07/07

Call for Papers

“Literature and Pathology”
University of California, Davis
February 29thâ€"March 2nd, 2008

Keynote Speaker: Professor Athena Vrettos, author of Somatic Fictions:
Imagining Illness in Victorian Culture (1995) and “Displaced Memories in
Victorian Fiction and Psychology” (2007).

CFP: [General] RMMLA-Session on Harry Potter (Open Topic)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 4:50pm
Joan Grenier-Winther

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)

RENO, Nevada ~ October 9-11, 2008 at HARRAH'S


Proposals for 15-20 min. presentations due to by MARCH 1.

Non-RMMLA members may propose a paper, but membership in RMMLA is
required of all presenters by APRIL 1.

Requests for Audio-Visual equipment are due by MAY 1 (email
Participation at the convention also requires payment of a convention
registration fee (registration opens in mid-summer; early discount rates
See for more information.

CFP: [General] Violence and Representation

Sunday, December 16, 2007 - 7:29pm
Beverly Voloshin

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)Conference

7-8 November 2008

Hosted by Pomona College, Claremont, CA

CFP: [General] eSharp Journal Issue - In Action: Social Engagement, Empowerment, and Change

Friday, December 14, 2007 - 6:47pm
Jason Monson

In Action:
Social Engagement, Empowerment and Change

The eleventh issue of eSharp will consider themes of social engagement,
empowerment, and change. We welcome articles which examine the social
implications and practical applications of various theories, as well as how
these may empower marginalised social groups or promote social change. In
keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the journal, the ideas of
engagement and empowerment within society can be interpreted broadly. We
encourage submissions from postgraduates in any area of the arts,
humanities, social sciences or education.

UPDATE: [General] Red River Conference on World Literature

Friday, December 14, 2007 - 5:59pm
Carol Pearson


Keynote Speaker: New Mexico Eminent Scholar
Dr. Tey Diana Rebolledo

APRIL 4 - 6, 2008

We invite papers and panel proposals on topics that investigate any of the
following topics. While we are particularly interested in proposals that
focus on the conference theme, papers and panels on all aspects of world
literature will be considered.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

UPDATE: [General] Challenging Faith: Intersections of Belief and Doubt in Literature, Composition, and the Profession

Thursday, December 13, 2007 - 6:12pm
Matthew Hurwitz

The English Graduate Organization at the University of New Hampshire
would like to announce that it has extended the deadline for proposal
submissions to its 2008 Graduate Conference entitled “Challenging Faith:
Intersections of Belief and Doubt in Literature, Composition, and the
Profession” to be held March 7-8. The new deadline will be December 22,
2007. Papers on both religious and non-religious topics are encouraged.
We intend the conference to cover all matters of “faith,” understood in
its broadest sense and look forward to a rewarding conference experience
for all. Speakers at this year’s conference will be Patricia Bizzell,

UPDATE: [General] âThe Succession of Simulacra: The Legacy of Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)â

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 - 5:55am
David Roh

“The Succession of Simulacra: The Legacy of Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)”
An Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference
April 18-19, 2008
University of California, Santa Barbara

Keynote Speaker: Douglas Kellner, George F. Kneller Philosophy of Education
Chair (UCLA)

The recent death of Jean Baudrillard has stimulated an engagement with his
work and its legacy across various fields both within academia and beyond
it. As seen in the recent “Remembering Baudrillard” issue of the
International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, his ideas continue to foster
productive discussion.
