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CFP: [General] 2008 MCLLM

Sunday, September 9, 2007 - 11:28pm
Elizabeth Bowman


The 16th annual Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media
(MCLLM) will be held February 29 and March 1, 2008, at Northern Illinois
University in DeKalb, Illinois, to coincide with African American History
Month and Women's History Month.

Confirmed keynote speakers: David Bevington (of the University of
Chicago) on race and gender in Shakespeare, and Russ Castronovo (of the
University of Wisconsin at Madison) on American and African American
history including the military-industrial complex.

Proposals are solicited for fifteen- to twenty-minute papers from
scholars at all career stages, from beginning graduate students to
established and senior scholars.

UPDATE: [General] Panels & Papers for the Annual Conference of the New Jersey College English Association

Sunday, September 9, 2007 - 9:43pm
Burt Kimmelman

31st Annual New Jersey College English Association Conference
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079

Keynote Speaker: Edward Halsey Foster

The New Jersey College English Association is soliciting panels and papers
considering a broad range of literary and composition topics for its annual
conference. The NJCEA brings together those interested in language,
literature, pedagogy, and other aspects of the teaching and study of
literature and writing.

CFP: [General] Panels & Papers for the Annual Conference of the New Jersey College English Association

Sunday, September 9, 2007 - 8:24pm
Burt Kimmelman

31st Annual New Jersey College English Association Conference
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079

Keynote Speaker: Edward Halsey Foster

The New Jersey College English Association is soliciting panels and papers
considering a broad range of literary and composition topics for its annual
conference. The NJCEA brings together those interested in language,
literature, pedagogy, and other aspects of the teaching and study of
literature and writing.

CFP: [General] RIVERS at CEA (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Saturday, September 8, 2007 - 12:53am
R. D. Madison

College English Association National Conference
March 27-29, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri

We invite submissions for the 39th annual meeting of the CEA:


All the rivers run to the sea, and this year SEA at CEA focuses on the
literature of riversâ€"passages that feature the river itself, river craft,
and the craft of moving on moving waterâ€"by raft, steamboat, keelboat; by
pole, paddle, or portage; by slave, slaver, sailor, or salmon. Papers on
the rich literary histories of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers are
especially appropriate to our meeting at their confluence in St. Louis.

CFP: [General] 39th Annual College English Association Conference (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Friday, September 7, 2007 - 6:51pm
Marina Christi Favila


The 39th Annual College English
      Association Conference
St. Louis, Missouri, March 27-29, 2008

Conference Theme

The clean, elegant lines of the St. Louis Gateway Arch rise high above
the Mississippi River, a literal representation of the city’s most famous
epithet, “Gateway to the West.” Inspired by this image, CEA pays tribute
to St. Louis and to the many pioneers who passed through its threshold,
risking the world they knew for nothing more (or less) than the promise
of a new beginning. Our theme for the 2008 conference is Passages.

CFP: [General] Mapping "Place" in Text and Culture

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 7:04pm
Matthew Hackler

Call for Papers

7th Annual Louisiana Conference on Language and Literature
February 21-23, 2008
Hilton Garden Inn Lafayette, Louisiana

Keynote Speakers:

Elizabeth Nuñez, Award-winning novelist; co-editor of Stories from Blue
Latitudes: Caribbean Women Writers at Home and Abroad and Black Writers in
the 90s; and literary critic.

Jeanne Moskal, Author of Studies of Blake and Shelley, Editor of
Keats-Shelley Journal; Founding President of the International Society for
Travel Writing, and Editor of the series Writing Travel

CFP: [General] &Now: A Festival of Literature and Art, April 2008

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 6:17am
Logan Esdale

&Now: A Festival of Literature and Art

April 15-17, 2008

Chapman University, Orange, CA

Submit proposals for papers by November 1st, 2007 to

Anyone can submit a proposal. You do not need to be associated with an
academic or any other institution. Graduate Students may apply as
individuals or as students of an institution.

You can propose:

* To do a reading or performance from your own innovative or conceptual
fiction, poetry, or other creative work.

CFP: [General] Literature of the Obscure (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 20080

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 1:45am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on
"Literature of the Obscure" at the 39th College English Association (CEA)
Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "Literature of the Obscure.”

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

It is our desire to be able to field at the CEA conference a number of
panels on this theme with the intent of creating a subset of scholarly
communities, originally arising out of the NYCEA affiliate, within the
larger CEA conference community.

CFP: [General] Literature and the Healing Arts / Literature and Medicine (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 1:35am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on
"Literature and the Healing Arts / Literature and Medicine" at the 39th
College English Association (CEA) Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "Literature and the Healing Arts / Literature and Medicine.”

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

CFP: [General] Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 1:29am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on
"Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature" at the 39th
College English Association (CEA) Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature."

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

CFP: [General] Literature and Criminal Justice (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 1:23am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on
"Literature and Criminal Justice" at the 39th College English Association
(CEA) Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "Literature and Criminal Justice."

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

It is our desire to be able to field at the CEA conference a number of
panels on this theme with the intent of creating a subset of scholarly
communities, originally arising out of the NYCEA affiliate, within the
larger CEA conference community.

CFP: [General] Literature and Law (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 1:19am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on
"Literature and Law"at the 39th College English Association (CEA)
Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "Literature and Law."

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

It is our desire to be able to field at the CEA conference a number of
panels on this theme with the intent of creating a subset of scholarly
communities, originally arising out of the NYCEA affiliate, within the
larger CEA conference community.

CFP: [General] Anatomy of Violence in Literature (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 1:11am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on "Anatomy
of Violence in Literature" at the 39th College English Association (CEA)
Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March 2008

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "Anatomy of Violence in Literature."

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

CFP: [General] The âIâ of the Beholder: Vision, Imagination, and Reaction in/to Literature

Thursday, September 6, 2007 - 12:55am
Lauren De La Vars

Call for Papers for a NYCEA sponsored CEA Special Topics Panel on "The ‘I’
of the Beholder: Vision, Imagination, and Reaction in/to Literature" at
the 39th College English Association (CEA) Conference St. Louisâ€"27-29 March

We welcome submissions of both past NYCEA papers previously presented at
the NYCEA Conference on this theme, OR new submissions on the topic of this
special session: "The ‘I’ of the Beholder: Vision, Imagination, and
Reaction in/to Literature."

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

UPDATE: [General] The Purpose(s) of English: A Conference on the Future of English Studies

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - 9:53pm
Sara Cordell

The first bi-annual Conference on the Future of English Studies will be
held at the University of Illinois @ Springfield, Oct. 19-20. For further
information or to register, please consult the Conference website:

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Tue Sep 04 2007 - 17:53:46 EDT

CFP: [General] Storytelling Conventions Panel for International Conference on Narrative at Austin, May 1-4, 2008

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - 6:02pm
Lena Khor

I am looking for scholars who would be interested in forming a 3-4-person
panel on storytelling conventions for the International Conference on
Narrative at Austin, May 1-4, 2008. The focus of this panel would be genre,
not just in the traditional sense of form (poetry, drama, and prose, or
tragedy, comedy, and melodrama), but also more broadly construed in terms
of media conventions (Hollywood films, graphic novels, and oral
testimonies). How do these traditional and contemporary storytelling
practices shape (positively or negatively) the story, the storyteller and
the audience? How have various authors or media sought to influence
(successfully and unsuccessfully) the audience’s response to particular

UPDATE: [General] Literature: Ecocrticisim and Environment

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - 2:23pm
Kenneth Hada

CFP: Literature, Ecocriticism, and the Environment
Abstract/Proposals du by November 15, 2007
The 29th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
  February 13-16, 2008
  Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
  330 Tijeras
  Albuquerque, NM 87102
  Phone: 1.505.842.1234
  Fax: 1.505.766.6710
Conference Website: (updated regularly)
Panels now forming for presentations and roundtables regarding Literature,
Eco-criticism, and the Environment in such areas as:
--eco-critical approaches to literature

CFP: [General] Mythology in Contemporary Culture

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - 2:08pm
Anais Spitzer

Mythology in Contemporary Culture


2008 Popular Culture Association (PCA)/American Culture Association (ACA)
Annual Conference
San Francisco, California
March 19 - 22, 2008

The “Mythology in Contemporary Culture” area is dedicated to exploring
mythological figures and motifs (from all cultures and historical
periods) in all areas of popular cultureâ€"from movies, video games and
television to novels, politics and blogsâ€"and the significance of these
mythological figures and motifs in contemporary, postmodern culture.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

UPDATE: [General] Refractory â Series TV (1/15/08: Journal issue)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 - 12:04am
Dr. Lucian Chaffey


Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media is a refereed,
peer-reviewed, e-journal that explores the diverging and intersecting
aspects of current and past entertainment media. The journal is
published by the Cinema Studies Program, School of Culture and
Communication, University of Melbourne.

Submission of completed articles (4â€"6000 words) + brief bio: 01/15/08
Publication: Autumn 2008

ISSUE THEME: Series TV: New fields of critical thought and radical
perspectives on series televisuality.

CFP: [General] Hip Hop Cultures

Monday, September 3, 2007 - 3:59pm
Enrique Morales-Diaz

Call for Papers

The editors of Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
articles for a special issue on Hip Hop Cultures. Specifically, the
editors are looking for articles that address one of the following themes:
  Hip Hop Sexualities
    The role of women
    LGBTQ hip hop

  The globalization of Hip Hop
    Migrants and Hip Hop
    Hip Hop Music, Rai Music, & Beur Culture
    New Hip Hop nations
    Intersections of ethnicities & nationalities in Hip Hop
  Hip Hop Literature
  Hip Hop and Reggaeton
    Women in Hip Hop v. Women in Reggaeton

CFP: [General] Comics Conference on Sex, Gender, and Sexuality (UF, 3/21-22)

Monday, September 3, 2007 - 7:00am
Lyndsay Brown

The University of Florida's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce the 2008
UF Conference on Comics and Graphic Novels: "ImageSexT: Intersections of Sex, Gender, and
Sexuality," which will be held in Gainesville, Florida, on March 21-22, 2008.

CFP: [General] Afro-Caribbean Literature (Nov. 1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 1:57pm
Laura Barrio-Vilar

College English Association National Conference
March 27-29, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri

We invite papers on Afro-Caribbean Literature for the 39th annual meeting
of the CEA.

Proposals should be submitted via the online database at
<> by November 1st, 2007.

When you submit your proposal, you may use a pull-down menu to indicate
your topic. Indicate at that pull-down menu that your submission should be
directed to me, Laura Barrio-Vilar, chair of the Afro-Caribbean Literature

To preserve time for discussion, CEA limits presentations to 15 minutes.

UPDATE: [General] Fin de Siecle Seminar Oxford University 2007-8

Thursday, August 30, 2007 - 3:14pm
Dunlaith Bird

Fin de Siecle Seminar - Call for Papers REMINDER

Call for Papers

University of Oxford Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1930

Fin de Siècle is an interdisciplinary seminar series based at the
University of Oxford, which aims to develop fresh perspectives on
literature, society, and the arts between 1870 and 1930. In the seven
years since its inception, the series has provided a lively forum for
both graduates and established academics, hosting presentations on
subjects as diverse as publishing and the Wilde trials, travel writing
and the feminist movement, socialism and the occult.

CFP: [General] The 1st International Conference on Crosscultural Humour - Humour that Divides; Humour that Unites

Thursday, August 30, 2007 - 9:09am
Alcina Maria Pereira de Sousa

Short Title: Humour that Divides; Humour that Unites

Location: University of Madeira, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal
Date: 10th January 2008 - 12th January 2008
Contact: Luisa Paolinelli, Elisete Almeida, Alcina Sousa
Meeting Email:

Meeting URL:

Contact: University of Madeira, Campus da Penteada, 9000-390
Funchal (Madeira), Portugal
Call Deadline:30th October 2007

Meeting Description: The 1st International Conference on
Crosscultural Humour
