modernist studies

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Narrated Objects: Literature and Material Culture in Latin America, NeMLA April 2011 New Brunswick, NJ

Saturday, September 11, 2010 - 10:43am

This panel will address the relationships between literature and materiality in the Latin American cultural production of the 19th and 20th. The topics of the panel include, but are not limited to: subject/object relationship; commodity fetishism; materiality and visuality; forms, surfaces, and their boundaries; the text as an object; thing theory. Please send 300-500 word abstracts and brief biographical statements (English or Spanish) to Laura Gandolfi,
Deadline: September 15th

Flânerie and the Rise of the Modern Urban Woman (9/30/10 deadline; 4/7-10 conference)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 2:01pm
Northeast Modern Language Association

This panel seeks papers that explore the multifaceted inter-relationship between female characters and the city from the fin de siècle to World War II. Although the panel's primary focus will be on British, Irish, and North American texts, I would also be interested in papers that extend this discussion to other areas of the globe. Please send a 300-word abstract and brief bio to Elizabeth Foley O'Connor (

42nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 7-10, 2011
New Brunswick, NJ – Hyatt New Brunswick
Host Institution: Rutgers University

Manifest Identity

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 11:50am
NC State Association of English Graduate Students

At our second annual Association of English Graduate Students Symposium, we wish to explore the many ways that identity manifests itself as an object for study. The concept of identity permeates every text, from its narrator's organizing gaze to the the genre in which it is catalogued. Indeed, we invite you to question the term "text" itself, as "text" has come to be identified as anything from a novel to a Facebook page to a film.

Literature (General) (12/15/10; Joint SWTXPCA & PCA/ACA 4/20-23/2011)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 6:18pm
Philip Heldrich / University of Washington Tacoma

CFP: Literature (General) (12/15/10; Joint SWTXPCA & PCA/ACA 4/20-23/2011)

Please post and send to graduate students and faculty.

Literature (General)
Philip Heldrich, Area Chair,
SW/TXPCA & PCA/ACA Joint Conference April 20-23, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Homepage: http://SWTXPCA.ORG

Deadline for submission: December 15, 2010

Conference Hotel:
Marriott Rivercenter & Riverwalk
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205 USA
Phone: 1-210-223-1000
Toll-free: 1-800-648-4462

Creative Writing Pedagogy (12/15/10; Joint SWTXPCA & PCA/ACA 4/20-23/2011)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 6:13pm
Philip Heldrich / University of Washington Tacoma

CFP: Creative Writing Pedagogy (12/15/10; Joint SWTXPCA & PCA/ACA 4/20-23/2011)

Please post and send to interested colleagues.
Deadline for submission: December 15, 2010

Creative Writing Pedagogy
Area Chair: Philip Heldrich,
SW/TXPCA & PCA/ACA Joint Conference
April 20-23, 2011
San Antonio, TX

Conference Hotel:
Marriott Rivercenter & Riverwalk
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205 USA
Phone: 1-210-223-1000
Toll-free: 1-800-648-4462

[UPDATE] Picturing Women's Health 1750-1910

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 11:37am
University of Warwick

Picturing Women's Health 1750-1910
A One-Day Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference

University of Warwick, Saturday 22nd January, 2011

"One hears sometimes of a child being 'the picture of health;' now Emma always gives me the idea of being the complete picture of grown-up health. She is loveliness itself. Mr. Knightley, is not she?"
Jane Austen, Emma, chapter 5

Confirmed plenary speakers:
Professor Hilary Marland (University of Warwick)
Dr. Claire Brock (University of Leicester)

Global tales

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 3:39am
Lotte Dam / Aalborg University

Theme: global tales

GSU's Graduate Conference (New Voices) on Humor -- Oct. 7-9, 2010-[UPDATE]

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 11:14pm
Georgia State University/ New Voices Graduate Student Conference

The Georgia State New Voices 2010 conference is interested in an academic exploration of the role of humor in literature, rhetoric, and all its other myriad permutations. This conference will feature scholarship from graduate students across the state and nation. Interdisciplinary and collaborative submissions are not only welcomed, but encouraged, and we look forward
to hearing from you all!

***UPDATE: The deadline for submissions has been extended until September 15th***

[UPDATE] Central European Authors--April 7-10, 2011--New Brunswick, NJ

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 6:03pm

In "The Curtain: An Essay in Seven Parts," Milan Kundera observes that Central Europe is rarely perceived as an important region in Europe. Indeed, he attests that the nations that create Central Europe 'have never been masters of either their own destinies or their borders.' As such, the countries that form Central Europe have been viewed as extensions of thriving European countries, such as Germany. Yet, the subordination of Central European countries to either Western or Eastern European nations has had drastic impacts on the writers that emerged from this region, as they have been forced to write in non-native languages, have endured political oppression, and weathered several political upheavals.

"Theorizing Mobility in Transnational Literature" NeMLA 2011 4/6-4/10

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 12:00pm
Northeast Modern Language Association annual convention

Increased movement of populations, information, and capital in the era of globalization has produced an emphasis in literary studies on the migrant, the cosmopolitan, and the exile, but little focus on practices of mobility. This panel will address treatments of mobility in transnational literature. Topics include, but are not limited to, migration, border crossing, cosmopolitanism, planetarity, and wanderlust. Please send 250-500 word abstracts to Penny Vlagopoulos,, and Nicole Rizzuto,

African Modernisms, African Modernities (April 7-10 2011)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 9:12pm
NEMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association)

In 1958, Chinua Achebe opened his most famous novel with an epigraph from an Irish modernist poem that has been taken as one of the quintessential articulations of modernity: "Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer, / Things fall apart, the center cannot hold." This moment is suggestive of the intersection between modernism and modernity in African literature, a conjuncture that can be partially viewed in terms of how African writers respond to Western literary tradition. Attempts by African writers to participate in what Simon Gikandi has called "the culture of modernity" have consistently raised questions about where the modern is centered and how it travels.

William Carlos Williams and the Meaning of the Local [UPDATE]

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 4:16pm
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

In a short prose piece on Kenneth Burke published in Imaginations, William Carlos Williams writes that "[o]ne has to learn what the meaning of the local is, for universal purposes. The local is the only thing that is universal" (358). As a lifelong resident of Rutherford, New Jersey, Williams is often identified with the Garden State. With NEMLA's 2011 conference situated in New Brunswick, New Jersey, this proposed panel intends to explore the personal, literary, and philosophical meaning of the local for Williams and its implications for his legacy as a modernist poet.

[UPDATE] Politics and Aesthetics

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 9:36am
eSharp, University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow's journal eSharp invites papers for the forthcoming themed issue. For Issue 16, Politics & Aesthetics , we will welcome articles which engage with issues of the politics of (re)presentation, as well as those investigating the (re)presentation of politics. We encourage submissions from postgraduate students at any stage of their research and early career authors within one year of graduation.

[UPDATE] Canada and the African Diasporic Literary Imaginary, NeMLA 2011

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 9:03pm
Northeast Modern Language Association

Call for Papers
Canada and the African Diasporic Literary Imaginary
42nd Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 7-10, 2011
New Brunswick, NJ – Hyatt New Brunswick
Host Institution: Rutgers University

This panel invites scholars to investigate the presence of Canada in an African Diasporic literary imaginary, focusing on writers who examine black subjects and subjectivities within Canadian landscapes (both urban and rural), but also attending to representations of African Canadians and the idea of Canada in literature from across the diaspora.

[UPDATE] Dislocations and Ecologies - special issue of EJES: The European Journal of English Studies (ABSTRACTS: Oct 31, 2010)

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 12:36pm
EJES: The European Journal of English Studies

This special issue of EJES ( addresses the dislocation of bodies (human and non-human), concepts, cultures, and goods across borders of various kinds not just in relation to notions of mobility, but with special attention to their interaction with their surrounding environments.

[UPDATE] REMINDER - The Other French Cinema(s) of the 1930s - Conference Panel

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 11:36am

This NeMLA conference panel aims to address aspects of 1930s French cinema that have been excluded from the canonical focus on "poetic realism" and its concomitant themes, stars, and filmmakers. Studies of French cinema tend to view poetic realism as somehow emblematic of the period bookended by the arrival of synchronized sound and the outbreak of war. However, this narrow perspective belies the diversity of the cinematic experience in France during the 1930s, which included many filmmakers, stars, genres, and themes that have since been left out of critical and historical assessments of this period. Such films range from the unknown to the known (but infrequently examined), and they include financial successes along with box-office duds.

Global Conference on Sex and Sexuality

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 9:42am

Please visit for more information.
Click on the Current Call for Papers link (in red) on our Home Page.

Reservation Deadline: September 30, 2010
Abstract Deadline: October 31, 2010
Paper Submission Deadline: December 31, 2010

Welcome to the Sex and Sexuality of ABWFA Interdisciplinary Conferences. It is within this area that discussions concerning the subject of sex and sexuality will take place. This is a large area to cover and we welcome multiple submissions from one author or a group of authors.

Global Conference on Childhood

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 9:39am

Visit our site for more details:
Use the "Call for Papers" link (in red) on our Home Page.

Reservation Deadline: September 30, 2010
Abstract Deadline: November 15, 2010
Paper Submission Deadline: January 31, 2011

Welcome to the Childhood Session of ABWFA Interdisciplinary Conferences. It is within this area that discussions concerning the creativity of educating children, curriculum teaching methods, teaching children life skills, personality development in children, philosophy, and cultural thinking are expected to develop.

Some areas of concern are:

seeking submissions for the Nabokov panel at the Literature Since 1900 conference from February 24 – 26, 2011 in Louisville, KY

Saturday, September 4, 2010 - 8:20pm
Marianne Cotugno / Nabokov Society

I am again seeking submissions for the Nabokov panel at the Literature Since 1900 conference from February 24 – 26, 2011 in Louisville, KY. This is a wonderful, friendly conference held on the U of L campus in a great Midwestern city. I have attended many times, and am happy to talk more off-list about the conference if you have questions.

Although the topic is "open", I'd like to select papers that share some connections to better facilitate post-presentation discussion. One area I am interested in is Nabokov and the law, but that's just one idea, which comes from my research addressing law enforcement writing and technical communication. If you would like to talk more about topic ideas, please email me off-list.

A study of the Role of language use in Generating Absurdity in Tom Stoppard Major Plays: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead a

Saturday, September 4, 2010 - 7:11pm
fatemeh sadat basirizadeh, mohamad mahdi momen , fari parvaneh

A study of the Role of language use in Generating Absurdity in Tom Stoppard Major Plays: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and the Real Thing

Fatemeh Sadat Basirizadeh ,professor of English Literature from Islamic Azad University ,Qom Branch, Iran. Email:
Farid Parvaneh, PhD, Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch ,Iran
Mohammad Mahdi Momen, BA in Industrial Management from state university, Qom, Iran. Email:


Evelyn Waugh Conference, 16-19 August 2011

Friday, September 3, 2010 - 8:00pm
John H. Wilson and J. V. Long / Evelyn Waugh Society

Proposals on any aspect of Evelyn Waugh's life or work. The conference will be held at Downside Abbey and School near Bath in the UK.

{UPDATE} The Relationship Between Music and Literary Works by Langston Hughes 4/6-9/11

Friday, September 3, 2010 - 7:58pm
The Langston Hughes Society (College Language Association Convention)

The Langston Hughes Society
Special Session: The Relationship Between Music and Literary Works by Langston Hughes
2011 College Language Association Convention
Host: the University of South Carolina Upstate in Spartanburg, South Carolina
Host Hotel: The Spartanburg Marriott Hotel at Renaissance Park in Spartanburg, SC
Conference Dates: April 6-9, 2011

Faulkner's Narrator's - SAMLA 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010 - 8:58am
South Atlantic MLA

The ambiguity behind Faulkner's narrators can be astounding and confusing – and wonderfully ripe for analysis. This session welcomes 250 to 300 word abstracts that seek to elucidate the vagueness the colors any aspect of Faulkner's narrators. Abstracts that incorporate this year's convention theme of "The Interplay between Text and Image" are welcome but not required. Please send abstracts and current CVs to by September 30, 2010.

Landscape and Vision in Late Modernism, Louisville, Feb. 24-26, 2011

Thursday, September 2, 2010 - 5:44pm
The International Lawrence Durrell Society

Call for Papers
Landscape and Vision in Late Modernism
Panel sponsored by the International Lawrence Durrell Society
Louisville Conference for Literature and Culture since 1900
February 24-26, 2011

"…only there, in the silences of the painter or the writer can reality be reordered, reworked and made to show its significant side." (Lawrence Durrell, Justine)

----"Vision is exorcism." (Clea)
