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CFP: [General] 5th Annual Tolkien Conference

Friday, September 21, 2007 - 5:14pm
Christopher Vaccaro

The 5th Annual Tolkien Conference at the University of Vermont will be
held April 2008 from Friday the 11th to Sunday the 13th. This year’s
theme is Celtic and Norse influence on the work of J. R. R. Tolkien.

The conference organizers seek 20-minute papers on any topic related to
Tolkien or his work, but topics relating to the theme of the conference
will be given priority consideration.

CFP: [General] Representations of Trauma in Literature and Film (10/10/07; CSA, 05/22/08 - 05/24/08)

Friday, September 21, 2007 - 3:50pm
Philippe Codde

Papers are sought for a proposed panel on “Representations of Trauma in
Literature and Film” at the Cultural Studies Association Annual Meeting at
New York University, May 22-24, 2008.
Psychotherapists such as Dori Laub, Bessel van der Kolk, Onno van der Hart,
and Judith Herman have repeatedly underscored the visual nature of
traumatic experiences, which tend to be engraved in memory in the form of
images or icons. This would suggest that visual media provide the most
expedient canvas for representing these moments of crisis, and movies like
Sidney Lumet’s "The Pawnbroker" (1964), Christopher Nolan’s "Memento"
(2000), or Brad Anderson’s "The Machinist" (2004) confirm the validity of

UPDATE: [General] 39th NeMLA Convention, 4/10-13/08; deadlines extended 10/12/07

Thursday, September 20, 2007 - 12:59am
Elizabeth Abele

It's not to late to be part of the 39th Convention in Buffalo, April 10-
13, 2008!

With the later date for the 2008 NeMLA Convention in Buffalo, chairs were
given the option to extend their abstract deadlines from the standard
Sept. 15 to as late as Oct. 12.

There are 36 sessions still open, covering most areas:

Full descriptions of these sessions are available at:

Join us in Buffalo!

CFP: [General] Imagination-Self-Other (Undergrad Conf.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 7:06pm
Amy E. Winans

Susquehanna University invites undergraduate scholars and writers to
participate in “Imagination-Self-Other,” its fourth annual Undergraduate
Conference on Literature and Creative Writing.
“Imagination-Self-Other” welcomes creative and/or critical engagement with
issues that include but are not limited to the following:
• Imagining difference
• Imagination and liberation
• Imagining race, class, gender, sexuality
• Borderlands of self and other
• The failure of imagination
• Imagination and intersectionality
• Literary representations of self/other
• Genres of the self: Lyric, memoir, biography
• Identity, nation, globalization

CFP: [General] Undergraduate Literature and Creative Writing Conference

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 3:21pm
Drew Hubbell

Susquehanna University invites undergraduate scholars and writers to
participate in “Imagination-Self-Other,” its fourth annual Undergraduate
Literature and Creative Writing Conference.

“Imagination-Self-Other” welcomes creative and/or critical engagement with
issues that include but are not limited to the following:

* Imagining difference
* Imagination and liberation
* Imagining race, class, gender, sexuality
* Borderlands of self and other
* The failure of imagination
* Imagination and intersectionality
* Literary representations of self/other
* Genres of the self: Lyric, memoir, biography
* Identity, nation, globalization
* Imagination and subjectivity

CFP: [General] SW/TX PCA/ACA (11/15; 2/13-16)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 3:12am
Phil Heldrich

CFP: Call for Papers SW/TX PCA/ACA
Deadline for submission: November 15, 2007

Keynote Speaker: Joy Harjo

The 29th Annual Meeting of the
Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations
February 13â€"16, 2008
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The SW/TX PCA/ ACA invites papers for one of its 65+ Area offerings in
Literature, Film, Television, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Ethnic and
Gender Studies, Ecocriticism, Southwest Culture, Western Studies, Creative
Writing, Pedagogy, and many more!

CFP: [General] Creative Writing Pedagogy

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 3:05am
Phil Heldrich

CFP: Creative Writing Pedagogy
(please forward to interested colleagues and graduate students)

Topics of Interest: Pedagogy related to the teaching of creative writing in
academic and community settings, literary editing, advising literary
journals (online and in hard copy), and other special issues of concern for
the teaching of creative writing in all genres. Interdisciplinary and
innovative approaches to creative writing pedagogy welcome.

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 29th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 13-16, 2008
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2007

Keynote Speaker: Joy Harjo

CFP: [General] SW/TX PCA/ACA Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Assocs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 2:45am
Phil Heldrich

CFP: Call for Papers SW/TX PCA/ACA
Deadline for submission: November 15, 2007

Keynote Speaker: Joy Harjo

The 29th Annual Meeting of the
Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Associations
February 13â€"16, 2008
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The SW/TX PCA/ ACA invites papers for one of its 65+ Area offerings in
Literature, Film, Television, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Ethnic and
Gender Studies, Ecocriticism, Southwest Culture, Western Studies, Creative
Writing, Pedagogy, and many more!

CFP: [General] Hypertext and Intertext: Recasting the Master Narrative (grad panel, 10/15/07; 2/29-3/1/08)

Monday, September 17, 2007 - 5:11pm
Cynthia Calhoun

Jasper Fforde’s popular series of literary detective novels, beginning
with The Eyre Affair, popularized a little-studied literary trope:
intertextual references and devices that subvert the linear master
narrative. From farting bookworms to the “footnoterphone,” Fforde
utilizes font types, footnotes, and misspellings to argue for a multi-
textuality in his novels. How have other writers done the same? For
what purpose? How does this practice affect us as readers? This panel
seeks critical and creative presentations that explore these questions.
Topics may include self-referencing, online hypertext, multiple
narrators, and much more.

CFP: [General] To (Un)Make the Pain: The Language and Empathy of Suffering (grad panel, 10/15/07; 2/29/08-3/1/08)

Monday, September 17, 2007 - 5:06pm
Cynthia Calhoun

In Elaine Scarry’s book Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the
World, she claims that pain is language destroying, essentially
establishing a barrier between the self and reality that eliminates
meaningful communication with the outside world. Therefore, not only is
it impossible to adequately describe pain, but the possibility of empathy
is all but destroyed. This panel seeks critical and creative
presentations that explore and engage the question: How can a subject
effectively communicate the experience of pain? How can a community
understand or empathize with that subject? Topics may include specific
writers â€" such as Sylvia Plath or Philip K. Dick â€" or a more general
theoretical study.

CFP: [General] PCA/ACA Animation Area, San Francisco March 19-22, 2008

Monday, September 17, 2007 - 4:49pm
Jim Walker


Animation Area of the Popular Culture Association
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
National Conference
San Francisco , CA
March 19-22, 2008

The Animation Area of the Popular Culture Association seeks individual-
papers and panel proposals for presentation at the 2008 National
Conference of the Popular Culture Association and American Culture
Association, to be held at the San Francisco Marriott Hotel (San
Francisco, California) March 19-22, 2008.

Proposal which consider the diversity of animation in relation to popular
culture are welcomed. Possible themes for papers/panels include but are
not restricted to:

CFP: [General] Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies

Monday, September 17, 2007 - 1:24am
Tsai-yu Chen

Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies

Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies is inviting submissions for its
forthcoming issues. We encourage contributions from both Taiwan and
international communities addressing our special topics; articles on
other aspects of literature and culture are also welcome. If your
manuscript is intended as a special topic submission, please so indicate.
All correspondence should be addressed to Editor, Concentric: Literary
and Cultural Studies, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal
University, 162 Hoping East Road, Section 1, Taipei 106, Taiwan. [e-mail:

Forthcoming Special Topics

CFP: [General] Gaming Theory and Culture (10/31/07; ICFA, 3/19/08 â 3/23/08)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 7:20pm
Barbara Lucas

Participants are being sought for paper sessions on Video Game Theory and
Culture for the 29th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts.

The focus of ICFA 29 is on the sublime in the fantastic, and while papers
relating to this theme are welcome, proposals on any topics related to
this call will be considered. The conference will be held in Orlando,
Florida, from March 19 - 23, 2008 at the Marriott Orlando Marriott
Hotel. For more information and updates about the conference, please

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

CFP: [General] Buying and Selling Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror (10/31/07; ICFA, 3/19/08 â 3/23/08)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 7:19pm
Barbara Lucas

Participants are being sought for paper sessions on Buying and Selling
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror for the 29th Annual International
Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts.

The focus of ICFA 29 is on the sublime in the fantastic, and while papers
relating to this theme are welcome, proposals on any topics related to
this call will be considered. The conference will be held in Orlando,
Florida, from March 19 - 23, 2008 at the Marriott Orlando Marriott
Hotel. For more information and updates about the conference, please

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

CFP: [General] Hypertexts, New Media, and Convergence in the Fantastic (10/31/07; ICFA, 3/19/08 â 3/23/08)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 7:17pm
Barbara Lucas

Participants are being sought for paper sessions on Hypertexts, New
Media, and Convergence in the Fantastic for the 29th Annual International
Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts.

The focus of ICFA 29 is on the sublime in the fantastic, and while papers
relating to this theme are welcome, proposals on any topics related to
this call will be considered. The conference will be held in Orlando,
Florida, from March 19 - 23, 2008 at the Marriott Orlando Marriott
Hotel. For more information and updates about the conference, please

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

CFP: [General] Sociology and Folklore in the Fantastic (10/31/07; ICFA, 3/19/08 â 3/23/08)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 7:16pm
Barbara Lucas

Participants are being sought for paper sessions on Sociology and
Folklore in the Fantastic for the 29th Annual International Conference on
the Fantastic in the Arts.

The focus of ICFA 29 is on the sublime in the fantastic, and while papers
relating to this theme are welcome, proposals on any topics related to
this call will be considered. The conference will be held in Orlando,
Florida, from March 19 - 23, 2008 at the Marriott Orlando Marriott
Hotel. For more information and updates about the conference, please

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

CFP: [General] Fan Art, Fiction, and Culture (10/31/07; ICFA, 3/19/08 â 3/23/08)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 7:15pm
Barbara Lucas

Participants are being sought for paper sessions on Fan Art, Fiction, and
Culture for the 29th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in
the Arts.

The focus of ICFA 29 is on the sublime in the fantastic, and while papers
relating to this theme are welcome, proposals on any topics related to
this call will be considered. The conference will be held in Orlando,
Florida, from March 19 - 23, 2008 at the Marriott Orlando Marriott
Hotel. For more information and updates about the conference, please

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

CFP: [General] Ethics and / of Formalism; Narrative: Austin, May 1-4, 2008

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 7:01pm
Anna Kornbluh

Ethics and / of Formalism â€" Society for the Study of Narrative Literature, Austin, May 1-4, 2008

Contemporary theory has often associated ethics with particularizing impulses in narrative and in
criticism. In the interest of ethics that strive to reach beyond the particular, we request submissions
for one or more panels that ask about narrative form as a site of ethical relation and generalization,
and about the ethical purchase of formalist approaches to narrative.

CFP: [General] International Research in Childrenâs Literature (New journal)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 11:47am
Pamela Knights

The International Research Society for Children's Literature

International Research in Children’s Literature

The International Research Society for Children’s Literature (IRSCL) was
established in 1970 and is a leading association for scholars of
children’s literature. The study of children’s literature is increasingly
being recognised as an integral part of literary studies, and the rapid
expansion of the subject area highlights the need for a scholarly journal
that is international in scope. Following our announcement at IRSCL’s
18th Biennial Congress in Kyoto, we are now inviting submissions for the
inaugural issues of International Research in Children’s Literature.

CFP: [General] Specs: Sympathetic Interfaces between Creative/Critical Practices (journal)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 2:58am
Vidhu Aggarwal

Specs is a journal of contemporary culture and arts at Rollins College.

Specs aims to create sympathetic interfaces between artistic and critical
practices. The journal invokes the spirit of John Dewey, for whom thinking
begins in flux, in the "peculiar combination of the understood and

The editors invite submissions of critical and/or creative work for both
the print and web issue, including critical articles, fiction, non-fiction
(of up to 6000 works), poetry (3-5 poems) and artwork.

CFP: [General] Specs: Sympathetic Interfaces between Creative/Critical Practices (journal)

Sunday, September 16, 2007 - 2:57am
Vidhu Aggarwal

Specs is a journal of contemporary culture and arts at Rollins College.

Specs aims to create sympathetic interfaces between artistic and critical
practices. The journal invokes the spirit of John Dewey, for whom thinking
begins in flux, in the "peculiar combination of the understood and

The editors invite submissions of critical and/or creative work for both
the print and web issue, including critical articles, fiction, non-fiction
(of up to 6000 works), poetry (3-5 poems) and artwork.

UPDATE: [General] Annual Conference of the NJCEA

Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 9:41pm
Burt Kimmelman

31st Annual New Jersey College English Association Conference
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079

Keynote Speaker: Edward Halsey Foster

The New Jersey College English Association is soliciting panels and
papers considering a broad range of literary and composition topics for
its annual conference. The NJCEA brings together those interested in
language, literature, pedagogy, and other aspects of the teaching and
study of literature and writing.

UPDATE: [General] New Jersey College English Association Conference

Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 2:03am
Burt Kimmelman

31st Annual New Jersey College English Association Conference
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079

Keynote Speaker: Edward Halsey Foster

The New Jersey College English Association is soliciting panels and
papers considering a broad range of literary and composition topics for
its annual conference. The NJCEA brings together those interested in
language, literature, pedagogy, and other aspects of the teaching and
study of literature and writing.

CFP: [General] Popular Culture / Nov 1 / CEA March 27-29 2008

Friday, September 14, 2007 - 3:56pm
Mary Thompson

Call for Papers / CEA Special Topic Panel on Popular Culture
March 27-29, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri

We invite papers for the special topic panels on Popular Culture for the
39th annual meeting of the CEA. Papers addressing the general conference
theme of “passages” (rites of passage, spiritual passage, passage as
journey, passage to America, literary passages, etc.) in popular culture
are especially welcome.

Proposals should be submitted via the online database at
by November 1st, 2007.
