graduate conferences

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CFP: ecloga: All Topics (grad) (3/31/04; e-journal issue)

Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 12:24am
Stephen Jones

Announcing the third issue of ecloga, the online working papers of the =
Department of English Studies at the University of Strathclyde.
For the next issue of ecloga we are interested in receiving papers on =
any topic from the broad field of English Studies. Our aim in not =
providing a title or theme is to encourage a range of papers that =
reflect current research interests amongst postgraduates.=20

CFP: The Writer on Writing, The Artist on Art (grad) (3/8/04; journal issue)

Sunday, November 9, 2003 - 2:35am

Call For Proposals
Topic: “The Writer on Writing, The Artist on Art”

The Department of French Studies at Brown University announces the topic
of its Spring/Summer 2004 issue of Equinoxes: A Graduate Journal of French
and Francophone Studies

We invite graduate students to submit papers relevant to the theme of the
writer on writing, or the artist on art, as it pertains to literary and
artistic creation. While keeping the topic as broad as possible, we hope
to focus on the complex relationships between the artist-creator and her
or his work. We welcome submissions that treat French and Francophone
works, as well as broader cultural or theoretical issues, from the Middle
Ages to the present.

CFP: NEMLA Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize (grad) (12/15/03; journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 2:00pm
Darcie Rives

NEMLA Graduate Student Caucus Paper Prize

NEMLA awards an annual prize to the best graduate
student paper presented at any of the conventions
sections. The winning paper, as determined by a
committee of peers, is published in the NEMLA journal
Modern Language Studies.

To submit a paper delivered at the NEMLA Boston 2003
conference, please send an article-length (20-25
pages) version of your essay by December 15, 2003 to:

Darcie Rives, Graduate Caucus President
Andrews Hall 202
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333

or email as an attachment to:

Again, please submit only article length versions of
papers delivered at the 2003 NEMLA conference.

CFP: Henry James: Leon Edel Prize (grad and beginning scholars) (11/1/03; journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:28pm
Service Account hjamesr


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry
James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of
$150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time
academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and
graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA
style, and with return postage enclosed) to:

CFP: Philament: Offbeat (grad) (1/9/04; e-journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in the
fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites contributors for
its third edition, to be themed off-beat.

Submissions should be sent to and must be received
by Friday 9 January 2004. Earlier submissions are encouraged.

Included below are dictionary and textual ideas for how off-beat might be
incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no means

CFP: Multiple Literatures in America (grad) (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:20pm
Julianne Newmark

CFP: Xchanges (on-line journal)

From: Julianne Newmark, Editor (
Date: 17 October 2003
Submission Due Date: December 1, 2003

***Call for Papers***
Issue 3.2: =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid, Homogeneous, or=20=

CFP: Science Fiction Foundation Essay Prize (grad) (5/31/04; journal)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 9:09pm
Michelle Reid

The Science Fiction Foundation seeks entries for its annual graduate
essay prize.
£250 will be awarded for the best unpublished essay in science fiction
The winning entry will be published in the journal 'Foundation'.

The judges of the competition are:
Andrew M. Butler (Canterbury Christ Church University College): editor
of 'Vector'
Elizabeth Hand: author and reviewer for 'The Magazine of F&SF'
Gary K. Wolfe (Roosevelt University, Chicago): reviewer for 'Locus'

The deadline for submissions is 31st May 2004.

Entrants must be registered for a higher degree.
The judges reserve the right to withhold the award.

UPDATE: Philament: Blue Edition (grad) (10/24/03; e-journal issue)

Thursday, October 9, 2003 - 7:46pm


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, has extended the
submissions deadline for its second edition, to be themed 'blue,' until the
24th of October, 2003.

Included below are dictionary and textual possibilities for how 'blue' might
be incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no
means exhaustive.

CFP: Undergraduate Literary e-Journal (undergrad) (12/1/03; e-journal)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 4:04am
Lydia Kualapai


Schreiner University is pleased to announce the January 2004 launch of

Illuminations, a peer-reviewed international literary e-journal, offers
undergraduate students an opportunity to publish works both critical and
creative. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of three undergraduate
student editors.


· Scholarly Critical Articles
· Creative Non-Fiction
 · Book and Movie Reviews
· Short Fiction
· Poetry

CFP: Philament: Blue Edition (grad) (10/3/03; e-journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:29am
Kieryn McKay


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites
contributors for its second edition, to be themed 'blue.'

Included below are dictionary and textual possibilities for how 'blue' might
be incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no
means exhaustive.

CFP: Philament: All Topics: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts (grad) (7/18/03; e-journal issue)

Tuesday, June 17, 2003 - 2:55pm
Kieryn McKay


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites
contributors for its first edition.

Philament is dedicated to advancing what is a varied and vital postgraduate
culture to a public front. As such, this inaugural issue is intended to be a
reflection of the interests within postgraduate communities at the beginning
of the Millennium.

Submissions should be sent to and must be
received by Friday July 18, 2003. Earlier submissions are encouraged.

Contributors are encouraged to submit self-contained pieces that meet any of
the following criteria:

CFP: SOAS Literary Review: Literatures of Africa, Asia, and Middle East (grad) (ongoing; e-journal)

Friday, June 6, 2003 - 12:15am
SOAS Literary Review

SOAS Literary Review

Ongoing Call for Papers

SOAS Literary Review ( is an online
journal of postgraduate research. It seeks to provide an international forum
for research students working on the literatures of Africa, Asia, and the
Middle East. We welcome contributions on all aspects of postgraduate
literary research including articles, translations, fieldwork commentaries,
and book and media reviews. We hope to stimulate dialogue between research
students and scholars and forge links across institutions.

CFP: Postgraduate English (UK & EU) (grad) (7/18/03; e-journal)

Saturday, May 24, 2003 - 7:01pm
r j brewster


Postgraduate English (UK): A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in
English in the UK and Europe.

Papers are invited for issue no. 8 of this journal (September 2003)
for a deadline of 18 July 2003.

Postgraduates in English in the UK or in any European country are
welcome to submit papers concerning any aspect of English Studies of up
to 7,000 words. Previous issues have included discussions of, among
others, Salman Rushdie, Philip Larkin, Michele Roberts, Joseph Conrad
and Doris Lessing, while issue 7 includes papers on King Lear and the
influence of the Frankenstein myth on the work of Stephen King.

CFP: _thirdspace_: Feminist Journal for Emerging Scholars (e-journal)

Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 5:55am
Jessica Blaustein

The editors of the premier feminist journal for emerging scholars,
_thirdspace_, invite you to contribute your work.

_thirdspace_ is committed to the promotion of new feminist work in all
areas of study. Our mandate is to produce a top-quality, refereed journal
that demonstrates the broad range of applications for feminist theory and
methodology, as well as gives emerging feminist scholars a venue for their
work. We also seek to make _thirdspace_ a portal for connection with the
wider feminist academic community.

CFP: Henry James: Leon Edel Prize (grad & beginning scholars) (11/1/03; journal)

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 4:28pm
Service Account hjamesr


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry
James by a beginning scholar. The prize carries with it an award of
$150, and the prize-winning essay will be published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time
academic appointment for more than four years. Independent scholars and
graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA
style, and with return postage enclosed) to:

CFP: Cultural Studies: Yale Journal of Student Anthropology (undergrad & grad) (5/1/03; journal)

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 11:20am
Jennifer Staple

Call For Papers: Yale Journal of Student Anthropology

Attention: Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The Yale Journal of Student Anthropology invites essays written by
undergraduate and graduate students regarding cultural, linguistic, and
physical anthropology, and archaeology. Interdisciplinary papers from other
fields that focus on a sociocultural topic are also welcome. Submissions
may include papers written for classes or independently, as well as book
reviews and other scholarly work. The Journal is published as both a print
edition and an online edition.

Please send your submission to both and by May 1, 2003.

CFP: Graduate Student Professionalization (5/15/03; website)

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 - 6:04pm
Anita Nicholson

CFP: Graduate Student Professionalization (Website)

The On-Line Journal portion of, the e-resource
for humanities graduate students, would like to issue a call for
papers for its end of year issue: 'What Happens Now', focalizing on an
end of year re-cap for first-year and graduating doctoral students.
Pedagogical articles on readerships, constructing the TA syllabus,
selecting the dissertation\thesis committee and writing the book
review are welcome.

The site would also like to announce its Winter 2002-2003 issue,
Culture in Academia, featuring articles on The MLA Interview, Queer
Theory and the Dissertation and Gendered Conflicts in Pedagogy.

CFP: Agora: All Humanities Topics (grad) (e-journal)

Monday, January 27, 2003 - 9:48pm
James Gifford

CFP: open issues, 2.2 and after

Agora, (ISSN 1496-9580; <>) is an
internationally refereed online graduate journal that provides a public
forum for dialogue and debate about literary criticism and pedagogy. Agora
welcomes submissions in electronic and/or multimedia formats (i.e. images,
audio files, etc) that examine issues or media in the Humanities,
literature, literary culture, and the history of communication from the
eighteenth century to present-day. Submissions on the teaching in the
Humanities and scholarly research that use a multimedia format in its
exposition are especially welcome.

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research (journal)

Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 2:50am
Candace Spigelman

Announcing a New Undergraduate Research Journal. Young Scholars in Writing:
Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric seeks theory-driven and/or
research-based submissions from undergraduates on the following topics:
writing, rhetoric, composition, professional writing, technical writing,
business writing, discourse analysis, writing technologies, peer tutoring
in writing, writing process, writing in the disciplines, and related
topics. Submissions to this refereed journal should be between 8 and 20
pages, in MLA format, and should be accompanied by a professor's note that
the essay was written by the student. Please send three copies of

CFP: Graduate Student Life (website)

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 10:49pm
Anita Nicholson is a new site focused on humanities graduate
students who are looking for information on writing the
thesis\dissertation, looking for cheap airfare sites or searching for
E-reources on African American Literature, Science Fiction, American
Literature, on-line e-texts, etc.

CFP: SOAS Literary Review: African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Lit. (grad) (e-journal)

Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 7:07pm

SOAS Literary Review Issue 4, November 2002

Call for Journal Articles
Deadline 1st August 2002

SOAS Literary Review ( is an online journal of
postgraduate research. It seeks to provide an international forum for
research students working on the literatures of Africa, Asia, and the Middle
East. We welcome contributions on all aspects of postgraduate literary
research including articles, translations, fieldwork commentaries, and book
and media reviews. We hope to stimulate dialogue between research students
and scholars and forge links across institutions.

CFP: postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 5:25pm
Carol Goodman

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory


postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory is a
multi-disciplinary journal published annually by graduate students in
the Department of English at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Students either currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or having
recently graduated from one are invited to submit articles for
consideration. Interdisciplinary papers and essays responding to issues
of current debate within academia are especially encouraged.

CFP: All topics (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 4:11pm
Henry Street

                           Henry Street:
                 A Graduate Review of Literary Study

  _Henry Street_, now entering its tenth year of publication, is an inter-
  national forum for graduate students of English and related disciplines.
  We invite submission of original and scholarly contributions to current
  research on literatures in English from all historical periods, material
  culture, pedagogy, and critical theory. In addition to welcoming papers
  from a broad range of critical perspectives, the journal is particularly
  receptive to unconventional or personal approaches that open new avenues
  of investigation in literary and cultural criticism.
