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Contribute to the new interdisciplinary journal: BRAND

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 2:33pm
Bogdan Patrut / EduSoft

BRAND. Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution

This is the new BRAND: Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution.

The aim of the journal is to make an agora of different experts in economics, social and political sciences. We expect articles from experts in different scientific and practical fields, like accounting, marketing, management, economics, trade, trade law, finance, operations research, optimization, graph theory, game theory, voting, political communication, sociology etc.

Our journal is currently indexed/listed/covered in:

RePEc (Ideas, EconPapers), IndexCopernicus, getCITED, Google Academics,

MAPACA -- Women's Studies Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:54pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Women's Studies seeks papers, panels and roundtables that
investigate and discuss any of the many overlaps between gender and popular culture. Topics include, but certainly are not limited to:

*women and the media
*women and art
*women and beauty
*women and politics
*portrayals of motherhood
*working women
*women and religion
*women writers, written women

MAPACA supports all approaches; one goal of this conference is to create interdisciplinary exchange. As such, the Women's Studies area seeks papers by scholars from all fields of study. Students, both graduate and undergraduate, are encouraged to apply.

MAPACA -- War Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:51pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

War has been one of the few constants in human history, waged by nations, tribes, and other factions for numerous reasons--some valid and noble, some questionable. This area seeks to explore the ways that
wars--declared and undeclared, just and unjust, sacred and profane, fictional and "real"--have impacted the social, economic, technological, ideological, and other aspects of culture.

MAPACA -- Visual Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:49pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Visual culture acknowledges the vast changes in our cultural
environment, affected by relationships between new technologies, art and media forms and the massive production of images. While the field of visual culture encompasses all things visual it also contests traditionally set boundaries between high and low culture,
particularly in regards to the onslaught of digital imagery that has

MAPACA -- Violence and Society; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:46pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

We invite submissions for several sessions on Violence and Society. As an area of study, "Violence and Society" includes the verbal, physical, mental, emotional, and/or implied abuse directed towards any individual or group of individuals. Areas of examination may include, but are not limited to, "abuse" (objectional or demeaning portrayal) of women, children, gays, or any other targeted population/individuals/race through the media, advertisement, music and/or music television videos, literature, television, movies, societal behavior, human interaction, communication, education, religion, and any other societal dimension.

MAPACA -- Urban Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:40pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

"When a man rides a long time through wild regions, he feels the desire for a city," writes Italo Calvino in his beautiful account of imaginary urban environments, Invisible Cities. The Urban Culture area of MAP/ACA seeks presenters who explore the varied ways in which humans inhabit the city (real, imaginary, lost) and negotiate their urban desires. Papers addressing issues such as displacement, multi-cultural encounter, hybridization, and the production or loss of public space in the context of the metropolitan city are welcome. How do the home, the museum, world's fairs, ethnic food, architecture, spoken and written word, street performance, photography, film, sound, music, and movement, help us inscribe the city and to what end?

MAPACA -- Travel and Tourism Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:37pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Travel and Tourism Studies continues to gain popularity as an academic field, in part because of its inter-disciplinary nature. The Travel and Tourism area seeks papers that explore and discuss any aspect of travel and tourism. Topics for this area include, but are not limited to, the
- heritage tourism
- travel and gender/race/class
- material culture and tourism
- writing travel
- spatial relations and tourism
- politics and tourism
- personal travel narratives

MAPACA -- Television Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:34pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Television's impact on socialization and information is enormous. In this regard, the television interest area for MAPACA seeks to investigate the relationship between television and our lives. How do we define our lives, our self-knowledge according to the images provided by the medium of television? From the WWE to Oprah to Survivor to CNN and beyond. Are we being provided rigorous information to help the individual be a productive citizen in a society? Have we been socialized, at least in part by television, to be merely consumers? Is television's role to challenge or pacify? Can we expect programming which examines the issues of our complex lives; or must information be made reductive in order to appeal to an average?

MAPACA -- Sports Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:29pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

The Sports category welcomes a broad range of scholarship that is well researched and contains sports-related themes. Scholarship could relate to routines and procedures in sports, the sociology of sports, representational issues in sports, commercialism in sports, sports history, media and sports, and/or sports performance issues. Previously unexamined alternative topics may also be offered. Presentations should offer scholarly rigor, yet be understandable not only to sports scholars, but also to generalists who may have an interest in sports. Proposals should offer a short abstract, a one to three page description of your goals/methods, and a brief bibliography.

MAPACA -- Sexuality and Erotica Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:26pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

The area of Sexuality and Erotica invites papers that address any aspect of human sexual experience and erotica in any form (literary, artistic --
visual, musical, dance, theatrical, photographic). Related areas of
interest may include the artistic, sociological and/or political implications of sexual attitudes, education, and orientation; sexuality in history and world cultures; beliefs and practices of ethnic, religious, and cultural groups; gender and sexuality; psychosexual considerations; sex therapy; sex toys, aids and devices; unusual or deviant sexual practices; the role or influence of sexuality in the arts; sexuality, crime, and the law; and sexual symbolism in any field of human endeavor.

MAPACA -- Sci-Fi/Fantasy Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:24pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Science Fiction and Fantasy welcomes papers/presentations in any critical, theoretical, or (inter)disciplinary approach to any topic related to SF/F : art; literature; radio; film; television; video, role-playing, and multi-player online games. Though not an exhaustive list, potential presenters may wish to consider the following:

MAPACA -- Religion and Popular Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:20pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

The Religion & Popular Culture area invites both read papers and
innovative presentations which explore specific intersections of
religion and popular culture, namely: Religious Retail/Sacred
Shopping, Religious Toys/Play, Religious Media, and the utilization of Mass Produced Spirituality in Yard Art and Home Altars. Panel or paper proposals on methods or other themes relevant to Religion & Popular Culture are also welcome..

MAPACA -- Popular Literary Landscapes Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:14pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

The Popular Literary Landscapes panel of the Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association Conference seeks abstracts of
papers (250 words) that address landscape descriptions which serve to identify and define important aspects of the human condition. The descriptions may be of fictional or actual places in verse or prose. The aim of the panel is to explore the presence of important cultural values/ideals/concerns/debates which traditionally inform the descriptions of popular literary landscapes.

Hard copies of abstracts should be
posted to the following address:
English Department
PSU Abington1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001

MAPACA -- Popularl Culture and Activism Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:10pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular / American Culture Association

Popular Culture and Activism welcomes papers or presentations that
explore the sphere of activism in the production of popular culture.
Whether historical or contemporary, investigations into the role of
activism in shaping popular culture or the role of popular culture in
shaping activism are encouraged. Possible topics might include the way
individual activists or groups have utilized popular media or sought to
influence popular media. Other issues to consider are: how have activist
groups been portrayed in popular culture? What forms of activism are
being employed on college campuses or in local communities, and how does this tie in with or shape popular culture? What are the political or

MAPACA -- Popular Architecture and the Built Environment Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:08pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

This area explores the ways that we shape and are shaped by the built
environment, individual structures, and architecture culture. It seeks
papers treating the theories, personalities, styles, and technologies that
influence buildings, city planning, and community design. The material
under consideration may be hypothetical or realized, fantastic or
practical, controversial or traditional, political or personal or any
combination of these. Topics from any time period and any culture are

Women's Studies at MAPACA 10/28/10-10/31/10, Alexandria, VA

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:06pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association Conference

Women's Studies is celebrating its 41st year of existence as a discipline in the United States. As such, there is a wealth of material that acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of the discipline. The Women's Studies section of MAPACA seeks papers, panels and roundtables that investigate and discuss any of the many overlaps between gender and popular culture. Topics for this area include, but certainly are not limited to:

MAPACA -- Native American Studies Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:03pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular / American Culture Association

Proposals focusing on any issue pertaining to the experience, literature, representation, or history of Native Americans, especially in the 500 years snce the conquest, are welcome. Some questions to consider: How have Native Americans been portrayed in mainstream popular culture through the centuries--in various media such as fiction, poetry, film, television, painting, and advertising, or as sports mascots and in educational institutions--and how have Native Americans themselves resisted or subverted such representations? What can such language and images tell us about the cultural and political dynamics of the relationship between the first peoples of and latecomers to North America?

MAPACA -- Music Panel; Alexandria VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 1:00pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

The Music Area invites submissions from individuals or organized panels (3 or 4 persons) focusing on any topic relating to any genre or any time period of music. Topics can include but are not limited to individual artists, albums, CDs, genres, periods, performances, critics, magazines, music and art, music on radio, television, and on stage and in academia. Abstracts on any topic of music will be considered.

MAPACA -- Lesbian/Gay/Bi/ Transsexual Studies Panel; Alexanria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 12:58pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular / Amercan Culture Association

The LGBT Studies Area of MAP/ACA welcomes proposals that are of
relevance to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.
Proposals are encouraged that focus on any medium of popular or
American culture, such as novels, nonfiction, comics/graphic novels,
theatre, television, movies, advertising, new media, or politics and

Proposals of interest for next year's conference might include:
*The Violet Quill writers
*HIV/AIDS in art, literature, or popular culture
*LGBT Television (The L Word, Queer as Folk, Logo, Here)
*Popular gay romance novels
*LGBT comics/graphic novels
*Visual and verbal narratives from the gay marriage debates.

MAPACA -- Latino/a Studies Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 12:48pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Latino/a Area Studies is interested in research into all aspects of
Latino/a popular culture - its production abroad or in the U.S.; its
consumption, and intersections with race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality
from any disciplinary approach. Some areas individuals might consider
exploring are: Revisiting/Reinterpreting Machismo/Marianismo; Latinization of U.S. culture/ Americanization of Latino/Latin American culture; Organizing Latino/a Social Movements; Political mobilization of Latinos/as via Media; Portrayals of Latinos/as on U.S. and Latino media (U.S./International). Papers should be delivered in English.

MAPACA -- Internet Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 12:37pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular American Culture Association

The Internet Culture area is an eclectic category which invites submissions in the areas of identity construction via the Internet, art forms and social forms on the Internet, convergent media and new media creations on the Internet, Internet symbolism, and examinations
of the ways in which the Internet is used artistically, commercially, socially, and politically.

Modern Drama - Open Topic

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 12:30pm
South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA)

The SCMLA Modern Drama Panel is issuing a final invitation for submissions for the 2010 conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Any topic within the realm of modern drama is welcome, including papers (in English) concerning works written in languages other than English. Graduate student submissions are encouraged!

Please submit abstracts (500 words) or complete papers via email to the address below no later than May 10, 2010.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Cassandra Neace
Chair, Modern Drama Panel

MAPACA -- Food & Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 12:14pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Myriad factors shape our relationship with food. What we choose to eat (or not eat), how we acquire it, whom we eat it with, and how we consume it is influenced by technology, economics, politics, fashion, religion, and other aspects of culture. MAPACA's Food and Culture sessions invite scholars from all disciplines to address the intersections of food and the human experience.

MAPACA -- Fashion, Appearance, and Material Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Sumbissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 12:06pm
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Fashion, Appearance, & Consumer Identity is concerned with the areas of clothing, historical costume, fashion aesthetics, fashion and appearance, fashion marketing, merchandising, retailing, the psychological/ sociological aspects of dress and cultural appearances,as well as any areas relating to consumption and consumer identity. Papers from all disciplines are welcome. Innovative and new research in the areas of fashion and consumerism are encouraged!

MAPACA -- Environment and Culture Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 11:55am
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

The environment is arguably the most significant aspect of human culture and society, pervading every facet of our personal and professional lives, from where we live, work, and play to how we choose to think about our environment. Environment and Culture as an area explores the various ways in which the environment shapes and is shaped by human action/interaction. Papers from all disciplines and historical periods are invited, and papers from graduate students are especially encouraged. Panels of 3-4 presenters are also welcome. Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to:
– environmental literature
– the arts and the environment
– environmental philosophy
– natural history
– nature and culture

MAPACA -- Disability Studies Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 11:42am
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Disability Studies is a recent and growing discipline that draws on work done in fields as diverse as history, health sciences, English, anthropology, women's studies, and education. Papers interested in exploring the lived experience of disability, social constructions of disability, or disability studies itself are all equally welcome. Following are some possible questions to consider: What gives a human life value? How does a culture's attitudes about disability reveal its most basic assumptions and ideologies? How does the lived experience of disability vary according to class, gender, race, sexuality, or culture? How have our definitions of disability changed over time? How does the media (mis?)represent people with disabilities?

MAPACA -- Decorative Arts and Design Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 11:32am
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

This panel seeks papers that explore the relationship between
decorative arts, design and popular culture. The field of design
history and design studies considers objects through multiple
viewpoints and methodologies, topics that elucidate the nature of
design as a practice of everyday life. To that end, this area
encourages and invites submissions covering a broad range of topics related to – but not limited to – interior design, industrial design, dress, textiles, fashion, ceramics, furniture, graphics and media ranging from the pre-industrial to the present day, whether amateur or professional.

MAPACA -- Death in American Culture Panel; Alexandria, Va, 10/28/10-10/31/10 (Submissions Due 6/15/10)

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 11:29am
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association

Papers are welcome on any aspect of American cultural responses to death. Paper proposals may be from any appropriate discipline and cover any historical period. General topic areas include but are not limited to the following:

1. Attitudes toward and practices relating to death, including the medicalization of death, the social construction of death, death in art and literature, funeral customs, the evolution of the funeral business and the cemetery, changing attitudes toward the dead body and its disposal, and burial and mourning practices.

2. Memorialization, including the history, iconography, and rhetoric of gravemarkers and memorials; regional and ethnic practices; and gender, class, and race in the cemetery.

MAPACA -- Comics, Cartoons and Gaming Panel; Alexandria, VA, 10/28/10-10/31/10

Monday, April 12, 2010 - 11:23am
Mid-Atlantic Modern/American Popular Culture Association

Comics, Cartoons, and Video Games all represent some kind of visual meta-reality that invites participants inside a singular or collective artistic imagination. The Comics, Cartoons, and Video Gaming area invites papers that discuss all aspects of comic books, comic strips, graphic novels, cartoons, both print and animated, and video games in any form, from simple pong to educational challenges to complex, painstakingly rendered simulations, strategy games, and first-person shooters.
