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UPDATE: [General] NJCEA Conference Call for Panels and Papers

Friday, October 12, 2007 - 2:28am
Burt Kimmelman

31st Annual New Jersey College English Association Conference
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079

Keynote Speaker: Edward Halsey Foster

The New Jersey College English Association is soliciting panels and
papers considering a broad range of literary and composition topics for
its annual conference. The NJCEA brings together those interested in
language, literature, pedagogy, and other aspects of the teaching and
study of literature and writing.

CFP: [General] Girls and Visual Culture

Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 2:51pm
Leisha Jones

Call for Workshops, Papers, and Panels

Girls and Visual Culture

Sponsored by the Girls and Their Allies Caucus

National Women's Studies Association
29th Annual Conference
June 19 â€" 22, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio

Submissions are invited for workshops, papers, and panels on current practices and
proliferations of girls in visual culture. Presentations could provide an overview of contemporary
trends, or focus on one in particular.

CFP: [General] Academic Identities in Crisis?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 6:15am
Dr Helen Day

Academic Identities in Crisis?
A University of Central Lancashire Conference
Call for Papers
4 - 6th September 2008

Fictional texts like Possession and the saga of the University of Poppleton
provide us with fascinating accounts of academic identity - and simply
surviving inside and outside universities. At this conference we aim to
explore the production and consumption of your academic identities.

CFP: [General] Politics of Play and Performance

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 - 10:06pm
Wendy Matlock

3nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
April 18 and 19, 2008
California State University, Sacramento

The third annual ASNR conference invites papers that address the politics
or politicization of play and performance, festival and frivolity. This
interdisciplinary conference provides a forum for considering
manifestations of play and performance at macro- and micro-levels of
everyday life, both historically and contemporarily. We invite abstracts
for papers in the humanities and social sciences that address the
following or related ideas:

UPDATE: [General] International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts

Monday, October 8, 2007 - 10:15pm
Graham J. Murphy

The 29th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
Delightful Horror and the Sense of Wonder:
Appreciating the Sublime in the Fantastic

[Feel free to distribute this updated Call for Papers]

UPDATE: [General] Mississippi Philological Association

Friday, October 5, 2007 - 7:20pm, III

CFP: Mississippi Philological Association

The Mississippi Philological Association invites submissions of poetry,
fiction, and literary or pedagogical essays for this year’s literary
conference of the Mississippi Philological Association to be held at
Mississippi College in Clinton (a few miles west of Jackson) on January
25-6th, 2008. MPA welcomes scholars not only from Mississippi’s
universities but also from the region. Literary essays should be in MLA
format and should anticipate reading times of 18-20 minutes. Submissions
are due by November 1. Abstracts are acceptable from professors, full
drafts are necessary for graduate students.

CFP: [General] Mississippi Philological Conference, Jan. 26-7th, '08

Friday, October 5, 2007 - 7:13pm, III

The Mississippi Philological Association invites submissions of poetry,
fiction, and literary or pedagogical essays for this year’s literary
conference of the Mississippi Philological Association to be held at
Mississippi College in Clinton (a few miles west of Jackson) on January
25-6th, 2008. MPA welcomes scholars not only from Mississippi’s
universities but also from the region. Literary essays should be in MLA
format and should anticipate reading times of 18-20 minutes.

The conference will feature a dinner and keynote address by Benjamin F.
Fisher IV, a noted Poe scholar, on Friday night.

CFP: [General] "Muslims, Race and the Public Sphere"

Friday, October 5, 2007 - 1:30am
Salah D. Hassan

Call for Papers

The 3rd Muslim Studies Conference
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan

Conference Dates: April 3-5

Conference Title: “Muslims, Race and the Public Sphere”

Keynote Speakers: Mahmood Mamdani, Geneive Abdo, and Howard Winant

CFP: [General] Graduate Student Life Panel

Thursday, October 4, 2007 - 1:26pm
Jordan Cofer

Call for Papers: College English Association National Conference 39TH
ANNUAL CONFERENCE | Passages St. Louis, Missouri March 27-29, 2008

College English Association invites those interested to speak in the
Graduate Student Life panel/roundtable discussion which will
focus on "navigating the interview," "writing the cover letter," and
"Job Interview War Stories." Since the conference theme this year is
passages, this panel will focus on a graduate student's "passage" into the
job market.

CFP: [General] Mystery and Detective Fiction

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 - 6:52pm
Marilyn Rye

Call for Papers
Mystery & Detective Fiction Section
Popular Culture Association
San Francisco
March 19-22, 2008

Investigating a topic in mystery or detective fiction?
Present your conclusions at the 2008 PCA Conference!

We welcome proposals for individual papers or panels on any aspect of
mystery & detective fiction, including history, criticism, theory, and
current trends.

CFP: [General] Perspectives on War: The Front (InterCulture e-journal, 11/16/07)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 - 3:43am
Katheryn Wright

Call for Papers: InterCulture (e-journal) for Fall 2007
Perspectives on War: The Front
Deadline for Submission: November 16, 2007

Current discourses concerning the “War on Terror” appear to describe a
confrontation that transcends spatial boundaries. As embedded reporting
brings war to the television screen and U.S. presidential candidates
campaign on the streets of Baghdad, communication technologies expand
what makes up “the front” of war. Unlike the fronts of WWI, the front
could now be anywhere.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 - 10:12pm
Casey Rian McArdle


February 8, 2008 Virginia Ball Center Ball State University


The 2008 Ball State University PCM conference committee would like to
invite submissions of abstracts from all graduate programs in: composition
and rhetoric, linguistics, literature, TESOL, digital storytelling, and
creative writing.

CFP: [General]

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 - 4:24pm
Wail S. Hassan

Call for Papers
American Comparative Literature Association
April 24-27, 2008
Long Beach, CA

Seminar Title: Arabs and the New World

CFP: [General] Developing/Coordinating Internships for Lit/Writing Majors (Nov 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 - 1:08pm
Joseph Pestino

The College English Association (CEA)
Call for Papers on Academic Administrative Leadership at the Department
Level The 39th CEA Conference, St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions on the following topics as they relate to
administrative leadership on the departmental level (Chairing, Program
Directing, etc.):

1. Developing and Coordinating Internships for Literature and Writing
Majors: Issues, Tips and Guidelines.
2. “Can You Hear Me Now?”: Creating Lines of Communication between the
Administrator and the Administrated.

CFP: [General] Transgressing Natureâs Body: Violating Mother Earth (Grad Panel, 10/15/07; 2/29/08-3/1/08)

Monday, October 1, 2007 - 8:35pm
Want Chyi

Be it bodies of water or bodies of land, documentaries such as Al
Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” and Leonardo DiCaprio’s “The 11th Hour”
speak to humanity’s continued rape of the physical world. In what ways
has industrialization prompted progress while damaging the planet? What
are the consequences of violating any form of “natural boundary”? This
panel seeks critical and creative presentations that explore these

CFP: [General] The Pretty that Hurts: The Cult of Pain and Violating the Body (Grad Panel, 10/15/07; 2/29/08-3/1/08

Monday, October 1, 2007 - 5:39pm
Want Chyi

>From self-mutilation to the rise of plastic surgery; from the Gothic
genre to representations of pain in media and art, how has transgressing
the body yielded consequences for artists and audiences? This panel seeks
critical and creative presentations that explore these questions.

Submit 350-word paper proposals by October 15 to the Southwest Graduate
English Symposium, held at Arizona State University, February 29-March 1,
2008. Please include your name, professional affiliation, home and office
numbers, mailing address, and email address. Also, please include any A/V
requirements with your submission.

CFP: [General] Transgressing the Canon: Giving Literary Credence to the Pulp (Grad Panel, 10/15/07; 2/29/08-3/1/08)

Monday, October 1, 2007 - 5:24pm
Want Chyi

Stephen King is one author that has been accused of transgressing the
canon. Is this a fair accusation? What other authors have been said to
commit this violation, and to what end? What are the consequences to the
literary community when standardization is applied to art and
communication? What are the implications of graphic novels and other
genres entering into academic criticism? This panel seeks critical and
creative presentations that explore these questions.

CFP: [General] Hermesâs Tongue: Validity & Challenges of Art as Messenger (Grad Panel, 10/15/07; 2/29/08-3/1/08)

Monday, October 1, 2007 - 5:13pm
Want Chyi

What are the challenges of using art to translate a message? How does art
function as a language? What is lost or gained when it is transmitted to
the audience? How does visual/ performance art fit into academia? This
panel seeks critical and creative presentations, including visual and
performance art, which explores these questions.

Submit 350-word paper proposals by October 15 to the Southwest Graduate
English Symposium, held at Arizona State University, February 29-March 1,
2008. Please include your name, professional affiliation, home and office
numbers, mailing address, and email address. Also, please include any A/V
requirements with your submission.

CFP: [General] Call for Manuscripts - Creative, Academic, and Translations

Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 6:21pm
David Parker

The University of New Orleans and the UNO Press invites submissions of both
creative and scholarly work in the following areas:

Louisiana: Culture and Diversity
This broad category will include work by and about Louisiana artists,
musicians, and authors. It is open to creative work (fiction, poetry,
nonfiction, etc.) by authors living in or connected with Louisiana, and
also to scholarly work on Louisiana literature, music, and art, as well as
cultural and historical studies on any aspect of Louisiana.

CFP: [General] CFP

Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 5:32am
nathaniel tkacz

Submission has been extended to October 12, 2007 for antiTHESIS journal
2008. Further, whilst this remains a themed edition we are open to creative
interpretation. Original details below:

CFP: [General] Technicity, Culture, Polis: Media, Practices...

Sunday, September 23, 2007 - 10:13am
Frederick Young

NJES: The Nordic Journal of English

Special Issue: Technicity, Culture, Polis: Media, Practices…

Call for Papers: Special Issue. May 2007

Guest Editors:
Danuta Fjellestad, Uppsala University
Frederick Young, Blekinge Institute of Technology

CFP: [General] Chick Lit.

Sunday, September 23, 2007 - 4:57am
amy lerman

Call For Papers: “Chick Lit.” Area
Abstract/Proposals by 1 November 2007
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 29th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM February 13-16, 2008
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710

Proposals are now being accepted for the “Chick Lit.” Area, and all those
interested are encouraged to participate. (Graduate students/future
teachers are particularly welcome to participate or register to attend the
conference.) Listed below are some suggestions for possible presentations,
but topics not included here are also welcome.
