modernist studies

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Authority and Uncertainty in Poetic Language and Practice

Monday, September 20, 2010 - 10:50am
NeMLA, 4/7-4/10/11--Deadline Sept. 30, 2010

Authority and Uncertainty in Poetic Language and Practice

42nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 7-10, 2011
New Brunswick, NJ – Hyatt New Brunswick
Host Institution: Rutgers University

Authority and Uncertainty in Poetic Language and Practice
Abstracts due September 30, 2010


Monday, September 20, 2010 - 8:29am
Ulrike Hamann/ Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies

Postcolonial Perspectives after Auschwitz
Panel Convenors: Ulrike Hamann/Cigdem Inan

Within the FRCPS Graduate Conference "Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Contestations: Decolonizing the Social Sciences and the Humanities" from 16–18 June 2011 we will host a panel on Postcolonial Perspectives after Auschwitz.

CFP: Submissions for a Book collection on Pacific Island Women (deadline 12/17/2010)

Monday, September 20, 2010 - 3:05am
Helen Thompson, University of Guam

Call for Papers for an edited book collection on Pacific Island women. The collection will span women's experiences in Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia and contributors should submit a full-length text or 500 word abstract and a CV to by Friday December 17. Contributions can be academic papers, research studies, non-fiction essays, personal essays, fiction, poetry, or drama. Any kind of text in any discipline that reflects upon the experience of women in the Pacific will be considered. Proposals should be new and unpublished. Topics may include but are not limited
• Status of women in a Pacific island nation or territory

Genealogies: Graduate Symposium on the History of Women & Gender

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 1:01pm
Graduate Symposium on the History of Women & Gender

The Executive Committee of the Twelfth Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is pleased to announce a call for papers. The Symposium, which is the capstone event of the History Department's Women's History month celebration, is scheduled for March 3-5, 2011. To celebrate and encourage further work in the field of women's and gender history, we invite submissions from graduate students from any institution and discipline. The Symposium organizers welcome individual papers on any topic in the field of women's and gender history. Papers submitted as a panel will be judged individually. Preference will be given to scholars who did not present at last year's Symposium.

[UPDATE] "Ecocritical Activisms and Activist Ecologies" NeMLA 2011 April 6-10, Rutgers University, NJ: Abstracts by 30 Sept.

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 12:28pm
42nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

Ecocriticism informs ecological activisms, and vice versa. What kind of change can the intersections and tensions between ecocriticism and activism bring about? While ecocriticism has become an increasingly popular field of inquiry, its positionality remains an issue for negotiation. From Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962), which continues to influence mass eco-activisms, to the anti-GMO groups that shape discussions of bioethics, ecocriticism remains in dialogue with practical approaches in what Lawrence Buell has termed a "spirit of commitment to environmentalist praxis" (The Environmental Imagination, 1995). Moreover, current ecocritical scholarship underscores a general distrust of the romanticizing rhetoric of early ecocriticism.

[UPDATED] The American Tapestry -- Multicultural Influences in Late American Literature / submission deadline: January 30, 2011

Sunday, September 19, 2010 - 9:07am
University of Houston Graduate Student Conference

The University of Houston is known as one of the most ethnically diverse research universities in the United States. With that in mind, the graduate English department is currently seeking submissions about the impact of America's cultural, religious, gender, economic, and racial diversity on American literature post WWII - present. We welcome abstracts from experienced academics, undergraduate, and graduate students in all areas of study, including but not limited to: literature, languages, pedagogy, rhetoric and composition, creative writing, cultural, film, theater, comparative, gender, religion, and interdisciplinary studies.

This year's guest speaker will be Dr. Robert Donahoo of Sam Houston State University.

Seeking Replacement Panelist for "Women's Voices in Poetry" at the Rocky Mountain MLA Conference on 10/14/2010

Friday, September 17, 2010 - 7:45pm
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference

I'm currently seeking a replacement presenter for a panel called "Women's Voices in Poetry," which will take place at the 2010 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference in Albuquerque. The panel is scheduled for 10/14/2010. Please send a 250-word abstract and a brief biographical statement to Kristina Marie Darling,

More information about the conference can be found here:

[UPDATE] Redeeming Modernity: Economy, Religion, and Literature in Modern America. NeMLA (Abstact deadline 9/30/10)

Friday, September 17, 2010 - 1:12pm
Andrew Ball / Purdue University

42nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association
April 7-10, 2011
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ

The received wisdom tells us that the modernization of American culture and society was contingent upon its secularization. And yet, when we look to both canonical works of American modernism and to contributions to the "cultural front," we find an abiding concern for the religious that troubles this dominant narrative. This panel seeks to reexamine the multivalent modernist concern for the religious in order to reassess its place in early 20th century American literature and culture, to analyze the myth of the 'secular age,' and to determine the place of religion in the conflict between capital and labor.

MSA 12 Panel (Sub), "East Asia and Modernist Criticism," 10/1/2010; 11/13/2010 (3:30pm)

Friday, September 17, 2010 - 12:15pm
Kevin Piper

This panel examines the critics and critical projects that grew out of modernism through a transnational lens that attends to intellectual exchange with East Asia. The study of modernism's interaction with East Asian culture often focuses on the activity of modernist artists, such as Ezra Pound's incorporation of the sinograph into his poetics. Additionally, many early twentieth century critics, who took modernist art and literature as their focus, were also drawn to East Asian culture. I.A. Richards, for example, set up the Orthological Institute of China in Beijing, and his protégé, William Empson, taught in Japan before moving on to the University of Peking.

The Adulterous Text

Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 6:43pm
Neohelicon (Guest Editor: Dr. R.-L. Etienne Barnett)


Special Volume of

(Vol. 40, no. 1, June 2013)

Guest Editor
R.-L. Etienne Barnett


Manifest Identity - UPDATE - February 25-26, 2011

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 7:18pm
NC State Association of English Graduate Students

At our second annual Association of English Graduate Students Symposium, we wish to explore the many ways that identity manifests itself as an object for study. The concept of identity permeates every text, from its narrator's organizing gaze to the genre in which it is catalogued. Indeed, we invite you to question the term "text" itself, as "text" has come to be identified as anything from a novel to a Facebook page to a film.

Theory, Practice, Engagement [deadline 11/1/2010] (ACLA 2011, Vancouver, 3/31-4/3/2011)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 4:16pm
Geoffrey Baker

This approved panel for the American Comparative Literature Association's annual meeting (Vancouver, Canada, 31 March - 3 April 2010) seeks papers that address aspects of the long debate over literary and intellectual engagement. Which types of texts are best suited to such a mission, and how does a text's activist agenda affect its form? How might realist or naturalist texts, whose aim is to "unveil [dévoiler]" (in Jean-Paul Sartre's words) for their readers the practical injustices around them, really make these readers feel responsible for ending those injustices? How do avant-garde texts accomplish what Theodor Adorno terms an altering of our "fundamental attitudes [Haltung]" or what Caroline Levine calls a needed provocation of democracy?

EXTENSION FOR PROPOSALS: Intersections, Tensions and New Dimensions: Encounters in the Contact Zone in English Studies 10/8-9

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 11:11am
University of New Hampshire English Graduate Organization

This graduate conference will explore the relevance of contact and contact zones for English Studies. As we move deeper into the twenty-first century, English Studies continues to see increasing discursive overlap. Understandings of identity and subjectivity have relied increasingly on syncretism and hybridity at the expense of rigid national, cultural, and periodic categories. As boundaries and concepts become more permeable, Mary Louise Pratt's definition of "Contact Zones" gains increasing relevance and currency.

Music Contingencies in Narrated Americas [update] deadline Sept. 25th.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 10:58am
NeMLA 2011 New Brunswick -NJ-

The purpose of this session is to generate a forum for discussion and theoretical intervention among and within the musical and prosaic work of art. From Adorno to Nancy, the philosophical approach to music engendered a significant comparative debate with language, but can we still find a profitable assessment inside the sign-referent relation? Language follows a descriptive pattern in order to be expressive but, on the other hand, music creates a sort of impasse by articulating an emotional contour. In this sense, music and literature accompanied the euphoric condition that social and political changes developed in Latin America, especially during the first half of the 20th century.

Words in Action February 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 5:49am
University of Oxford French Postgraduate Conference

Oxford University French Postgraduate Conference Saturday February 19, 2011

Plusieurs fois vint un Camarade, le même, cet autre, me confier le besoin d'agir : que visait-il [...] qu'entendait-il expressément ?

Stéphane Mallarmé, 'L'Action restreinte'

Call for Papers, HERA 2011 | TRANSFORMATIONS MARCH 3-5, 2011 | San Francisco CA

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - 3:33am
Humanities Education and Research Association

Call for Papers, HERA 2011 | TRANSFORMATIONS MARCH 3-5, 2011 | San Francisco CA

The Hotel Whitcomb, 1231 Market Street. San Francisco CA
(415)626-8000 (Hotel reservations must be made directly with the Hotel Whicomb.)

Submission deadline: November 30, 2010 This link directs you to HERA's submissions portal.

CFP TRUE BLOOD (San Antonio, TX, Apr. 20-23. Submission Deadline: 12/15/10)

Monday, September 13, 2010 - 9:50pm
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association

The Vampire in Literature, Culture and Film area of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association is seeking papers, presentations and/or four-person panels on any aspect of the HBO series TRUE BLOOD for the 2011 Joint National Conference in San Antonio, Texas, April 20-23. Please send a 250-300 word abstract to Mary Findley: by December 15, 2010.

Paris in American Literature

Monday, September 13, 2010 - 12:18pm
Jeffrey Herlihy and Vamsi K. Koneru, Editors


We invite submissions from new and established scholars for a volume on the role of Paris in American Literature. Original articles, theoretical pieces, linguistic analyses, and historical perspectives concerning any period, are welcome.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:


History of Americans in Paris
Literary Life in France


Expatriate Cultural Mimicry
Use of French Language by Americans in Paris
Imagining Americans: Parisian Responses to Artistic Exiles
Displacing Plymouth to Paris: Writing New Identity


Picture this: postcards and letters beyond text - CFP deadline 13 November, 2010. Conference dates 24-26 March 2011.

Monday, September 13, 2010 - 11:43am
University of Sussex

Picture this: postcards and letters beyond text
A conference at the University of Sussex, UK
March 24, 2011 – March 26, 2011

Our website, with our call for papers and submissions process, is now launched at
We welcome creative and critical papers that range widely across the theme. All papers will be considered for publication - details to follow.

Confirmed speakers: Ann Dumas (Curator of The Real Van Gogh, Royal Academy); Professor Nicholas Royle (University of Sussex); Professor Marcus Wood (University of Sussex).

Political Theology Agenda Symposium 2011

Monday, September 13, 2010 - 10:23am
Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society (SCIS)


Political Theology Agenda Symposium 2011

Organized by: Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society (SCIS)

Location: Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the University of Geneva, Château de Bossey, near Geneva, Switzerland

Date: 12-13 July 2011

The "Political Theology Agenda" ( has been run by the Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society since January 2009. The blog is the premier resource on the net for the comparative study of political theology and political theologies across the boundaries of various traditions and academic disciplines.

Afro-Caribbean Literature (11/1/2010, 3/31-4/2/2011)

Monday, September 13, 2010 - 9:51am
Laura Barrio-Vilar / College English Association

Call for Papers, Afro-Caribbean Literature at CEA 2011
42nd Annual Conference | March 31 - April 2, 2011 | St. Petersburg, Florida
The Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront, 333 First Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701; (727) 894-5000
Submission deadline: November 1, 2010 at

The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Afro-Caribbean Literature for our 42nd annual conference.

The Fin de Siècle and the Idea of 'End' and Degeneration

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 5:03pm
Northeast Modern Language Association, April 7-10, 2011, New Brunswick, New Jersey

This panel welcomes papers dealing with the different ideas and the representation of 'end' and degeneration in the arts and literature of the Western European fin de siècle. Among other things, the comparative study will reveal how the concept of degeneration is related to the national culture and identity.

Abstract Deadline: September 30, 2010

Marja Harmanmaa

Magical Realism & Pop Culture

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:42pm
Southwest Texas Popular Culture American Culture Association

Special Area—Magical Realism Call for Papers

Abstract/Proposals by 15 December 2010
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 31st Annual Conference
April 20 - 23, 2011
Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX!
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205 USA
Phone: 1-210-223-1000
Fax: 1-210-223-6239
Toll-free: 1-800-648-4462

Myth & Fairy Tale & Pop Culture

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 1:38pm
Southwest/ Texas Popular Culture American Culture Association

Myth and Fairy Tale Call for Papers

Abstract/Proposals by 15 December 2010
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 31st Annual Conference
April 20 - 23, 2011
Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX!
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205 USA
Phone: 1-210-223-1000
Fax: 1-210-223-6239
Toll-free: 1-800-648-4462

Transformative Journeys: Literature, Faith, and Metamorphosis

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 12:33pm
2011 Western Regional Conference on Christianity & Literature, Vanguard University of Southern California
Proposals for scholarly or creative panels, interdisciplinary sessions, round tables, or individual fifteen to twenty-minute presentations on the interface between literary studies and Christianity. Special consideration will be given to papers relating to the conference theme, "transformative journeys."

"Theorizing Mobility in Transnational Literature" : Deadline for Abstracts 9/30/10 [UPDATE]

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 12:15pm
Northeast Modern Language Association annual convention 4/6-4/10

Increased movement of populations, information, and capital in the era of globalization has produced an emphasis in literary studies on the migrant, the cosmopolitan, and the exile, but little focus on practices of mobility. This panel will address treatments of mobility in transnational literature. Topics include, but are not limited to, migration, border crossing, cosmopolitanism, planetarity, and wanderlust. Please send 250-500 word abstracts to Penny Vlagopoulos,, and Nicole Rizzuto,
